اين خبرو ديروز خوندم گفتم براي شمام بذارم. به فروش فوق العاده ي شكلات KG8000 در سطح جهاني اشاره داره. همون طور كه تو كره موفقيت بي نظيري داشته :
LG Chocolate became the real hit
LG Chocolate cellphone released by LG outside Korea early in May made real furor on the world market. Over the first 4 weeks about half million devices had been sold, now the sales volume exceeded one million.
4 هفته ي اول نيم مليون واحد فروخته شده و در حال حاضر از يك مليون تا واحد هم تجاوز كرده ...
The demand in UK turned great, so the number of initially delivered phones was insufficient, local sellers faced the problem of empty shelves, while extra orders continued. Many markets, including China, Russia and Mexico expect the chocolate to become the bestseller.
تو كشور انگليس خواستار زياد داره و كشور هايي مثه چين و روسيه و مكزيك انتظار دارن كه اين گوشي پرفروش ترين گوشي بازارشون بشه ...
منبع : Mobile-review.com