• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

چرا فايلم توي cPanel آپلود نميشه؟؟ پيغام خطا ميده!


کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
تاریخ عضویت
13 آپریل 2006
محل سکونت
مي خوام يه فايل با cPanel آپلود کنم اينو ميگه:

connect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directoryconnect - You are out of space to upload this fileconnect - Could not remove empty tmp file : No such file or directory

يعني چي؟
ميگه فضا ندارم؟
دارم. مطمئنم که فضا دارم
مشکل از چيه؟
همه ي فايل هام رو پاک کردم. ممکنه اشکال از اتصال اينترنتم باشه؟ آخه دايل آپ دارم. يه دايل آپ ميگم يه دايل آپ ميشنوين !!!
سرعتم زير خط فقره!! :lol:
ممکنه به خاطر سرعت باشه؟

کلا چيکار کنم که درست آپلود بشه؟


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 آپریل 2005
محل سکونت
My House
خوب این که میگه فضا نداره. شما وقتی فایلها رو پاک میکنی از recycle bin هاست هم پاکشون میکنی؟


کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
تاریخ عضویت
13 آپریل 2006
محل سکونت
بله. از recyclebin هم پاکشون کردم