سلام، ارور 6502 توی ip4840 canon را چطوری برطرف کنم؟
اين رو بخونيد
This error generally means that your cartridge chips cannot be recognized. The primary causes are: Covering of the LED at the back of the chip (by ink?). Incorrect chip positioning on the cartridge.The LED on one or more of the cartridges has been damaged if removed from original cartridge.The Chips have been mixed up, if removed and replaced, the wrong Chip has gone on the wrong color. And lastly Ink is covering the cartridge chip or a sensitive area of the cartridge and preventing the LED light sensor from functioning. ( my problem)
اين هم راه حلش
follow the following steps it might help you
With the printer unplug, remove the ink cart to the right, Plug in the printer, Press the POWER button, Do not release the POWER button, and then press the RESUME button twice in succession .Now release the POWER button ,press the RESUME button 4 times.
The beeper may sound once. Then with the printer unplugged, after that reset the printer electronics, open the printer and this process is finished.