• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

وي بولتين 3.6.8


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
30 ژوئن 2006
وي بولتين 3.6.8 هم اومده
كسي در مورد تغييراتش اطلاعي نداره؟


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
13 ژانویه 2007
vBulletin 3.6.8

vBulletin 3.6.8 is a maintenance release to improve the stability of vBulletin as well as providing required compatibility for the vBulletin Blog addon. The Blog therefore will require 3.6.8 as a minimum to function.

Changed files and mandatory template changes are listed below.

We have also fixed various bugs since vBulletin 3.6.7 was released, these fixes include:
22080: Internet Explorer locks up on forumhome
22260: Quick Reply causes errors with PHP 5.0.5
22242: Show edited by appearing incorrectly
22289: Email activation can lead to the wrong usergroup being selected
22667: Suspected file versions identifies addons incorrectly
22293: Support for Safari 3.0 on Windows
See other bugs fixed in 3.6...

Upgrading from Previous Versions

3.6.8 is a maintenance release and we recommend that all customers upgrade to benefit from many bug fixes and stability improvements.

No patch or plugin is available to bring previous versions up to 3.6.8 without a full upgrade, as the various changes to implement all the bug fixes represent a large number of changes. To get the fixes from 3.6.8 onto your own board, you must perform a full upgrade.

Full instructions for upgrading vBulletin are available here.

PHP and MySQL Requirements

Please note that vBulletin 3.6.x requires at least PHP 4.3.3 and MySQL 4.0.16 or later.

End of Life for PHP 4 announced

The PHP group recently announced that support for PHP 4 will end on December 31st, this means there will be no security updates or bug fixes for PHP 4 after this point. We seriously recommend that you consider upgrading to the latest version of PHP (5.2.3) and MySQL (5.0.45). vBulletin 3.6.8 supports both of these without any problems, though you may need to disable strict mode for MySQL, see here on how to enable 'force_sql_mode'.

Note: We will continue to support PHP 4 in our currently released versions.