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ارائه داستانها و مطالب علمي و... به زبان انگليسي

yue bochon

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
17 سپتامبر 2007
محل سکونت
با سلام
دوستان قصد دارم براي بهتر شدن هنر ترجمه شما در اين قسمت مطالبي رو به زبان امگليسي بيان كنم
در اين تاپيك هر نوع مطلبي ميتواند بگنجد:happy:

yue bochon

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
17 سپتامبر 2007
محل سکونت
دوستان گفتم شايد بهتر باشه كه اول يك مطلبي رو از رشته ي متافيزيك رشته ي مورد علاقه ي خودم بذارم

Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle -
Telepathic Sensitivity -
A Normal Unfoldment
It is this aura which is in reality the reservoir of thought substance upon which he can spiritually rely. His point of focus is upon the mental plane. He is no longer controlled by the astral nature; he is successfully constructing the antahkarana along which the higher impressions can flow; he learns not to dissipate this inflow but to accumulate within the aura (with which he has surrounded himself) the knowledge and the wisdom which he realizes his service to his fellowmen requires. A disciple is a magnetic center of light and knowledge just in so far as the magnetic aura is held by him in a state of receptivity. It is then constantly invocative of the higher range of impressions; it can be evoked and set into "distributing activity" by that which is lower and which is demanding aid. The disciple therefore, in due time, becomes a tiny or minute correspondence of the Hierarchy - invocative as it is to Shamballa and easily evoked by human demand. These are points warranting careful consideration. They involve a primary recognition of points of tension and their consequent expansion into magnetic auras or areas, capable of invocation and evocation.
These areas of sensitivity pass through three stages, upon which it is not my intention to enlarge:
Sensitivity to impression from other human beings. This sensitivity becomes of use in service when the needed magnetic aura has been engendered and is brought under scientific control.
Sensitivity to group impression - the passage of ideas from group to group. The disciple can become a receptive agent within any group of which he is a part, and this ability indicates progress in his part. [97]
Sensitivity to hierarchical impressions, reaching the disciple via the antahkarana and - later - from the Hierarchy as a whole, when he has attained some of the higher initiations. This indicates ability to register impression from Shamballa.
It would be of value if we now considered three points which are concerned with sensitivity to impression, with the construction of the resultant reservoir of thought, and with responsiveness to subsequent invocative appeals. These three points are:
• Processes of Registration.
• Processes of Recording Interpretations.
• Processes of Resultant Invocative Response.
I would recall to your minds the knowledge that the aura which each of you has created around the central nucleus of your incarnated self or soul is a fragment of the over-shadowing soul which brought you into manifestation. This aura is (as you well know) composed of the emanations of the etheric body, and this in its turn embodies three types of energy for which you are individually responsible. These three types are (when added to the energy of prana which composes the etheric vehicles):
The health aura. This is essentially physical.
The astral aura, which is usually by far the most dominant factor, extensive and controlling.
The mental aura, which is in most cases relatively small but which develops rapidly once the disciple takes his own development consciously in hand, or once the polarization of the personality is upon the mental plane. The time will eventually come when [98] the mental aura will obliterate (if I may use such an inadequate term) the emotional or astral aura, and then the soul quality of love will create a substitute, so that the needed sensitivity does not entirely disappear but is of a higher and far more acute nature.
In this threefold aura (or more correctly, fourfold, if you count the etheric vehicle) every individual lives and moves and has his being; it is this living, vital aura which is the recording agent of all impressions, both objective and subjective. It is this "agent of sensitive response" which the indwelling self has to control and use in order to register impression or to direct etheric or mental impression out into the world of men. Astral impression is purely selfish and individual and, though it may affect a man's surroundings, is not directed as are the other energies registered. It is the aura which predominantly creates the effects which a person has upon his associates; it is not primarily his words which produce reactions even though they are supposed to embody his reactions and his thinking but which are, in reality, usually expressions of his emotional desires.
Telepathy is the ability to communicate via our mind with another person via their mind. And this exercise is design to help you get started. The exercise is called the telepathic opening exercise and it is the start in our telepathic journey.

Introduction to Mental Telepathy
We all have heard about - or even experienced - the process of sending or receiving thoughts from one person to another. In the past, and even in today's science fiction, a "telepathy" is seen as a rare breed of their species, called upon for special tasks which require their ability to constantly "pick up" the thoughts of other individuals or forces. However, ALL human beings actually have the ability to communicate by the process which has come to be known as mental telepathy.
As with any other ability - such as swimming, playing tennis, memory, and so on - some individuals are born with more natural talent than others. Yet even those born today with a high degree of natural telepathic ability will rarely show any consistent ability. The reason for this is due to the fact that most cultures do not accept telepathy as a common ability - so rather than creating programs to develop telepathic ability - society still debates amongst itself whether this talent exists or not.
Therefore, most known recorded cases of telepathic ability did not occur by one's will, but rather surfaced by "accident", or was forced out due to "special circumstances". In analyzing a collection of documented cases of telepathic ability, several common factors were found which not only illustrate the energy behind mental telepathy, but also how this ability works.
The "Third Eye"
The main reason our mental telepathic powers of communication are not known to us (or used) basically lies in the fact that we are not taught about them. There has been many accounts describing the occurrence of mental telepathy throughout history, and it was originally described as the power of the "third eye" - which humanity later altered to describe seeing elements in the spiritual world. Modern studies and tests have verified that telepathy exists not only in the human, but also in the animal, and plant kingdoms!. These examples of telepathy in other kingdoms we will look at later in the series, but first let us cover the historical data and evidence concerning telepathy.
As far back as 4,000 BC in Egypt and in Mesopotamia there have been descriptions of mental telepathy -some real, and many faked. The questionable accounts are easy to disregard, since these appeared as many of the "mind reading" acts one can see at a circus or carnival today. The "reader" did not actually see the thought of an individual at a particular moment, but usually claimed to "read" something ABOUT the individual by "looking" into their mind (which of course, only revealed a fact about the individual that could be easily found out by earlier questioning)
Many of the legitimate historical accounts sound like the one you hear about today. One case, a hysterical Greek woman around 340 BC, claims she "saw" the death of her brother in a "daydream". Months later the town find out he did indeed die on that day - in battle in a far off land. Many of these accounts had witnesses, or we can see from the technology of the time that these individuals had no other means to learn such news so quickly, so therefore would be difficult to fake.
Nearly all documented accounts of mental telepathy involved relatives, and communication between those of similar ages seem significant. Telepathy happened most often among identical twins (68%), followed by brothers/sisters less than 5 years apart (13%), then with brothers/sisters more than 5 years apart (9%), then other relatives (mother/daughter, grandfather/grandchild, etc.) (6%), then finally married couples and close friends (and with higher occurrence of friends the same age) (3%). Less than 1% of experiences were with distant friends, strangers, and - yes - even aliens.
"Global" telepathy
Mental telepathy seems to occur in two distinct patterns, depending on whether the sender and receiver are within sight of each other. The first type of mental telepathy, and that which seems to occur most often, is called 'global telepathy'. In this pattern, the subjects are not within sight of each other, and usually a picture, impression, or feeling is received by one party. The distance in this pattern does not seem to be a factor. Data shows global telepathy has occurred from those who were several streets apart, to those who were half way around the world.
Global telepathy appears to transfer thoughts on the spiritual plane, for the feelings one had while picking up the thoughts were often described as being similar to a 'religious experience'. Since the communication appears to travel the speed of light, we can assume light is the medium on which these impulses travel. Also, since these experiences were also accompanied by an accurate "pictures" of the circumstance the sender was going through, light then would be a necessary factor to transfer and see, these "visual images".
Besides the image of the circumstance being "seen", many of the "messages" received also gave one strong impressions, or feelings. Quite often these were described as a 'religious experience', or of having a "dream" while being awake. This would indicate the spiritual body uses the same processes to deliver telepathic experience as it does to communicate the dreams we have at night.
One interesting example of this "spiritual" type message in global telepathy was that of two brothers who were merchant ship captains in the Pacific ocean just prior to World War 1. One brother described he was overcome by a strange, unexplained feeling to go into his cabin. He arrived just in time to see a ghost like hand write the name of his brother's ship in the air, just above his bed. So moved by the experience, he took his map and calculated where his brother's ship should be on it's route, and changed course to that location. Two days later he found his brother, in a life boat with what crew remained. The ship had been carrying munitions, and a small fire ignited the cargo, the resulting explosion sinking his ship in minutes.
"Sight" telepathy
In sight telepathy, both subjects can actually see each other, and communicate sensible, logical thoughts and instructions, without verbal words. This also seems to be a pattern using light, since the eyes play a big function in sight telepathy (in these cases, the subjects report a strange "warmth" in their eyes when this occurs). While this is the rarest type of telepathy, oddly enough this form is the most common perception by the general public as to what telepathy is all about.
The diagram, by Rene Descartes (1596 - 1650), shows how the eyes were thought to work with the brain several centuries ago. (While this diagram is not fully correct compared to today's knowledge, I personally like it since suggests more than any other picture, that the eyes are an EXTENSION of the brain). Descartes learned an image entered the eyes and was inverted (which is correct). Then he believed the image was sent along the optic nerve to the brain (partially correct), where inside the brain, the soul viewed the image from the optic nerve endings (while I believe one's soul views all images, it probably does not happen as pictured here, a tiny man viewing the optic nerve as one would a television set!).
In reality, when an image enters the eye (which is actually LIGHT that has been reflected off of the image), it is converted to electrical impulses BEFORE it is sent to the brain. This is done by the ganglion cells that link the eye with the optic nerve. It is in these cells that we will later focus our attention for obtaining descriptions concerning mental telepathy, and an how this form of communication actually works.
Telepathy in other Life Forms
The Plant & Animal Kingdoms

Mental Telepathy in other Life Forms
Before we continue into exploring telepathy in the other kingdoms, one point I would like to repeat from the introduction is: everyone has the ability to communicate using their mental telepathic powers. Since we are not taught about this power, then naturally we are not aware of it. Therefore, many people are reduced to the level of just "wondering" if it exists or not.
Mental telepathy, like any other language or form of communication, is easiest to learn when one is young. Most of the "accidental" occurrences of telepathy that have been recorded happened with young people (and as mentioned last time, most often with twins). Even so, those older can practice certain exercises to develop their mental telepathic skills. Before we explain these, let us look at mental telepathy in the other kingdoms, so we may have an idea of how it evolved.
Telepathy in the Plant Kingdom
We are all aware that plants are living things, they take in nourishment (light), exhume waste (oxygen), and reproduce. But as you walk on grass, snap off branches while walking in the forest, or cut down your Christmas tree - did you ever stop to wonder that plants may have an intelligence, feelings, or even mental telepathic powers?
Some studies done at a southern California university show plants seem to indeed be able to communicate, by the first method we described last week: global telepathy. The following is one of a series GSR experiments done with plants. GSR stands for "Galvanized Skin Response" and is a small device usually used on humans in 'lie detector' tests. It is a tiny flat metal that when placed on and individual's body, measures the opening and closing of the pores in the skin.
This is wired to a machine that draws lines of the pores activity, which resembles the lines drawn of machines that detect earthquakes, or brain activity. The theory behind the GSR is that when a person lies, several responses happen inside the body, such as high pore activity, or a faster heart beat. Since plants also have pores, these series of tests were to see what kind of pore activity occurred when different things were done to the plant.
At first a multitude of simple things were done; such as what happens when the plant is watered, covered with earth, and even sung or played music to. Something curious was found early in the experiment. When ever one thing happened to a plant in the control room, many of the other plants showed activity as well (even though to a lesser degree). Was this some form of communication? The experiments were expanded to see if this was so. Half of the plants were then taken to another control room which was several buildings away, and a series of more complicated conditions were added.
In one of the more evolved experiments, 5 five people came into the first room of plants, each performing a different task (for example, one watered the plants, the other played a guitar one shined a high powered light, and so on). The plants in the first room showed their usual responses, while the plants in the second room showed none. Then, a 6th person entered, who had a pair of scissors and began cutting up the plants - more than a simple pruning to say the least. At this moment, all the lines drawn by the GSR machines showed violent reactions by ALL the plants in the first AND second rooms.
Later in the day, each of the individuals entered the second room one by one, but without their accompanying "tool" they used in the first room. As the first five students entered the room, there was no significant reaction by the plants (although there were a few slight reactions when the girl who played music can in, drawing lines patterns similar to the ones made when she was playing to the first group). However, when the 6th person entered, the lines drawn by the machine went crazy! Even though he entered the room without his scissors, it was as if they KNEW he was the one who "cut up" the first group of plants! Keep in mind the two groups of plants were in completely different buildings....
We often think of plants as belonging to a "lower kingdom" in the evolution of life, but forget these creatures have been on the earth long before the dinosaur. If they are one of the first forms of life on earth, then they have had to longest time to evolve. All life forms communicate in some way, and plants then have been communicating long before any other life form that exists today. The WAY a plant communicates (global telepathy), is then probably one of the most evolved processes.
Telepathy in the Animal Kingdom
During World War 2, a watchmaker near Hamburg had his German Shepherd confiscated for the war effort (to work as a watchdog). A year and a half later, the man was put into a concentration camp when it was learned he was 1/4 Jewish. One night he and three others escaped, which was discovered 30 minutes later by the guards, who immediately released the dogs. In one of those strange occurrences of life, the dog that reached the escaped prisoners first was the watchmaker's dog that had been forcibly taken away. After all the training to attack prisoners, what would the dog do? Would it even recognize his old master, who was physically depleted and looked like a totally different person?
Later, after crossing the allied lines, the man describes what had happened. He said his eyes meet those of his dog, and that he felt a warmth in the back off his eyeballs. The dog suddenly turned around and began attacking the other dogs which were behind him starting to approach. The men made their escape during the dogfight, the result of which no one knows. The watchmaker never saw, or heard from his German Shepherd again.
As said last week, there is usually a warm feeling in the eyes when the process of sight telepathy occurs. While the previous example shows that between an animal and human, this feeling also happens when this form of telepathy happens between humans. (Also, this sensation has been often described by those who reported having telepathy when abducted by aliens).
It is the ganglion cells in the back of the eyes that take an image and convert it into electronic impulses which are then sent to the brain. It is this part of the body then, that is the first "processor" in function of mental telepathy. When trying to develop your mental telepathic talents, it is important to know what part of your body 'regulates' it, so you can then develop this physical part as well. It is the same logic why runners develop their legs, or a swimmer would want to develop their breathing.
While humans and plants have very little in common, as seen in the previous articles, both have shown the ability for global telepathy. This would indicate the process of global telepathy can be found in the elements plants and humans DO share in common.
One thing plants and humans have in common is that each are surrounded by a magnetic energy field. These fields are similar to the kind that surrounds a magnet, except the energy fields that surround living things do not attract metals, but rather the electronic impulses from other living things. Thoughts and mental pictures are electronic impulses, be they in, or outside the brain.
In the same way magnetic force "pull" metals and magnets together, "life energy" forces attract elements of many kinds between human beings. This happens between physical bodies (sexual attraction, for example), mental bodies (between those who share the same beliefs or attitudes), and between spiritual bodies (for example, an attraction you may feel with one who you have shared a past life with).
Those who have surrounding energy fields of similar vibrations are the ones most likely to experience global telepathy. This is why identical twins, and brother/sisters within 5 years of each other are ones with higher telepathy experiences. However, it is possible to have a global telepathic communication with anyone.
Most global telepathy occurrences recorded happened WITHOUT either party consciously trying to communicate with the other. It was usually a tragic event one was going through, that the other "picked up" (by 'seeing' or 'feeling' the experience that the first party was going though). This indicates two attributes of global telepathy: (1). it is not fully based on conscious thought, and (2). a strong focus of emotion is involved (resulting from a tragic or exciting event).
Since one need not be conscious of "sending" or "receiving" global telepathic impulses, the sub-conscious or spiritual body (which is also electronic in nature) plays a part in telepathy as well. For one to develop their global telepathic powers, strong concentration and meditation to link the spiritual, mental and emotional levels are needed.
One meditation to bring your spirit, mind, and emotions into harmony (or similar vibration) can be done so:
Find a quiet time and space where you can be undisturbed for about 20 minutes each day. Close your eyes, and with your imagination, try to "see" the energy field that surrounds you. After having an image appear, create different emotions (joy, fear, love, anger, etc.) and image these emotions flowing into the energy field you created around you. When completed, do the reverse (send the emotions which are flowing in the energy field BACK into your physical body.
Most of the time, an impulse will enter one's spiritual energy field (which acts as a giant "life force radar"), then travels to the emotions where the individual senses a "strange impression" - usually unexplainable. The mind does not have any explanation for this feeling, usually because the mind is not involved in the process - or does not believe in this process (which is about the same thing).
This meditation will help the mind become involved in this process, so that when you train later with a partner, you will be able to send and receive at will, rather than having the impression come by "accident".
The medium
Besides a sender and receiver in global telepathy, there is also the medium to consider - or, on what these telepathic impulses TRAVEL UPON. A common vibration most are familiar with is sound, which travels fairly fast and far on air, at 1,100 feet per second, (but even father, since whales can distinguish sounds from hundreds of miles away.
Sound, be it through air or water, would be too slow of a vibration, for telepathic communication, since nearly all occurrences of global telepathy happened INSTANTANEOUSLY. The only energy that could travel this quickly would be light - which is also an energy vibration (as light rays) which is electronic in nature.
Telepathic impulses then, would be similar to light rays. Since these are sent and received by the magnetic fields that surround us, the telepathic medium is probably the magnetic field that surrounds the earth. This would have all three: sender, medium, and receiver, sharing a common physical property: a magnetic field with a North South polarity.
The only way to develop the cells in the back of your eyes is by concentrating on this tissue with your mind. Remember, thoughts themselves have a power. When a student constantly concentrates on a certain pieces of difficult information, they strengthen the pathways in their brain to get this information, therefore not forgetting it during a test. When you concentrate on these cells everyday, you send them attention (which is a form of ENERGY) from the mind. This process will then strengthen these cells, for all cells are strengthen when you send them energy.
Next, focus your concentration so that this attention is directed in developing your mental telepathic powers. Simply concentrating on these cells without purpose might develop some other area not wished by you, such as better color recognition, or seeing better in the dark. To focus while concentrating on these cells, see yourself in your imagination being able to "pick up" and send thought to others. Subconsciously you will then be telling this part of your body you wish to use the power.
An Exercise: Global telepathy
Find someone (preferably one who is spiritually and emotionally close to you) who wishes to develop their mental telepathic powers as well. Agree on a certain time of the day in which one will be the sender, and the other a receiver. Then do the reverse at another time of the day. For example, at 12 noon person "A" sends and "B" receives, and at 6 pm person "B" sends and "A" receives. Now each day, no matter WHERE each of you are, open your minds to communicate with each other at these times. Remember, in global communication the spiritual and subconscious parts of you take an active role. These levels of existence communicate visually, usually with pictures. Therefore, do not try to send thoughts or emotions in the form of words, which usually associated with sight telepathy.
It may be to start with a picture or image may be too complicated to send. If difficulties seem to be the case in your experiments, trying sending and receiving a just a single color at first. For example, at the beginning of the week each chooses a color (without telling the other) to send, see then if the other "sees" it. After these become easy and common to communicate, move up to more complicated images.

Your eyes - More than a Camera
Three hundred years ago, modern science took a quantum leap forward in understanding sight, with the research and ideas of Descartes. The diagram used in part one of this series shows his observations, and how he believed an image was 'caught'' by the eyes, then sent from the optic nerve inside the brain. He also believed the soul, which sits inside the brain, then watches these images from little screens which are at the ends of the optic nerves.
Behind the scenes
The research of Canada and Torsten Wiesel from Sweden, working together in Boston during the 70's, show the eyes were indeed more than a camera. It is in the back of the eyes that the process of changing light rays into personal electronic impulses takes place. In any creature found on earth that has eyes, in the back of the eyes are where you will find the cells that relate the incoming image to the brain. Different cells in certain animals are what gives them their various "talents" with sight. For example, in cats, the back of their eyes have cells which reflect back 50% more light to the front of the eye (the iris) than in humans - which is why a cat can see so much better in the dark.
In many of the reported sight telepathic cases, the people describe part of the experience as having a 'warm' feeling in the back of their eyes. This would indicate that the cells in the back of the eyes are working harder, or are receiving more energy than normal. In either case, to develop your sight telepathy abilities, the back of the eyes will be a part of your body where your attention and exercises will need to focus.
Besides 'rods' and 'cones' (the cells that help us distinguish between black and white and color, respectively), we also have relay cells in the back of the eye whose work is more brain like. Known as ganglion cells, they gather in the signals from many light sensitive cells in the retina, and then fire an electronic "code" of impulses to the brain based on the patterns of light it receives. It is here that outside light is converted into one's own personal brain signals.
In ancient times, there were many cultures that believed seeing was the result of rays being sent OUT of our eyes to the surfaces around us.. Today we know that seeing has to do with rays of energy that ENTER the eye: light rays. When you look at an object, you are seeing the light rays that have bounced OFF that object. The common active element with eyesight systems in all creatures is light. Light then, and it's properties, give us some insight as to some of the characteristics of sight telepathy.
If sight telepathy occurs when visual contact is made, it may be that telepathy impulses (or thoughts) travel ON the light rays that enter our eyes. This would suggest then, that both forms of telepathy (sight and global), have light as a medium to travel on. (As you remember from earlier, global telepathy shares many properties with light as well, for example, the speed at which both travel).
If we receive telepathic signals on light rays, that indicates we probably send them on light rays as well. (This also may show that perhaps there was a bit of truth to the ancients idea that an energy rays flow out of the eyes as well).
Before sending your thoughts
Sight telepathy is not common since we are not taught how communicate in this way. Like any other language, an early age is the best time to develop your communicate skills. Since most young children at not even introduced to the idea of telepathy, few probably even understand the telepathic abilities they have, or the telepathic communications they may have experienced naturally.
To send your thoughts requires first the belief that you are able to do so. Many accounts have been documented of subjects accidentally 'receiving thoughts' due to an extraordinary circumstance. However, very few reports are on file of those actually experiencing sending thoughts. Many have reported thinking about sending thoughts, but since no results were seen after a few attempts, the effort was given up.
Usually one does not learn how to swim in just one or two days, and the same can be said of mental telepathy. Besides controlling certain parts of your brain, a certain 'feel' must be developed with light, in the same way a swimmer develops a special 'feel' between the water and their body moving through it. The partner you wish to develop sight telepathy with must also have a willingness to devote some time to experimenting, besides believing telepathy is possible.
An important factor also is to remember that you will be sending your thoughts on light. Therefore the properties of light should be researched fully by you, which you can do with books at any library. Sometimes to develop a talent, it is important to understand the outside elements that talent is related to, besides your personal abilities related to the talent.
Sight Telepathy Exercises
Even before we begin to get a 'feel' for sight telepathy, it might be good to practice getting a 'feel' with some of the other processes that your eyes work with light first. For example, moving your eyes a certain way will make some objects move in and out of focus. Practice doing this several times a day, so that the feeling of doing this at will is familiar and controllable.
Then, do the same exercises with the many other ways that your eyes interact with light, for example: squinting so that all you see are light rays and not the objects themselves. After several months, you should have several feelings become very familiar, and when you have the control to bring any one of these feelings (and the desired optic effect that come with it) on using only your own will, you will then be ready to begin exercises to develop your sight telepathy.
In his book, Physical Control of the Mind (1968), a medical scientist at Yale University, José Delgado, describes a turning point in human evolution. Using examples of the mind influencing the development and repairs of the body, he shows that it is only a mater of time before the brain can alter it own structure and functions as well. By his studies, it was found that simply concentrating on a part of the body opens up a wide range of mental activity (and energy) directly related to that part of the body.
The focus then of one's concentration should be on the back of the eye, and primarily the ganglion cells, which convert and process the light rays into thought impulses. Simply imagine this process in reverse. Visualize your thoughts as electronical impulses (which they are) traveling from your brain to the ganglion cells in the back of your eyes. Then, imagine the cells converting them into light rays, which bounce on top of the incoming light rays out to your subject.
Some of you may not believe that simply by just thinking you can make such a complicated process happen. If so, try this simple exercise first. Imagine a ball of light in the center of your brain, then concentrate on making this light brighter and brighter until the brightness of it covers your entire head. Then imagine the light expanding out, covering your entire body. Do this exercise now before you finish reading this article.
Did you 'see' in your imagination the light filling your entire body? If you did, you may notice that your head became a bit warmer from all this. Could it be that by creating a light with your imagination you were in fact creating an actual energy? One of the results of light is warmth, and the feeling of warmth should suggest to you that the light you created with your mind is very real. It should also be noted that really ANYTHING you create with your mind has a possibility to become real.

Get comfortable and relax.
Next close your eyes and fill your physical body with prana energy.
Then visualize the chakra in front of the mind's eye.
At the larger end of this chakra there is a brick wall.
See your visual body traveling towards this brick wall. When have reached the brick wall stop.
Have your visual body find the weakest point on the brick wall.
Then see your visual body pushing the brick wall down. If the brick wall does not come down try firing an energy blast from your hand at the weakest point on the wall. If the wall does not come down after the first try keep firing energy blasts until the brick wall comes down.
Behind the wall there is a telepathic grid. It should be a black void with little white flashes flying around in it.
Once you have found the telepathic grid say your name three times.
Then listen to one of the flashes it should sound like someone is talking inside your head. What is the flash saying to you?
Then try answering the flash by sending out your own message into the telepathic grid as it leaves it will flash before your eyes.
Then wait for a minute to see if anyone responds. If you get an answer well done you are connected to the telepathic grid
Question: Ask if anyone can hear you.
Answer: If someone hears your message they will answer.
If someone responds talk with him or her if you like and when you have finished talking with the person say good bye. Then open your eyes.

Get comfortable and relax.
Then charge your physical body with energy.
Now close your eyes and focus your mind on a thought.
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the thought.
Then in your own time see the thought moving out into the world and traveling to the person that the thought is intender for.
Then open your eyes.
Relax and have fun with these telepathy exercises because if you are tense there will be harder to do.

Get comfortable and relax.
Then charge your physical body with energy.
Now close your eyes and focus your mind on a thought.
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the thought.
Then in your own time see the thought moving out into the world and traveling to the person that the thought is intender for.
Then open your eyes.
PHYSICAL EXERCISE : Two Person Technique
For this technique you will need a pack of zener cards. You can buy zener cards or you can make your own it is up to you.
First thing you will need to do is work out who will be the sender and who will be the receiver for this technique.
Sender: Take the zener cards and sit down in front of the receiver and both of you get comfortable and relax and clear your mind of all Strenuous thoughts.
Sender: shuffle the cards and i want you to take the top card of the deck and look at the symbol on the card and remember don't show the card to the receiver.
Now focus on the symbol and in your own time menatlly project the symbol out through your minds eye towards the receivers minds eye.
Receiver : make sure your mind is clear of all thoughts and stay focused on the symbol that the sender is sending you
Receiver: When you think you have the symbol tell the sender what you think it is.
Do this through the hole pack of zener cards and see how you go. Then change rolls and see how you go.
The point of this technique is to help you with sounding out telepathic speech. we start with the letters of the alphabet and after we have mastered this technique we can work on single words and sentences.
Work out who will be the sender and the receiver of this exercise.
Now sit across from each other and clear your minds and relax.
Sender: Starting with the letter (A) and in your own time Say the letter A out loud and then say it telepathically to the receiver. This will help with your sound resonation and will add the sender and receiver when working with telepathy.
Sound resonation is used when we are working with the throat chakra in telepathic work and is the tool of speech and telepathic speech.
Then Move on to the letter B and so on till you reach the letter Z then and only then change rolls and see how you go.
Telepathy and Mind Power
The purpose of telepathy practice with cards.
In the Esp tests one practices to receive information only. With the telepathy test and exercises one learns to receive as well as to send information to others. It increases one's mind power and enables a person to project their feelings and intentions to others without having to say the words. It involves the use of the three types of symbols used in the Esp tests and exercises.
How it is done. Testing for mental telepathy requires 2 people. One is the sender and the other, the receiver. The sender focuses on sending a mental image or message to the receiver who must of course determine what the information is. The information used will be the three tools used with the Esp tests and exercises, symbols, colors, and combo symbols. The participants practice being both the receiver and sender of the information alternately.
Locally or at a distance
Mental telepathy can be practiced either locally (in the same room) or distance (using the telephone). Distance does not play a part in telepathy because the information can be sent or received at any distance.
Both the sender and receiver are in the same room and can be at the same table as long as the symbol cards are out of view of the receiver. (erect a barricade of sorts). The participants can also be in different parts of the room within voice distance of one another.
Use a speaker phone if one is available. Using the telephone is an automatic barrier with which to keep the receiver from observing the cards or media being used. Using distance also depends upon how much you pay for long distance service.
How to proceed using symbol cards:
Sender:Shuffles the deck and then proceeds to turn over the cards one at a time. Each card is first recorded on the score sheet before the sender focuses on it, trying to project the image to the receiver. After this is done for a moment, the sender says, "card ready" to notify the sender to begin to focus on what it is.
Receiver: As soon as the sender says "ready", the receiver focuses on what ever "feelings", "notions", "urgings" that first appear. It is important that the receiver say the very first thing that comes up as a choice for the "call". The sender then records the receiver's "call" on the score sheet in the column next to the card that was recorded there. Later the "hits" can be tallied at the bottom of the column. The point of course is that one does not get discouraged when not guessing the cards or getting a low score. This is a practice exercise that allows the development of mental telepathy ability. It is for training the mind in learning how to receive and interpret the symbols and perceptions.
Don't get bored.
Using different symbols helps to keep the the person being tested from getting bored which happens when using the same symbols over and over. It is important to maintain enthusiasm and interest when testing your self because it has been found to make a difference. When a person begins to get bored, their score often times goes down. That is why we have presented here, 4 varieties of colors and symbols. Test your self with all four, switching off when you lose interest in one or the other.
After you read the instructions on how to test and keep score, you can print the symbols and paste them on cards. The instructions how to do it are on each of the symbol pages. For color symbols, you'll naturally need a color printer.
Telepathy and Mind Control
The purpose of telepathic practice with photos.
Testing for mental telepathy with other media also requires 2 people. One is the sender and the other, the receiver. The sender tries to send a mental image or message to the receiver who must of course determine what the information is. The exercise here is to use photographs of landscape scenes, cityscapes, people in gatherings and solitary situations, etc. This exercise provides visualization training for projecting complete scenarios that one wants to become part of their physical reality. This is mind control at its peak.
Locally or at a distance
Mental telepathy can be practiced either locally (in the same room) or distance (using the telephone). Distance does not play a part in telepathy because the information can be sent or received at any distance.
Both the sender and receiver are in the same room and can be at the same table as long as the photos or other media are out of view of the receiver. (erect a barricade of sorts). They can also be in different parts of the room within voice distance of one another.
Use a speaker phone if one is available. Using the telephone is an automatic barrier with which to keep the receiver from observing the cards or media being used. Using distance also depends upon how much you pay for long distance service.
How to proceed using photos or literature quotes:
Sender: Studies a photo, looking carefully at every detail on it. The theme (landscape, cityscape, event, etc.) making a mental note of colors, people, what is happening, etc.) and then tries to mentally project the details to the receiver. At this time the sender says, "ready".
Receiver:As soon as the sender says "ready", the receiver focuses on what ever "feelings", "notions", "urgings" that first appear. It is important that the receiver say the very first thing that comes up as a choice for the "call". The sender then records the receiver's "keywords" on a piece of paper. Later the "hits" can be compared to the misses for the same media being used. This is more of a subjective rating of the hits, because the receiver is trying to perceive any number of things that can be present with the media. The point of course is that one does not get discouraged when not guessing the correct content in the beginning. This is a practice exercise that allows the development of the ability to pick up the content of the media. It is training the mind in learning how to receive and interpret the symbols and perceptions.
Don't get bored.
It's important to maintain enthusiasm and interest for best results. To avoid boredom, at the end of each run two or three media items, the receiver and sender can switch roles. However, they must each have separate record sheets so that they don't get a look at their own score until a predetermined number of tries have been made by both persons.
Good Luck!

English Lord

کاربر فعال سریال های تلویزیونی
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
خب این مطالب رو که میشد در تاپیک کتابخانه هم بزنیم:):blink:
مگه نه؟:wacko:;)

yue bochon

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
17 سپتامبر 2007
محل سکونت
The Maiden and the Frog

Many years ago there lived on the brow of a mountain, in the north of England, an old woman and her daughter. They were very poor, and had to work very hard for their living, and the old woman’s temper was not very good, so that the young girl, who was very beautiful, led but an ill life with her.

The girl did all the hardest work, for her mother scratched a living by going around the neighbourhood selling small things, and when she came home in the afternoon, she was tiered and not able to do much more. Nearly all the housework fell to the daughter. Her most tiresome duty was to fetch the water from a well on the other side of the hill, there being no river or spring near their own cottage.

It happened one morning that the daughter had the misfortune, when going to the well, to fall and break the only large pot they owned, and having nothing else that she could use to carry water, she had to go home without any. When her mother came home, she was very thirsty, and the girl, though trembling because of her ill luck, had to tell the old woman that there was no water for her to drink.

The old woman was furiously angry, and pointed to a sieve which happened to be on the table, and told her to go at once to the well and bring her some water in that, or never again to show her face in the cottage.

The young girl, frightened almost out of her wits by her mother’s fury, speedily took the sieve, and though she thought that it was a hopeless task to try and fetch water using a sieve full of holes, she hurried off to the well as if in a dream. When she arrived there, she began to think over the terrible situation, and how impossible it would be for her to survive on her own, and in deepest despair, she fell down by the side of the well and sobbed.

After a while, a frog hopped out of the well and asked her why she was crying so bitterly. She was somewhat surprised at this, but not being the least frightened, told him the whole story, and that she was crying because she could not carry away water in the sieve.

“Is that all?” said the frog; “cheer up, my hinny! for if you will only let me sleep with you for two nights, and then chop off my head, I will tell you how to do it.”

The maiden thought that the silly frog was talking nonsense, but she was too unhappy to waste time arguing with him, and promised to do what he asked. The frog then instructed her in the following words:

Stop with moss
And daub with clay;
And that will carry
The water away.

Having said this, he dived immediately under the water, and the girl, realised that what he had said made perfect sense. She went around and picked up some moss and clay, and used them to fill up the holes in the sieve. She then filled the sieve with water and hurried home, not thinking much of her promise to the frog. By the time she reached home, the old woman’s temper had calmed down, but as they were eating their poor supper very quietly, what should they hear but the splashing and croaking of a frog near the door, and shortly afterwards the daughter recognized the voice of the frog of the well singing:

Open the door, my hinny, my heart,
Open the door, my own darling, my belle;
Remember the promise you made to me
In the meadow beside the wishing well.

She was now dreadfully frightened, and hurriedly explained what had happened to her mother, who was also so much alarmed at the situation. They both thought it best to let this remarkable frog come in side, for they feared that he might cast some nasty spell on them otherwise. When the door was opened, the frog leaped into the room, singing:

Go wi’ me to bed, my hinny, my heart,
Go wi’ me to bed, my darling, my belle;
Remember the promise you made to me,
In the meadow beside the wishing well.

The young girl did as he asked , although as may be readily supposed, she did not much relish such a bedfellow. The next day, the frog was very quiet, and evidently enjoyed the food they placed before him for breakfast, the purest milk and the finest bread they could find. In fact, neither the old woman nor her daughter spared any pains to make the frog comfortable. That night, immediately supper was finished, the frog again sang:

Go wi’ me to bed, my hinny, my heart,
Go wi’ me to bed, my darling, my belle;
Remember the promise you made to me,
In the meadow beside the wishing well.

She again allowed the frog to share her couch, and in the morning, as soon as she was dressed, he jumped towards her, singing:

Chop off my head, my hinny, my heart,
Chop off my head, my darling, my belle;
Remember the promise you made to me,
In the meadow beside the wishing well.

So the young girl did as he asked, and no sooner had she chopped off his head than in the place of the frog, there stood by her side the handsomest prince in the world, who had long been transformed by a magician, and who could never have recovered his natural shape until a beautiful maiden had agreed, of her own accord, to make him her bedfellow for two nights. The joy of both was complete; the girl and the prince were shortly afterwards married, and lived for many years in the enjoyment of every happiness.

yue bochon

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
17 سپتامبر 2007
محل سکونت
Telekinesis Techniques

Telekinetic Energy is Natural
The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this. Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness.
Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light. The energy we are dealing with here is tiny pockets or "quanta" of energies. The ability to bend spoons, levitate is happening at the other levels being only manifested as a physical event upon the space/time shell frame which we interpret as our reality. There is also a good deal of illusion as well. One must be able to discern the reality of both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening.
What is Telekinesis
Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not strictly so. I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day one.
A common theory is that TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy which are actually dense enough to push/repel an object or draw it inward.
Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around a room, a phenomena often mistaken for a poltergeist when it may actually be a person with spontaneous telekinetic powers.
Anyone can harness their power and use it with the proper devotion.
A Theory on Telekinesis
Telekinesis is thought of as this really amazing "talent" that only a few people have. Quite the contrary, I believe that telekinesis is something we all inherently have. We simply do not use it. In fact, in general, we all have psychic abilities. Let me explain.
Every living person has a brain. Obviously. To say anything otherwise would be preposterous. However, we don't use the entire brain, we don't even use the better fraction of it. We also each use different parts more than others. Some people enjoy art, some enjoy math and numbers, logic, sports, writing, dancing, collecting... all of these activities use a different part of the brain. This is like psychic ability. We all use some of our total psychic potential, but far from all of it. Some of us just "know" when something it going to happen, or can predict an outcome better than most people, or get a "sense" of whether a person you just met is of a good or bad character. All of these are uses of the psychic power.
Just like the brain, we can also exercise the parts that lay unused. An artist can learn algebra if they really put their nose to the grindstone. Just the same, you can learn telekinesis with proper training and expanding of your natural psychic abilities.
The only thing that holds you back is not believing in yourself. Just like the child who says, "I can't do math, it's impossible", the person who says "I can't use telekinesis, I just don't have the ability" is holding themselves back. They say that you're your worst critic. Well, stop it! Believe in yourself and the abilities will follow.
A Skeptics Definition
Telekinesis is the movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power. Psychokinesis is the production of motion in physical objects by the exercise of psychic or mental powers. Uri Geller claims he can bend spoons and stop watches using only his thoughts to control the external objects. Others claim to be able to make pencils roll across a table by a mere act of will. The variety of parlor tricks used to demonstrate psycho kinetic powers is endless.
My thoughts on this: Of course there are a variety of parlour tricks to demonstrate this. There are parlour tricks for practically everything! This does not mean that genuine telekinesis is impossible.
More About and How to Do Telekinesis
TELEKINESIS is moving things using your mind. If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis. You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn, but I think it's worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you're comfy with, and do it daily. After some time you will start to see results. I've found that light things are easier so start with light things. Some experiments are: Rolling a pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys. Bending silverware is a little different. You hold the choice object in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware. The thing is, you don't "make" it bend, you "let" it bend. Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the ground. Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it's the use of energy.
THE SHAPING OF ENERGY WITH THE MIND is often used to make psi balls. This is a way to learn to shape energy. You cup your hands as if holding something between them, and then think like your a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them. Even if you can't see it maybe it's not strong enough and you need to add more. Don't worry about seeing when you first start because you may not be able to add enough. You can tell if you made a psi ball though by paying attention to your hands. They will get hot and your hand will have little twitches every now and then. If your hands hurt don't worry, it's normal. Try making psi balls during different feelings, and see what changes there are. Once you can see your psi ball you can change it's color, shape, and etc. It will do whatever you want it to.
Shieldsare made in mostly the same method, but the energy is surrounding you. You can program it to your will. It will do whatever you want it to.
Telepathy is exploring someone's thoughts. You can also send to them through telepathy. Like, pick a letter and have a friend that you will be sending to, have them receive. Imagine you are linking to them, to their thoughts (sender). When you feel you are linked, clear your mind except for the letter. Picture the letter in your mind in different color, size, and fonts. Think the word as you do this. The receiver must clear their minds and must be open to all thoughts they receive or think they receive. Do not have the receiver say the letter until he thinks he absolutely knows what it is.
Empathy is feeling other peoples' feelings.
Apparent change in or movement of material objects, caused by mental effort alone. It is also called psychokinesis (PK). The claims of Uri Geller (1946- ), an Israeli, to break metal objects merely by concentrating on them have received great publicity. Telekinesis has been evoked to explain levitation and certain poltergeist manifestations.
Where to Begin
There are certain things you need to work on before you can get anywhere with telekinesis. Here I will discuss the obstacles you must overcome and the exercises you must practice.
1. Doubt
TELEKINESIS IS REAL. People have done it, people do it all the time. It is a gift all humans hold. Get that through your head before going any further. Doubt is like a wall between you and TK. So climb over the wall and leave it far behind you. You do not need doubt in your search for truth, especially not when it comes to the powers of the mind.
2. Logic
Okay, you live in a practical world, it's only natural to try to reason things. Don't bother. Set practicality aside, and when you achieve TK you will then see how silly the concept of logic is altogether. It will all make sense when you get there.
3. Purity of the Heart
Why do you want to learn TK? You reasons must be positive and your intent must be pure. If you wish to learn it to harm people, to profit off a strange talent, or just to impress your friends, forget about it. Learn it to exercise the mind, learn it to challenge your reality. Don't try it for some kind of cheap glory. If that's your intent, you'll get nowhere.
4. Meditation
YOU MUST MEDITATE. Consider this a requirement. Take it one step at a time. Meditation is key in order to prepare the mind for telekinesis.
Improving Your Telekinesis
I get letters like "I've tried and tried at TK but I still can't do it!" all the time. The reason is always the same. A person seems to think that trying for a week is a "long time". Forget that. Telekinesis is worth the wait, but what a wait it is. The very skilled get it in 2 weeks. A greater faction of us doesn't get there for months, maybe years. I have developed this list to help you get on the right path towards telekinesis. KEEP TRYING!
Meditate daily for half an hour, fifteen minutes if you're schedule is too busy.
Attempt TK at least once a day, twice if possible. Give yourself a good 30-60 minutes to try it.
Focus on one method for at least a week, if it shows no results, switch methods.
Be at ease; instead of taking it too seriously think of it as an experiment, a game. If you try too hard you'll just end up frustrating yourself and you'll get nowhere.
Don't give up.
Don't tell yourself you can't do it, because you can.
What You Can Do With Telekinesis
With tk you can :
move objects i.e. magazines, cups, etc.
bend objects (spoons, forks, pencils etc.)
you can make psi balls ( balls of energy) and throw them
if your advanced you can:
shut/open windows
lock doors
turn on lights
hurl objects at people or at other things
What Not To Do
Before you get started trying to bend the spoons and forks, let me give you some tips on why it may not work or hasn't been working.
1. The reasons why someone has difficulty cultivating their telekinetic skills is usually one of several things. Some human emotions like stress can impede the process, though, once in awhile a stressful situation can actually increase someone's ability to achieve what appears as superhuman traits. I'm sure you've heard of the situations where all of a sudden something happens and someone can lift a ton of something. Yes, that has to do with adrenaline but there is also a dynamics of "quanta" going on there. In the moment of "have to" they released their natural ability to, seemingly, defy science. They didn't think about it, they just did it. No thinking, no preconceived judgments. Don't think about it so much just practice without preconceiving.
2. Usually, though, if there isn't any real danger or need, the human emotions inhibit the path that the brain requires to create the neural network it needs to create this atmosphere. The more negative emotions, like guilt, fear, non trusting, judgmental attitudes and suspicion are enough to inhibit that natural flow that is required. One must believe it is possible. How else can we expect to manifest anything if we can't believe it's possible? You can't.
3. Don't obsess on it relax!! Enjoy, cultivating another skill. It's not race, or a test. It's not about worth or worthy. So many spiritually based philosophies are based on reward. Spiritual awareness and evolution are not "prizes" you win. Opening up to higher levels of spiritual awareness is a growth process of evolving ones consciousness. Telekinetic's is just one more skill with the ability of possible manifestation.
4. Don't carry preconceived ideas as to the outcome. Experience it, naturally. Don't script it. Don't tell yourself how it should go or that you have to be at a certain point at a certain time all that impedes the energy. When you do that you are so busy thinking that the correct atmosphere or pathway can not be presented. Will and Reason are not juxtaposed to telekinetic ability.
5. Don't get frustrated and angry at yourself. Again, relax, Have fun with it.
6. Don't be self-conscious. Yes, many times people feel foolish or self conscious. Don't. If you can't do it right away it says nothing about who you are. It simply just says the spoon or fork isn't bending, yet that's all.
Who Can Do Telekinesis?
What? "Who can use telekinesis???" I'll tell you who.
Method 1: Becoming One With the Object
Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out.

Method 2: Visualize!
With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. If you want a parking space near the door of a crowded mall, visualize clearly an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for a special something? See it clearly, see yourself in possession of it and happy. To enforce the visualization, write down exactly what you want. Be descriptive! If you need it, it will happen. If not, realize there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer, vcr, car, etc working perfectly.

Method 3: Pushing With Energy
Read the beginner logs and master Energy Balls before attempting this one.
Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps)
Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible. With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand.
Visual Techniques
Moving A Small Object
Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.
Step Two
Then place a stone in front of you.
Step Three
Then focus your eyes on the stone in front of you.
Step Four
Now close your eyes and visualize that stone in front of you.
Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the stone.
Step Six
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup to the left using the power of thought.
Step Seven
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup to the right using the power of thought.
Step Eight
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup back to the center using the power of thought.
Step Nine
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup towards you using the power of thought.
Step Ten
Now focus your mind on moving the stone or cup away from you using the power of thought.
Step Eleven
Then focus your mind on moving the stone or cup back to the center using the power of thought.
Step Twelve
Then in your own time open your eyes.
To do steps six to eleven a couple of times. Then if you want to try using another small object like a cup.
Moving A Large Object

Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.
Step Two
Then place a chair in front of you.
Step Three
Then focus your eyes on the chair in front of you.
Step Four
Now close your eyes and visualize that chair in front of you.
Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the chair.
Step Six
Then focus your mind on moving the chair to the left using the power of thought.
Step Seven
Then focus your mind on moving the chair to the right using the power of thought.
Step Eight
Then focus your mind on moving the chair back to the center using the power of thought.
Step Nine
Then focus your mind on moving the chair towards you using the power of thought.
Step Ten
Now focus your mind on moving the chair away from you using the power of thought.
Step Eleven
Then focus your mind on moving the chair back to the center using the power of thought.
Step Twelve
Then in your own time open your eyes.
Moving Your Visual Body/Astral Body

Telekinesis of the astral body / visual body is a form of bi-location and is the ability of moving the astral body by will or thought. Above is an image of astral bi-location caught on flim and was one of the first telekinetic abilities I learned as a young child.
Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.
Step Two
Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you.
Step Three
Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.
Step Four
Then move your visual body to the left using telekinesis and the power of thought.
Step Five
Then move your visual body to the right using the power of thought.
Step Six
Then move your visual body back to the center using the power of thought.
Step Seven
Then move your visual body backwards using telekinesis and the power of thought.
Step Eight
Then move your visual body forwards using the power of thought.
Step Nine
Then move your visual body back to the center.
To do steps four to nine a couple of times to get the hang of it.
Physical Techniques
What Can You Do
1. What we do is have an accepting attitude. Believe it can happen. Everyone I ever taught this technique to and who was successful in bending a fork or spoon, had a POSITIVE attitude about it. They may not have believed they could do it but they did believe it was possible. That's a start for the proper frame of mind. Next, believe YOU can!!
2. Focus your attention. So many people say they are concentrating but in fact their minds are scattered and they aren't really into it at all. Be there. Learn to do only one thing at a time. This is difficult in the contexts of our society's established standards. There seems to be a badge of honor attached to being able to do 50 things at once. We somehow seem to derive worth from this. Well, it's unhealthy. It's what contributes to stress, anxiety, elevated blood pressure and even depression and a host of other "dis-eases". Don't get caught up in all that. It's not about how much you can do but how well you do. It's about quality not quantity. It's a fact that the brain can really only think of one think at a time. Work with the natural process of your brain. There is an inner dialogue going on that can be distracting and scattering the energy. There are many techniques that will teach you the discipline that is required for stilling the Mind and to help you learn what true concentration really is. I recommend meditation, or Qigong, Yoga, Tai Chi or any one of the contemplative arts as a viable form to enhance self discipline and awareness.
3. The Art of Stillness. Practice being still. Yes, actually, being still without thinking anything. Try it. All the masters have acquired this skill. They can actually, sit still and think of no-thing. This is why they are able to do the "mystical" manifestations that we see. Opening a lock with the wave of a hand, or seemingly walk about without being noticed. They know how not to cause ripples in the Universal Energy. They have mastered the Self. They truly can focus on one thing and only one thing at a time. The longer you can sit still and still your mind, the more available energy you have. It is in that discipline that teaches, patience, acceptance and unconditional being. This is a skill that will enhance every aspect of your life. It's a great way to enhance one's healing techniques as well.
4. Learn to "Let Go". As soon as something, whether it's an old bias, an old emotion, blouse, anything let go of it. Resolve things in your life as quickly as possible. It will unclutter your mind and your emotions will flow more evenly and smoothly. By learning to, "let go", we also learn to let go of preconceived out come, that is how we "think" it will turn out. If you can't let go then you are still trying to control it. If you are still trying to control things then you close off many pathways of personal and spiritual growth. Let things happen when appropriate to do so.
5. Remember the 'Law of Coalesce'? When you think on something it will attract like thoughts. 20 seconds of one pure thought attracts an equal amount of pure energy of the same resonance and quality. Each 20 mark increases a multiplies the energy. Can you imagine what you could manifest just by 2 minutes of pure unadulterated thought!!? This equation works equally for both types of thoughts, be the positive or negative in origin. Be mindful of what you think on or about. Every action you take was proceeded by a thought. What was the quality of yours?
Those were some of the techniques that will help you open up to all your abilities. They are healthy guide lines for
How to make Psi Balls
PSI Balls (Beginner)
Creating psi balls is the act of shaping energy with the mind. Energy is much easier to manipulate than physical objects, so this is a great beginners exercise. Advance Techniques
Exercise One
Hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing. Close your eyes and relax. Concentrate on the space between your hands feel the energy ball between your hands. Try to strengthen this energy field by visualizing the ball growing stronger. If you cannot feel the ball, move your hands away from each other, then closer and closer, trying to feel the point of energy. To me, this feels like a tingling sensation between my hands and in my third eye.
Exercise Two
Well Personally i think Psi Balls Have To do A LOT with TK i mean TK is a form of Psi so anyway here is how to make one if you don't know how. :)
You Cup your hands together and shut your eyes
Then You flex your arm muscle (keep eyes shut)
Let the energy flow in your hands because that's all psi balls are are balls of energy
Don't worry if you can't see it the 1st time you just need to put more energy in
if you don't believe in this WHY ARE YOU HERE?
just getting your attention ok now back to it
Just keep trying i still haven't seen mine yet but i can feel the energy
if your hand twitches that's ok that lets you know that you might be able to see it
throw it at something and see what it does!

How To Build Your Telekinetic Skills
Anyone can learn to move objects with their mind. This exercise will help you increase your telekinetic skills.

Materials You Will Need

… A glass quart jar with a metal lid
… Thin black sewing thread
… Glue
… A wooden match
… A small sewing needle
… Modeling clay
Instructions For Making The Jar
1. Clean the jar and let it dry.
2. Cut the burnable tip off of the wooden match (be careful not to cut near the tip)
3. Put the wooden match on a block of modeling clay
4. Push the small needle through the middle of the match. Do this slowly, with a twisting motion. If the needle is too big, it will break the match. You may also put matches in water and microwave them for 2 minutes, to soften them before putting a needle through them.
5.Push the needle half way through the match.
6. Clean the clay off the needle and the match.
7. Measure and cut a piece of thread long enough to reach from the lid to the middle of the bottle.
8. Glue one end of the thread to the middle of the inside of the lid.
9. Glue one end of the thread to the top of the middle of the match, just above where the needle goes through.
10. Let the glue dry.
11. Put the needle, match, and thread in the jar and screw the lid back on.
The jar should look like the picture above.

How To Use The Jar
1. Put the jar on a table.
2. Stand or sit nearby so you are not touching the table.
3. Hold your hands, palms inward, about three inches away from the outside of the jar. Keep hour hands level with the needle.
4. Breathe deeply and focus your attention on the needle.
5. Move your hands a little, back and forth, imagining lines of energy moving from them to the tip of the needle. Direct the needle to move.
Note: Practice this no more than 20 minutes a day. If you get a headache, stop the exercise. The headaches, usually even with the top of the ears, will go away. Results will take from six-weeks to six months. Best results occurred at night before sleeping.
Bending An Object

Exercise One
1. Find utensil of choice.
2. Hold utensil in your hand / hands however you are comfortable.
3. Sit quietly breathe comfortably relax.
4. Empty mind of all extra chattering and thoughts. Remember stay focused.
5. With eyes closed slowly rub your fingers tips over the surface of the object.
6. Feel don't think about it feel what the surface feels like. Get into the flow of molecules, atoms, energy.
7. This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actual "feel" the energy.
8. At that very moment when you feel it, you and the object as a blend of energy just bend it! If you've done it correctly it will bend!!!
9. Remember NEVER apply force! You aren't there to physically force it to bend. That's not point of the exercise.
Spoon Bending
Exercise Two
Meditate for half an hour.
Find a spoon or fork.
Hold utensil in your hands.
Sit in a quiet space, breath deeply, and relax yourself. Escape mentally from all thoughts and sounds.
With your eyes shut, rub your fingertips lightly over the surface of the spoon's handle.
Feel the surface without necessarily thinking about it. Become a "part" of it, the atoms of the metal mixing with the atoms of your fingers and the air so that they flow together as thought they are water. Imagine it melting into liquid.
This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actual feel the energy and the warmth on the metal.
At the moment you feel the momentum of the energy, bend it! Don't put physical force on it- you're not testing your ability to bend a spoon with your hands. You already know you can do that. It's your mind we're testing.
Spoon Bending
Exercise Three
First and foremost find an inexpensive quality spoon and test its resistance to make sure its not so flimsy that you can bend it yourself. make sure it is not a peice of silverware that may be too hard for a beginner to bend, and on the possiblity that you do bend it you may not be able to bend a good piece of family silverware back to its original shape.
Now using both hands, hold the spoon out horizontally in front of you in both hands. hold one end of the spoon inside each fist with the curve in the handle pointing up.
Now concentrateand visualize that there is a ball of bright white light just above your head. Concentrate as hard as you can on it getting the light bright and hot as you move it down through the top of your head.
Once it's in your head, keep concentrating onit until you feel it is as bright as it can be. then, slowly visualize the ball moving down your neck, and into your shoulders, then down into your upper arms, and into your forearms, and finally into your wrists. Focus only on the light and feel the energy of it vibrating as it warms you.
When the light reaches your fingers, say out loud, "Bend, bend, bend, and try to bend the spoon in one quick motion. amazingly, the spoon will seem like it is suddenly made of butter and will bend in the middle, with almost no effort at all.
This is my favorite spoon bending technique.

Exercises to Help You Develop Your Abilities
The Compass Exercise

The compass exercise is something I still play around with every now and again. It is one of the easiest "tools" I know of that is accessible to just about anyone, and the are relatively inexpensive. Why a compass? Because the needle of the compass kind of floats and offers the least amount of surface friction and resistance.
1. Place the compass flatly on a stable surface. It doesn't matter what direction the needle is pointing in. I had someone ask me that once. This is an exercise about clockwise, hopefully. Though, there were those times I do get it moving counter clock wise. I'm not sure why that is really. It happened in the lab when I was involved in erasing static or "white" noise off of cassette tapes. That was part of an experiment we had to extend the tones or beats on a tape. Lets say in a normal range there may be 10 signals in a 10 second span, my job, as well as the others who were participating, was to extend the signals so that there were more in that same span. It worked but every once in awhile I seemed to shorten them instead but that's a whole other story. Just remember to try for clockwise direction of the needle.
2. This method is the HAND method. Place one or both hands about 1 inch or 2 inches above the compass. Close your eyes, but if you close your eyes you'll need a spotter to watch the needle for you.
I suppose you could video yourself and check the tape later. Electronic gadgets! I love'em! Next, DON'T THINK anything! Just relax holding your hand above the compass an have a knowing resolve of what you are there to do--- then just allow the neural network in your brain to do what it knows how to do. Be mindful, however, of why you are there doing what you are doing just don't think about it, that's all. You are not suppose to be engaging the cognitive part of your brain. You may or may not feel the energy surge through your arms and fingers. I usually do. Sometimes, my hair static's out and I look like I've been frightened or about to be hit by lightning. If that isn't a sight!! That's all there is to this exercise. Simple, easy and to the point. Your goal and only goal at this juncture is to get the needle to move.
A word of CAUTION. Don't use an expensive compass, as usually this exercise winds up ruining it to work as an actual compass again. This energy will alter certain structures.

Cork and Water Exercise

1. Here is another easy exercise for honing your psychokinetic skills. This method is very simple to put together. Water? Yes, remember? Less surface friction and offers less resistance. If you are going to be able to utilize telekinetic energy, at all, then this is the probably one of the most easy. Basically, all you need is a bowl of water, a cork, and a small paper clip. You can either glue the paper clip to the top of the cork, if you like, as all you are trying to do is add a little weight to cork so the cork doesn't float around on its own by room current or room air flow. The other method is to make a groove in the top of the cork. Uncoil the paper clip and let it rest in the groove. Either way, both work just fine.
2. Again, as in the compass method, place your hands about 1 or 2 inches above the cork. Release all preconceived ideas as to what should be happening next. Just let the energy flow. Feel it move through your arms and out through your finger tips. In a really good session you can have that cork sailing all over the bowl.
3. Try to remember that this "happening" happens in between the off/on phases of consciousness. I don't mean unconsciousness like passed out or fainting that's something else. I mean here aware and not aware phases of reality consciousness. I remember when I first was trying this technique when I started out years ago. I tried, and tried (I was still Willing and Thinking reality in those days) but that cork didn't budge. When all of a sudden the phone rang in that split second of me NOT THINKING the cork flew over to the side of the blow!
Floating Wood
Exercise One
Meditate for half an hour.
Fill a clear glass bowl with fresh water. Drop a toothpick or other small wooden object into the middle of the dish. Since there will be no friction between the water and the object, it will be easy to move it because there is less resistance.
Get comfortable and breathe deeply.
Look at the toothpick. Imagine your mind's "hand" coming out and pushing on the object, and imagine it gliding across the water to the other side of the dish. Feel the energy pushing on it. You should begin to notice some movement after a while. You can use your hands to direct your energy, but don't touch or blow on the toothpick.
Once you have practiced this and you believe you have gotten the hang of it, take it one step further. Imagine that you are pushing down on the object, forcing it to go under the surface of the water. This will take more concentration, but the results are also more significant.
Physical Objects (Advanced)
You can use a number of physical objects, and attempt to move them. Some suggestions are: Tipping a spoon, which is balanced off the side of a cup (you can hold your hand near). Bending the flame of a candle. Making a pendulum swing. Or try more difficult things like levitating object (yourself Included), closing doors etc.
For more Advanced techniques check out the advanced techniques page or the levitation page.
Physical Telekinesis
Moving a Small Object
Choose a small, lightweight object, preferably made of a light metal, such as a cheap ring.
Clear your mind completely. You should have NO distractions whatsoever, and try not to let erroneous thoughts into your mind, or you will lose your focus. Concentration is vital.
Build a "tunnel" between you and the object. Visualize this tunnel between yourself and the object. You only see the object. Everything else is outside of the tunnel, and thus, outside of your view.
Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... ) It may sound silly, but it works!
Don't expect this to work the first time you try it. It might, but there is also a chance it will not. Try, try again! If you cannot devote your time and patience to this, don't bother trying it at all.
Why Can't I get Things To Slide or Lift?
Remember, there are laws governing these principles. We may not understand or even be cognizant of them, but they are there and they do work!!
One of the reasons it is so difficult to get things to lift or slide has to do with friction, resistance, etc. Okay, consider this. You are trying to get a bowl to slide across the counter.. Ask yourself about the dynamics involved here. Do you realize just how much energy it takes to perform that event?
A lot!! It's harder than bending a spoon or fork! Why? Because you are deal with things like horizontal distances between the objects center of mass, the point of contact to the surfaces. Friction, remember? It's actually, easier to levitate (lift it) it that drag it. Remember, that you want to start with easier things first, then if you find you have an ability graduate to other things. I'd love to be able to do what Matilda could do, Anyone see that movie? She had everything dancing about in the room!
Just remember - it IS possible!
Dancing Flame
Meditate for half an hour.
Light a candle in a safe place. A white candle on a white/light colored table is best.
Get comfortable and breathe deeply.
Stare at the candle's flame. Do not think about anything, clear the mind but keep the flame in front of you. Soon you should see only the flame. Not the table, not the candle, not the room and objects surrounding you, just the flame.
Now imagine the flame is stretching upward, growing taller, brighter. You can put your hand above it and imagine you are drawing the flame upward. Imagine the flame shrinks, becomes smaller and shorter. Imagine it flickers and dances. Imagine it bends. Practice these things until you feel you are "one" with the flame, and it is doing as you desire it to.
Keep practicing this, once you are comfortable with your ability to do this, try putting the candle out with your mind. Could you light it up again with just your mind? Hmm... anything is possible!
This is a simple experiment to exercise telekinesis.
Take a metal thumbtack (the kind with a flat, circular base) and set it so that the sharp end is pointing upward. Now take a small square of white paper, about 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch (maybe even smaller), and carefully balance it on top of the tack. You can replace the bit of paper with a piece of carefully cut aluminum foil if you feel more comfortable with metallic energies.
Meditate for half an hour.
Now sit in front of the "psi-wheel" you have just created. Stare on one corner of the square of paper. Focus all your energy on that one corner, willing the paper to start turning on top of the point. Imagine the wheel (the paper) begins to spin on the axis (the tack). Hold your concentration for as long as it takes for you to get it spinning.
Once you have the hang of this, try knocking the paper off the tack!

Swinging on a String
Meditate for half an hour.
Cut a piece of thread about 10 inches long. Tie a wide object to it, like a needle, a toothpick, or a short piece of a wooden rod. Hang the string so that you can sit comfortably in front of the hanging object.
Sit far enough away from the string so that you know you aren't making the object spin with your breathing. Let the object come to a complete stop, not turning at all in midair.
Take a deep breath.
Focus all your attention on one side of the object, right or left, it doesn't matter which. Imagine the object slowly turning as if your mind was really pushing against that side of it. You can use your fingers to "point" your energy, but do not touch the object.
Once it starts to turn, and who knows how long it will take you to get this far, imagine that your energy pushes it faster so it speeds up. It should turn with greater momentum.
Practice this. Once you get the hang of it, keep using this method to get the object to swing instead of just spin. Good luck!


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تاریخ عضویت
9 دسامبر 2007
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age momkene titr haro ba fonte dorosht bezarid