• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

بیاید تو که براتون مفید (((پردازش تصویر با vb.net ))) خودم نوشتم .:blink:


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
7 دسامبر 2007
بیاید تو که براتون مفید (((پردازش تصویر با vb.net ))) خودم نوشتم
این یه پروژه در مورد پردازش تصویر بود که من در پروژه برنامه سازی پیشرفته 1 ارائه کردم تعدادی از کد آن را میارم .هر کس میخواد با من ارتباط برقرار کنه با این آدرس([email protected]) میتونه.


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
7 دسامبر 2007
Public Shared Sub Process(ByVal pshow As PictureBox, ByVal pProcess As PictureBox, ByVal speed As Boolean, ByVal Quality As Integer)
Dim Orgimage, Changedimage As Bitmap
Dim s As Color
Dim sumokey, i, j, Q, W As Integer
Orgimage = pProcess.Image
Changedimage = pProcess.Image
For i = 5 To 355 Step 44
For j = 5 To 290 Step 36
If j < 290 Or (i < 350) Then
s = Orgimage.GetPixel(i, j)
If s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality Then
If i < 44 Or j < 37 Then
If i < 44 And j > 37 Then
For Q = i To i + 44
For W = j - 36 To j + 37
If (Q < 351) Then
If (W < 280) Then
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Then
If speed = False Then pshow.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Green, 2), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q + 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W + 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W - 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
If sumokey >= 1 And sumokey <= 2 Then
pProcess.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 1), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
sumokey = 0
End If
If sumokey > 2 Then sumokey = 0
End If
End If
End If
Next W
Next Q
End If
If j < 36 And i > 45 Then
For Q = i - 44 To i + 45
For W = j To j + 36
If (Q < 351) Then
If (W < 280) Then
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Then
If speed = False Then pshow.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Green, 2), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q - 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q + 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W + 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
If sumokey >= 1 And sumokey <= 2 Then
pProcess.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 1), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
sumokey = 0
End If
If sumokey > 2 Then sumokey = 0
End If
End If
End If
Next W
Next Q
End If
If j < 37 And i < 47 Then
For Q = i To i + 45
For W = j To j + 37
If (Q < 351) Then
If (W < 289) Then
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Then
If speed = False Then pshow.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Green, 2), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q - 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q + 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W + 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W - 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
If sumokey >= 1 And sumokey <= 3 Then
pProcess.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 1), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
sumokey = 0
End If
If sumokey > 3 Then sumokey = 0
End If
End If
End If
Next W
Next Q
End If
For Q = i - 44 To i + 44
For W = j - 36 To j + 36
If (Q < 351) Then
If (W < 283) Then
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Then
If speed = False Then pshow.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Green, 2), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q - 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q + 1, W)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W + 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
s = Changedimage.GetPixel(Q, W - 1)
If (s.R < Quality And s.B < Quality And s.G < Quality) Or (s.R = 255 And s.B = 0 And s.G = 0) Then
sumokey += 1
End If
If sumokey >= 1 And sumokey <= 3 Then
pProcess.CreateGraphics.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Red, 1), Q, W, Q + 1, W + 1)
sumokey = 0
End If
If sumokey > 3 Then sumokey = 0
End If
End If
End If
Next W
Next Q
End If
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub