مدیر باز نشسته
humans are all stupid
no exception
What's wrong Masoud ?
Take it easy dude...
recently I've been watching FamilyGuy, that Stwie guy just reminds me of you :lol: you could be such a good friends if he really existed
humans are all stupid
no exception
what do you think about nowadays female singers like sepide hengame mahsa or.... ? do u think old singers are better than them?
what do you think about nowadays female singers like sepide hengame mahsa or.... ? do u think old singers are better than them?
What's wrong Masoud ?
Take it easy dude...
recently I've been watching FamilyGuy, that Stwie guy just reminds me of you :lol: you could be such a good friends if he really existed
meh... everything's wrong!
people are stupid, the economy is so corrupt, and our lives are totally crap. our existence is wrong!
they all suck
persian musics are so stupid; esp. new singers
who even listens to these $hits?!
meh... everything's wrong!
people are stupid, the economy is so corrupt, and our lives are totally crap. our existence is wrong!
yea i know Stewie Griffin and i rly do like him
DoroodThat's intersting! I never believed that the date of one's birthday would affect his/her personality that much but now I'm not sure about it now .
Personality traits by birth month
Doroodwhat is english language
u should enjoy for your mother s language
i have a question
all of u have gone to english language till u can speack with this language?
DoroodHi mates, wa sub?
anyone wants books message me![]()
That's intersting! I never believed that the date of one's birthday would affect his/her personality that much but now I'm not sure about it now .
Personality traits by birth month
what is english language
u should enjoy for your mother s language
i have a question
all of u have gone to english language till u can speack with this language?
that's all nonsense bull$hit.
date and time was invented by humans. in fact there's no difference between days from the cosmological/universal/scientific point of view.
how in the world they got into those conclusions on that page?!
it's all non-scientific crap...
i myself can write some crap and call it "Personality traits by the month of birth"!
some of them might be true about some people and they'd be like "wow, look at this guy. he sure DOES have magical powers! these are all true about me! oh my gosh... oh korean baby jesus...!"
don't be naive and stop wasting your time on these craps!
I 'm sorry but that's very naive to think like that. You can search for it to find some scientific evidence like this:
Season of birth may have long-term effects on personality, study suggests
And alot more...
I never believe in anything that doesn't have any scientific proof but this 1 has and it sorta make sense.
Anyway I don't want to judge someone base on his/her date of birth, I just find it interesting.
BTW, I wasn't wasting my time by reading that link since even if it was complete nonsense it would imporve my english, but I guess I'm waisting my time now:happy:
Little Johnny was sitting on a park bench munching on one chocolate bar after another. After the sixth one a man on the bench across from him said, "Son, you know eating all that chocolate isn't good for you. It will give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat."
Little Johnny replied, "My grandfather lived to be 107 years old."
The man asked, "Did your grandfather eat six chocolate bars at a time?"
Little Johnny answered, "No, but he minded is own business!"
Doroodi have a book
i have a book
good to you. I envy you