• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

برنامه های ناب برای نوکیا


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
Yahoo Messenger
ورژن: 1.0
Java Application : Nokia - Sony Ericsson
سایز: 9 KB
تاریخ: 13/03/2007


Yahoo messenger on mobile phone!

برنامه ياهو مسنجر روي موبايل. اين برنامه هم جاواست و روي اكثر گوشي ها كار مي كنه. و الانم كه ايرانسل خدمات GPRS‌رايگان ميده خيلي به درد مي خوره.


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 2.0
Symbian S60 : Nokia Os 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 536 KB
تاریخ: 16/03/2007


Here is a web-browser which needs no introduction... This version is tested working on N-Gage QD and is fully cracked...
Opera is a full Internet browser, which provides you with access to all your favorite Web sites. The Opera browser for Series 60 is based upon the same browser engine as Opera''s widely used desktop browser, delivering Web capabilities unlike anything previously available on handheld devices. Opera is user-friendly, secure, and exceptionally fast. The browser is small, yet full-featured.
Opera for Series 60 includes Opera''s exclusive breakthrough technology, Small-Screen Rendering™ (SSR), which reformats Web pages to fit the smaller mobile screens. More information about SSR is available at http://www.opera.com
Opera offers all the features expected of a full Internet browser. Among the many advanced features we find keypad shortcuts, toggling images , bookmarks, history list, and refuse pop-up windows.
Standards support
Opera supports the latest standards including HTML 4.01, ECMA Script-262 2nd & 3rd ed., JavaScript 1.5, XHTML 1.0/1.1, XHTML Basic, XHTML MP, CSS 1 & 2, CSS MP, WML 1.3, WCSS, cHTML, HTTP 1.0 & 1.1, SSL 3/TLS 1.0 and Unicode (UTF-16).​

برنامه ای برای گشت و گذار در نت از طریق گوشی! با استفاده از این برنامه می تونید به همه آدرس های مورد نظرتون برید مخصوصا الان كه ايرانسل اينترنت رو راه انداخته خيلي به دردتون مي خوره حتما دانلودش كنيد كه بسيار كورد استفاده قرار خواهد گرفت


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
1 دسامبر 2005
محل سکونت

Very simplest Bluetooth chat application. BluOn allows sharing the application with everyone whom you want talk to.
Chat with other person via Bluetooth
Chat with users who use BlueOn
BluOn provides chat with another one who uses BluOn without paying for. You can set nickname as your favorite name. Also you can talk to multi-user in multi-chat room.
Share BluOn with others
easy way to distribute the application.
Send the application to another one.
If the other device does not have the application installed, you can share the application via bluetooth.
Note that you can share the application without limitation of times, but the reciever cannot send the application to the others.
Compatible with - NOKIA 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, N70, N90​

برنامه اي بسيار جالب براي Chat کردن از طريق BlueTooth! شما از طريق B.T مي تونيد اين برنامه رو براي ديگر دوستانتون بفرستيد و بعد از اون استفاده کنيد.
» اين برنامه فقط روي گوشي هاي NOKIA 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, N70, N90 کار مي کنه.​



کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
1 دسامبر 2005
محل سکونت

Guess the celebrity. In this photo quiz you will find the photos of 16 celebrities. Their faces are distorted but still kind of recognizable. Try to figure out who are the 16 celebrities. The solution can be found on the last slide.​

اين برنامه عكس هاي هنرمندان رو در هم نشون ميده و شما بايد حدس بزنيد كه اين كيه همين :happy:​



Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.0,42
Symbian S60 : OS 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 56 KB


Sets the Direction of Qebla all over the world and Sets the Direction of Qebla by two ways...
New feature was added, get the Qebla with respect to the moon plus the sun and the north.
Main Features :
* Sets the Direction of Qebla.
* Sets the Direction of Qebla all over the world.
* Sets the Direction of Qebla by three ways relattive to north, relative to sun.
Nokia S60 2nd Ed. (6600, 6630, 7610, 3230, N70, N90, 6680, 6670, 6681, 6682, 6620, 6260)​

قبله ياب براي گوشي در هر کجاي دنيا که باشيد با استفاده از اين برنامه به طريق مي تونيد قبله رو پيدا کنيد. از طريق جهت آفتاب جهت شمال و جهت ماه


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005

Draw picture on your phone and send it to your loved one as PictureSMS. DrawSMS has a very user friendly picture editor which allows you to draw your imaginations. You can draw with the pen, or draw different shapes and templates, and add texts of different fonts.
Once your picture is ready, send it as Picture SMS from the same screen or save it for future use. You can also draw a picture on the pc (gif, jpg, bmp or png of 72px width and 28px height) and transfer it to phone and send it as Picture SMS. There is Edit feature also to edit the pictures saved in the gallery.
Symot DrawSMS Details:
1. Hit 'Draw New SMS' option to draw a new picture message.
2. Use 'Tools' option to transfer control to the Tool keys (pen OFF, pen ON, Shapes, Templates, Text, Erasor) while drawing the PictureSMS.
3. Tool keys are very user friendly. Use appropriate Tool keys to pen OFF, pen ON, draw shapes, text, templates, erasor etc.
4. To move cursor, Use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT keys after the pen OFF tool key is pressed.
5. To draw freely, Use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT keys after the pen ON tool key is pressed.
6. To draw a shape, select the shape first and use RIGHT and DOWN Keys to fix the size of the shape and then press ENTER key.
7. Hit 'Send as SMS' option to send the picture as SMS.
8. Hitting 'Save' option saves the picture onto the gallery so that you can send it later.
9. 'Edit' option is used to edit a picture from the gallery before sending as SMS.
10. You can also draw picture (gif, jpg, bmp or png) of 72px width and 28px height or its multiples (144x56, 216x84, 288x112 etc) using any software such as Adobe photoshop, Microsoft paint etc on your PC and transfer to the phone via USB or bluetooth or Infrared and save it in phone gallery (c:\nokia\images in phone memory or e:\images in memory card). For best clarity, monochrome pictures of 72x28 pixel size is preferred. This picture can be selected from the DrawSMS application and send as Picture SMS.
> Put 00000 to register this application.​

برنامه طراحي و ارسال پيام هاي تصويري (Picture SmS) براي گوشي هاي سري OS9.1


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
17 ژانویه 2007
محل سکونت
اقا این برنامه قبله اصلا تو لیستش ایران نیست!


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
Smart Movie

Version: 3.40
Symbian S60 : OS 6 - 7 - 8
Size: 427 KB
Date: 27/04/2007


Enter '0000' to register. Please test it and tell, thanks

- Standard AVI format, allowing you to preview converted files on your PC.
- Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing full screen size of the device.
- Rescaling of video to utilize full-screen area.
- PC converter allows you to split video file into multiple segments, so that it fits onto your memory card, if not entire, then cut to more parts - you may watch your favorite video in parts, e.g. while traveling to work/school.
- Support for subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages
- Friendly PC converter - preview videos on PC, select parts you want to convert, alter quality.
- Supports DirectShow codecs, so you may use video codecs downloadable from the internet
- Very fast conversion; on standard PC conversion is 5x faster than video clip playback time. You'll convert entire movie in just a few minutes
- Bicubic rescale algorithm shrinks video to small screen size in best possible quality.
- Adjustable quality parameters for video and audio streams, allowing tuning target video to your needs.
- Customizable video Player (brightness, language, volume, and more).
Attached Files

All Softwares Is Here
S60 OS7 - 8 - 9 | S60 OS9.1 | Java App | Sony Ericsson UIQ | Keygen | Pocket PC

و حالا جديدترين نسخه ي اسمارت مووي در اختيار شماست شما با تبديل فايل هاي تصويري توسط اين برنامه مي توانيد شو ها و فيلم هاي مورد علاقه ي خودتون رو با كيفيت استثنايي مشاهده نماييد اين برنامه ورژن 3.40 هست و بسيار ناياب

All Softwares Is Here

برنامه fe explorer هم به زودی قرار میدم


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.17
Symbian S60 : OS 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 114 KB


FileExplorer lets you manipulate the files of your Nokia phone,you can use the cut/copy/paste functions through the directories, you can also send files via bluetooth or infrared. Other usefull functions are also available such as making or removing directories, keeping the light always on etc.
* using the open function from the menu on a directory enters into this directory.
* when entering in [processes] or [tasks] with the 'enter' key (joystick), the menu is updated with only [back].
* when in [processes] or [tasks], the '*' go to the root and the menu (option/exit) is now back.
* when using the up/down arrow to browse the files, if you use the shift (pencil), the current file is automatically marked
* the editor has been re-written, it's now possible to edit a text file and to save it back either in unicode or ascii.
* when applying attributes (hidden, read-only, ...) on a directory, you can choose to apply the changes on the selected directory only or the selected folder, subfolders and files.
* when changing attributes, a confirmation message is displayed prior to apply the changes.
* the confirmation message before exiting FE is removed and replace by a 'splashscreen' during the initialization time (thanks to FT - Riccardo D. for the wonderfull design).
* shortcut '8' has been added to rename a file.
* it's now possible to choose with which installed application a file must be open ('open with...' function), this new settings is saved from one to another session of FExplorer, you can now choose your favorite MP3 player !.
* when a file is in used by the OS (locked), it's now possible to copy it.
* the setting files can now be placed everywhere (not only in the directory of FExplorer) even in an other 'drive', this allows to put FExplorer in EEPROM (for the siemens for example ...).
* it's now possible to set (in the settings) a password to enter in FExplorer, if this password is left blank, no password is required to run FExplorer, this password can have a length of 20 characters but it's not encrypted.
* in the settings, it's now possible to choose if the system and hidden files must be displayed or not (in one time).
* in the settings, it's now possible to choose between the 'true icon' associated with a file or some built-in icons (app/sounds/pictures), this increase drastically the display of content of a directory when there are a lot of files.
* in some new phones (like the 6680,...) the icons (of the files, tasks, processes ...) are not displayed correctly, this is fixed (thanks to Panu V. /Nokia for his great help).
* The following keypad shortcuts are available:

<C> Delete file <1> Copy <2> Show path
<3> PageUp <4> Cut <5> <6> Top of list
<7> Paste <8> Rename <9> PageDown
<*> Root dir <0> mark/unmark <#> File Properties

[direction-up] Up one line [direction-down] Down one line [direction-left] Go to parent directory [direction-right] Enter subdirectory​
برنامه ي فايل اكسپلورر اونم ورژن 1.17 كه امكانات بسيار گسترده تري نسبت به قبل داره ،‌داشتن اين برنامه بسيار ضروري هست و به شما توصيه مي كنم داشته باشيد حتما يه جايي بدردتون مي خوره كارشم اينه كه با اين برنامه به تمام درايوهاي گوشي خودتون با اين برنامه دسترسي داريد


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
Device Locks
ورژن: 1.01
Symbian S60 : 3RD OS9.1
سایز: 165 KB


Do you need to protect important information and personal data that you have stored in your phone? Do you need to restrict the access to certain applications?
Do you need to stay confident that your phone applications will not be accessible even if the phone is stolen?
If you need all this, you obviously need Advanced Device Locks.

Advanced Device Locks is a Symbian OS application for locking the phone or selected applications only, such as Messages, Pictures, Contacts, Video or any other. With Advanced Device Locks you can secure your phone by locking it up with a secret code up to 7 characters long;


Advanced Device Locks is a Symbian OS application for locking the phone or selected applications only, such as Messages, Pictures, Contacts, Video or any other. With Advanced Device Locks you can secure your phone by locking it up with a secret code up to 7 characters long. Advanced Device Locks allows you to lock your phone automatically by choosing one of the following options:
* Always - each time the phone is turned on, it asks for the unlock code.
* When SIM Changed - the locks are on if the SIM card of the phone is changed.
* Automatic lock - an automatic lock is switched on after a specified period of inactivity in minutes.
*Protected applications - this option turns on the device locks if someone tries to access the protected applications. With Advanced Device Locks you have the unique option to choose whether to lock the phone itself, to lock selected applications on it or to combine these two options and lock both the phone and certain applications.​

برنامه ي قفل نرم افزاري اينبار براي گوشي هاي سري 9.1
مطمئن هستم همان برنامه اي هست كه همه دنبالش هستند
بله قفل گذاشتن بر روي تمامي برنامه ها اونم به دلخواه شما همرا با كد رجيستر
با اين برنامه ي عالي مي توانيد روي تمامي فايل هاي خود رمز بگذاريد تا كسي نتواند ببيند
حتي براي ورود به گالري و مسيج هاي خود هم مي توانيد اين كار را انجام دهيد
نكته ي قابل توجه اينكه حتي بر روي برنامه هايي كه نصب مي كنيد از قبيل بازي ها و نرم افزارها
و جالب تر اينكه حتي بر روي دفترچه تلفن و لوگ و فايل منيجر هم ميتوانيد رمز عبور بگذاريد
پس منتظر نشينيد و همين الان دانلودش كنيد


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.0
Symbian S60 : OS 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 181 KB


Camera phone creativity!

PullFace makes the photos on your camera phone elastic! You can stretch and mould them in any way you like, as shown by the images above.
Easy to use
Just start using it! If you should ever be in doubt about what to do, an online help will appear as soon as you let go of the buttons.
Save resulting images
Save your PullFace-images and use them like any other images on the phone: send by MMS, mail, use as wallpaper ...
Creative and captivating
Although small and simple, PullFace allows for great creative freedom. You can improve your skills and find new and funnier ways to play with different images and motifs


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
XCalc Enginner
ورژن: 1.0
Java App : Nokia - Sony Ericsson
سایز: 26 KB


برنامه ي كامل مهندسي كه بصورت زيبا براي شما نمودار مهيا مي كنه در اين برنامه كه براي مهندسان كارايي زيادي داره شما مي توانيد فرمولهارو به حاظه اين برنامه بدهيد


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 4.16
Symbian S60 : OS 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 132 KB
تاریخ: 27/05/2007


Info -
Keep your secrets! Protect your privacy!
Control All Messages in your own hands!

Have you ever had the bad experience that your confidential SMS/MMS was seen by unwanted eyes? Are you still worring about keeping you secret SMS/MMS in you mobilephone? Stop all your anxieties now! Come to try this software!

MumSMS+ is a smart powerful software which offers you an easy way to protect your private and confidential messages in your mobilephone. All your sensitive SMS/MMS including sent,received and draft messages can be hidden automatically by choosing a proper profile. All your hidden messages are kept in good order and can be read only with right password.

A fire-new, powerful, secure and easy-to-use messages managing UI(user interface).
Protect(Hide) the received messages(SMS/MMS) automatically if user defined.
Protect(Hide) the sent messages(SMS/MMS) automatically if user defined.
Protect(Hide) the messages(SMS/MMS) in the draft folder automatically if user defined.
Supported Hide/Show message of any folder by handy choose in message manager.
Unlimited amount of user-defined profiles which can be switched at will.
Supported two type of profiles: black lists (hide all message on list) and white lists (hide all except what are on the list)
Any telephone no./contact person/prefix of telephone no. are allowed being added in the list of profile.
Supported user-defined screen saver of message manager.
Supported user-defined unread notification of automatical protection.
Supported scanning of any folders to hide/show/apply-profile by handy operation.
All hidden messages can be read only after right password input.
All hidden messages are pretected in good order.
Monitor is running automatically after power on.
All messages could be synchronized with other devices/network in your usual way.
Every line within the text of notification will be treated as an individual sentence and MumSMS+ will choose one at random everytime when it needs to notify the user about a new message.

Supported Language :
English .Portuguese. Finnish Italian German Dutch Norwegian Russian French Swedish Czech. Serbian. Croatian. Lithuanian. Greek. Traditional Chinese. Simplified Chinese.​

اگر مي خواهيد از يك سيستم امنيتي خوب بر روي موبايل خود بهره مند شويد
اگر مي خواهيد اس ام اس هاي شما شخصي باشه و كسي نخونه
حتما اين برنامه را دانلود كنيد و لذت ببريد


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.01
Symbian S60 : 3RD OS9.1
سایز: 186 KB


Best Calculator For Your Mobiles Phone

یک ماشین حساب مهندسی برای گوشی های نوکیا سری 9


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.0
Symbian S60 : 3RD OS9.1
سایز: 438 KB
تاریخ: 23/06/2007


Description :

XSound is an mp3 song player with nice and clear graphical user interface. You can customize how to look like the screen with skins and images from your device. With Playlist Editor you can rearrange the list of the songs, and listen in the order you wish.
XSound has the best sound quality ever heard on cellphones
Detailed :
• Plays MP3 files (MPEG-1/2/2.5, ABR, VBR).
• Stereo playback (if supported by phone).
• Displays ID3 tags, bitrate and frequency.
• Displays time elapsed and the length of the track.
• Volume control.
• Easy-to-use, continuous fast-forward and rewind.
• Associated to MP3 files.
• Skin and wallpaper support included. Add skins or your favorite pictures as wallpaper. For now 2 skins are available. The search engine has to find all images on the device. Only JPG files with the "jpg" and "jpeg" extension may be used.
• The best quality of sound ever heard.
• Available languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese and Hungarian.
• The search engine has to find all mp3 songs on the device, or you can create and edit your own playlist. Search manually the storage devices.
• It is available to save the list of songs into file, and read it back if you need. So, you do not have to worry on application start-up to find again and again your the most favorite songs.​

يكي از قويترين پخش كننده هاي فايل هاي ام پي تري براي گوشي هاي نوكيا


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 3.0
Symbian S60 : 3RD OS9.1
سایز: 1 MB
تاریخ: 23/06/2007


All your travel needs, served.
WorldMate takes the stress out of business travel by providing must-have information you need while traveling - from world clocks and weather forecasts to flight status updates. There are also a currency converter and a world map to make sure you're on time and on the job!
"WorldMate tells you everything you need to travel"
Mark Newton, PC PRO, June 2005 edition

"... the Swiss Army Knife of mobile travel software"
James A. Miller, PDAStreet, March 2005

Real-Time Flight Status
Get information in real-time about your flight - delays, gate, terminal information and more. Available for over 75 of the world's leading airlines, this is the only service with this coverage. Flight information is updated in real-time.

Global Weather Forecasts
5-day forecasts provided for over 400 locations worldwide.
Provided by The Weather Channel (weather.com), the premiere source of global weather information.

World Clocks
View 5 multiple world clocks featuring full time-zone coverage and automatic daylight savings time (DST) calculations.

Currency Converter and Exchange Rate Service
An advanced currency converter coupled with an online currency rate service. Supports 3 currencies concurrently, with rates for over 160 currencies.

World Day - Night Map
View current day - night conditions on a dazzling world map. Includes a city locator and world clock display.​
يك برنامه ي كامل كه اطلاعات زيادي به شما مي دهد از قبيل ساعات كشورهاي مختلف
به همراه آب و هواي آنها و بسياري ديگر از اطلاعات


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.0
Symbian S60 : 3RD OS9.1
سایز: 19 KB
تاریخ: 23/06/2007


mLock just set the Keylock. The idea is an easier use of the Keylock (especially with N80).
Most practical is this tool, when it’s used as the first application by
the Active Desk. Instead of open and close the Slider-Mobile or press the
“Profile - Key” you need just to click the mLock icon and the Keylock is set.

There are no settings necessary and also no “application - screens” available.​

با تنظم اين برنامه صفحه كليد شما به راحتي قفل مي شود


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
8 دسامبر 2006
ورژن: 2.0
Symbian S60 : Nokia Os 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 536 KB
تاریخ: 16/03/2007


Here is a web-browser which needs no introduction... This version is tested working on N-Gage QD and is fully cracked...
Opera is a full Internet browser, which provides you with access to all your favorite Web sites. The Opera browser for Series 60 is based upon the same browser engine as Opera''s widely used desktop browser, delivering Web capabilities unlike anything previously available on handheld devices. Opera is user-friendly, secure, and exceptionally fast. The browser is small, yet full-featured.
Opera for Series 60 includes Opera''s exclusive breakthrough technology, Small-Screen Rendering™ (SSR), which reformats Web pages to fit the smaller mobile screens. More information about SSR is available at http://www.opera.com
Opera offers all the features expected of a full Internet browser. Among the many advanced features we find keypad shortcuts, toggling images , bookmarks, history list, and refuse pop-up windows.
Standards support
Opera supports the latest standards including HTML 4.01, ECMA Script-262 2nd & 3rd ed., JavaScript 1.5, XHTML 1.0/1.1, XHTML Basic, XHTML MP, CSS 1 & 2, CSS MP, WML 1.3, WCSS, cHTML, HTTP 1.0 & 1.1, SSL 3/TLS 1.0 and Unicode (UTF-16).​

برنامه ای برای گشت و گذار در نت از طریق گوشی! با استفاده از این برنامه می تونید به همه آدرس های مورد نظرتون برید مخصوصا الان كه ايرانسل اينترنت رو راه انداخته خيلي به دردتون مي خوره حتما دانلودش كنيد كه بسيار كورد استفاده قرار خواهد گرفت

دوست عزیز این برنامه برای نصب روی نوکیا ان 70 ارور میده:wacko:


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
6 فوریه 2005
ورژن: 1.71
Symbian S60 : OS 6 - 7 - 8
سایز: 287 KB
تاریخ: 27/06/2007


With this unique universal Remote Control you can define your own set of devices you want to use! Your new universal irRemote does not have to learn anything - you just choose your brand from the list, then select device type (TV, DVD, VCR, CD etc.) and it works!
The list of supported brands is long and contains following manufactures and their compatibles: Admiral, Aiwa, Akai, Allsat, Anitech, Apex, Aristona, Avex, Barco, Blaupunkt, Bush, CCE, Crown, Cyberhome, Daewoo, Denon, Elemis, Elitron, Finlux, Funai, Galaxis, GoldStar, Grundig, Hitachi, ITT-Nokia, JVC, Kenwood, LG, Lifetec, Loewe, Magnavox, Manhattan, Marantz, Mark, Matsui, Meliconi, Mitsubishi, Nec, Nokia, Onkyo, Orava, Orion, Panasonic, Philips, Phonola, Pioneer, RCA, Portland, Rubin, Samsung, Salora, Sanyo, Schneider, SEG, Sharp, Sherwood, SKY-Digital, Sony, Synudyne, Technics, TechniSat, Tesla, Thomson, Tivo, Toshiba, UK-Digital, UK-OnDigital, Universum, Watson, Yamaha, Zenith
We did our best to provide as many brands and their versions as possible. However, we strongly recommend to use a trial period of this application to check if it works with your equipment. Please note that some manufacturers provide different remote control versions for Europe, Americas and Australia, so this can also lead to some problems. We generally provide European versions, however, future extensions to other versions are planned.
Future development:
We are also planning to add more brands and equipment versions for existing brands, so if it does not work with your device yet, keep in touch with us!
There will be also more skins! Please contact us if you have fun in preparing some skin for this program - any cooperation is appreciated. Once prepared skins will be also downloadable, so you will be able to compose your irRemote for your own taste!

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