[ Target Database ]
; The following settings allow ImpEx to connect to the vBulletin 3
; database into which you will be importing data.
targetdatabasetype = mysql
targetserver = localhost
targetuser = "username"
targetpassword = "password"
targetdatabase = vbulletin_forum
targettableprefix =
[ Source Database ]
; If the system that is being imported from uses a database,
; enter the details for it here and set 'sourceexists' to TRUE.
; If the source data is NOT stored in a database, set 'sourceexists' to FALSE
sourceexists = false
; mysql OR mssql
sourcedatabasetype = mysql
sourceserver = localhost
sourceuser = "username"
sourcepassword = "password"
sourcedatabase =
sourcetableprefix =
There seems to have been a slight problem with the database.
Please try again by pressing the refresh button in your browser.
An E-Mail has been dispatched to our Technical Staff, who you can also contact if the problem persists.
We apologise for any inconvenience
moderator - importmoderatorid OK
usergroup - importusergroupid OK
ranks - importrankid OK
poll - importpollid OK
forum - importforumid OK
forum - importcategoryid OK
user - importuserid OK
style - importstyleid OK
thread - importthreadid OK
post - importthreadid OK
thread - importforumid OK
smilie - importsmilieid OK
pmtext - importpmid OK
avatar - importavatarid OK
customavatar - importcustomavatarid OK
customprofilepic - importcustomprofilepicid OK
post - importpostid OK
attachment - importattachmentid OK
pm - importpmid OK
[COLOR=Red]phpbb_auth_access NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_banlist NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_categories NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_config NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_confirm NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_disallow NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_forum_prune NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_forums NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_groups NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_posts NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_posts_text NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_privmsgs NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_privmsgs_text NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_ranks NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_search_results NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_search_wordlist NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_search_wordmatch NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_sessions NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_smilies NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_themes NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_themes_name NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_topics NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_topics_watch NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_user_group NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_users NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_vote_desc NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_vote_results NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_vote_voters NOT found or a non standard table.
phpbb_words NOT found or a non standard table[/COLOR].