نميدونم اين خبر خوبه يا بد اما به هر حال باعث ايجاد شدن يك غول بزرگ در صنعت موبايل خواهد بود
من اين خبر رو از سايت www.gizmodo.com خوندم كه اونجا هم از reuters نقل شده بود كه:
زيمنس در 3 ماه آينده برنامه ادغام داره و داره دنبال يك برند ديگه مي گرده كه با هم به اين بازار برسند
Siemens has decided to split off their mobile business in an effort to make it more attractive for a forthcoming merger or partnership with another cell phone brand. Siemens says they’ll likely keep only a minority share if any partnership comes out of their talks with the several potential partners they’re in discussions with presently. They hope to have the carve-out completed within three months and, of course, are “confident in finding a solution,” shortly thereafter.
به نظر من كه اين طوري بهتر مي شه جلو نوكيا رو گرفت!!
نميدونم اين خبر خوبه يا بد اما به هر حال باعث ايجاد شدن يك غول بزرگ در صنعت موبايل خواهد بود
من اين خبر رو از سايت www.gizmodo.com خوندم كه اونجا هم از reuters نقل شده بود كه:
زيمنس در 3 ماه آينده برنامه ادغام داره و داره دنبال يك برند ديگه مي گرده كه با هم به اين بازار برسند
Siemens has decided to split off their mobile business in an effort to make it more attractive for a forthcoming merger or partnership with another cell phone brand. Siemens says they’ll likely keep only a minority share if any partnership comes out of their talks with the several potential partners they’re in discussions with presently. They hope to have the carve-out completed within three months and, of course, are “confident in finding a solution,” shortly thereafter.
به نظر من كه اين طوري بهتر مي شه جلو نوكيا رو گرفت!!