برگزیده های پرشین تولز



کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
2 ژوئن 2004
من يه مشكل كوچك با اين upload دارم
من كد upload بدون كامپوننتو دارم فقط مشكلش اينكه مقاديري كه تو database مي گيره فقط از راه session يعني من بايد اول يه فرم واسه مقادير بسازم بعد اونارو بريزم تو session بعد فايل رو upload كنم:(
مي خواستم ببنينم كسي كد ديگه بلد كه مستقيما از request مقدار ده بشه:wacko: :wacko:


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
25 نوامبر 2003
محل سکونت
اينم جواب شما

دوتا صفحه داريم كه به هم لينك دارن اين يكيش به نام upload_class.asp

'|Class:	FileUpload	  |
'|Date:		11:01 PM 7/23/2002|
'|By:		M.Meijer	  |
'|Version:	1.0		  |
'To upload and save a file submitted within a html form
'Uploading files with this class is not recommended for huge files, 
'it takes alot of time saving the file to a textstream (as it the function 'save' does).
'It takes 7.812ms to upload a file from 'localhost', with a size of 40,000 bytes.
'Saving this file however costs 1078.125ms, and it takes 145828.1ms to save a file of 5.5Mb.
'Conclusion don't save big files, use the maxfilesize property to limit the filesize.
'The class can only handly one file on a submission.
'The file will be saved in the specified 'Path', if there is no 'path' set, it can't save the file. (doh!)
'	ContentType	string	read		Content-Type of the file
'	Filename	string	read/write	Name of the file
'	Path		string	read/write	A path to a directory with permissions to write the file
'	Size		long	read		The size of the file in bytes
'	AllowedFiles	string 	read/write	Allowed file extension(s), multiple seperated with a comma
'	Maxfilesize	long	read/write	Maximum allowed size of the file
'	Error		string	read		The explenation of an error if occured
'	Upload() = Status
'		Copies the result of Request.Binaryread to a file
'		Status 		integer		0	Upload success
'						1	A file has not been posted
'						2	File exceeds the maximum allowed filesize
'						3	Type is not allowed
'	Save(Overwrite)	= Satus
'		Slaat de bytearray op in een bestand met de in Filename gedefineerde bestandsnaam,
'		in de in Path gedefineerde diretorie.
'		Overwrite 	boolean		true	If the file exists it will be overwritten
'						false   If the file exists it will not be overwritten
'		Status		integer		0	The file has been saved
'						1	The binary value could not be written to a file
'						2	There is no binary value
'						3	The filename is empty
'						4	An error already occured, can't continue
Class FileUpload
	Private strContentType
	Private bytData
	Private strFilename
	Private strPath
	Private lngTotalbytes
	Private strAllowedFiles
	Private lngMaxFileSize
	Private strError
	Private Sub Class_initialize()
		strContentType	= ""
		bytData		= chrB(10)
		strFilename	= ""
		strPath		= ""
		lngTotalbytes	= 0
		strAllowedFiles	= ""
		lngMaxFileSize	= 0
		strError	= ""
	End Sub
	Private Sub CLass_Terminate()
		bytData = Null
	End Sub

	Public Property Get Size
		Size = lngTotalbytes
	End Property

	Public Property Let MaxFileSize(byval vData)
		If isNumeric(vData) > 0 Then
			lngMaxFileSize = vData
		End If
	End Property

	Public Property Get MaxFilesize
		MaxFilesize = lngMaxFileSize
	End Property

	Public Property Let AllowedFiles(byval vData)
		If Len(vData) > 0 Then
			strAllowedFiles = vData
		End If
	End Property

	Public Property Get AllowedFiles
		AllowedFiles = strAllowedFiles
	End Property

	Public Property Get Error
		Error = strError
	End Property

	Public Property Get ContentType
		ContentType = strContentType
	End Property
	Public Property Let Path(byval vData)
		If Len(vData) > 0 Then
			strPath = vData
		End If	
	End Property

	Public Property Get Path
		Path = strPath
	End Property

	Public Property Let Filename(byval vData)
		If Len(vData) > 0 Then
			strFilename = vData
		End If	
	End Property

	Public Property Get Filename
		Filename = strFilename
	End Property
	Public Function Upload()' as integer
		Dim bytAllData
		lngTotalbytes = Request.Totalbytes
		If lngTotalbytes > 0 Then
			If lngMaxFilesize <> 0 Then
				If lngTotalBytes > lngMaxFileSize Then
					strError = "The file exceeds the allowed capacity."
					Upload = 2
					Exit Function
				End If
			End If
			bytAllData = Request.BinaryRead(lngTotalbytes)
			strContentType 	= GetContentType(bytAllData)
			strFilename	= GetFilename(bytAllData)
			If strAllowedFiles <> "" Then
				If Not AllowedFile(strFilename)  Then
					strError = "Filetype is not allowed."
					Upload = 3
					Exit Function
				End If
			End If
			bytData		= GetData(bytAllData)
			Upload = 0
			Upload = 1
			strError = "No data recieved."
		End If
	End Function

	Public Function Save(byval bOverwrite)
		If strError <> "" Then
			Save = 4
			Exit Function
		End If
		If strPath <> "" Then
			If Mid(strPath,Len(strPath)-1,1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath & "\"
			If strFilename <> "" Then
				If LenB(bytData) > 1 Then
					If SaveBinaryData(bytData,strPath & strFilename,bOverwrite) Then
						Save = 0
						Save = 1 
					End If
					Save = 2
					strError = "No data."
				End If
				Save = 3 
				strError = "Not a valid filename specified."
			End If
			Save = 4 
			strError = "No path specified."
		End If
	End Function

	Private Function AllowedFile(byval sFilename)'as boolean
		Dim arrAllowedFiles, intCount
		Dim strExtension
		If Len(sFilename) > 0 Then 
			If inStr(sFilename,".") > 0 Then
				strExtension = Mid(sFilename,Len(sFilename) - inStr(strReverse(sFilename),".")+2)
				arrAllowedFiles = Split(strAllowedFiles,",")
				AllowedFile = False
				For intCount = 0 To Ubound(arrAllowedFiles)
					If arrAllowedFiles(intCount) <> "" Then
						If Lcase(strExtension) = Lcase(Trim(arrAllowedFiles(intCount))) Then
							AllowedFile = True
							Exit For
						End If
					End If
				AllowedFile = False
			End If
			AllowedFile = False
		End If
	End Function 

	Private Function SaveBinaryData(byval bData, byval sFilename, byval bOverwrite) 'as boolean
		Dim objFs, objTextFile
		Dim intCount, strFile
		If LenB(bData) < 2 Then
			strError = "No data."
			SaveBinaryData = False
			Exit Function
		End If

		Set objFs = Server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
		If Not objFs.FolderExists(strPath) Then
			strError = "Directory does not exists."
			SaveBinaryData = False
			Exit Function
		End If

		If Not bOverwrite And objFs.FileExists(sFilename) Then
			strError = "File already exists."
			SaveBinaryData = False
			Exit Function
		End If

		Set objTextFile = objFs.CreateTextFile(sFilename,True,False)
		For intCount = 1 To LenB(bData)
			objTextFile.Write Chr(AscB(MidB(bData,intCount,1)))
		Set objTextFile = Nothing
		Set objFs = Nothing
		Session("file") = Null
		SaveBinaryData = True
	End Function	

	Private Function GetData(byval bFile)'as bytearray
		Dim intStart, intEnd
		If LenB(bFile) < 1  Then
			GetData = ChrB(10)
			Exit Function
		End If
		intStart = inStrB(bFile,ChrB(13) & ChrB(10) & ChrB(13) & ChrB(10)) + 4
		intEnd = inStrB(bFile,ChrB(13) & ChrB(10) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45)& ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(45))
		If intStart > 0 Then
			If intStart < intEnd Then
				GetData = MidB(bFile, intStart, intEnd - intStart)
				GetData = ChrB(10)
			End If
			GetData = ChrB(10)
		End If
	End Function

	Private Function GetFilename(byval bFile)' as string
		Dim bytFilename, bytChar, strFilename
		Dim intStart, intCount	

		If LenB(bFile) < 1  Then
			GetFilename = ""
			Exit Function
		End If

		If LenB(bFile) > 0 Then
			If inStrB(bFile,ChrB(102) & ChrB(105) & ChrB(108) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(110) & ChrB(97) & ChrB(109) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(61)) Then
				intStart = inStrB(bFile, ChrB(102) & ChrB(105) & ChrB(108) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(110) & ChrB(97) & ChrB(109) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(61)) + 10
				For intCount = intStart To LenB(bFile)
					bytChar = MidB(bFile, intCount,1)
					If bytChar = ChrB(34) Then
						Exit For
					End If
					bytFilename = bytFilename & bytChar
			End If
		End If
		For intCount = 1 To LenB(bytFilename)
			strFilename = strFilename & Chr(AscB(MidB(bytFilename,intCount,1)))
		strFilename = Mid(strFilename,Len(strFilename) - inStr(strReverse(strFilename),"\")+2)
		GetFilename = strFilename
	End Function

	Private Function GetContentType(byval bFile)
		Dim bytContentType, strContentType, bytChar
		Dim intStart, intCount

		If LenB(bFile) < 1 Then
			GetContentType = ""
			Exit Function
		End If

		If inStrB(bFile,ChrB(67) & ChrB(111) & ChrB(110) & ChrB(116) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(110) & ChrB(116) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(84) & ChrB(121) & ChrB(112) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(58)) > 0 Then
			intStart = inStrB(bFile,ChrB(67) & ChrB(111) & ChrB(110) & ChrB(116) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(110) & ChrB(116) & ChrB(45) & ChrB(84) & ChrB(121) & ChrB(112) & ChrB(101) & ChrB(58)) + 14
			For intCount = intStart To LenB(bFile)
				bytChar = MidB(bFile, intCount,1)
				If bytChar = ChrB(13) Then
					Exit For
				End If
				bytContentType = bytContentType & bytChar
		End If
		For intCount = 1 To LenB(bytContentType)
			strContentType = strContentType & Chr(AscB(MidB(bytContentType,intCount,1)))
		GetContentType = strContentType
	End Function
End Class



Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
25 نوامبر 2003
محل سکونت
و اينم صفحه دوم به نام upload_page.asp

اگه مشكلي بود بپرس

<!-- #include file="upload_class.asp" -->
Server.ScriptTimeout = 300 'now i can upload and save files upto ~8Mb
Dim intLevel, intUpload, intSave, strError, strContenType, strFilename, lngFileSize
Dim objUpload
Dim lngTime, lngUploadTime, lngSaveTime
intLevel = Request.QueryString("level")
If intLevel = 1 Then
	Set objUpload = New FileUpload
	With objUpload
		.Path = "F:\Inetpub\wwwroot\test"
		lngTime = Timer()
		intUpload = .Upload
		lngUploadTime = Round((Timer() - lngTime) * 1000,3)
		lngTime = Timer()
		intSave = .Save(true)
		lngSaveTime = Round((Timer() - lngTime) * 1000,3)
		strError = .Error
		strFilename = .Filename
		lngFilesize = .Size
		strContentType= .ContentType
	End With
	Set objUpload = Nothing
End If

wr "<hr style=""height:1px;width:100%;"" />"
wr "Upload = " & intUpload & "<br />"
wr "Save = " & intSave & "<br />"
wr "Error = " & strError & "<br />"
wr "Filename = " & strFilename & "<br />"
wr "Filesize = " & lngFilesize & "<br />"
wr "Content-Type = " & strContentType & "<br />"
wr "Upload time = " & lngUploadTime & " ms<br />"
wr "Save time = " & lngSaveTime & " ms <br />"
wr "<hr style=""height:1px;width:100%;"" />"

Sub wrForm
	wr "<form method=""post"" enctype=""multipart/form-data"" action=""?level=1"">"
	wr "<input type=""file"" name=""file""></input>"
	wr "<input type=""submit""></input>"
	wr "</form>"
End Sub

Sub wrHead
	wr "<html>"
	wr "<head>"
	wr "<title>upload</title>"
	wr "</head>"
	wr "<body>"
End Sub

Sub wrFoot
	wr "</body>"
	wr "</html>"
End Sub

Sub wr(byval sText)
	If sText <> "" Then Response.Write sText & vbNewLine
End Sub


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
2 ژوئن 2004
مرسي ولي منظورم اين بود تو فرم ارسال بجز browser مثلا چندتا textbox داشته باشيم و همزمان هم فايل upload بشه هم اطلاعات تو database ذخيره بشه:eek:


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
2 ژوئن 2004
آقا يكي كمك كنه!!


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
25 نوامبر 2003
محل سکونت
يكم صبر كن اونم ميزارم اينجا
خودتو نكش