• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

How to Earn Money with Trafficmonsoon?


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2015
محل سکونت

Everyday you will receive ads to click worth around $0.10 and for every referral that click you will earn around additional $0.10 (100% referral commission)

1 referral you earn around $0.10 daily
5 referrals you earn around $0.50 daily
10 referrals you earn around $1.00 daily
100 referrals you earn around $10 daily
1000 referrals you earn around $100 daily

So, you can see even with just a few referrals you can earn good amount of money all as a FREE MEMBER.

How to Earn Money with Trafficmonsoon?
Cash LinksCash Links are basically paid-to-click ads. It helps the members to grow their earnings. TrafficMonsoon is very competitive on the paid-to-click (PTC) industry since not many PTC offer as much earnings as TrafficMonsoon does.
There are two types of Cash Links to click:
  • $0.01 cash links with a 30 seconds timer
  • $0.02 cash links with a 60 seconds timer

Referrals (Earn 100% referrals clicks commission)TrafficMonsoon offers a very generous incentive to the promoters. When you bring a customer on TrafficMonsoon, they will earn you good commissions:
  • 100% commissions per cash link click
  • 10% commissions on every purchase (except the cash links credits)

This means that every referral you bring on TrafficMonsoon can earn you commissions. As free members, you will earn 100% commission on all the cash links they click. Whatever they earn by clicking, you also earn the same amount. As advertisers, they will earn you 10% commissions everytime they purchase a service.
Remember that you need to surf at least 10 sites by simply clicking on 'Start Surfing' button every 24 hours in the Traffic Exchange to qualify to earn from paid ads and also to earn commissions on your referrals cash link clicks.

About Trafficmonsoon
(Traffic Monsoon is the best business opportunity for people to make money online!)
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people around the world today are seeking for a way to make more money to either supplement or replace a full-time income. People from all walks of life were faced by a new challenge for income generation, and with it came multiple new opportunities to participate in referral based commission structures. The opportunity to earn additional income or full-time income online has already been realized by several thousands of people around the globe.

Expansion for anyone's internet income generation within any referral based income opportunities requires focus and development of skill of increasing your internet exposure. Reaching the target market of people seeking home based business opportunities, tools, and resources can pose as a major difficulty. Additionally, continually paying for more products, tools, and advertising services without earning a penny can be extremely frustrating. TrafficMonsoon has been built to make it easier for your offers to reach the internet income community, while at the same time give you opportunity to begin earning by simply participating in traffic exchange services.

CLICK HERE to view the company Registration Details.
Traffic Monsoon is a Tested, Safe and Certified Website CLICK HERE for further information.

Traffic Monsoon LLC holds a website identity assurance warranty of $1,750,000 by Comodo. This means that you are insured for up to $1,750,000 when relying on the information provided by IdAuthority on the official Traffic Monsoon website. US Patent Number 7,603,699

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Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2015
محل سکونت
معرفی دو سایت جدید cashnhits - trafficmonsoon برای کسب درآمد و زیرمجموعه گیری
