eBook Pack Express 1.70
File Size: 3,025KB
Major Features :
•Fast and compact eBook viewer.
•XP look and feel in Windows XP.
•Fully customizable user interface.
•flexible ebook security options.
•Full-Text search in eBooks.
•Do not create temporary files.
What can you do with eBook Pack Express?
Create your own ebooks, ezines, manuals...
Turn you valuable information into eBooks, ezines, booklets, catalogs and/or multimedia
presentations. To sell online for huge profits or to give away to generate incredible traffic
to your website!
Start your own business now. Create ebooks with eBook Pack Express! It is really an
advanced e-book creation software and one of the most efficient Internet marketing tools!
Compile your favorite web site/pages into a single .EXE file.
Using this ebook software you can compile your innumerable off-line web content (HTML and
graphic files) into self-executable eBooks. Free up space on your computer and keep your
files in order by making your own ebook library.
As soon as you download this ebook compiler, you'll have at your fingertips all the tools
you need to start publishing your own ebooks!
Referrer: `http://www2.fixdown.com/soft/5914.asp
Crack: `http://www16.fixdown.com/en/0523d62417a37d7f.asp ...open this page in Explorer
and download from either of the 2 folders.
eBook Pack Express Version 1.75 released (2004-06-08). is 2.2 MB