• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

Batman Arkham City Lockdown

jahan hamed

کاربر فعال تاریخ و گردشگری
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
27 مارس 2007
محل سکونت




This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad
Category: Games
Released: Dec 08, 2011
Version: 1.0
Size: 612 MB
Language: English
Seller: Warner Bros. Entertainment
BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY LOCKDOWN software © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Developed by NetherRealm Studios. Unreal® Engine, copyright 1998-2011 Epic Games, Inc. Unreal®, Unreal® Technology and the Powered by Unreal® Technology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. BATMAN and all characters, their distinctive likenesses, and related elements are trademarks of DC Comics © 2011. All Rights Reserved. WB GAMES LOGO, WB SHIELD: ™ & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s11) Rated 12+ for the following:
Frequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Frequent/Intense Realistic Violence
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later

The inmates have escaped and Batman has his hands full defeating an army of henchmen and some of his most iconic villains. Scour the rooftops and the seedy underbelly of Gotham City through a series of one-on-one battles with the Joker, Two-Face and more, as well as the Batman: Arkham City Lockdown exclusive – Deathstroke. Choose from several Batman skins and power-ups as you punch, kick and combo your way to cleaning up Gotham City.

لینک ایتونز
Batman Arkham City Lockdown for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store

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