يه خبر خيلي خيلي بد براي کساني که از IPB استفاده مي کردند يا مي خواستند از اون استفاده کنند. اينجا رو بخونيد:
ولي مهمترين نکته اش اينه:
The downloadable free trial of Invision Power Board has been removed and replaced with a free, 15 day demo hosted account to try out the software. This change will allow the Company to focus its complete attention on product development and customer needs.
ولي مهمترين نکته اش اينه:
The downloadable free trial of Invision Power Board has been removed and replaced with a free, 15 day demo hosted account to try out the software. This change will allow the Company to focus its complete attention on product development and customer needs.