برگزیده های پرشین تولز

شمارنده معکوس (Server Side)

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007

سرويس شمارنده معکوس اين قابليت را در اختيار مديران سايت ها قرار ميدهد که مدت زمان باقيمانده در ارتباط با موضوع خاصي را در سايت خود نمايش دهند.
دوستان من اين شمارنده معکوس را روي وب سايت خودم آپلود كردم و طبق راهنماي سايت اصلي عمل كردم ولي هنگامي كه به صفحه مورد نظر مراجعه ميكنم به صورت شكل زير نمايش داده ميشه!​


منتظر پاسخ سريع شما دوستان عزيز هستم.​

فایل های ضمیمه

  • servercountdown.zip
    35.2 KB · نمایش ها: 8
  • countdown.zip
    20.2 KB · نمایش ها: 6
  • images.zip
    346.2 KB · نمایش ها: 5
  • MyFiles.zip
    56.1 KB · نمایش ها: 3


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
14 اکتبر 2007

سرويس شمارنده معکوس اين قابليت را در اختيار مديران سايت ها قرار ميدهد که مدت زمان باقيمانده در ارتباط با موضوع خاصي را در سايت خود نمايش دهند.
دوستان من اين شمارنده معکوس را روي وب سايت خودم آپلود كردم و طبق راهنماي سايت اصلي عمل كردم ولي هنگامي كه به صفحه مورد نظر مراجعه ميكنم به صورت شكل زير نمايش داده ميشه!​


منتظر پاسخ سريع شما دوستان عزيز هستم.​
آقا نوشتن همچین چیزی کاری نداشت خودت می نوشتی !


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
14 اکتبر 2007
در ضمن لینک دانلود دومی خرابه !!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007
آقا نوشتن همچین چیزی کاری نداشت خودت می نوشتی !​
لطفا در مورد پرسش مورد نظر پاسخ ارسال نماييد!​
در ضمن لینک دانلود دومی خرابه !!!!!!!!!!!!​
من تست كردم مشكلي در لينك دانلود نيست!​


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
5 آپریل 2005
محل سکونت
Essen, Deutschland
اگر ممكنه سورس فايل اجرايي رو همه چيو پروسس ميكنه اينجا بذاريد تا دوستان راحت تر اظهار نظر كنن
در ضمن!
SERVER SIDE؟ مگر از جون خودت سير شدي هر 1 ثانيه يه بار به سرور وصل شي؟


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
17 آگوست 2006
محل سکونت
تو يه خونمون
peter pro :اينكه اون كلمه هورا رو نشون مي ده يعني كه اون تامير به آخر رسيده ، صفر شده
من فايلا رو نديدم ولي حتما يه كانفيگي چيزي داره نه؟

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007
Source for Flash MX - servercountdown.fla
// stop the timeline

// define the event date counting down to
// this is constant so it won't need to be
// calculated in the onEnterFrame function below
// currently counting down 'til christmas of 2003
// Date( year, month-1, date [, hour [, minute [, second [, millisecond]]]])
eventDate = new Date(2003, 11, 25);
eventMillisecs = eventDate.getTime();

// define the function used to compare the current date
// with the event date.  This will be set to run every
// frame once the server date has been retrieved
countdown = function(){
	// take the recieved server time and add on the milliseconds
	// calculated from flash that have occurred since that
	// time was recieved (which would match up to what that time
	// would be now if it was again retrieved from the server
	var currentMillisecs = server.time + getTimer();
	// the milliseconds between the current time and the
	// time of the event can then be calculated by simply
	// subtracting the current time's milliseconds from the
	// milliseconds of the time of the event
	this.msecs = eventMillisecs - currentMillisecs;
	// if the msecs variable is less than 0, that means the
	// current time is greater that the time of the event
	if (this.msecs <= 0){
		// and the event time has been reached!
		// play the next frame for the result of the countdown.		
		// a return can be used to exit the function since
		// in going to the next frame, there's no need to
		// continue with the remaining operations.
	// if the date hasn't been reached, continue to
	// devise seconds, minutes, hours and days from
	// the calculated milliseconds
	this.secs = Math.floor(this.msecs/1000); // 1000 milliseconds make a second
	this.mins = Math.floor(this.secs/60); // 60 seconds make a minute
	this.hours = Math.floor(this.mins/60); // 60 minutes make a hour
	this.days = Math.floor(this.hours/24); // 24 hours make a second
	// make sure each value doesn't exceed the range in
	// which they exist.  Milliseconds, for example, will
	// be shown in a range of 0 - 999.  The modulous
	// operator, or %, well help in that.  Here the values
	// are also turned into strings preparing for the next step
	this.msecs = string(this.msecs % 1000);
	this.secs = string(this.secs % 60);
	this.mins = string(this.mins % 60);
	this.hours = string(this.hours % 24);
	this.days = string(this.days);
	// add on leading zeros for all the number values (which are
	// now strings) that aren't 3 or 2 characters long based on the
	// range being used to represent them.  Because mseconds and
	// days have up to 3 characters, a while loop is used to
	// continuously add 0s until they have 3.  Other values which
	// only need 2 leading 0s can get by on a single if check
	while (this.msecs.length < 3) this.msecs = "0" + this.msecs;
	if (this.secs.length < 2) this.secs = "0" + this.secs;
	if (this.mins.length < 2) this.mins = "0" + this.mins;
	if (this.hours.length < 2) this.hours = "0" + this.hours;
	while (this.days.length < 3) this.days = "0" + this.days;

	// finally, display your values.  If you want to put your values
	// in a textField, you can pretty much just stop here and throw them
	// into your textField as desired.  This example, however will go a step
	// further and use images for numbers for each numerical value in the
	// countdown to the desired date.
	// So, for that, loop through all the movies in this counter clip using the
	// evaluateFrameFrom prototype method on each. A single check for a
	// _parent variable is used to make sure the property found in a for
	// loop is a movieclip and is within the timeline of this counter clip.
	// TextFields and buttons would also be true here, but since the contents
	// within counter are strictly those numbers movieclips, we won't have to
	// be concerned with such complications.  The only movieclips in this counter
	// clip are the numbers movieclips with the frames of the imagery making up
	// the numbers of 0-9.
	for(movie in this){
		if (this[movie]._parent == this) this[movie].evaluateFrameFrom(this);

// this function is a MovieClip.prototype meaning its available to be used by
// all movieclips.  It's a sneaky function that saves a lot of work by using
// name each numbers movieclip in the counter movieclip to determine which value
// it needs to display based on the times derived from the previous 
// calculations of the onEnterFrame. What it does is seperates a movieclip's
// _name into a variable word and a number.  The variable word will represent
// the variable to look up a value for in the passed variableClip and the
// number will be used to get a character from that value (a string) which
// represents which number this movieclip should display.
MovieClip.prototype.evaluateFrameFrom = function(variableClip){
	// split this _name into an array of 2 values seperated by an underscore
	var nameArray = this._name.split("_");
	// the first value represents what variable in variableClip (counter clip)
	// this movieclip is used to represent whether it be mins or hours etc.
	var numberSet = variableClip[nameArray[0]];
	// next a number representing which character in that first value this
	// movieclip should display.  this will be between 0 and 2 (any one of
	// three values).  number() is used to force it to be a number value.
	var character = number(nameArray[1]);
	// a frame number can then be derived from the value of the numberset
	// variable based on the character defined by character.  number() is
	// used to force it to a number value and 1 is added to offset the
	// frame value by one since 0 is at frame 1 and 1 at frame 2 etc.
	var frame = 1 + number(numberSet.charAt(character));
	// if the movieclip is not already at the frame, move it there!
	if (this._currentframe != frame) this.gotoAndStop(frame);

// an example of the above function in action would be for a movieclip
// with the name "days_1".  days_1 is seperated into an array by dividing
// the name by its "_" character giving "days" (nameArray[0]) and "1" (nameArray[1]).
// The value of days is then retrieved from the passed variableClip using
// associative array ssntax and is set to numberset.  The value of days in variableClip
// would be a string something along the lines of "045".  character is then used
// to get which of those 3 values this movieclip is to represent. It is just
// nameArray[1] turned into a number or "1" to 1.  So, charAt(1) of "045" would
// be 4.  Turn that into a number and add one and you get frame 5 where the image of
// the 4 is located.  The movieclip, days_1, is then played to that frame to show it.

// make a new loadVars object to get the server date
server = new LoadVars();
server.onLoad = function(ok){
	// check for loading success
	if (!ok) return trace("Server error! Unable to obtain date from server");
	// if ok, assign countdown to run every frame for counter
	counter.onEnterFrame = countdown;
	// show the counter clip as it was hidden before the countdown
	counter._visible = true;
	// offset the recieved server time by the current value of
	// getTimer since getTimer starts at 0 when the movie starts.  By
	// the time the server time loads, getTimer will be some higher
	// value. This accounts for the extra time added on from 
	// getTimer in countdown every frame. Plus, since time() in 
	// php returns seconds and not milliseconds (which is used here)
	// *1000 is added to increase its value to represent milliseconds
	this.time = Number(this.time)*1000 - getTimer();
// load in the time from a php file (or any other server-side resource)
// the value we want from the server is the milliseconds representation
// of the current time as the server sees it.
/* gettime.php:

echo "time=" . time();


// now, since the counter clip has to wait for the time to be loaded, 
// its a good idea not to show it act all wierd as it has nothing to control
// how it plays its numbers.  We'll just hide it until the onLoad
counter._visible = false;
Source for PHP - gettime.php
echo "time=" . time();

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007
در ضمن!
SERVER SIDE؟ مگر از جون خودت سير شدي هر 1 ثانيه يه بار به سرور وصل شي؟

تاريخ و زمان را از سرور دريافت ميكنه و محاسبه ميكنه تا تاريخ مورد نظر و اين خيلي دقيق تر هست تا استفاده از Client Side و دريافت اطلاعات از طريق سيستم كاربر كه 90 درصد ساعت سيستم صحيح نيست.

peter pro :اينكه اون كلمه هورا رو نشون مي ده يعني كه اون تامير به آخر رسيده ، صفر شده
من فايلا رو نديدم ولي حتما يه كانفيگي چيزي داره نه؟

درسته هنگامي كه به تاريخ تنظيم شده ميرسه اين پيغام ميده.
كانفيگم داره كه من تنظيم كردم:

[LEFT]// define the event date counting down to
// this is constant so it won't need to be
// calculated in the onEnterFrame function below
// currently counting down 'til christmas of 2003
// Date( year, month-1, date [, hour [, minute [, second [, millisecond]]]])
eventDate = new Date(2008, 1, 1);
eventMillisecs = eventDate.getTime();[/LEFT]

ولي بازم هنوز به اون تاريخ نرسيده اين پيغام ميده! Horah


کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
تاریخ عضویت
22 می 2005
محل سکونت
یه خورده اونورتر
تاریخ سیستمت درسته؟ (اگر serversideه تاریخ سرور درسته؟)

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007
I have looked at the tutorial at http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/countdown.htm
.I downloaded the servercoundown file
.My problem is that when I copy the frames and the AS over to a new Movie Clip it stops working
.I make a new file, then copy the first frame of layer one of servercoundown to the first frame of the first layer of the new file
.Then I copy the second frame of the first layer to the second frame of the first layer in the new file
Then I save the file in the same directory as servercountdown.fla so the file can access the gettime.php
!The the new file only run once thru all the number then says Horah

!Please help me

Here is an example using PHP: servercountdown.zip
Download source for Flash MX
Download the images files for Photoshop
Countdown Timer - Set date with PHP script
Countdown Timer Problem

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007
این فلشی که اتچ کردید برای من کار میکنه!
شما روي سرور آپلود كرديد؟ مطمئن هستيد جواب ميده؟ من روي 2 تا از سرورهام تست كردم تاريخ را هم به اين صورت تنظيم كردم 2008.1.1 اين پيغام ميده! Horah

My Files: Download


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
17 آگوست 2006
محل سکونت
تو يه خونمون
مال من كار مي كنه
ببخشيدا من يه بار بگم
البته ببخشيدا
تويه فايلgettime.php يه جاي TIME= يه عدد بذاريد
عدد احتمالا بر حسب ثانيه هست كه بايد بذاريد

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007

من تاريخ 2008.1.1 تنظيم كردم در صورتي كه اين مي زنه 124 روز ديگه به سال جديد ميلادي مونده :wacko:


کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
تاریخ عضویت
22 می 2005
محل سکونت
یه خورده اونورتر
خوب یه اسکریپت دیگه پیدا کن. این کلی باگ داره!

Peter Pro

کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2007
شمارنده معکوس سرور سايد به اين زيبايي تا حالا نديدم :rolleyes:
اگر شما مي شناسيد معرفي كنيد يا كمك كنيد مشكلات اين اسكريپت حل كنيم :)


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
5 آپریل 2005
محل سکونت
Essen, Deutschland
خوب ... با جاوا سكريپت بنويس. بجاي اينكه از زمان سيستم استفاده كني خروجي يه اسكريپت php رو به زمان تبديل كن. البته فكر كنم برنامه آماده باشه براي اينكار