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گوشیم E250 هسیت
روی سیم کارتش قفل گذاشتم و الانم پسوورد رو گم کردم
هر کارری هم می کنم نه پسووردش ریست میشه نه پاک میشه
یه راه پیدا کردم که بازم نشد اینم توضیحات انگلیسیش
دوستان کسی اینو دقیق ترجمه می کنه من درست قسمت 3/4 رو متوجه نشدم فکر کنم مشکل با این حل شه
روی سیم کارتش قفل گذاشتم و الانم پسوورد رو گم کردم
هر کارری هم می کنم نه پسووردش ریست میشه نه پاک میشه
یه راه پیدا کردم که بازم نشد اینم توضیحات انگلیسیش
دوستان کسی اینو دقیق ترجمه می کنه من درست قسمت 3/4 رو متوجه نشدم فکر کنم مشکل با این حل شه
Please follow the instructions carefully! Following are the 12-point instructions to unlock your Samsung E250 phone:
1. First do a CUSTOM RESET by tying in:
(Phone may display foreign language – don't worry! The last digits after the * will appear as - - - -; this is normal)
2. Turn off your phone
3. Take the battery and SIM out of the phone
4. Take a wrong network SIM (a SIM the phone does not currently accept) and insert it ONLY HALF way in, so when you turn on the phone it won't detect the SIM. Very important so the phone won't ask for network password and will show "Insert SIM" message.
The process of inserting only half of the SIM. I advice you to take care and do it with a soft approach as you might not have done this before.
5. 2. Now put the battery in carfully behind the protruding SIM card and switch the phone on. The phone must show "Insert SIM" message.
6. 3. Without turning off the phone, now push the SIM card all the way in, at this stage the phone must continue to display the "Insert SIM" message with the WRONG SIM inside.
7. Now make a FULL RESET by typing: *2767*3855#
9. Change the NCK password to 8 zeros by typing: *7465625*638*00000000*00000000#
8. The phone should reboot working with "wrong" SIM inside. (Do not turn off the phone)
10. Disable network lock by typing: #7465625*638*00000000#
12. Check this is done with *#7465625#
If your phone is not unlocked please retry the above ensuring all steps are followed to the letter, 9 out of 10 people who have problems have made a simple error and find that when they repeat all the steps it works.