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تمامی دیسک ها تی گیت
اکثرا با چاپ روی دیسک
دی وی دی ها در داپلیکتور استفاده شدند و همگی سالم و به شرط داده میشه چون تاحالا هزاران بار ازشون رایت شده
همین طور که میدونید الان دیسک خام 3500 هست اما اینها داره 1500 به فروش میرسه
تعداد کمتر از 10 عنوان فروخته نمیشه
لیست همینی هست که گذاشتم خارج از این لیست درخواست ندید
دلیل فروش مشغله کاری و بستن کار فروش بازی هست واسه همین حراج گذاشتم
به خریدار کلی تخفیف خوبی داده میشه
ace combat 6 fires of liberation
Alan Wake
all stars
Apache air assault
Armored Care V
Army of Two
Army of Two 40 day
Assassin creed 2
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed Brother Hoods
Batman arkham asylum
Battlefield bad company
Battlefield bad company2
Bejeweled 2-vol1
Bejeweled 2-vol2
ben vilgax to attacks alien force
Big game Haunter
Bionic commando
Black Site area 51
Blood stone 007
bourne conspiracy
brutal legend
Call of Duty MW3
call of duty world at war
Call of duty4 modern warfare
Call of juarez Bound in blood
Call of juarez Bound in blood===prince 4
Call of juarez the cartel
Call of juarez the cartel
Capitan America super soldier
Carnival Games monkey see,monkey Do
castlevania lords of shadow disc 2
Child of Eden
Criysis 2
Darksiders wrath of war
dead island
dead space
dead space 2
dead space 2 disk2
Dead to right Retribution
Deadrising 2
DEUS EX Human revolution
Devil may cry
Disney Universe
Dynasty warriors 7
enslaved odyssey to the west
F1 2010
Fallout new vegas
Fallout new vegas
Fifa 11
Fifa 12
fifa world cup south africa 2010
fight night
flash point
FLst of the north star
Forza MotorSport 3
Forza MotorSport 3 Pal
front mission evolved
frontlines Fuel of war
game of thrones
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Gears of War2-.
halo 3 odst
Halo wars limited edition
Harry potter & deatly hallows paet2
Harry potter & the half blood prince
harry potter and the deathly hallows part1
Homefront Bullet Storm
Just cause 2
Kane & lynch 2
kingdom space
L.A Noire -disk1
L.A noire -disk2
L.A noire -disk3
left 4dead 2
lost planet 2
Marvel vs capcom fate of two worlds
Mass effect 3 dvd1
Mass effect 3 dvd2
medal 6
Medal of Honor airborne
Men in black
Metal Gear Solid disk1
Metal Gear Solid disk2
metro 2033
Mid night Club los angeles
Mirrors edge
modern warfare 2
Mortal kombat
moto gp 10/11
MX vs ATV Reflex
n 2 ninety-nine night
Naughty bear
NBA 2k11
Need for Speed shift
Never Dead
ninja blade
Ninja gaiden 2
Ninja gaiden 3 Sleding
popcap arcade vol 2
Portal 2
prince of persia the forgotten sands
Quantum solace
Rayman Lords of shadow
Rayman Origins
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare
Red Faction armagedon
red faction guerrilla
Resident evil
Resident evil Racon city
Saw flesh & blood 2
Shift2 unleashed need for speed
Silent Hill DownPour
Skyrim the elder scrolls v
smack down vs raw
Sniper ghost warrior
sniperelife v2
Sonic adventure sega
Sonic unleashed
Space marine
Spider Man shatteremensions
Spider.Man edge of time
Split second
Star wars3
starwars the force unleashed
Street fighter IV
Summer Stars 2012
TDU2 Test drive unlimited
Terminator salvation
The Cursed Crusade
the lord of the rings conquest
THOR god of thunder
Tom clansys Rainbows six Vegas 2
toy story 3
Transformers dark of the moon
uasf janes advanced strike fighters
UFC 2012
UFC undisputed 2010
vin diesel wheelman
virtual tennis 4
Wanted weapons of fate
warriors legends of troy
wsc real 11 world snooker championship
X men destiny
X-men origins wolverine
Alan Wake
all stars
Apache air assault
Armored Care V
Army of Two
Army of Two 40 day
Assassin creed 2
Assassins Creed
Assassins Creed Brother Hoods
Batman arkham asylum
Battlefield bad company
Battlefield bad company2
Bejeweled 2-vol1
Bejeweled 2-vol2
ben vilgax to attacks alien force
Big game Haunter
Bionic commando
Black Site area 51
Blood stone 007
bourne conspiracy
brutal legend
Call of Duty MW3
call of duty world at war
Call of duty4 modern warfare
Call of juarez Bound in blood
Call of juarez Bound in blood===prince 4
Call of juarez the cartel
Call of juarez the cartel
Capitan America super soldier
Carnival Games monkey see,monkey Do
castlevania lords of shadow disc 2
Child of Eden
Criysis 2
Darksiders wrath of war
dead island
dead space
dead space 2
dead space 2 disk2
Dead to right Retribution
Deadrising 2
DEUS EX Human revolution
Devil may cry
Disney Universe
Dynasty warriors 7
enslaved odyssey to the west
F1 2010
Fallout new vegas
Fallout new vegas
Fifa 11
Fifa 12
fifa world cup south africa 2010
fight night
flash point
FLst of the north star
Forza MotorSport 3
Forza MotorSport 3 Pal
front mission evolved
frontlines Fuel of war
game of thrones
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Gears of War2-.
halo 3 odst
Halo wars limited edition
Harry potter & deatly hallows paet2
Harry potter & the half blood prince
harry potter and the deathly hallows part1
Homefront Bullet Storm
Just cause 2
Kane & lynch 2
kingdom space
L.A Noire -disk1
L.A noire -disk2
L.A noire -disk3
left 4dead 2
lost planet 2
Marvel vs capcom fate of two worlds
Mass effect 3 dvd1
Mass effect 3 dvd2
medal 6
Medal of Honor airborne
Men in black
Metal Gear Solid disk1
Metal Gear Solid disk2
metro 2033
Mid night Club los angeles
Mirrors edge
modern warfare 2
Mortal kombat
moto gp 10/11
MX vs ATV Reflex
n 2 ninety-nine night
Naughty bear
NBA 2k11
Need for Speed shift
Never Dead
ninja blade
Ninja gaiden 2
Ninja gaiden 3 Sleding
popcap arcade vol 2
Portal 2
prince of persia the forgotten sands
Quantum solace
Rayman Lords of shadow
Rayman Origins
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption undead nightmare
Red Faction armagedon
red faction guerrilla
Resident evil
Resident evil Racon city
Saw flesh & blood 2
Shift2 unleashed need for speed
Silent Hill DownPour
Skyrim the elder scrolls v
smack down vs raw
Sniper ghost warrior
sniperelife v2
Sonic adventure sega
Sonic unleashed
Space marine
Spider Man shatteremensions
Spider.Man edge of time
Split second
Star wars3
starwars the force unleashed
Street fighter IV
Summer Stars 2012
TDU2 Test drive unlimited
Terminator salvation
The Cursed Crusade
the lord of the rings conquest
THOR god of thunder
Tom clansys Rainbows six Vegas 2
toy story 3
Transformers dark of the moon
uasf janes advanced strike fighters
UFC 2012
UFC undisputed 2010
vin diesel wheelman
virtual tennis 4
Wanted weapons of fate
warriors legends of troy
wsc real 11 world snooker championship
X men destiny
X-men origins wolverine
لیست به صورت فایل اکسل
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