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Of the four books I received for review, this was the first one I went for. Having a look into the mind and methods of Flash Guru Hillman Curtis would no doubt give me a new and unique perspective on Flash design. In the book, a number of his projects are dissected piece-by-piece, providing new insights on Flash, its limitations, and the advantages of these limitations.
The book looks cool! With a funky layout and simple color scheme, this book is not only a powerhouse of tricks and techniques, but it's a total pleasure to read.
shim.gif (43 bytes)
Having been a Flash designer for over a year, I've always thought the power of Flash was in its ability to deliver words in a compelling way. These words, when combined with music, invoke an emotional response in the viewer. However, Mr. Curtis takes a different view and mentions the "Global Visual Language," stating that "the motion is the message." It's imagery, not words, that have the true power. He addresses the "multitasking attention deficit", and stresses the importance of identifying the emotional center in order to keep the viewer engaged in the presentation.
Hillman then deconstructs, step-by-step, over half a dozen of his fantastic Flash works. The biggest benefit to this book is not really seeing HOW he does things, but understanding WHY he does them. The limitations of Flash discourage many Flash designers; Hillman points out that these limitations can easily be turned to advantages, which can actually help you to create more powerful and compelling presentations.
The book begins with a few of his more basic works, using simple lines, alpha effects, graphics, and so on. However, he quickly jumps into topics important to any Flash designer: making ads for clients with restricted file sizes, the importance of displaying a company's logo, how to test the movie for streaming, and more. Having a background in film, he has created
The book looks cool! With a funky layout and simple color scheme, this book is not only a powerhouse of tricks and techniques, but it's a total pleasure to read.
shim.gif (43 bytes)
Having been a Flash designer for over a year, I've always thought the power of Flash was in its ability to deliver words in a compelling way. These words, when combined with music, invoke an emotional response in the viewer. However, Mr. Curtis takes a different view and mentions the "Global Visual Language," stating that "the motion is the message." It's imagery, not words, that have the true power. He addresses the "multitasking attention deficit", and stresses the importance of identifying the emotional center in order to keep the viewer engaged in the presentation.
Hillman then deconstructs, step-by-step, over half a dozen of his fantastic Flash works. The biggest benefit to this book is not really seeing HOW he does things, but understanding WHY he does them. The limitations of Flash discourage many Flash designers; Hillman points out that these limitations can easily be turned to advantages, which can actually help you to create more powerful and compelling presentations.
The book begins with a few of his more basic works, using simple lines, alpha effects, graphics, and so on. However, he quickly jumps into topics important to any Flash designer: making ads for clients with restricted file sizes, the importance of displaying a company's logo, how to test the movie for streaming, and more. Having a background in film, he has created
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