کاربر تازه وارد
- تاریخ عضویت
- 11 سپتامبر 2015
- نوشتهها
- 42
- لایکها
- 4
- سن
- 25
سلام هاست مگا برام ایمیل زده حجم رایگانت تقربا فول شده ولی تو بقیه متن داره چی میکه ؟ منظورش اینه اینهایی هم که هست موقتی میمونه و بعد از چند مدت پاک میشه ؟ یا میکه دیگه بیشتر نمیتونید آپ کنید ؟
Your MEGA account is using 14.04 GB, which is almost over your storage limit of 15 GB.
Once you have reached your storage limit, syncing will stop. Changes to your files will no longer be backed up to MEGA and therefore not get replicated across your devices.
Please upgrade to a PRO membership to increase your storage space and continue to enjoy uninterrupted MEGA service:
Your MEGA account is using 14.04 GB, which is almost over your storage limit of 15 GB.
Once you have reached your storage limit, syncing will stop. Changes to your files will no longer be backed up to MEGA and therefore not get replicated across your devices.
Please upgrade to a PRO membership to increase your storage space and continue to enjoy uninterrupted MEGA service: