Hi Pals!!!!! w.t.h. are you saying to those cheery girls? if u go on like this... they'd be some cryin' balls! it's not important
what are they doin', sayin' or probably mumblin' cuz they're just some girls! nothing else
Ithink the power of God wann'd thema be always playin' with gossips and unimportant God Damned words. this is it... this....is.....it. ok i think a little change in your stupid topic would be better for all of us! let's change the topic to somethin' else I think the word "Patience" is the thing really girls make men do! we hava be patience just to tolerate these girls mocking around us and wasting our time. good to see no girls around me right in this important stage of my life: The Youth... yes
Ok just first tell me what type of conversation are you taking? black or usual or casual or formal or normal informal.
the good thin' here is that some important things are available in this topic too.
Let's talk about the difference and importance of styles of english convesation. for example i meself most of the time enjoy black english of people in Georgia ( one of the states in US) cuz it really challenges your brain. just think to an idiot black man, a cigarette in his mouth, it's hard for hima make his lips get far from each other , so he probably talks by closed mouth, making some noise that those are his words he wants u understand them ! yes
( I suggest you, a very important suggestion, play computer games to improve your language , or at the end listen to music n watch movies, these make your treasury of language alive and developed, up to date)