مشكل من در اين هست:
Got an error: Bad ObjectDriver config: Connection error: Access denied for user 'test'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
نميدانم اين يوزر مل كجاست :wacko:
و يك مشكل ديگه اينكه:
Your server does not have DB_File installed, or DB_File requires another module that is not installed. DB_File is required if you want to use the Berkeley DB/DB_File backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DB_File.
Your server has DBD::mysql installed (version 2.9006).
Your server does not have DBD:
g installed, or DBD:
g requires another module that is not installed. DBI and DBD:
g are required if you want to use the PostgreSQL database backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD:
Your server does not have DBD::SQLite installed, or DBD::SQLite requires another module that is not installed. DBI and DBD::SQLite are required if you want to use the SQLite database backend. Please consult the installation instructions for help in installing DBD::SQLite.