من هم دنبال همین موضوع هستم سایت بزنم با چه موضوعی؟:blink:
منم گفتم که از موضوع منحرف نشی دیگه! :دی (تاپیکو به انحراف نکشی!)
اینارم نگاه کن شاید یه ایده گرقتی:
Pet Memorials – a place where pet lovers can remember their deceased pets.
My top ten – ask visitors to list their top ten from a choice of different categories.
I confess – a site where people can confess their sins.
My best/worst experience – visitors could describe their experiences for the world to see.
Sorry – a place where visitors could post a sorry message.
Niche articles – visitors can upload articles on a specific subject.
Favourite video – visitors can place links with a short review of any video they find.
Ad forever – similar to million dollar homepage, advertisers place an ad for a single fee.
My story – visitors can write about anything.
Pictures of ? - London, New York, bikes, dogs, horses or anything. Visitors upload pictures for the world to see.
Finder site - absolutely any subject that interests you.
Save our - site where users can ask for help to save a church, school, club or anything else.
All about a name - site dedicated to a particular name such as Robert, Julie, David or any other name.
Before and after - site where users can upload a before and after picture of their achievements for the world to see. From houses to cars and anything else, this site could be very popular.
Your opinion - users can give their opinion on any subject for all to see. This could become a very active social network site.