I do understand, and totally admire that! l
Wow, looks like you're really serious about working here. :lol: l
Tell us a little about your job if you like. l
yeah, most Iranian's say it is a bad idea to work in Iran, but i would like to try
sure i can tell you some about my works, i'm at my second job
climate control = what happens when you press "auto" in the climate system + manual control
engine modelling = mathematical modelling of parts of combustion engine
intellectually i find working much simpler than studying, and it is more fun.
work = problem solving
problem solving = theory + creativity
it is like painting (i think, i dont paint
) l
theory = the colors available for the painter
how to paint = problem solving
to learn problem solving, i think is hard, every problem is different, some have it, some don't, but it is based on creativity and fantasy and it is actually my favourite part of working. '
But in order to be "free" in your thoughts you must master the theory.
my tip to you (you studying engineering i remember) is that when you are done with your studies, NEVER STOP LEARNING! when you stop reading books in your field you will be a bad engineer
also the psychology i.e. how people are at work is very interesting, this is very important to feel good, when you study you choose your friends, but when you work you sit many hours around people you can't decide.
I believe in being a good person, wanting good for your "ham-ensaan" , this is my natural state, but many are not like this, and these can be very bad for how you feel when you are young, there are many bitter people who get happy when they see problem among others and angry when they see success and happiness among others, these poeple are poison, my key to be happy as an adult has been to learn to realize their badness and stay good.
these people made me depressed when i started working, even if there is only one in your department it is enough, if you have a plate of adas polow (i love adas polow
) and one drip of poison is put in it, it can't be eaten, these people are the same, now i'm actually quite hard when i meet such people, it is as if adults forget basic stuff you learn as a kid "be good". Unfortunately i see many young people who get affected when they start working
the universal rule
"you become like your environment" l
is very hard to disobey