وقتی میخوام آتورانمو ببینم این پیغامو میده
Error: (#5) Failed to copy runtime engine from "C:\Program Files\AutoPlay Media Studio 8 Trial\Data\win32rt.dat" to "F:\ax p\Copy of axixs\CD_Root\autorun.exe"
یا اینو :
Inserting custom icon into runtime engine...
ERROR: Failed to get resource handle.
چیکار کنم درست شه ؟؟
Error: (#5) Failed to copy runtime engine from "C:\Program Files\AutoPlay Media Studio 8 Trial\Data\win32rt.dat" to "F:\ax p\Copy of axixs\CD_Root\autorun.exe"
یا اینو :
Inserting custom icon into runtime engine...
ERROR: Failed to get resource handle.
چیکار کنم درست شه ؟؟