• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

نرم افزار :: Windows Mobile , Pocket Pc, Win CE ٠


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 دسامبر 2006
محل سکونت
برنامه ای برای قرار دادن آیکن بلوتوث و منوی فعال سازی اون در صفحه تودی اسکرین .


روش نصب :

فایل کب رو توی گوشی کپی کنید و بعد از نصب به این آدرس برید \Program Files\btIO\btIO.exe و برای شروع اتوماتیک برنامه بعد از ریست شدن گوشی یک shortcut توی استارت آپ دستگاهتون بریزید .


فایل های ضمیمه

  • btIO-0.1.CAB
    37.4 KB · نمایش ها: 44


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
23 دسامبر 2002
سلام دوستان عزيز خسته نباشيد واقعا انجمن مفيد و سودمندی ست. لطفا به سئوال من هم جواب بديد...آيا برنامه منشی تلفنی برای پاکت پی سی سراغ داريد؟


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 جولای 2007
محل سکونت
بهترين ماشين حسابي كه من تا حالا داشتم
از ويژگي هاش مي شه اين ها را گفت:

1.آموزش گام به گام تا ياد گيري كامل استفاده كننده:blink:

2.رسم نمودار 2ويا 3بعدي همراه با دادن معادله

3.محاسبه (حدوانتگرال وبراكت)

4.خلاصه كارش درسته:rolleyes:

نسخه را بايد رجيسترش كنيد البته فايل رجيستر در خوذ فايل موجود است.:)

http://www.mobile4persian.com/downloads/PPC/Softs/SpaceTime v3.0.3.2-by Professional.zip


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 جولای 2007
محل سکونت
سلام دوستان عزيز خسته نباشيد واقعا انجمن مفيد و سودمندی ست. لطفا به سئوال من هم جواب بديد...آيا برنامه منشی تلفنی برای پاکت پی سی سراغ داريد؟

با سلام

هنوز برنامهاي موجود نمي باشد:)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
23 دسامبر 2002
قبلا يکی از دوستان برنامه ای را معرفی کرده بود که جدول ليگ برتر ايران را نشان می داد ولی از هفته شانزدهم به بعد آپديت نمی شود. برنامه زير شامل ليگهای فوتبال همه جهان است و مرتبا آپديت می شود و برنامه های آينده و نتيجه بازی های هفته و... را هم شامل می شود. فکر کنم برنامه جالبی ست...



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
13 دسامبر 2005
با سلام
این هم از اولین نرم افزار منشی تلفنی برای پاکت پی سی ها :
شرمنده من خودم برنامه رو تست نکردم ...
اگر برنامه کار می کرد یه خبری بدین ...
از اینجا دانلود کنین

اصل خبر

این هم screen shot های برنامه :




Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 دسامبر 2006
محل سکونت
پلاگین برای صفحه ی تودی که به برنامه جانبی دیگری نیاز نداره و فینگر فرندلی هم هست . یقیناً بعد از کار کردن با برنامه خواهید دید که سرعت گوشی شما بیشتر از قبل شده است

* خدای برنامه هم هست *


* Control your device via touch or your thumb with the directional control
* Smart Lists Navigation ™ with bookmarks allows you to easily locate an item in even the largest lists
* Choose the slide navigation that suits you
* One touch access to calls, email, text messages and music
* Easily see who and when calls were received, made and missed
* Using the Applet Ribbon ™ you can easily access the time, tasks, appointments, calendar and up to date weather forecasts and current temperatures
* Easily manage your sound, wireless, battery and device settings
* Easy create new emails, text messages, multimedia messages, tasks, appointments, documents and spreadsheets
* Load and switch between running applications effortlessly




واین هم Youtob این برنامه ( قابل توجه بعضی ها )

دانلود برنامه با حجم 1.0+ مگابایت


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 دسامبر 2006
محل سکونت
برنامه ای برای فرستادن اتوماتیک پیام کوتاه به تماس های موفق و نا موفق .


توضیحات :

BaselsReply V2.0 is released with a major changes! Don't know what BaselsReply is? BaselsReply is a typicall "answering machine". The diffrence is that BaselsReply answers with a SMS. How does it work? Well, you write your message in the "Message" field and then press on "Activate". When you've done this, the program should activate. The next time someone calls, BaselsReply will send a SMS to the caller with your message and the Console will register: CallerID - Date and Time. Another product of MonkeyUpdates

Update List:

* Fix bugs: Sending issues
* Add: Skin-chooser
* Add: New skin (Greener)
* Add: Server-mode

Server-Mode: Click on [Server] {
Activate-button: Activate the server
Deactivate-button: Deactivate the server
Add-button: Add new Request/Answer(Action)
Remove-button: Remove Selected Action
Info-button: Information about the selected Action
How to use the server?
Simply.. Start by creating your list of Actions(Command List) with the Add-button. When your done press [Back] and click on [Activate]. Your server is now ready for SMS interception.
When someone send a SMS to you with the following text.. Example:
SMS Message:
br mobile
or closely
SMS Message
"br" is the program trigger (with other words the word that will make the program read the sms). Followed by the "mobile" which is the "Request-Text" you input as a action. The user whom sent the SMS to you will get a SMS back from BaselsReply-Server with the corresponding Answer-Text.

فایل های ضمیمه

  • BaselsReply V2.0.CAB
    151.6 KB · نمایش ها: 58


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 دسامبر 2006
محل سکونت
برنامه ای برای ساختن درایو های مجازی ، دارای پسورد برای پاکت پی سی .


بوسیله این برنامه یک مقدار مشخص از مموری کارت گوشیتون رو به عنوان یک Storage Card دیگر مشخص و استفاده کنید .

مثلاً میتوانید مموری 4 گیگابایتی خود رو به 4 تا 1 گیگ برای برنامه ها و بازی ها و فایل های شخصی و اداری تقسیم کنید و برای هر کدام پسوردی جدا گانه لحاظ کنید . بعد از انجام این کار دیگر نگران دزدیده شدن یا گم شدن مموری کارت خود نخواهید بود زیرا که تمام اطلاعات شخصی شما در یک فایل که دارای پسورد است ذخیره شده - و از طرفی پلیس موبایل هم . . .

روش کار با برنامه :

ابتدا باید بوسیله گزینه Menu\File\New یک فایل با پسوند Vol بسازید و مقدار اون رو بسته به ظرفیت مورد نظر مثلاً 200 مگابایت قرار دهید و پسورد مورد نظر را وارد کنید . ( بقیه گزینه ها پیش فرض باشند )

در ادامه گزینه Mount را زده و از قسمت File Name فایل مورد نظر رو که با پسوند Vol ساخته بودید رو مشخص کنید بعد از چند ثانیه یک درایو دقیقاً شبیه Storage Card ساخته میشود و میتونید استفاده کنید .

*** دقت کنید میزان فضای درایوی رو که مشخص میکنید به همان میزان یک فایل با پسوند Vol در مموری شما خواهد گذاشت - اون فایل رو پاک نکنید ***

در نهایت دوستانی که از طریق پاکت پیسی نتوانستند آن فایل با پسوند Vol رو بسازند میتونند نسخه مخصوص کامپیوتر رو که در لینک دوم گذاشتم دانلود کنند و با استفاده از اون وصل کردن مموری کارت به کامپیوتر اقدام به این کار کنند - چرا که بوسیله کامپیوتر این کار راحت تر انجام میشود .

ضمناً این برنامه بر روی کامپیوتر هم به همین شکل جواب میده فقط دوستانی که اطلاعات زیادی ندارند گزینه های پیش فرض رو تغییر ندهند. برای درایو های نسخه کامپیوتر لازم است که بعد از Mount کردن درایو برای بار اول درایو رو Format کنید .

دانلود نسخه پاکت پیسی

دانلود نسخه کامپیوتر


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
14 دسامبر 2006
محل سکونت
اگر دلتون ميخاد مرور تصاوير رو بدون قلم و به سبك ايفون روي پاكت پيسي داشته باشيد بسم الله.
Requirements: WM5 Phone or WM6 Professional devices free RAM: at least 1M for QVGA; 3M for VGA if you have S2U2 installed, it must be upgraded to v0.97 first




Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 دسامبر 2006
محل سکونت
نرم افزار دیگری برای استفاده از جی پی اس


NoniGPSPlot allows you to locate your position in relation to other GPS points and to see the journey you have made.

It may be used to find your starting place in a port after sailing, or the place where you start a walking or biking excursion, or even your car in a parking. Any place long as you know its GPS coordinates.

It stores the whole journey too. And you can export a KML file to visualize it in Google Earth. Please download here for the original version in French. Update Description:

- New saving format for the track and the points (faster). Warning: If you want to go back to the previous version: Before installing the old version, you have to check 'Old saving format' in the general configuration window to no loose all your points!
- New statellite window.
- Automatic back up of the configuration.
- A system of track recovery in case of reset.
- Some bugs less.
- Some other things...

- Possibility to import itineraries.
- Improvement of compatibility with the resolutions other than the 320x240.
- Compatible Smartphone.
- Some bugs less.
- Some other things...

- Possibility to import itineraries.
- Improvement of compatibility with the resolutions other than the 320x240.
- Compatible Smartphone with touch screen.
- Some bugs less.
- Some other things...

- Possibility to update map or group of map calibration.
- UTM format.
- New GPS manager.
- Windows displayed in Anglo-Saxon units.
- Some bugs less.
- Some other things... v2.69:
- Possibility to click on a point to display his group, name, the cape and outdistance (from current position).
- Possibility to edit a point from a double click.
- Possibility to add a comment to points.
- Possibility to record voice memo to points and use it as alert.
- Possibility to export points from group.
- Possibility to export in NMEA format compatible with Locr.
- Some other things... v2.6.8d:
- Add battery level.
- Add sound to warn lost of signal.
- New statitic.
- Drift alarm.
- Possibility to activate/deactivate StaticNav (only for some kind of GPS).
- Altitude alert.
- Uneven alert.
- Redisign of map projection.
- Possibility to set memory size for maps.
- Possibility to set alert for signal lost.
- Better compatibility with 240*240.
- Add altitude in KML exports.
- Some other things.

فایل های ضمیمه

  • NoniGPSPlotV2.72.EN.rar
    344.6 KB · نمایش ها: 111


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
17 فوریه 2005
محل سکونت
نمیدونم ورژن جدید WebCamera Plus رو کسی معرفی کرده بود یا نه.:hmm:
در هر صورت کسانی که احتیاج به وب کم بوسیله پاکت پی سی از طریق بلوتوث یا یو اس بی داشتند این بدون مشکل کار میکنه و رجیستر میشه. :rolleyes:



همکار بازنشسته
تاریخ عضویت
12 می 2007
محل سکونت
این باز نسخه جدید منشی تلفنی به همراه سریال به نام iSecretary1.1


1. Combined with the enabled (!) speakerphone and call autorecord of VITO AudioNotes, both the HTC Wizard and the HTC Universal could make acceptable recordings. Note that even if the Wizard was set to "Silent", it automatically switched to speakerphone mode to both play the pre-recorded message and to relay the caller's voice. The Universal, on the other hand, didn't activate the speaker in this mode; therefore, the caller didn't hear the message at all. That is, with the Universal, you will need to set it to at least the lowest, but still enabled volume. Using VITO AudioNotes in addition to iSecretary is also preferable in that iSecretary only stores the caller's info until you exit it. Unlike with PMRecorder / VITO AudioNotes / Resco Audio Recorder 4 (that is, the three most recommended apps for Windows Mobile call recording), it doesn't store the caller's number or any other data in/along with (for example, in the names) the WAV files it records. Therefore, adding an additional layer of (parallel) recording via VITO AudioNotes not only helps in switching to auto-speaker mode, but also preserves the caller's number / contact name, if any.
2. note that neither the intro message nor the caller's voice can be switched off. That is, the intro message is returned to the caller via the standard speaker / mike way and not directly. And, of course, the caller's voice, on most models, need to be relayed to the (auto-)speakerphone - with the help of VITO AudioNotes - so that it can be acceptably recorded. This means you won't be able to use this app in a place where silence is required (for example, in a concert). In cases like this, currently, only remote voice mailboxes (see THIS) or the SMS responser applications (see next bullet) will help. This is certainly an area where Microsoft and the hardware manufacturers should improve on functionality. On Symbian, even in the very old S60v1 (I've myself tested this on my year 2003 N-Gage with the current, 2.05 version of Best Answering Machine), no speakerphone is needed to play back the message to the caller or (locally) record his/her incoming voice. All S60 devices can be used along with a local answering machine software in a completely silent environment - unlike with iSecretary, which must heavily rely on the very loud and disturbing speakerphone mode to make the audio transfer in both directions legible.
3. some have asked what the difference is between this app, The Mobile Secretary and Aali Alikoski's recently-updated SMS Notifier (see review of version 1.2 HERE - note that in the new, 1.3 version, there are some WM6 compatibility fixes and it, finally, is auto-started after a reset) is. The major difference is that the latter two apps only send back an SMS message (and an optional Calendar info) to the caller and not a message. In this respect, they're exactly the same as Best SmsMachine on pre-S60v3 Symbian. However, in silent environments like a theater or a concert, they are the only way (in addition to the mobile operator-based remote voicemail-boxes) to, in some way, respond to the caller because, as has already been pointed out, iSecretary MUST rely on the mike-speakerphone feedback to be able to both record incoming messages and play the intro message back to the caller. Using the speakerphone isn't acceptable in a quiet environment.



همکار بازنشسته
تاریخ عضویت
12 می 2007
محل سکونت
با Pocket Informant 8 می توانید امور روزمره خود را بیشتر کنترل کنید.


Pocket Informant is The Next Generation in Personal Daily Management, but we don't just say that; we mean it. Pocket Informant 8 doesn't just simply let you work with your daily events through lists and grids, but with the new Events and Journal views you can look at your life's past and future in an easy cohesive environment. Even create contact links within your appointment or tasks' subject and notes let you quickly access a named contact without having to resort to links or a search. Most suprisingly, this power doesn't come at the cost of a complicated, cluttered interface.

Pocket Informant 8 brings a new level of ease of use to your mobile device. Version 8 introduces a new Roles based user-interface that lets you scale the user-interface and feature to your needs offering you just the power you want. A fully one handed interface lets you use Pocket Informant without ever touching the stylus - or if you prefer finger control Pocket Informant brings finger touch scrolling, a touch ABC bar in Contacts, and new finger friendly time pickers.

These are just a taste of the new features that Pocket Informant 8 provides that separates it from any other PIM on the market. This just builds on top of the already easy and powerful features that have made Pocket Informant the winner of the best business application and PIM for this and previous years at Smartphone and Pocket PC Magazine. To get a list of features



همکار بازنشسته
تاریخ عضویت
12 می 2007
محل سکونت

با برنامه RobLock v1.5 امنیت گوشی خود را بالا ببرید.


RobLock provides protection and safety from theft or losing your device and helps to retrieve it back. Now the users can forget the fear of losing their device by protecting it using RobLock Software.

Features SMS notification on SIM Change to predefined number Recover contacts from lost phone Remote WIPE memory card Delete contacts, sms, email, photos and videos on the lost device Uninstall Protection Auto Hides on unauthorized SIM insertion Complete Stealth operations Unlimited SIM card support Does not affect mobile performance in normal operation Tiny installation footprint Easy Configuration Password Protected Settings



کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
15 مارس 2007
محل سکونت
هر جا پیدا کنم
Spb Pocket Plus v4.0.2
Requirements: WM2003, WM5, WM6
Overview: The Microsoft distinguished service pack with the most awaited features missed in the original Windows Mobile. Get the most from your Pocket PC with this top-selling award winning software

Version 4.0.2 (Dec 6, 2007):

* A new "Refresh icons in the Today plug-in when the storage card is inserted" option in advanced Today plug-in settings added
* Several minor bugs in File Explorer extensions fixed
* Several Close button-related bug fixes
* Support for Spb Wallet v.Next added
* Backlight support for Glofiish X800+ and Asus 636 added

Version 4.0.1 (Oct 26, 2007):

* Significant Today plug-in load time reduce and tab switching performance increase
* Fixed bug with installation on the WM 2003 devices from desktop
* Fixed problem with installation with CAB
* The labels are shown by single line when the system large fonts are selected
* Fixed problem with date Today plugin showing date in two lines
* Smart Scrolling: improved Spb Imageer support
* Smart Scrolling: improved PIE support on pages with embedded forms
* Smart Scrolling: improved gesture recognition
* Localizations: all languages updated
* Fixed memory leak when the Diary was inserted into the Spb Pocket Plus with auto-height on
* Reduced overall size on the device
* Improved internal image caching algorithm
* Added automatic icon refresh when the Storage Card is inserted
* Added "For All Items"->Refresh context menu item for updating the icons when they are not loaded
* Added button support for HTC Mogul
* Fixed bug with Today plug-in resize on wm2003 devices when switching from Portrait to Landscape and back

یکی از بهترین برنامه ها برای قرار دادن shortcut در today screen و امکانات دیگر



Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
24 آپریل 2007
ورژن جدید برنامه منشی iSecretary v2.3

- lifts the handset automatically when the preset time expires;
- plays the file to the caller;
- records your caller's message within the limits of preset time and hangs up;
- contact list filter (choose an individual wav for each contact);
- ignore list;
- compatible with speakerphone (for PDA whitch can not work with signal in line);
- autoload after SoftReset.
- Speakerphone volume control
- Microphone control (its work with some PDA, For example: ASUS P525).
- Black List, reject ringing (filtring by phone number).

Getting, installing

Get it HERE, unRAR it with, say, WinRAR, transfer the contents of it to your Pocket PC and run iSecretary.exe. You can safely minimize it / suspend the phone: whenever an incoming call arrives, the answering machine activates, plays the default message (you can easily change it in the Answer List tab, even in the non-registered version) and starts recording the caller's voice. If it can, that is - the same restrictions apply as with traditional call recorders like PMRecorder. .​



Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
20 اکتبر 2005
محل سکونت
اين هم يك ورژن از منشي تلفني isecretary با كد رجيستريشن كه 2.2 است.
روي WM5 دات نت ميخواد.
همه چيز حله ولي صداي پيغام گذاشته شده توسط تماس گيرنده ضعيف است.
ضمن تشكر از Lover عزير از اينجا دانلود كنيد: