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کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
30 مارس 2006
رجیستر شده lock me رو از کجا بگیرم


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
25 ژانویه 2005
محل سکونت
به نقل از majid_n :
رجیستر شده lock me رو از کجا بگیرم

من اينو تست نكردم مسئوليت نصبش با خودت
موفق باشيد


Description: With "LockMe" you can easily lock your keyboard and the whole phone. You can set a keypad auto lock period which will prevent the phone from accidental calls. "LockMe" allows you to choose the most convenient unlock combination for yourself. Nokia users, you can forget now the boring "Unlock" + "*"! Another feature allows you to set a day period during which the phone will light the display after any key activity. Thus, unlocking keypad in the night will be as easy as in the day. "LockMe" also provides a way to protect your phone and its data in case you have lost it. By sending one SMS with the last 4 digits of the IMEI and a text, you will lock your phone remotely and the text will appear on the screen. So you can ask the conscientious person that finds the phone to signal you on another address/phone. Or you can use the feature in your own creative way. In case of a going phone call, your SMS will end the call before locking the phone, thus saving you a lot of troubles if the phone has been stolen..
Main features:
* Keypad
o Auto Lock period definition
o "Light" day period definition. During it every pressed key will light the display, even in case of the keypad is locked
o Easier unlock combination selection
* Phone
o SMS Lock Management. Enabling this function allows you to lock you phone from a distance just by sending one SMS
o SMS Confirmation. If you enable this feature, after your locking SMS, the phone will reply with SMS containing its IMEI code and its location cell ID..
Version 1.03:
* Some problems has been fixed
* Feature allowing automatic keypad unlock during software installation has been added
* Easy unlock is now unlocking the keypad faster..
SMS format:Code Lock Textwhere Code are the last 4 digits of the phone's IMEI code for security reasons. Lock is the command for the phone.Text will be displayed on the phone after the SMS is received.
Example: If you have a device with IMEI 352350-10-248688-8 and you want to display on the phone 'The phone has been forgotten! Please call +1887389675', you should send the following SMS:6888 Lock The phone has been forgotten! Please call +1887389675..