If your 6630 is acting very weird or frequently encountered hang or restart issues. I have put together a simple HOW-TO procedure to help you overcome/savage/solve these issues.
NOTE: You will need your 6630, a CARD READER and a BLUETOOTH DONGLE for these tasks.
1) Access to your Contacts list>Options>Mark/Unmark>Mark all>Options>Copy>To memoey card.
2) Soft Reset your 6630 back to factory default. Press *#7370# and hit on YES.
3) With a card reader, copy those stuff you want from your mmc card to the desktop on your comp. i suggest IMAGES, SOUNDS/DIGITAL, OTHERS/CONTACTS and SYSTEM/APPS/DICTIONARY.
4) Use your 6630 to format. if your 6630 cannot format due to unknown reason, use your comp to format it (FAT + slow format), then use your 6630 to format it again.
5) Copy back the stuff from your desktop to your mmc, folder by folder.
6) Change your phone's name in Bluetooth. Pair it with your comp and set as authorised.
7) Bluetooth FExplorer to your 6630 and install it to your MMC.
8 ) With a card reader, drag all your app installation files into OTHERS/APPS for ease of reinstalling all your apps.
9) With a card reader, drag all your game installation files into OTHERS/GAMES for ease of reinstalling all your games.
10) With a card reader, drag all your theme installation files into OTHERS/THEMES for ease of reinstalling all your themes.