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FireTune - the very first automated optimizer for Firefox
- used by more than 850.000 Firefox users -
... and still counting ...
FireTune for Mozilla Firefox v1.x was developed for an easy and fast optimization of your browsing experience with Firefox. It is based on a collection of popular and well working optimization settings used and tested by the experts. Usually you have to optimize Firefox manually, which can be time consuming and difficult for the novice user. FireTune helps you here - it includes all the performance optimizations. The only thing you must do is: make your selection. FireTune does the work for you.
FireTune - The easy optimizer and tuner for Firefox v1.x
What does FireTune do?
According to your specific computer speed and internet connection speed, FireTune will optimize several internal settings of Firefox for better performance. FireTune does NOT modify the Firefox executable, or any other Firefox binary file. Everything can be undone easily provided you saved your original profile configuration file with FireTune's profile backup feature before.
In most of all cases you'll notice an improved browsing speed after optimizing Firefox with FireTune. Click here for some independant reviews on FireTune. Or connect to the free FireTune user forum where you can read other users experiences, or share your own with other FireTune users.
FireTune is available for free. A free download link can be found further below on the bottom of this page. Please note that we do not offer product support for this product. Please read the included helpfile for further information.

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