Boopsie is a new client search application that is totally different than Google, Yahoo, etc. It use vertical search - like people look for things in real life. So, you choose a category, then start typing what you want. So, when you want 'weather', you start typing the word 'weather', select it from the dynamic list and then type part of the city name or zipcode. You could type: 'lag be' - for Laguna Beach '926' - for 92651. There is no faster way to access Wikipedia on a mobile phone. Choose Wikipedia from the main menu, then start typing the prefixes of your search term. So, under the Wikipedia channel: 'um th' - Uma Thurman 'ge c sc' - finds George C Scott. It's auto-complete on steroids...on your phone. Best bar argument resolver around.
Channels include: Amazon Books, Caltrain Schedule, Celebrity Photos, CitySearch Silicon Valley, World Date and Time, FlightView flight status (west coast only), IMDB, Sports scores, Snow Reports, Surf Reports, Stock quotes, etc.
Channels are being added daily by many third parties. NOTE:
You need to have a data plan.
Same .cab file works on Smartphone and Pocket PC with Windows Mobile 5.0. No registration required.
On-line simulation demo at The phone app works better than the web.