• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

Secret Codes ٠


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
20 آپریل 2005
آقا شما كه داريد زحمت مي كشيد و كداي مخفي رو ميزاريد
يه فكري هم به فكر برو بچه هاي SE K500i بكنيد .
خيلي خيلي ممنون ميشم مرسي


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
8 ژوئن 2005
محل سکونت
at power mind
شايد اين كدهارو بدونيد يا تو همين جا معرفي شده باشه
*#06# -> For Checking the IMEI
*#0000# -> To view Software Version
*#92702689# -> [*#war0anty#]
*3370# -> Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) Activation
*4370# -> Half Rate Codec Deactivation
xx#-xx -> Position in Phone Book
*#06# -> show IMEI
*#9999# -> Show Software Version
*#0837# -> Show Software Version (instruction)
*#0001# -> Show Serial Parameters
*#9125# -> Activates The Smiley When Charging
*#0523# -> LCD Contrast
*#9998*246# -> Program Status
*#9998*324# -> Debug Screens
*#9998*364# -> Watchdog
*#9998*427# -> Trace Watchdog
*#9998*523# -> Change LCD Contrast
*#9998*544# -> Jig Detect
*#9998*636# -> Memory Status
*#9998*746# -> SIM File Size
*#9998*778# -> SIM Service Table
*#9998*786# -> Run,Last UP,Last DOWN
*#9998*837# -> sOftware Version
*#9998*842# -> Test Vibrator
*#9998*872# -> Diag
*#9998*947# -> Reset On Fatal Error
*#9998*999# -> Last/Chk
*0001*s*f*t*# -> Changes Serial Parameters(s=?,f=0,1,t=0.1)
*#9998*9266# -> Debug Screen (=Debug Screens?)
*2767-2878# -> Custom EEPROM Reset
*2767*3855# -> Full EEPROM Reset (This Code Removes SP-LOCK)
SP-unlock SGH-600 and 2100
*0002*?# -> UNKNOWN
*0003*?# -> UNKNOWN
*#06# -> show IMEI
SP unlock *#0003* (Secret Code 8 Digits)
Reset Language to Automatic Selection : *#000# The Green Button
*#01# Show IMEI
*#0000# -> Language Automaticaly (Reset To English)
*#3370# -> Enhaced Full Rate
*#3370# -> Reset the Phone
*#9000# -> Enter SIM Lock Code
*#9001# -> Enter The Corporate Code
*#9002# -> Enter The Provider Code
*#9003# -> Enter The Network Code
*#9004# -> Enter The Subset Code
*#9100# -> Remove The Simlock
*#9101# -> Remove The Corporate Lock
*#9102# -> Remove The Provider Lock
*#9103# -> Remove The Network Lock
*#9104# -> Remove The Subset Lock
*#3262255*8378# (*#Dancall*Test#) HIDDEN 10th Menu
Alcatel HD1,HE1 : 25228353
Alcatel BE1,HE3 : 25228352
Alcatel BE4,HE5 : 83227423
*#06# -> show IMEI & SW Version
000000* Entering in Engineering Menu1 (whith Sim)
###847# Reset To Factory Defaults (whith Sim)
###765*02# Add Barringg Groups
###765*05# Locking To Network
###765*07# Unlocking From Network
###765*08# UNKNOWN
###765*78# Deactivate Barring Groups
0123456789 Menu2 Cod- BE4 Menu2 - Turn Long CALL in Menu1
:) همه عواقب ناشی از استفاده کدها با خود شماست نه با من
این عمل فقط جهت بالا بردن علم دانستن کدهای مخفی موبایل برای شماست :p ;)

دوستان مثلا كد *#06# را به اين صورت وارد كنيد #06#*


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
8 ژوئن 2005
محل سکونت
at power mind
کسی کد اشغال زدن گوشی بدون نوشتن کلمه divert رو بلده:) یا
كسي كد حذف كردن كلمه divet رو بلده


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
25 ژانویه 2005
محل سکونت
آقا بدين در راه خدا ..... اگه كسي كدهاي گوشي موتورولا رو داره بزنه ممنون ميشم ;)


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
2 ژوئن 2005
محل سکونت
please write sony ericsson codes!
my se is K700i


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
18 دسامبر 2004
محل سکونت
دوستان موتورولا رو هم دریابیید!


PocketPC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
28 آگوست 2005
کدی برای i-mate PDA2k Pocket PC هم وجود داره؟


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
5 نوامبر 2005
سلام بچه ها اين همه كدنوشتيد ......دست شما درد نكنه اگه كسي از كد گوشي 6020 نوكيا چيزي ميدونه لطفا بگه؟.........:rolleyes: :)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
25 ژانویه 2005
محل سکونت
اگه كسي از كد گوشي 6020 نوكيا چيزي ميدونه لطفا بگه؟
درسته كه ممكنه بعضي از گوشيها كدهاي خاصي داشته باشند و لي در مورد 6020 ..... كدهاي مربوط به نوكيا كاملا در دسترس است و جواب ميده از اون كدها استفاده كنيد :)

ماشاءا.... تا هست كد براي نوكيا است ;)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
27 ژانویه 2006
محل سکونت
به نقل از i am here :

سريال نامبر گوشي را نشان ميدهد ( IMEI )

نمايش : سريال نامبر گوشي ، تاريخ ساخت ، تاريخ فروش ، تاريخ آخرين تعميرات ( 0000 به معناي نداشتن تعمير قبلي) براي خروج از اين صفحه بايد گوشي را خاموش و دوباره روشن كنيد.

با اين كد شما از حالت EFR استفاده خواهيد كرد كه باعث ميگردد از حداكثر كيفيت صداي گوشي برخوردار شويد اما در عوض مصرف باطري شما كمي بالاتر خواهد رفت

بر روي گوشي نوكيا 3310 آزمايش شد و عمل كرد)

حالت EFR را غير فعال ميسازد.

گوشي را در حالت كيفيت صداي پائين قرار ميدهد و در عوض مصرف باطري شما درحدود 30 درصد كاهش ميابد.

حالت قبل را غير فعال ميسازد.

#0000#* و يا #9999#*
ورژن سيستم عامل گوشي ، تاريخ ساخت نرم افزار ، و نوع فشرده سازي را نشان ميدهد.

شماره هاي محرمانه گوشي را نمايش ميدهد.

در گوشيهاي مدل 3310 و 3330 لگوي شبكه را حذف ميكند ( IR-TCI )

تايمر گوشي و همچنين تمام امتيازات بدست آمده در بازيها را Reset ميكند.

نمايش وضعيت سرعت clock سيمكارت گوشي. اگر گوشي شما داراي حالت SIM Clock Stop Allowed باشد به اين معنا خواهد بود كه گوشي شما ميتواند درحالت كمترين ميزان مصرف باطري درحالت Standby قرار بگيرد.

كد رمز فعلي گوشي را نشان ميدهد. كد رمز گوشي در حالت عادي 12345ميباشد.

RESET گوشي يا همان بازگشت به حالت تنظيمات كارخانه اي. مناسب براي زمانيكه گوشي قاطي كرده است . درواقع درايو C گوشي را ريست ميكند (ريست گوشي بدون حذف برنامه ها) بعد از وارد كردن اين كد ، گوشي از شما تقاضاي وارد كردن security code را خواهد داشت كه اگر آنرا قبلا تغيير نداده باشيد 12345 ميباشد.)

فرمت گوشي . مناسب براي زمانيكه گوشي خيلي خيلي قاطي كرده است. درواقع اين كد درايو C گوشي را فرمت ميكند و البته تمامي برنامه ها و فايلهاي موجود بر روي اين درايو از بين خواهند رفت . بعد از وارد كردن اين كد ، گوشي از شما تقاضاي وارد كردن security code را خواهد داشت كه اگر آنرا قبلا تغيير نداده باشيد 12345 ميباشد.)

روش مستقيم فرمت گوشي هاي اسمارت فون بدون نياز به منوي گوشي:
اگر پسوورد ( security code ) گوشي قبلا تغيير داده شده است و آنرا نمي دانيد و همچنين گوشي شما از سيستم عامل سيمبين ورژن7 استفاده مي كند ( مثل 6600 و 7610 و 6620 و 6260 و 9500 و 9300 ) ابتدا گوشي را خاموش كرده و در حاليكه سه دگمه سبز ، * ، 3 را همزمان نگه داشته ايد گوشي را روشن كنيد و آنها را آنقدر نگه داريد تا كار فرمت آغاز بشود. دراين حالت از شما ديگر پسوورد خواسته نخواهد شد و مستقيما گوشي فرمت خواهد شد.

فرمت كارت حافظه گوشي:

به صورت safe mode گوشي را روشن كنيد ( براي اينكار درحاليكه دگمه pen (مداد) را نگه داشته ايد گوشي را روشن كنيد البته درظاهر تفاوتي را مشاهده نخواهيد كرد.) سپس اين مسير را در گوشي برويد: menu>>Extras>>Memory>>Format MEM.card

حالت safe mode بسيار به دردتان خواهد خورد و در مواقعيكه گوشي هنگ كرده و بالا نمي آيد احتمالا به دادتان خواهد رسيد و باعث مي شود گوشي بالا بيايد و بعد از آن بتوانيد گوشي را درصورت تمايلتان فورمت و يا كار ديگري بر روي آن بكنيد. درواقع كار آن همانند عمل safe mode ويندوز مي باشد و در اين حالت ديگر اكثر برنامه هاي كاربردي كه در پشت صحنه هميشه در حال اجرا بودند ، ديگر اجرا نخواهند شد و به همين دليل گوشي اصطلاحا به راحتي بالا مي آيد. كه در گوشي هاي مختلف كمي متفاوت مي باشد و در اسمارت فونها اكثرا بايد كليد خاصي را ( كليد ABC و يا PEN ) را نگه داشته و سپس گوشي را روشن كنيد.تاكيد مي كنم كه در حالت safe mode شما تغييري در ظاهر منوي گوشي نخواهيد ديد و همه چيز در پشت صحنه اتفاق افتاده است و يا بهتر بگويم از اتفاق افتادن آنها ( برنامه ها ) جلوگيري كرده است.

كنترل حالت call waiting ( انتظار) گوشي.

كنترل شماره اي كه به عنوان divert در صورتيكه به تلفن پاسخ داده نشود ، تعيين گرديده است.

كنترل شماره اي كه به عنوان divert درصورتيكه شبكه دچار اشكال باشد( آنتن نباشد) تعيين گرديده است.

كنترل شماره اي كه به عنوان divert درصورتيكه گوشي اشغال باشد ، تعيين گرديده است.

divert به شماره مورد نظر در هر حالتي.

divert به شماره موردنظر در حالت عدم پاسخ گوئي ( no Reply )به تلفن زده شده.

divert به شماره مورد نظر در حالت اشغال بودن گوشي ( on Busy )
سريال نامبر گوشي ( IMEI )

ورژن نرم افزار گوشي

وضعيت باطري ( دما ، ولتاژ ، ظرفيت)

وضعيت برنامه

تغيير سرعت زنگ آلارم گوشي

Debug screen

Watchdog ( رمز گوشي)

Trace Watchdog ( پيدا كردن رمز گوشي)

تغيير ميزان كنتراست صفحه تصوير ( تنها در ورژن G60L01W )

وضعيت حافظه

حجم فايل سيم كارت

اطلاعات سيم كارت

تست رينگ تون

جدول SIM Service

تصحيح EEPROM Error ( از كليدهاي جانبي براي انتخاب مقادير cancel و ok استفاده كنيد)

RTK( Run Time Kernel ) Error اگر ok را بزنيد گوشي ريست ميگردد.

ريست گوشي در مواقعي كه گوشي بسيار قاطي كرده است.

تست ويبراتور

اگر كدهاي بالا در گوشي شما عمل نكرد به جاي *8999 كدها ، عدد 0 را قرار بدهيد. براي مثال : كد #842*8999#* تبديل به كد #0842#* ميگردد.
اگر باز هم تاثير نكرد اينبار به جاي عدد 8999 كه در همه كدها مشترك ميباشد عدد 9998 را قرار بدهيد.

Full EEPROM Reset فرمت گوشي و همچنين باز كردن قفل گوشي SGH-600 ( قفلي كه شبكه فروشنده گوشي بر روي گوشي قرار داده تا با سيمكارت هاي ديگر قابل استفاده نباشد اين كد براي كساني مفيد است كه از خارج از كشور با خودشان گوشي آورده اند و با سيمكارتهاي اپراتور داخل كشور و يا جاهاي ديگر كار نميكند. بدون سيمكارت گوشي را روشن كنيد و وقتي پيغامي مبني بر نبودن سيمكارت مشاهده كرديد اين كد را وارد كنيد حالا دوباره گوشي ري استارت ميشود و حالا به احتمال زياد قفل شبكه از بين رفته است.)
در اين حالت سريال نامبر گوشي به 0-400044-89-447967 تغيير پيدا ميكند.

Custom EEPROM Reset
گوشی من 6670 است بیشتر این کدها روش کار نکرد.


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
22 می 2006
محل سکونت
qeshm island
عالی بود حال کردم
اینجا کسی اینا رو بلد نیست


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
29 آپریل 2005
محل سکونت
كدهاي سوني اريكسون را بزاريد. لطفا


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
13 سپتامبر 2005
کدی که K700 بدون سیم کارت منو هاش فعال بشه رو داری ؟ میدونم هست اما هر چی میگردم پیداش نمی کنم!


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
14 آگوست 2004
اگه يه همچين كدي وجود داره لطف كنيد و بزاريد چون منم براي كا 750 ميخوام


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2005
محل سکونت
Sony Ericsson Secret Menu: -> * <- <- * <- *
IMEI Number: *#06#
Lockstatus: <- * * <-
Shortcut to last dialed numbers: 0#
Shortcut to sim numbers: On main menu type a number and press #

برای گوشیهای :wub: سونی اریکسون :wub:

Access menu without Sim card
To access to the menu in your phone without having a card inside do the following: type **04*0000*0000*0000# When display say "Wrong Pin" press NO and you have access to the all menus: Info, Access, Settings, Calculator, Clock, Keylock On?, Mail, Phone book. NOTE if you try this on your phone may stop at Keylock On? menu and you´ll have to take your battery out to turn the phone on again. And this will not care about Phone lock!

فقط اینو نگرفتم کسی فهمید چه جوری هست بگه ;)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
25 ژانویه 2005
محل سکونت
WARNING: Using secret codes may be harmful to your phone and result in disabling or worse. Use these codes at your own discretion, we accept no responsiblility for blocked pones while using these codes!!!

IMEI Number
*#06# Cells Identity Code (IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity)

Software Version
*#0000# shows the software version

Signal Processing
*3370# - Enchanced full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. It will automatically restart.
#3370# - Enchanced full Rate Codec (EFR) deactivation
*4720# - Half Rate Codec activation. It will automatically restart.
#4720# - Half Rate Codec deactivation

Enchanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitation Linear Prediction) compression technology. This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits.(but you take up more space on the network, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5%

Sim Clock Stopping

Checks if the sim clock can be stopped. Sim clock stop is a kind of stand-by mode which will save battery time. This code doesn't work with software version 4.59.

It will tell you if it can be stopped or not.

Warrenty Menu
*#92702689# takes you to a secret menu with 6 choices:

1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997).
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY).
4. Displays the date of the last repairment - if found (0000).
5. Makes you capable of transferring user data if you have the gear for it.
6. Shows how long the phone has been used to talk. This counter is not reset by when you "clear timers" like the counters in the call register.

Bypass the SP lock With a Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx
1. Insert SIM card of different provider.
2. Turn on the phone and press the UP VOLUME key for 3 sec.
Then release it and the phone says PIN CODE?
3. Press the "C" key.
4. Then Press * and wait until it disappears and appears again, then press * one more time and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

Nokia Speed Trap Detector Urban Legend spread by Nokia Engineers ;^)
The settings for radar speed traps detector. Your Nokia cell phone can be programmed to pick up radar speed traps, when programmed your cell phone picks up the radar and alerts you on the message alert tone. ( Doesn't work with Nokia 7110! )
1. Enter your menu
2. Select settings
3. Select security settings
4. Select closed user group
5. Select on
6. Enter 00000
7. Press ok
8. Clear back to normal, within a few seconds your phone will display a radar sign with five zero's next to it. It is now activated.

Unfortunately only Nokia phones have this function. The Cell Phone info display needs to be de-activated. Settings -> Phone Settings -> Cell Info display. Each time you turn off your phone, or even each time you loose contact with your carrier, you'll have to activate it again... It is done using steps 1 through 5 above, but the number (00000) will be already on the field as a default.

The James Bond Trick
If you short-circuit the left middle and right pins on the bottom of the phone with all connections touching each other, the Nokia software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this just activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile and set the ringing volume to "Mute". Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just place it under a table in a room and call it. The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying!

Network Monitor
There is a hidden menu inside your Nokia phone. If you want to activate it, you'll have to re-program some chips inside of your phone.
Check your software version. You can only continue if you have v4.33, v4.73 or v5.24.
Take apart the phone.
De-solder the EEPROM (ATMEL AT 24C64)
Read out the data with an EEPROM programmer and save it to a file (Backup)
If you have v.33 or v4.73, change the address "03B8" from "00" to "FF"
If you have v5.24 then change the address "0378" from "00" to "FF"
Write the new data to the EEPROM and solder it back to the phone
Power on your phone and you should have "Netmonitor" enabled.
The Network Monitor gives you the following information:
Carrier number, MS RX Level in DBM, Received signal quality, MS TX power level, C1 (Path loss criterion, used for cell selection and reselection). The range is -99 to 99, RTL (Radio link timeout), Timeslot, Indication of the transmitter status, Information on the Network parameters, TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity), Cell identification (Cell ID, Number of cells being used), MCC (Mobile country code), MCN (Mobile network code), LAC (Location area code), Ciphering (On/Off), Hopping (On/Off), DTX (On/Off), Discard cell barred information.

GSM Network Services Command Strings
When various network functions are selected via the cellphone's menu using the keypad, the cellphone automatically generates the corresponding GSM network command string and transmits it to the network. These commands can however be manually entered via the keypad.

Each command is prefixed with either one or two * or # characters as follows:
** Register and Activate
* Activate
## De-Register (and Deactivate)
# Deactivate
*# Check Status
© Call button

Once each command has been entered, if it is a network command (as opposed to a local handset command) it must be transmitted to the network by pressing the YES (receiver) key which acts as an enter key - this is represented here with the © character. Always enter numbers in full international format +CountryAreaNumber (e.g. +447712345678).

Command Description Command String
Change call barring code **03*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change call barring code **03*330*OldCode*NewCode*NewCode#©
Change PIN code **04*OldPIN*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Change PIN2 code **042*OldPIN2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Unlock PIN code (when PIN is entered wrong 3 times) **05*PUK*NewPIN*NewPIN#©
Unlock PIN2 code (when PIN2 is entered wrong 3 times) **052*PUK2*NewPIN2*NewPIN2#©
Display IMEI *#06#
Call Forwarding (Diversions)
De-register all call diversions ##002#©
Set all configured call diversions to number and activate **004*number#©
De-register all configured call diversions (no answer, not reachable, busy) ##004#©
Unconditionally divert all calls to number and activate **21*number#©
Activate unconditionally divert all calls *21#©
De-register unconditionally divert all calls ##21#©
Deactivate unconditionally divert all calls #21#©
Check status of unconditionally divert all calls *#21#©
Divert on no answer to number and activate **61*number#©
Activate divert on no answer *61#©
De-register divert on no answer ##61#©
Deactivate divert on no answer #61#©
Check status of divert on no answer *#61#©
Divert on not reachable to number and activate **62*number#©
Activate divert on not reachable *62#©
De-register divert on not reachable ##62#©
Deactivate divert on not reachable #62#©
Check status of divert on not reachable *#62#©
Divert on busy to number and activate /td> **67*number#©<
Activate divert on busy *67#©
De-register divert on busy ##67#©
Deactivate divert on busy #67#©
Check status of divert on busy *#67#©
Change number of seconds of ringing for the given service before diverting a call (such as on no answer). Seconds must be a value from 5 to 30. De-registering the same divert will also delete this change! **service*number**seconds#© (Service numbers, see below)
Call barring
Activate barr all outgoing calls (see Security to set code) **33*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #33*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#33#©
Activate barr all calls **330*code#©
Deactivate barr all calls #330*code#©
Check status of barr all calls /td> *#330*code#©<
Activate barr all outgoing international calls **331*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls #331*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls *#331#©
Activate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country **332*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing international calls except to home country #332*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing international calls except to home country *#332#©
Activate barr all outgoing calls **333*code#©
Deactivate barr all outgoing calls #333*code#©
Check status of barr all outgoing calls *#333#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **35*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #35*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#35#©
Activate barr all incoming calls when roaming **351*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls when roaming #351*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls when roaming *#351#©
Activate barr all incoming calls **353*code#©
Deactivate barr all incoming calls #353*code#©
Check status of barr all incoming calls *#353#©
Call waiting
Activate call waiting *43*#©
Deactivate call waiting #43*#©
Check status of call waiting *#43#©
Calling Line Identification
The following only works if CLIP and CLIR are enabled (ask your service provider)
CLIP: Presentation of the number of the incoming call
Activate CLIP **30#©
Deactivate CLIP ##30#©
Check status of CLIP *#30#©
CLIR: Presentation of one's own number to the to the called party
Activate CLIR **31#©
Activate CLIR for the actual call *31#number©
Deactivate CLIR ##31#©
Deactivate CLIR for the actual call #31#number©
Check status of CLIR *#31#©
COLP: Presentation of the actual number reached (if number called was diverted to another number
Activate COLP *76#©
Deactivate COLP #76#©
Check status of COLP *#76#©
COLR: Presentation of the original number called by the calling party (if the call was diverted to this cellphone)
Activate COLR *77#©
Deactivate COLR #77#©
Check status of COLR *#77#©

Cellphone Services
10 All types of cellphone services
11 Speech service
12 Data service
13 Fax
14 Datex-J
15 Teletex
16 Short message service (SMS)
18 All data services without SMS
19 All cellphone services without SMS

Carrier Services
20 All services
21 All asynchronous services
22 All synchronous services
23 3.1kHz services
24 Synchronous point-to-point connections including PAD's (all synchronous data services)
25 Asynchronous point-to-point connections including PAD's (all asynchronous data services)
26 Data packet sending including PAD's (all synchronous data packet services)
27 Services with PAD-share
29 Digital connection with 12kbps

GSM Network Service Codes

Note that at present only the following service codes are in use:
11 Speech
13 fax
25 data

Cell Broadcast
While Short Message Service (SMS) can be configured as a personal service, Cell Broadcast is a general service which is designed for subscribers of a specific cell or topic. For example, a subscriber to cell 050 in England will receive information on the GSM tower currently being used by their phone. This new concept brings a whole new meaning to the term mobile communications as the phone is now able to receive information such as share prices or weather updates without the need of data cards and computers. At present the following message types exist (note: this may vary from carrier to carrier and some carriers may charge for this service):

Code Title
000 Index
010 Flashes
020 Hospitals
022 Doctors
024 Pharmacy
030 Long Distant Road Reports
032 Local Road Reports
034 Taxis
040 Weather
050 District
052 Network Information
054 Operator Services
056 Directory Inquiries (national)
057 Directory Inquiries (international)
058 Customer Care (national)
059 Customer Care (international)

In the future one will be able to control each individual call by use of the following service codes. To do this the user has to insert the service code in front of the last # in the MMI command above.

For example the sequence *21*number*16# would divert all SMS calls (and only these) to the given number.

GSM Operator Codes
202-01 COSMOTE - Greece
202-05 Greece Panafon S A Panafon
202-10 Greece STET Hellas STET Hellas
204-04 KPN Telecom (GSM 900)
204-08 Libertel (GSM 900)
204-12 Telfort (GSM 1800)
204-16 Ben (GSM 1800)
204-20 Dutchtone (GSM 1800)
206-01 Belgium Belgacom BEL PROXI
206-10 Belgium Mobistar BEL mobistar
206-20 KPN Orange Belgium SA
208-01 France France Telecom F Itineris
208-01 Monaco France Telecom F Itineris
208-10 France SFR F SFR
208-10 Monaco SFR F SFR
208- France Bouygues Telecom Bouygues
213-03 Andorra STA Andorra AND M-AND
214-01 Spain Airtel Airtel
214-03 Spain AMENA
214-07 Spain Telefonica Moviles MSTAR
216-01 Hungary Pannon GSM Pannon
216-30 Hungary Westel H-Westel 900
216-70 Hungary Vodafone (GSM 900/1800)
218-01 Bosnia Cronet Cronet
218-90 Bosnia PTT Bosnia BIH PTT-GSM
219-01 Croatia HPT Croatian PTT HR-CRONET
219-10 Croatia VIPNET
220-01 Serbia Mobile Telecomm. MOBTEL
220-03 YU PTT
220-02 Montenegro PROMONTE GSM
220-04 Montenegro MoNet GSM
220-07 Serbia Promonte PROMONTE GSM
222-01 Italy Telecom Italia Mobile TIM
222-01 San Marino Telecom Italia Mobile TIM
222-01 The Vatican Telecom Italia Mobile TIM
222-10 Italy Omnitel Pronto Italia Omni
222-10 San Marino Omnitel Pronto Italia Omni
222-10 The Vatican Omnitel Pronto Italia Omni
222-88 Wind Telecomunicazioni S.P.A, Vatican and San Marino, Italy
222-98 Blu s.p.a. Telefonia mobile Italy
226-01 Romania MobiFon
226-03 Romania Cosmorom
226-10 Romania MobilRom
228-01 Switzerland Swiss PTT CH NAT D
228-01 Liechtenstein Swiss PTT CH NAT D
228-03 Orange Switzerland
230-01 Czech republic Radio Mobil CZ Paegas
230-02 Czech republic Eurotel Praha EUROTEL-CZ
230-03 Czech republic OSKAR
231-01 Slovakia Globtel
231-02 Slovakia Eurotel Bratislava Eurotel Bratislava
232-01 Austria Mobilkom A1
232- Austria O Call TS
232-03 Austria Max Mobil Telekoms A max.
232-05 Connect Austria Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation GmbH - ONE
232-07 tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH - Telering
234-10 UK Cellnet Cellnet
234-15 UK Vodafone Vodafone
234-30 UK One2One/Virgine
234-33 UK Orange
234-50 Jersey Jersey Telecoms Jer 1
234-55 Guersney Guersney Telecom GSY-TEL
234-58 Isle of Man Manx Telecom Manx
235- UK
238-01 Denmark Tele Danmark Mobil DK TDK-MOBIL
238-02 Denmark SONOFON
238- Denmark Telia Denmark Telia DK
238- Denmark Mobilix Mobilix
240-01 Sweden Telia Mobitel S TELIA MOBITEL
240-07 Sweden Comviq S COMVIQ
240-08 Sweden Europolitan Europolitan
240- Sweden Telenordia
242-01 Norway Telenor Mobil N Tele-mobil
242-02 Norway NetCom GSM A/S N NetCom GSM
244-05 Finland Telecom Finland Telecom Finland
244-91 Finland OY Radiolinja Radiolinja
244- Finland Telivo
244- Åland Alands Mobil
246-01 Lithuania Omnitel LT OMNITEL
246-02 Lithuania Mobilios Telekomunikacijos LT BITE
246-03 Lithuania LT TELE2
246-04 ir Lithuanian X-GSM Tele2
247-01 Latvia Latvias Mobilais Telefons LV LMT GSM
247-02 Latvia Baltcom LV BALTCOM
248-01 Estonia Eesti Mobiiltelefon EE EMT GSM
248-02 Estonia Radiolinja Eesti AS RLE-GSM
248-03 Estonia Ritabell Q-GSM
250-01 Russia Mobil Telesystems MTS-RUS
250-02 Russia NW GSM St Petersburg RUS NWGSM
250- Russia DonTelecom
250- Russia United Tele Moscow UTM
250-38 Russia Wireless Technology
250- Russia Extel Mobile Comms Systems
250-99 Russia KB Impuls
255-01 UKR FLASH
257-01 VELCOM Belarus
260-01 Poland Polkomtel SA PL-PLUS
260-02 Poland Polska TelefoniaCyfrowa PL-ERA GSM
260-03 Poland Polska TelefoniaKomorkowa Idea Centertel
262-01 Germany DeTeMobil D1 D1-Telekom
262-02 Germany Mannesmann Mobilfunk D2 D2-Privat
262- Germany E-plus E-plus
262- Germany VIAG E2
265-01 Ukraine UA UMC UA UMC
265- Ukraine Ukrainian Radio System
265- Ukraine Bancomsvyaz
266-01 Gibraltar Gibtel Gibtel GSM
268-01 Portugal Telecel Telecel
268-06 Portugal Telemovel P TMN
268-03 Optimus
270-01 Luxembourg P&T Luxembourg LUXGSM
270-77 Luxemburg (900/1800) Millicom.SA L TANGO
272-01 EIR Eircell IRL EIR-GSM
272-02 EIR Esat Digifone IRL DIGIFONE
274-01 Iceland Postur og simi IS SIMINN
276-01 Albania AMC AMC
278- Malta Advanced
278-01 Malta Telecell Telecell
280-01 Cyprus Cyprus Telecom Auth CY CYTAGSM
283-01 RA-ARMGSM
284-01 Bulgaria MobiTel CITRON BG
286-01 Turkey TurkCell TURKCELL
286-02 Turkey Türk Telekom TR TELSIM
293-41 Slovenia Mobitel DD SI-GSM
293- Slovenia Digitel Digitel
294-01 Macedonia PTT Makedonija MKD-MOBIMAK
302-37 Canada (PCS) Microcell FIDO
310-02 USA (PCS) Sprint Spectrum Sprint
310-15 USA (PCS) BellSouth Mobility PCS
310- USA (PCS) Pacific Bell Mobile Srvs
310- USA (PCS) Western Wireless Corp
310-20 USA (PCS) American Portable Telecoms Sprint
310-16 USA (PCS) Omnipoint Corporation
310-17 USA (PCS)
310-27 USA (PCS) Powertel PCS Partners
310-66 USA (PCS) DigiPH DigiPH
400-01 Azerbadjan Azercell ACELL
401-01 Kazakhstan K-Mobile
401-02 Kazakhstan K-Cell
404-07 India TATA INA-TATA
404-10 India Airtel AIRTEL
404-11 India Essar ESSAR
404-12 India Escotel INA-ESCOTEL
404-19 India Escotel INA-ESCOTEL
404-20 India Max Touch MAXTOUCH
404-21 India BPL Mobile BPL MOBILE
404-27 India BPL Mobile BPL MOBILE
404-30 India Command COMMAND
404-31 India Mobilenet MOBILENET
404-40 India Skycell SKYCELL
404-41 India RPG MAA RPG MAA
404- India Usha Martin
404- India Modi Telstra
404- India Sterling Cellular SCL
404- India Mobile Telecom
404- India Airtouch
404-43 India BPL Mobile BPL MOBILE
404-46 India BPL USWest BPL MOBILE
404- India Koshiki
404- India Bharti Telenet
404- India Birla Comm
404- India Cellular Comms
404-56 India Escotel INA-ESCOTEL
404- India JT Mobiles
404- India Evergrowth
404- India Modicom
404- India Fascel
410-01 Pakistan Mobilink MOBILINK
413-02 Sri Lanka MTN Networks Pvt Ltd SRI DALOG
415-01 Lebanon Cellis (FTML) RL Cellis
415-03 Lebanon Libancell RL LibCL
416-01 Jordan FastLink JOR FSTLNK
417-09 Syria Mobile Syria SYR MOB
418- Iraq Iraq Telecoms + Posts
419-02 Kuwait Mobile Telecom KT MTCNet
420-01 Saudi Arabia MoPTT, DMTS-1 KSA ALJAWWAL
420-07 Saudi Arabia EAE KSA EAE
422-02 Oman General Telecoms GTO
424-01 Un Arab Emirat Etisalat UAE ETSLT
424-02 Un Arab Emirat Etisalat UAE EG2
425- Israel Cellcom Israel Ltd Cellcom
426-01 Bahrein Batelco BHR MPLUS
427-01 Qatar QTel QAT Q-NET
432-11 Iran T.C.I.
432- Iran Celcom
432- Iran Kish Free Zone
438-01 Turkmenistan BCTI
452-01 Vietnam MTCS VMS-GSM
452-02 Vietnam Vinaphone (GSM 900)
454-00 Hong Kong Hong Kong Telecom HK TCSL GSM
454-04 Hong Kong Hutchinson HutchinsonGSM
454-06 Hong Kong Smartone Mobile Comm SmarTone
454- Hong Kong Peoples Telephone Co Ltd
455-01 Macao C.T.M. CTM GSM
457-01 Laos Lao Shinawatra Telecom
460-00 China Guangdong MCC CHNTELGSM
460-01 China China United Telecom CHN-CUGSM
460- China Guangxi PTB
460- China Liaoning PPTA
460- China Beijing Wireless
460- China Zhuhai Comms
460- China Jiaxing PTT
460- China Tjianjin Toll Telecom
460- China DGT MPT
466-92 Taiwan Shungwa Telecom LDM ROCLDGSM
502-01 Malaysia My Digi MY DIGI
502-02 Malaysia My BSB MY BSB
502-12 Malaysia Binariang Maxis Mobile MY maxis
502-13 Malaysia Telecom Malaysia Touch MY MRTEL
502-16 Malaysia Mutiara Telekom DIGI 1800
502-17 Malaysia Sapura Digital Adam PHS MY ADAM
502-19 Malaysia Celcom GSM Celcom
505-01 Australia Telstra Corporation Limited Telstra
505-02 Australia Cable & Wireless Optus Limited YES OPTUS
505-03 Australia Vodafone Network Pty Limited VODAFONE
505-08 Australia One-Tel (GSM 1800)
510- Indonesia PT Kartika Ekamas
510-01 Indonesia PT Satelindo IND SAT-C
510-10 Indonesia Telekomsel TELKOMSELGSM
510-11 Indonesia Excelcom IND-EXCELCOM
510-15 Indonesia Telekomindo Telekomindo
515-01 The Philipines IslaCom ISLA
515-02 The Philipines Globe Telecom GLOBE
515-03 SMART telecommunications, Phlippines
520-01 Thailand Advanced Info Serv Pcl TH AIS GSM
520-18 Thailand Tacs WP1800
525-01 Singapore Singapore Telecom ST-GSM-SGP
525-03 Singapore Mobile One M1-GSM-SGP
528-01 Brunei Jabatan Telekom
528-11 Brunei DSTCom
530-01 New Zealand Bell South BELLSOUTH021
542-01 Fiji Vodafone Fiji VODAFONE
546-01 New Caledonia Mobilis Mobilis
547-20 Fr Polynesia Tikiphone F VINI Fr Pacific Isls Guinea International Wireless
604-01 Morocco ONPT Marocko MOR ONPT
605-02 Tunesia
608-01 Senegal Sonatel
612-01 Ivory Coast Comstar
612-03 Ivory Coast Ivoiris
612-05 Telecel
617-01 Mauritius Cellplus Mobile Comms MRU-CELLPLUS
624-01 Cameroon PTT Cameroon Cellnet CAM CELLNET
633-01 The Seychelles SEZ SEYCEL SEZ SEYCEL
634-01 Sudan MobiTel SDN MobiTel
636-01 Ethiopia ETA ETH-MTN
640-01 Tanzania TriTel TZ-Tritel
641-01 Uganda Celtel Cellular CELTEL
641-10 Uganda Mobile Telephone Networks MTN Uganda.
646-01 Madacom (Madagascar)
646-02 Antaris SMM (Madagascar)
646-03 SACEL (Madagascar)
647-10 Reunion SRR F SFR RU
648-01 Zimbabwe PTC Zimbabwe NET ONE
649-01 Namibia MTC Network NAM MTC
650-01 Malawi Telekom Network MW CP 900
651-01 Lesotho Vodacom VCL COMMS
652-01 Botswana, Mascom Wireless
652-02 Botswana, Vista Cellular
655-01 South Africa Vodacom VodaCom-SA
655-10 South Africa Mobile Telephone Networks MTN-SA


The Nokia 2160 series hand portable CMT uses an EEPROM NAM that can be
programmed directly from the standard user keypad. In order to access the
NAM, you must enter the special access code currently programmed into the
phone. Once the programming mode is accessed, NAM parameters are loaded
by entering them into the display and "storing" them to selected memory
locations. Be sure to obtain all parameters before proceeding.


1. Turn on phone.

2. Enter the Easy NAM access code. Access code is: *#639#

3. Verify the display now reads "Cellular Number" and enter the 10 digit
MIN for the phone.

4. Press the softkey under the word "OK" in the display. If less than 10
digits are entered an error message will prompt you to reenter the

5. Verify the display reads "Enter code" and enter the five digit SID
followed by four zeros. (Example 001750000 is a SID of 175 followed
by four zeros). An error message will display if an incorrect entry
is made. Do not add more than four zeros to the code.

Note: Change the Lock code by adding a pound sign and new lock code after
the code. (Example: 001750000#7788. Lock code = 7788).

Change the Language code by adding a pound sign (#) and new
language code after the code. (Example: 001750000#2. Language = 2)

Language Code: 0 (default) = English, 1 = French, 2 = Spanish,
3 = Portuguese

Change the Lock code and Language code by separating each set of
numbers by a pound sign. (Example: 001750000#7788#2). The SID =
00175, Lock code = 7788, Language = 2 (Spanish).

6. Press the softkey under the word "OK" in the display.

7. The display will tell you that the activation was OK and instruct you
to power the phone off, then on again. When the phone powers back up,
it will automatically select the correct system (A or B).


1. Turn the phone on.

2. Enter the NAM access code. Factory default is: *3001#12345

3. Enter softkey [MENU].

4. If this screen appears, you have entered the access code correctly:
| Field Test |
| >NAM 1 |
| NAM 2 |


5. Press the scroll key up or down repeatedly until the desired main menu
selection is displayed. Select from:

Serial No. Programmed Field Test

Security Code Emergency Number SW Version

6. Press softkey [SELECT] to access the second level menu for your main
menu selection.


7. Press the key up or down to scroll through the selected NAM
information list. Select from:





8. If the value is incorrect, press softkey [SELECT] and use the numeric
keypad or key to make any needed changes.

9. Enter softkey [OK] to save the value.

10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 for the remaining NAM info items to be viewed
and/or changed.

11. To program other NAM's, press [QUIT] to return to the Main Level Menu
list. Select NAM 2 or NAM 3. Once the Home System ID and Own number
are programmed, the phone will automatically set the NAM Status to


12. From Main Level Menu use the key to select the "Security" menu, press
[SELECT] and the current 5-digit security code will appear in the
display. Default is 12345.

13. If you wish to change the Security code at this time, use the numeric
keys to change the value.

14. Press the softkey [OK] to store changes.


15. From Main Level Menu use the scroll key to select the "Emergency"
menu. Press softkey [SELECT] to enter the emergency numbers.


16. If you wish to change the displayed value, use the numeric keys to
make changes. Use the scroll key to select the emergency number you
wish to change and press [SELECT].

17. To save the value, press softkey [OK].

18. Press [QUIT] to exit the menu.


19. From the Main Level Menu use the scroll key to display the "SW
version" menu, press [SELECT] to view software version, date and
product type.

20. Press [QUIT] to exit the menu.


21. From the Main Level Menu, use the scroll key to display the "Serial
No." or ESN of the phone.

22. Press [QUIT] to exit the menu.


23. From the Main Level Menu, use the key to display the "Programmed" menu.

24. Press [SELECT] and enter a four digit number that corresponds to the
month and year the phone is sold. Example (mmyy) 0197 = January 1997,
0996 = September 1996.

Note: This menu location can be programmed only one time. Once the date
has been entered it cannot be changed. Any attempt to enter the
menu once it has been programmed will receive a short beep and the


25. To exit the NAM programming mode, turn the phone off and leave it off
for five seconds.


26. The FIELD TEST MODE is used to investigate how the phone is reacting
to the cellular system. The FIELD TEST information covers signal
strength, battery charging, cellular state and encryption status. The
information is organized to display information relating to Analog
Control Channels, Digital Control Channels, Analog Voice Channels and
Digital Voice Channels. All the information provided in the FIELD
TEST display is in accordance with IS-136.

For further information about the FIELD TEST mode, contact Nokia
Customer Service at 1-800-456-5553 and ask for Nokia Field Service
Bulletin ?????.

27. To activate the FIELD TEST mode you must be in NAM programming.
Instructions for entering NAM programming are listed above. Use the
following steps to enable the FIELD TEST mode.

28. From the main menu use the scroll key to display the "FIELD TEST" menu
and press the softkey [SELECT]. Use the key to select ENABLE and
press the softkey [OK].

29. Turn the Nokia 2160 off then back on. Once the power up self test is
complete, the FIELD TEST display will begin automatically. Scroll
through the different displays using the scroll key.

30. To disable the FIELD TEST mode, return to NAM programming and disable
the function under the FIELD TEST menu.


The Nokia 2160 provides the option to program Private (PSIDs) and
Residential (RSIDs) System ID's as prescribed by IS-136. The PSID/RSID
list is programmed to support selection/reselection processes, system
selection, and SID display functions. Programming the PSID/RSID list is
part of the NAM programming menu. All three NAMs have their own PSID/RSID
list. Follow these instructions to program the PSID/RSID lists.

1. Enter the NAM programming menu and select NAM 1 (or the desired NAM).
(NOTE: PSID/RSID is currently only available in the NAM 1 location.
PSID/RSID is included in NAM 2 and 3 for future use.)

2. Use the scroll key to display "PSID/RSID LISTS" and press [SELECT].

3. Use the scroll key to select the P/RSID 1 or the desired P/RSID (1
through 5). Press the [SELECT] softkey.

4. Each list contains:

System type Select Private or Residential system type.

PSID/RSID System ID for the Private or Residential system.
Indicates which PSID/RSID the mobile will respond

System ID Connected System ID. The SID the PSID/RSID is
connected to.

Alpha Tag The name of the Private or Residential SID.

Operator Code(SOC) This is the System Operator code. (US-McCaw
Cellular = 001 (dec), Canada-Rogers Cantel Inc.
= 002 (dec) and McCaw Cellular Communications (for
international) = 2049 (dec).

Country Code Enter the country code of the PSID/RSID

Nokia 2170

(170-2213/4) Security

The 170-2213 and the 170-2214 are both the same telephone. The only
difference is where they are sold.

Security Code

Your phone will prompt you for a five-digit security code to enter certain
features. The factory default code is 12345, and that is what your phone
will accept until it is changed.

If your service provider hasn't already changed your security code, it's
recommended you have it changed immediately. See "To change your security
code (Menu 5 3)" below.

Note: When entering your security code, ** will appear on the display
to keep others from viewing your code.

If you make a mistake entering the code,

Erase the incorrect digit by pressing CLR or press and hold CLR to exit
the current function.

What if you enter the wrong security code?

You can still enter it again. But if you enter the wrong security code
five times in a row, your phone will activate a security timer.

If this happens, your phone will not accept a security code for about five
minutes, even if you enter the correct one. You can still use your phone,
but any attempts to enter the security code will reset the timer.

Once the timer has elapsed, you may re-enter the correct security code to
access security code protected features.

Note: Your phone must remain on during the five minute security timer or
the timer will reset for another five minutes.

Menu 5 1, Automatic Phone Lock

When this feature is activated, your phone will be locked every time you
switch on your phone. You must enter a four-digit lock code to unlock
your phone. Without entering your lock code, you'll be denied access to
almost every memory and menu function.

When your phone is locked, your phone will only receive incoming calls and
make outgoing calls to the phone numbers stored in memory locations 2, 3,
and 4.

If your phone is locked and you switch your phone off and back on again,
you must enter the lock code.

Note: When your phone is locked, calls may be possible to the emergency
number programmed into your phone (e.g. 911 or other official
emergency number) including calls with Emergency Key 9.

To enter the lock code

At Enter lock code: enter the lock code and press OK.

Note: Your security code can be entered in place of the lock code when
you are asked to enter the lock code.

To answer a call with Auto Lock on

Press TALK.

Can you make calls with Auto Lock on?

Yes. You can call numbers that are stored in memory locations 2, 3, and
4, which are unlocked. To make full use of this feature, you may wish to
store your most frequently-dialed numbers in these locations.

To call unlocked memory locations while Auto Lock is on

There are four different ways you can do this:

1. Press and hold CLR to go to the start screen. Press / or / to
desired unlocked location, then press TALK.

2. Enter number as it is stored and press TALK.

3. Press desired unlocked location (either 2, 3, or 4) and press TALK.

4. Press and hold the desired unlocked location.

To turn Auto Lock off

Use Menu 5 1 and your lock code.

To change your lock code (Menu 5 2)

You can change your lock code with your phone's menu. Your default code
is set to the last 4 digits of your phone number. In a lock code, only
characters 0 to 9 * and # are accepted.

Changing the lock code is simple. Just press Menu 5 2 and follow the
prompts to do this. Make sure you have your security code handy. You'll
need it to change the lock code.

Note: Avoid entering access codes similar to emergency numbers to prevent
accidental emergency calls.

To change your security code (Menu 5 3)

The default security code for your phone is 12345. It's recommended that
you change this code immediately. Just press Menu 5 3 and follow the
prompts to do this, and make sure you write the new code down and store it
away from your phone.

Menu 5 4, Restrict Calls

This feature allows you to restrict outgoing calls from your phone. You
can select the level of restrictions through a series of menu choices.

Menu 5 4 1, Restrict outgoing calls

Allowed means that all calls can be made as usual.

Blocked means that no calls can be made.

Limited means that calls can be made only to phone numbers stored in
certain memory locations.

When restricting outgoing calls by selecting Limited, you are prompted for
an Allow from location: and To location: value. for example, at Allow
from location: enter 1 and To location: enter 15, to allow only calls to
the numbers stored in locations 1-15.

Note: When calls are restricted, calls may be possible to the emergency
number programmed into your phone (e.g. 911 or other official
emergency numbers). However, Emergency Key 9 may not operate
depending on the type of restriction you choose.

The default setting for this feature is Allowed.

Menu 5 4 2, Restrict international calls

Allowed means you can make international calls and Blocked means you

The default setting for this feature Allowed.

Menu 5 5, Hide Memory

This feature will prevent your phone from displaying the phone number
stored in your personal directory.

To hide numbers in memory

Use Menu 5 5. You'll need your security code to do this.

To hide only one location, enter the location number at both the Hide from
location: and To location: prompts.

To hide a series of locations, such as locations 10-15, enter the first
location, for example 10, at Hide from location: and the last location,
for example 15, at To location:

Temporary Lists & Call Timers

Your phone automatically stores the last ten numbers you've dialed,
numbers of the last ten calls you've answered, and the numbers of the last
ten calls you missed. It also gives you ten temporary storage places in a

Note: Your phone displays the phone numbers of received and missed calls
only if you have subscribed to Caller ID and the wireless system is
able to identify the caller.

Menu 01 1, Dialed Numbers

Press and hold CLR to go to the start screen.

Press TALK, then quickly press / or / to scroll the list.

If you want to call any of the other numbers in the list, press TALK while
that number is displayed.

To call the first number that appears on your screen, simply wait a few
seconds and your phone will dial it automatically.

The top right corner of the display shows the location number of the last
dialed number (L0 - L9). Menu 01 1 also accesses the Dialed Numbers list.

Menu 01 2, Answered Calls

Press and hold CLR to go to the start screen.

Press * then / or / to scroll the list.

This shows the calling phone numbers of the ten most recent calls you've
answered. If the number listed is stored in your personal directory,
press ABC to view associated names. Also, you can press Menu 01 2 to
access this list.

Menu 01 3, Missed Calls

When you miss a phone call, your phone will display 1 MISSED CALL. Simply
press List to view the number. If you wish to view the number later,
press Quit.

You can view the number later by using the following step.

Press and hold CLR to go to the start screen.

Quickly press * twice (a + will appear on the display), then press / or
/ to scroll the list.

This shows you the calling phone numbers of the 10 most recent calls
you've missed. Menu 013 also accesses the Missed Calls list.


Use the Notepad to store names and numbers that you don't want stored in
your personal directory. The Notepad holds up to 10 names and numbers.

To store numbers and names in notepad

1. Enter name and number as you normally would, but at STORE IN LOCATION,
press #.

2. Press OK.

See "Your Personal Directory" in Faxback Doc. # 48319 for details on
storing numbers.

To see numbers and names in notepad

Press and hold CLR to go to the start screen.

Press #, then / or /.

The top right corner of the display shows the location number of the
notepad (0 degrees - 9 degrees).

To clear temporary lists and notepad

Press Menu 01 4.

This clears Dialed Numbers, Answered Calls, Missed Calls, and the notepad.
You cannot undo this operation, so be careful!

Menu 01 7, Call Timers

This feature is for those of you who want to keep track of calls for
billing purposes. Your phone has separate call timers for each phone
number (NAM) your phone uses. This shows call durations for the NAM that
is currently selected.

Use Menu 01 7 and press / repeatedly to show durations of LAST CALL. ALL

Note: The actual time invoiced for calls by your service provider may
vary, depending upon network features, rounding off for billing,
and so forth.

To clear Call Timers

Use Menu 01 7 6 to clear all call timers. You must enter the security
code to clear all call timers. Note that the Life Timer, which is a
running total of all calls made and received with your phone, cannot be

Nokia 3110

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) Information you get from the IMEI:



TAC = Type approval code
FAC = Final assembly code
SNR = Serial number
SP = Spare

*#7780# restores Factory Settings..(Memory, language, counters not included)

*#3110# for checking the phone's software (SW) - called firmware revision information.

#746025625# [*#sim0clock#]
Checks if the sim clock can be stopped. Sim clock stop is a kind of stand-by mode which will save battery time. This code doesn't work with software version 4.59.

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#]
Press the following warranty code:

6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture (0997)
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repairment - if found ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)
7832 (OK) : Displays (if found) the date where the phone was purchased ('DATE NOT SAVED'...)
9268 (OK) : Displays Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY (Warning: You can only do this once - So be careful ...)
87267 (OK) : Transfers ALL phone numbers, pictures, sounds from one phone to another

Service Prover Lock
The service provider (SP) lock is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SIM card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it! The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator.

All Nokia phones (2110 and newer) have four different SIM locks which can be used to lock the phone for upto 4 different providers. But most phones with restriction only have one lock activated. ( lock 1)

The main code used in Nokia phones is:
#pw+(master code)+Y#
This code is able to check, activate or remove Sim card restriction (SP-lock).
Use the * key to get the p, + and w chars.
'Y' has to be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending of what lock you what to deal with.

#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Country-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status

MASTERCODE = 1234567890

(master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the phones IMEI number.
(I can NOT give you the master code - SO DON'T ASK ME FOR IT !!!!!!!)

Eg. To remove restriction on lock 1 type following code:
#pw+(master code)+1#
If you just want to check your phone use 10 random numbers Eg. 1234567890 as the (master code)
eg. To check if phone if restricted on lock 1 type the following code:

Please NOTE that these codes could be used with care! A user told me that it's only possible to type in about 3 different codes on each lock! Then something bad will happen ..therefore be careful!

Bypass the SP lock
With a Nokia 16xx/21xx/31xx/51xx/81xx that are SIMlocked to one privider you can bypass the SP lock like this:
1: Insert sim card of diferent provider.
2: Turn on the phone and press the UP VOLUME key for 3 sec. then release it and the phone says PIN CODE?
3: Press the "C" key.
4: Then Press * and wait until it desapear and apear again, then press * one more time and 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

The phone now says: PIN CODE CHANGED (or ACCEPTED) and the SIM card is accepted until you restart the phone again. NOTE: On version 5.04 Nokia has removed this option !

Fast silent mode
In the newer versions (v.7.11 or higher) a quick silent mode can by entered. Press Menu then #.

The 54# Tip:
Type 1#, 2#........54# on the keypad (when you're not in the menu) to get the phone number used for with this key when speed dialing.


Note - If you bought your Nokia on UK Vodafone or UK Cellnet you do not need to check this because they both transmit on GSM900, and they don't lock the phones. However if you bought your phone on UK Orange or UK One2one your phone may be blocked. The reason is that they both transmitt on GSM1800. To make a call on GSM1800 you need what is known as a "Dual band" phone. A dual band phone is able to transmit on both GSM900 and GSM1800, so they lock the phones so you can't use it with any other network simcard. If you find that your phone is locked you can try different software to unlock it. (we havn't found one that works yet), or you can ask your service provider who will gladly exchange the 10 digit code for about £35.

This is how to check the status of the 4 different locks. Aslo don't try entering the wrong number, because after 3 times it will block the phone for good.

There are 4 different locks on your Nokia phone.





The code to read out the sim-lock status of your phone is






MASTERCODE = 1234567890

Y = NUMBER 1 TO 10


If you short-circuit theleft middle and right pins on the bottom of the phone with all connections touching each other, the Nokia software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this just activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile and set the ringing volume to "Mute". Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just place it under a table in a room and call it. The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying.
Clock Stopping

To check weather your SIM Card supports clock stopping type-

*#746025625# (*#SIM0CLOCK#)
To enter the service menu type-

*#92702689# (*#WAR0ANTY#)

Serial number (IMEI)

Production date (MM/YY)

Purchase date (MM/YY) You can only enter the date once.

Date of last repair (0000=No repair)

Transfer user data to another Nokia phone via Infra-Red

Tip 1 : Do u know how to use the edit button (abc or pencil button)? Heres how... in the inbox for example; u wanna delete multiple sms, simply hold the edit button, scroll down, and then, press c to delete the marked sms. The edit button can also b used to copy and past text in sms, simply hold it and scroll across, choose copy. pretty good for placing song names in ngages

Tip 2 : Shit happens, on a smartphone, its inevitable u do something wrong, and tis calls for a format of fone. to format the fone, press *#7370#, then enter the lock code, which is the sec code of the fone. NOTE: batt must b full, else if format is disrupted by low batt, consequences will b disatrous I heard the code *#7780# works too, pretty much the same i tink. for 6600 users, to format the fone, theres an alternative way. Press and hold <3>, <*> and Call (Send) buttons, then power on fone, keep holding on the 3 buttons, till u come to a format screen. this method ONLY works on 6600, and need not enter the sec code. BUT sec code would be reset to default 12345.

Tip 3 : TO NGAGE USERS; Did u know u can install .sis files simply using the cable given? Juz plug it in, place the .sis file anywhere on e: (the mmc), not in any folders, root of e:, disconnect, then look for it in manager.

Tip 4: Save on battery and system memory being used by regulary checking the task manager which can be accessed by holding down the menu button!!

Tip 5: Type *#06# to display your IMEI serial number, very valuable for the unlocking your phone to other sim cards

Tip 6: Type *#0000# to view which firmware version you are running Tip 4a: Set the screen saver to a short time out period to prolong battery life. Tip 4b: Avoid restarting the phone, or repeatedly turning it on and off. This helps increase battery life.

Tip 7: If you would like to avoid being "blue jacked", keep bluetooth turned off, or set your phone's visibility to hidden.

Tip 8: Don't want to carry a watch and a phone? Set the screen saver to show date and time, then you can ditch the watch.

Tip 9: Save memory when installing apps, by installing over bluetooth. This can be done using the nokia phone suite and a bluetooth serial connection. Only works with .SIS files, so java still has to be sent to the phone, but will save space when using .SIS files.

Tip 10: Operator logos
Use a filemanager like FExplorer or SeleQ to add the folders: "c:/system/Apps/phone/oplogo". Add a .bmp picture to folder "oplogo" and restart your phone! The .bmp picture size needs to be: 97 x 25 pixels

Tip 11: Check if the recepients phone is on Delivery reports or Type *0# your message in the message composer window space then write your message, the recipient will not see the star zero hash bit - just the message When they read it it will relay a message back to your fone showing the time they recieved it. (haven't yet tried it myself though)

Tip 12: BlueJacking
First up, you need to know what Bluetooth is. There are lots of types of modern devices that incorporate Bluetooth as one of their many features. PDAs, mobile phones and laptops are a few of these modern devices. Bluetooth means that Bluetooth enabled devices can send things like phonebook/address book contacts, pictures & notes to other Bluetooth enabled devices wirelessly over a range of about 10 metres. So, we've got past the boring part. Now, using a phone with Bluetooth, you can create a phonebook contact and write a message, eg. 'Hello, you've been bluejacked', in the 'Name' field. Then you can search for other phones with Bluetooth and send that phonebook contact to them. On their phone, a message will popup saying "'Hello, you've been bluejacked' has just been received by Bluetooth" or something along those lines. For most 'victims' they will have no idea as to how the message appeared on their phone.

Tip 13: While you are viewing a picture in your phone's gallery, press one of these shortcut keys (definitely works on 6600, not sure about other symbians)
1 - turn image anticlockwise
3 - turn image clockwise
* - toggle on/off of full screen
5 - zoom in
0 - zoom out

#15 u can select all files in a folder by selecting THE folder and copy it then paste it somewhere. however u need to make a new directory. fexplorer wun let u copy that folder together. well seleQ can mark files to copy but it really takes time!

#16: A soft and Hard reset
A Soft-reset - the process of resetting all the settings of the phone to the factory default! No applications are deleted! A Hard-reset is like formatting a drive! It does format the memory. Everything that has been installed after the first use of the phone is deleted! It will recover the memory of the phone to the state you purchased it! It is done by inputing the following code: *#7370# NOTE: The battery must be full or the charger has to be

Q: How to totally format your Nokia 3650 and remove all installed applications, user files and restore all
settings to default like it's new out of the box? (OEM apps won't be deleted like Camera and RealOne Player).

A: First Format your MMC: Menu > Extras > Memory > Options > Format mem. card > Yes. Note: It is very important to format your MMC before you format your phone! Then format your phone by typing *#7370# on main Phone screen. Phone will ask: "Restore all original phone settings? Phone will restart." Press 'Yes' and enter your Lock code (default is 12345).
Tip: Formatting takes several minutes so you'd better connect your Nokia 3650 to a charger to ensure that your battery doesn't get empty in the middle of formatting. Note: All your created acces points and mailboxes will be lost so take a note of them. And all application settings will be reset.
E.g. In Camera, image quality is set back to normal and memory in use is set back to phone memory. And also in Messages,
memory in use is set back to phone memory, etc. Also backup your contacts with PC Suite or a program like Contacts Manager.