اقا ..... من كه رسما سرويس شدم
# Consider using the MySQL configuration, below.
DataSource ./db
## The following options are commented out: to uncomment an ##
## option, remove the '#' at the beginning of the line. ##
## First, however, make sure that you understand the purpose ##
## of the configuration setting. ##
# Configuration for MySQL databases. Add the name of your database
# and the username that you have for logging in to that database
# below. The password needs to go in the file mt-db-pass.cgi.
ObjectDriver DBI::mysql
Database <user_blog>
DBUser <user_afshin>
DBHost localhost
خلاصه یه همچین ترکیبی چیدم ! . شما میگی مشکلش چیه ؟ :blink: