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Converting PDF Documents to Microsoft Word
Is there a way to convert a PDF document to a Word file for simple editing?
Yes, it's easy. With the PDF document open in Acrobat 7 Standard or Professional, choose File > Save As. In the Save As dialog box, choose Microsoft Word Document from the Format (Mac) or Type (Windows) pop-up menu. Then simply click the Save button, and open the document in Word for editing.
To check or change the settings that Acrobat uses to convert PDF content to Word format, open Preferences (choose Acrobat > Preferences on the Mac or Edit > Preferences in Windows) and choose Convert From PDF from the list of Categories on the left side of the dialog box. Then choose Microsoft Word Document from the Converting From PDF scrollable list. The window at right shows you how Acrobat will handle the conversion, including whether it will include comments, preserve columns and down sample images. To change these settings, click the Edit Settings button. (Alternatively, you can change these settings when you convert any given document by clicking the Settings
The conversion may not be perfect, depending on factors such as the complexity of the layout, and whether you have the document's fonts on your system. For simple business documents, Acrobat's Save As command does a decent job of converting to Word.