Development Blog
A note from the admin team: As many of you are well aware, has absolutely exploded with growth over the past 24 hours. Some of the lovely results were server downtime coupled with slow logins. Rest assured, is here to stay. We thought that giving some backing on where everything currently stands would help some users to understand where we are going.
While obviously offers 30 gigs of storage, that is just one of the many great features we plan on offering. We plan on branching off into a true "All in one" service, which will be invite only for the time being.
Whats coming real soon?
The status bar showing your quota
GD2 Geo targeting which will show you on a map where that email you just got came from.
Anonymous email, the ability to press "send as anonymous" instead of send.
Complete revamp of the inbox, including WYSIWYG editor, quick reply, and much much more.
FILE UPLOAD SYSTEM. This has been a real pain for us to work on, but its coming along nicely. Inside your inbox, you will have a link to a file upload center, where you can upload files and organize them with folders. There will be a 600 meg limit for uploaded files via this system.
30 Gigs notifier, which will sit in your system tray.
POP/IMAP access
Whats coming to in regards to other ideas?
We plan on offering a plethora of services that will out gun anyone out there. (even the big dogs, like MSN and google)
We will begin working on a user portal shortly, where you can import RSS feeds, view your email, Check the weather, and so much more.
30Gig web hosting. This will include 30 gigs of transfer and 30 gigs of space. Mysql and ftp access will be included
Who knows what else? 30Gigs marketplace? Dating? We want to create a "down to earth" site which has every feature you need.
Got a idea of what you would like? Send it in!
[email protected]
We are in the process of moving from our servers to the data center, where we will be grabbing up 2 dedicated racks, with all the storage and bandwidth we could ask for.
A big issue with people is how we are paying for all of this. Well, thats simple. People have donated to the service. Up until this point, all funding for the site has come from friends and family. We are hoping to create a self sustaining service, which will take care of itself. We promise that we will NEVER end up like some mail services (
[email protected] ) for example. We strive on being as ad-free as possible.
30Gigs would like to thank all of our beta testers, and everyone who has sent in bugs. It will be the users that make this site. We will not end up as some lifeless drone of a website, where you simply create a account and thats it. You will have the opportunity to interact with the members, and we plan on making it happen as soon as we can get the coding done.
Warm regards,
The Team
P.S- Its maIL box again
In progress: (Should be completed in under 5 days)
Main priority: Enable the user options menu (to edit account info, folders, password, etc..)
Re-arrange links. (signout will be on top right on all pages, reply below new messages, etc..
Add welcome email for new signups
Fix invite scrolling when the users email is longer than space allowed by auto line formatting
Extend login time and redirect users who are currently logged in from homepage to mailbox
Auto notification when someone you invite accepts your invite and creates a account
Auto add to address book people who you invite and accept
Create Web based interface where users can upload files and sort them, instead of having to email themself with a file attached
Create a status bar that shows current disk usage
Create a "ignore" system to auto ignore emails with certain text inside
Add Search to inbox
Remove Inbox.folder and have them renamed just as they are.
Features that will be added within 2 weeks:
Send email as function. This will allow you to send a email from any other address (EG,
[email protected], after we verify that you own this email address)
Add Geo targetting window to left side, showing you the IP and GUI Map of the senders location
Add multi language Support
Create Notifier program (Very similar to Gm*il Notifier)
Add GD2 security to signup form