سه تا <br /> تو کد هست که باید حذف کنی و ارور ها هم رفع میشه
قبلا هم حذف کرده بودم ولی ارورها رفع نشدند .
این فایل رو وقتی چک میکنم این ارورها رو میده :
Line 1, Column 1: no document type declaration; will parse without validation
<br />
The document type could not be determined, because the document had no correct DOCTYPE declaration. The document does not look like HTML, therefore automatic fallback could not be performed, and the document was only checked against basic markup syntax.
Learn how to add a doctype to your document from our FAQ, or use the validator's Document Type option to validate your document against a specific Document Type.
Line 2, Column 73: character data is not allowed here
… unexpected ';', expecting '{' in <b>/home/ii/public_html/.com/w…
You have used character data somewhere it is not permitted to appear. Mistakes that can cause this error include:
putting text directly in the body of the document without wrapping it in a container element (such as a <p>aragraph</p>), or
forgetting to quote an attribute value (where characters such as "%" and "/" are common, but cannot appear without surrounding quotes), or
using XHTML-style self-closing tags (such as <meta ... />) in HTML 4.01 or earlier. To fix, remove the extra slash ('/') character. For more information about the reasons for this, see Empty elements in SGML, HTML, XML, and XHTML.
Line 2, Column 147: end tag for element "B" which is not open
…_html/com/wp-content/themes/C112/guide.php</b> on line <b>10</b><br />
The Validator found an end tag for the above element, but that element is not currently open. This is often caused by a leftover end tag from an element that was removed during editing, or by an implicitly closed element (if you have an error related to an element being used where it is not allowed, this is almost certainly the case). In the latter case this error will disappear as soon as you fix the original problem.
If this error occurred in a script section of your document, you should probably read this FAQ entry.
Line 2, Column 159: document type does not allow element "B" here
…_html/com/wp-content/themes/C112/guide.php</b> on line <b>10</b><br />
The element named above was found in a context where it is not allowed. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements -- such as a "style" element in the "body" section instead of inside "head" -- or two elements that overlap (which is not allowed).
One common cause for this error is the use of XHTML syntax in HTML documents. Due to HTML's rules of implicitly closed elements, this error can create cascading effects. For instance, using XHTML's "self-closing" tags for "meta" and "link" in the "head" section of a HTML document may cause the parser to infer the end of the "head" section and the beginning of the "body" section (where "link" and "meta" are not allowed; hence the reported error).
Line 2, Column 170: document type does not allow element "BR" here
…_html/mihanmad.com/wp-content/themes/C112/guide.php</b> on line <b>10</b><br />
The element named above was found in a context where it is not allowed. This could mean that you have incorrectly nested elements -- such as a "style" element in the "body" section instead of inside "head" -- or two elements that overlap (which is not allowed).
One common cause for this error is the use of XHTML syntax in HTML documents. Due to HTML's rules of implicitly closed elements, this error can create cascading effects. For instance, using XHTML's "self-closing" tags for "meta" and "link" in the "head" section of a HTML document may cause the parser to infer the end of the "head" section and the beginning of the "body" section (where "link" and "meta" are not allowed; hence the reported error).
این ارورها این فایل بودند .
خیلی از ارورها با توجه به راهنمایی شما در پست اول برطرف شدند ولی بعضی از این ارورها مثل بالا هنوز برطرف نشدند.