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- تاریخ عضویت
- 27 دسامبر 2002
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آقا من ميخوام از بلاگر مهاجرت كنم به MT. ولي نه بلدم قالبم رو عوض كنم، نه حال و حوصلة خوندن ليست Tag هاي MT رو دارم. اين احسان هم كه فك كنم تا حالا 25 تا پست نوشته: كار آسونيه، Tag هاي MT رو بايد اضافه كني، اينجا و اينجا رو هم ببين!
آدم خيرخواه اينجا پيدا ميشه قالباي ما رو برامون درست كنه؟ خدا 128 در دنيا، 1024 تا هم در آخرت بهش عوض بده!
به قول معروف: همسايهها كمك كنين، غزمر بلاگداري كنه!
اينم قالبها:
قالب نوشتهها:
[code:1]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<title>!و اينك اين من ِ سانسور شده</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
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/* */
/* solar.js - Solar Date Utility Functions */
/* Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Mahmood Shafiee Zargar, all rights reserved. */
/* */
/* [email protected] */
/* */
/* */
/* Original Pascal Code By Kambiz R. Khojaste */
/* */
/* This file is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either */
/* express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance */
/* of the functions provided in this unit are with you. The author is NOT */
/* liable for any DAMAGES resulting from the use and misuse of the unit, */
/* especially he is NOT liable for DAMAGES that were caused BY ANY VERSION */
/* */
var dkSolar = 0;
var dkGregorian = 1;
var DaysOfMonths = new Array();
var LeapMonth = new Array();
var DaysToMonth = new Array();
DaysOfMonths = [[31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29], [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]];
LeapMonth = [12, 2];
DaysToMonth = [[0, 31, 62, 93, 124, 155, 186, 216, 246, 276, 306, 336, 365], [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]];
function Integer(val)
this.value = val;
function IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)
if (DateKind == dkSolar)
return ((((Year + 38) * 31) % 128) <= 30);
return (((Year % 4) == 0) && (((Year % 100) != 0) || ((Year % 400) == 0)));
function DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)
var Result;
if ((Year != 0) && ((Month <= 12) && (Month >= 1)))
Result = DaysOfMonths[DateKind][Month - 1];
if ((Month == LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
return ((Year!= 0) && (Month >= 1) && (Month <= 12) && (Day >= 1) && Day <= (DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)));
function DaysToDate(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
var Result;
if (IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day))
Result = DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month - 1] + Day;
if ((Month > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function DateOfDay(DateKind, Days, Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay = 0;
Month.value = 0;
Day.value = 0;
for (var m = 2; m <= 13; m++)
if ((m > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && (IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year))) LeapDay = 1;
if (Days <= (DaysToMonth[DateKind][m - 1] + LeapDay))
Month.value = m - 1;
if (Month.value <= LeapMonth[DateKind]) LeapDay = 0;
Day.value = Days - (DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month.value - 1] + LeapDay);
return IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month.value, Day.value);
function GregorianToSolar(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevGregorianLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevGregorianLeap = IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value -= 622;
if (IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevGregorianLeap && (LeapDay == 1)) Days += 287
else Days += 286;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkSolar, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
function SolarToGregorian(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevSolarLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevSolarLeap = IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value += 621;
if (IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevSolarLeap && (LeapDay = 1)) Days += 80
else Days += 79;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkGregorian, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
var MonthNames = new Array();
var WeekDayNames = new Array();
var MonthDayNames = new Array();
MonthNames = ["فروردین", "اردیبهشت", "خرداد", "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند"];
WeekDayNames = ["یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه شنبه", "چهار شنبه", "پنج شنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه"];
MonthDayNames = ["اول", "دوم", "سوم", "چهارم", "پنجم", "ششم", "هفتم", "هشتم", "نهم", "دهم", "یازدهم", "دوازدهم", "سیزدهم", "چهاردهم", "پانزدهم", "شانزدهم", "هفدهم", "هجدهم", "نوزدهم", "بیستم", "بیست و یکم", "بیست و دوم", "بیست و سوم", "بیست و چهارم", "بیست و پنجم", "بیست و ششم", "بیست و هفتم", "بیست و هشتم", "بیست و نهم", "سی ام", "سی و یکم"];
function ConvertStr(DateStr, Format)
var Result;
var ObjDate = new Date();
var SplDate = DateStr.split("/");
var M = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[0]));
var D = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[1]));
var Y = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[2]));
ObjDate.setMonth(M.value - 1);
var W = ObjDate.getDay();
if (GregorianToSolar(Y, M, D))
switch (Format)
case 0:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 1:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 2:
Result = (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 3:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 4:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
case 5:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 6:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 7:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 8:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 9:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
Result = "Error converting date.";
return Result;
function ConvertDateTag(DateStr, Format)
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + ConvertStr(DateStr, Format) + "</div>";
function ConvertArchiveTag(DatesStr, Format)
var Dates = new Array();
Dates = DatesStr.split("-");
var Result = ConvertStr(Dates[0], Format) + " - " + ConvertStr(Dates[1], Format);
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + Result + "</div>";
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<br><a href="">نياز</a>
<br><a href="">Me, Myself & Ehsan</a>
<br><a href=""> چخوف منو نديدين</a>
<br><a href=""> رامين</a>
<br><a href="">مهدي</a>
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قالب آرشيو:
[code:1]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<title>!و اينك اين من ِ سانسور شده</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
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/* */
/* solar.js - Solar Date Utility Functions */
/* Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Mahmood Shafiee Zargar, all rights reserved. */
/* */
/* [email protected] */
/* */
/* */
/* Original Pascal Code By Kambiz R. Khojaste */
/* */
/* This file is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either */
/* express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance */
/* of the functions provided in this unit are with you. The author is NOT */
/* liable for any DAMAGES resulting from the use and misuse of the unit, */
/* especially he is NOT liable for DAMAGES that were caused BY ANY VERSION */
/* */
var dkSolar = 0;
var dkGregorian = 1;
var DaysOfMonths = new Array();
var LeapMonth = new Array();
var DaysToMonth = new Array();
DaysOfMonths = [[31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29], [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]];
LeapMonth = [12, 2];
DaysToMonth = [[0, 31, 62, 93, 124, 155, 186, 216, 246, 276, 306, 336, 365], [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]];
function Integer(val)
this.value = val;
function IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)
if (DateKind == dkSolar)
return ((((Year + 38) * 31) % 128) <= 30);
return (((Year % 4) == 0) && (((Year % 100) != 0) || ((Year % 400) == 0)));
function DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)
var Result;
if ((Year != 0) && ((Month <= 12) && (Month >= 1)))
Result = DaysOfMonths[DateKind][Month - 1];
if ((Month == LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
return ((Year!= 0) && (Month >= 1) && (Month <= 12) && (Day >= 1) && Day <= (DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)));
function DaysToDate(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
var Result;
if (IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day))
Result = DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month - 1] + Day;
if ((Month > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function DateOfDay(DateKind, Days, Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay = 0;
Month.value = 0;
Day.value = 0;
for (var m = 2; m <= 13; m++)
if ((m > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && (IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year))) LeapDay = 1;
if (Days <= (DaysToMonth[DateKind][m - 1] + LeapDay))
Month.value = m - 1;
if (Month.value <= LeapMonth[DateKind]) LeapDay = 0;
Day.value = Days - (DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month.value - 1] + LeapDay);
return IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month.value, Day.value);
function GregorianToSolar(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevGregorianLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevGregorianLeap = IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value -= 622;
if (IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevGregorianLeap && (LeapDay == 1)) Days += 287
else Days += 286;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkSolar, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
function SolarToGregorian(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevSolarLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevSolarLeap = IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value += 621;
if (IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevSolarLeap && (LeapDay = 1)) Days += 80
else Days += 79;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkGregorian, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
var MonthNames = new Array();
var WeekDayNames = new Array();
var MonthDayNames = new Array();
MonthNames = ["فروردین", "اردیبهشت", "خرداد", "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند"];
WeekDayNames = ["یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه شنبه", "چهار شنبه", "پنج شنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه"];
MonthDayNames = ["اول", "دوم", "سوم", "چهارم", "پنجم", "ششم", "هفتم", "هشتم", "نهم", "دهم", "یازدهم", "دوازدهم", "سیزدهم", "چهاردهم", "پانزدهم", "شانزدهم", "هفدهم", "هجدهم", "نوزدهم", "بیستم", "بیست و یکم", "بیست و دوم", "بیست و سوم", "بیست و چهارم", "بیست و پنجم", "بیست و ششم", "بیست و هفتم", "بیست و هشتم", "بیست و نهم", "سی ام", "سی و یکم"];
function ConvertStr(DateStr, Format)
var Result;
var ObjDate = new Date();
var SplDate = DateStr.split("/");
var M = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[0]));
var D = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[1]));
var Y = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[2]));
ObjDate.setMonth(M.value - 1);
var W = ObjDate.getDay();
if (GregorianToSolar(Y, M, D))
switch (Format)
case 0:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 1:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 2:
Result = (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 3:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 4:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
case 5:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 6:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 7:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 8:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 9:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
Result = "Error converting date.";
return Result;
function ConvertDateTag(DateStr, Format)
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + ConvertStr(DateStr, Format) + "</div>";
function ConvertArchiveTag(DatesStr, Format)
var Dates = new Array();
Dates = DatesStr.split("-");
var Result = ConvertStr(Dates[0], Format) + " - " + ConvertStr(Dates[1], Format);
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + Result + "</div>";
// -->
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<br><a href=""> سلمان</a>
<br><a href=""> دات</a>
<br><a href="">نياز</a>
<br><a href="">Me, Myself & Ehsan</a>
<br><a href=""> چخوف منو نديدين</a>
<br><a href=""> رامين</a>
<br><a href="">مهدي</a>
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<br><a href=""> وحيد</a>
<br><a href=""> اميررضا</a>
<br><a href="">@ Site @</a>
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آدم خيرخواه اينجا پيدا ميشه قالباي ما رو برامون درست كنه؟ خدا 128 در دنيا، 1024 تا هم در آخرت بهش عوض بده!
به قول معروف: همسايهها كمك كنين، غزمر بلاگداري كنه!
اينم قالبها:
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/* */
/* solar.js - Solar Date Utility Functions */
/* Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Mahmood Shafiee Zargar, all rights reserved. */
/* */
/* [email protected] */
/* */
/* */
/* Original Pascal Code By Kambiz R. Khojaste */
/* */
/* This file is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either */
/* express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance */
/* of the functions provided in this unit are with you. The author is NOT */
/* liable for any DAMAGES resulting from the use and misuse of the unit, */
/* especially he is NOT liable for DAMAGES that were caused BY ANY VERSION */
/* */
var dkSolar = 0;
var dkGregorian = 1;
var DaysOfMonths = new Array();
var LeapMonth = new Array();
var DaysToMonth = new Array();
DaysOfMonths = [[31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29], [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]];
LeapMonth = [12, 2];
DaysToMonth = [[0, 31, 62, 93, 124, 155, 186, 216, 246, 276, 306, 336, 365], [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]];
function Integer(val)
this.value = val;
function IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)
if (DateKind == dkSolar)
return ((((Year + 38) * 31) % 128) <= 30);
return (((Year % 4) == 0) && (((Year % 100) != 0) || ((Year % 400) == 0)));
function DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)
var Result;
if ((Year != 0) && ((Month <= 12) && (Month >= 1)))
Result = DaysOfMonths[DateKind][Month - 1];
if ((Month == LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
return ((Year!= 0) && (Month >= 1) && (Month <= 12) && (Day >= 1) && Day <= (DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)));
function DaysToDate(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
var Result;
if (IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day))
Result = DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month - 1] + Day;
if ((Month > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function DateOfDay(DateKind, Days, Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay = 0;
Month.value = 0;
Day.value = 0;
for (var m = 2; m <= 13; m++)
if ((m > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && (IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year))) LeapDay = 1;
if (Days <= (DaysToMonth[DateKind][m - 1] + LeapDay))
Month.value = m - 1;
if (Month.value <= LeapMonth[DateKind]) LeapDay = 0;
Day.value = Days - (DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month.value - 1] + LeapDay);
return IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month.value, Day.value);
function GregorianToSolar(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevGregorianLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevGregorianLeap = IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value -= 622;
if (IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevGregorianLeap && (LeapDay == 1)) Days += 287
else Days += 286;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkSolar, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
function SolarToGregorian(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevSolarLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevSolarLeap = IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value += 621;
if (IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevSolarLeap && (LeapDay = 1)) Days += 80
else Days += 79;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkGregorian, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
var MonthNames = new Array();
var WeekDayNames = new Array();
var MonthDayNames = new Array();
MonthNames = ["فروردین", "اردیبهشت", "خرداد", "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند"];
WeekDayNames = ["یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه شنبه", "چهار شنبه", "پنج شنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه"];
MonthDayNames = ["اول", "دوم", "سوم", "چهارم", "پنجم", "ششم", "هفتم", "هشتم", "نهم", "دهم", "یازدهم", "دوازدهم", "سیزدهم", "چهاردهم", "پانزدهم", "شانزدهم", "هفدهم", "هجدهم", "نوزدهم", "بیستم", "بیست و یکم", "بیست و دوم", "بیست و سوم", "بیست و چهارم", "بیست و پنجم", "بیست و ششم", "بیست و هفتم", "بیست و هشتم", "بیست و نهم", "سی ام", "سی و یکم"];
function ConvertStr(DateStr, Format)
var Result;
var ObjDate = new Date();
var SplDate = DateStr.split("/");
var M = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[0]));
var D = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[1]));
var Y = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[2]));
ObjDate.setMonth(M.value - 1);
var W = ObjDate.getDay();
if (GregorianToSolar(Y, M, D))
switch (Format)
case 0:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 1:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 2:
Result = (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 3:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 4:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
case 5:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 6:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 7:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 8:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 9:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
Result = "Error converting date.";
return Result;
function ConvertDateTag(DateStr, Format)
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + ConvertStr(DateStr, Format) + "</div>";
function ConvertArchiveTag(DatesStr, Format)
var Dates = new Array();
Dates = DatesStr.split("-");
var Result = ConvertStr(Dates[0], Format) + " - " + ConvertStr(Dates[1], Format);
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + Result + "</div>";
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/* */
/* solar.js - Solar Date Utility Functions */
/* Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Mahmood Shafiee Zargar, all rights reserved. */
/* */
/* [email protected] */
/* */
/* */
/* Original Pascal Code By Kambiz R. Khojaste */
/* */
/* This file is provided "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either */
/* express or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance */
/* of the functions provided in this unit are with you. The author is NOT */
/* liable for any DAMAGES resulting from the use and misuse of the unit, */
/* especially he is NOT liable for DAMAGES that were caused BY ANY VERSION */
/* */
var dkSolar = 0;
var dkGregorian = 1;
var DaysOfMonths = new Array();
var LeapMonth = new Array();
var DaysToMonth = new Array();
DaysOfMonths = [[31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29], [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]];
LeapMonth = [12, 2];
DaysToMonth = [[0, 31, 62, 93, 124, 155, 186, 216, 246, 276, 306, 336, 365], [0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365]];
function Integer(val)
this.value = val;
function IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)
if (DateKind == dkSolar)
return ((((Year + 38) * 31) % 128) <= 30);
return (((Year % 4) == 0) && (((Year % 100) != 0) || ((Year % 400) == 0)));
function DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)
var Result;
if ((Year != 0) && ((Month <= 12) && (Month >= 1)))
Result = DaysOfMonths[DateKind][Month - 1];
if ((Month == LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
return ((Year!= 0) && (Month >= 1) && (Month <= 12) && (Day >= 1) && Day <= (DaysOfMonth(DateKind, Year, Month)));
function DaysToDate(DateKind, Year, Month, Day)
var Result;
if (IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month, Day))
Result = DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month - 1] + Day;
if ((Month > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year)) Result++;
Result = 0;
return Result;
function DateOfDay(DateKind, Days, Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay = 0;
Month.value = 0;
Day.value = 0;
for (var m = 2; m <= 13; m++)
if ((m > LeapMonth[DateKind]) && (IsLeapYear(DateKind, Year))) LeapDay = 1;
if (Days <= (DaysToMonth[DateKind][m - 1] + LeapDay))
Month.value = m - 1;
if (Month.value <= LeapMonth[DateKind]) LeapDay = 0;
Day.value = Days - (DaysToMonth[DateKind][Month.value - 1] + LeapDay);
return IsDateValid(DateKind, Year, Month.value, Day.value);
function GregorianToSolar(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevGregorianLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevGregorianLeap = IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkGregorian, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value -= 622;
if (IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevGregorianLeap && (LeapDay == 1)) Days += 287
else Days += 286;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkSolar, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
function SolarToGregorian(Year, Month, Day)
var LeapDay, Days, PrevSolarLeap, Result;
if (IsDateValid(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value))
PrevSolarLeap = IsLeapYear(dkSolar, Year.value - 1);
Days = DaysToDate(dkSolar, Year.value, Month.value, Day.value);
Year.value += 621;
if (IsLeapYear(dkGregorian, Year.value)) LeapDay = 1
else LeapDay = 0;
if (PrevSolarLeap && (LeapDay = 1)) Days += 80
else Days += 79;
if (Days > (365 + LeapDay))
Days -= (365 + LeapDay);
Result = DateOfDay(dkGregorian, Days, Year.value, Month, Day);
else Result = false;
return Result;
var MonthNames = new Array();
var WeekDayNames = new Array();
var MonthDayNames = new Array();
MonthNames = ["فروردین", "اردیبهشت", "خرداد", "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند"];
WeekDayNames = ["یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه شنبه", "چهار شنبه", "پنج شنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه"];
MonthDayNames = ["اول", "دوم", "سوم", "چهارم", "پنجم", "ششم", "هفتم", "هشتم", "نهم", "دهم", "یازدهم", "دوازدهم", "سیزدهم", "چهاردهم", "پانزدهم", "شانزدهم", "هفدهم", "هجدهم", "نوزدهم", "بیستم", "بیست و یکم", "بیست و دوم", "بیست و سوم", "بیست و چهارم", "بیست و پنجم", "بیست و ششم", "بیست و هفتم", "بیست و هشتم", "بیست و نهم", "سی ام", "سی و یکم"];
function ConvertStr(DateStr, Format)
var Result;
var ObjDate = new Date();
var SplDate = DateStr.split("/");
var M = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[0]));
var D = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[1]));
var Y = new Integer(parseInt(SplDate[2]));
ObjDate.setMonth(M.value - 1);
var W = ObjDate.getDay();
if (GregorianToSolar(Y, M, D))
switch (Format)
case 0:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 1:
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 2:
Result = (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 3:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 4:
Result = (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
case 5:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
case 6:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + (Y.value - Math.floor(Y.value / 100) * 100);
case 7:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (D.value + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 8:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " " + Y.value);
case 9:
Result = WeekDayNames[W] + "، " + (MonthDayNames[D.value - 1] + " " + MonthNames[M.value - 1] + " ماه " + Y.value);
Result = D.value + "/" + M.value + "/" + Y.value;
Result = "Error converting date.";
return Result;
function ConvertDateTag(DateStr, Format)
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + ConvertStr(DateStr, Format) + "</div>";
function ConvertArchiveTag(DatesStr, Format)
var Dates = new Array();
Dates = DatesStr.split("-");
var Result = ConvertStr(Dates[0], Format) + " - " + ConvertStr(Dates[1], Format);
return "<div align=right dir=rtl>" + Result + "</div>";
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