برگزیده های پرشین تولز

مشکل با فعال کردن feedwordpress


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
19 آگوست 2007
دوستان سلام من ب فعال کردن پلاگین feedwordpress مشکل درم وقتی فعالش میکنم پیغام میده
به‌دلیل داشتن مشکلی جدیافزونه فعال نشد.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Relative_URI in /home/parsagri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/feedwordpress/relative_uri.class.php on line 11

لطفا اگر امکان داره به من کمک کنید تا ببینم جریان چیه من از وردپرس فارسی 2.9.2 استفاده میکنم :lol:


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
14 ژوئن 2010
باید فایل این افزونه رو بگیرم ببینم خط 11 این فایل چی می خواد ولی یه سوال دیگه.

این افزونه چه کاری می کنه؟
اگر کاری مشابه feedburner انجام میده نمیتونید از این استفاده کنید.

اگر اون فایل .php رو هم با سوالتون اتچ می کردی بهتر بود


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
19 آگوست 2007
ببخشید دیر جواب دادم این افزونه یک افزونه فید ریدر است

اینم کدها
# Relative URI static class: PHP class for resolving relative URLs
# This class is derived (under the terms of the GPL) from URL Class 0.3 by
# Keyvan Minoukadeh <[email protected]>, which is great but more than we need
# for FeedWordPress's purposes. The class has been stripped down to a single
# public method: Relative_URI::resolve($url, $base), which resolves the URI in
# $url relative to the URI in $base

class Relative_URI
    // Resolve relative URI in $url against the base URI in $base. If $base
    // is not supplied, then we use the REQUEST_URI of this script.
    // I'm hoping this method reflects RFC 2396 Section 5.2
    function resolve ($url, $base = NULL)
        if (is_null($base)):
            $base = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

        $base = Relative_URI::_encode(trim($base));
        $uri_parts = Relative_URI::_parse_url($base);

        $url = Relative_URI::_encode(trim($url));
        $parts = Relative_URI::_parse_url($url);

        $uri_parts['fragment'] = (isset($parts['fragment']) ? $parts['fragment'] : null);
        $uri_parts['query'] = (isset($parts['query']) ? $parts['query'] : null);

        // if path is empty, and scheme, host, and query are undefined,
        // the URL is referring the base URL
        if (($parts['path'] == '') && !isset($parts['scheme']) && !isset($parts['host']) && !isset($parts['query'])) {
            // If the URI is empty or only a fragment, return the base URI
            return $base . (isset($parts['fragment']) ? '#'.$parts['fragment'] : '');
        } elseif (isset($parts['scheme'])) {
            // If the scheme is set, then the URI is absolute.
            return $url;
        } elseif (isset($parts['host'])) {
            $uri_parts['host'] = $parts['host'];
            $uri_parts['path'] = $parts['path'];
        } else {
            // We have a relative path but not a host.

            // start ugly fix:
            // prepend slash to path if base host is set, base path is not set, and url path is not absolute
            if ($uri_parts['host'] && ($uri_parts['path'] == '')
            && (strlen($parts['path']) > 0)
            && (substr($parts['path'], 0, 1) != '/')) {
                $parts['path'] = '/'.$parts['path'];
            } // end ugly fix
            if (substr($parts['path'], 0, 1) == '/') {
                $uri_parts['path'] = $parts['path'];
            } else {
                // copy base path excluding any characters after the last (right-most) slash character
                $buffer = substr($uri_parts['path'], 0, (int)strrpos($uri_parts['path'], '/')+1);
                // append relative path
                $buffer .= $parts['path'];
                // remove "./" where "." is a complete path segment.
                $buffer = str_replace('/./', '/', $buffer);
                if (substr($buffer, 0, 2) == './') {
                    $buffer = substr($buffer, 2);
                // if buffer ends with "." as a complete path segment, remove it
                if (substr($buffer, -2) == '/.') {
                    $buffer = substr($buffer, 0, -1);
                // remove "<segment>/../" where <segment> is a complete path segment not equal to ".."
                $search_finished = false;
                $segment = explode('/', $buffer);
                while (!$search_finished) {
                    for ($x=0; $x+1 < count($segment);) {
                    if (($segment[$x] != '') && ($segment[$x] != '..') && ($segment[$x+1] == '..')) {
                        if ($x+2 == count($segment)) $segment[] = '';
                        unset($segment[$x], $segment[$x+1]);
                        $segment = array_values($segment);
                        continue 2;
                    } else {
                    $search_finished = true;
                $buffer = (count($segment) == 1) ? '/' : implode('/', $segment);
                $uri_parts['path'] = $buffer;


        // If we've gotten to this point, we can try to put the pieces
        // back together.
        $ret = '';
        if (isset($uri_parts['scheme'])) $ret .= $uri_parts['scheme'].':';
        if (isset($uri_parts['user'])) {
            $ret .= $uri_parts['user'];
            if (isset($uri_parts['pass'])) $ret .= ':'.$uri_parts['parts'];
            $ret .= '@';
        if (isset($uri_parts['host'])) {
            $ret .= '//'.$uri_parts['host'];
            if (isset($uri_parts['port'])) $ret .= ':'.$uri_parts['port'];
        $ret .= $uri_parts['path'];
        if (isset($uri_parts['query'])) $ret .= '?'.$uri_parts['query'];
        if (isset($uri_parts['fragment'])) $ret .= '#'.$uri_parts['fragment'];

        return $ret;

    * Parse URL
    * Regular expression grabbed from RFC 2396 Appendix B. 
    * This is a replacement for PHPs builtin parse_url().
    * @param string $url
    * @access private
    * @return array
    function _parse_url($url)
    // I'm using this pattern instead of parse_url() as there's a few strings where parse_url() 
    // generates a warning.
    if (preg_match('!^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?!', $url, $match)) {
        $parts = array();
        if ($match[1] != '') $parts['scheme'] = $match[2];
        if ($match[3] != '') $parts['auth'] = $match[4];
        // parse auth
        if (isset($parts['auth'])) {
        // store user info
        if (($at_pos = strpos($parts['auth'], '@')) !== false) {
            $userinfo = explode(':', substr($parts['auth'], 0, $at_pos), 2);
            $parts['user'] = $userinfo[0];
            if (isset($userinfo[1])) $parts['pass'] = $userinfo[1];
            $parts['auth'] = substr($parts['auth'], $at_pos+1);
        // get port number
        if ($port_pos = strrpos($parts['auth'], ':')) {
            $parts['host'] = substr($parts['auth'], 0, $port_pos);
            $parts['port'] = (int)substr($parts['auth'], $port_pos+1);
            if ($parts['port'] < 1) $parts['port'] = null;
        } else {
            $parts['host'] = $parts['auth'];
        $parts['path'] = $match[5];
        if (isset($match[6]) && ($match[6] != '')) $parts['query'] = $match[7];
        if (isset($match[8]) && ($match[8] != '')) $parts['fragment'] = $match[9];
        return $parts;
    // shouldn't reach here
    return array('path'=>'');

    function _encode($string)
    static $replace = array();
    if (!count($replace)) {
        $find = array(32, 34, 60, 62, 123, 124, 125, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 127);
        $find = array_merge(range(0, 31), $find);
        $find = array_map('chr', $find);
        foreach ($find as $char) {
        $replace[$char] = '%'.bin2hex($char);
    // escape control characters and a few other characters
    $encoded = strtr($string, $replace);
    // remove any character outside the hex range: 21 - 7E (see www.asciitable.com)
    return preg_replace('/[^\x21-\x7e]/', '', $encoded);
} // class Relative_URI