قسمت والت آیدی نوشته که
Wallet ID
Use your Wallet ID to log in using our web client, or simply scan the code below (click on 'Show Pairing Code') with your Blockchain Mobile Wallet (iOS or Android) to access your wallet on your mobile devices.
Wallet ID is your unique identifier. It is completely individual to you, and it is what you will use to log in and access your wallet. It is not an address for sending or receiving. Do not share your Wallet ID with others.
یعنی والت ایدی هست ولی باهاش هیچ کار نمیشه انجام داد!!
چی کارش کنم؟
Wallet ID
Use your Wallet ID to log in using our web client, or simply scan the code below (click on 'Show Pairing Code') with your Blockchain Mobile Wallet (iOS or Android) to access your wallet on your mobile devices.
Wallet ID is your unique identifier. It is completely individual to you, and it is what you will use to log in and access your wallet. It is not an address for sending or receiving. Do not share your Wallet ID with others.
یعنی والت ایدی هست ولی باهاش هیچ کار نمیشه انجام داد!!
چی کارش کنم؟