Sony Ericsson K750i - новые возможности из первых уст [/size]
published - on 23 February, 2005
ترجمه روسي به انگليسي
Sony Ericsson K750i - new possibilities from the first of the mouths
Sony Ericsson K750i - new possibilities from the first of the mouths
This material is not entirely usual, we succeeded herself in meet with one of the people, which took most active part in the development of telephone - Sony Ericsson K750i, known also as Clara. For the intelligible reasons the name of this person will remain in the background, this was one of the desires of our collocutor. The uniqueness of situation not in the fact that you will be able to give statements about the new model of company Sony Ericsson, to learn her specifications, but, is faster, in the fact that the for the first time direct developer of telephone tells about his product, solutions and logic of their adoption. Not it was on my memory of such detailed stories, including it is simple from the eye by rule of thumb, i.e., not for the publication.
The prehistory of the appearance of interview is sufficiently interesting itself. One of my good familiar, which works on large European operator, rang into Moscow and said that its friend has an interesting proposal and it asked to transmit my coordinates to it. As a result after some time the man rang and he invited to arrive to the output into one of the European it was municipal, motivation was in the fact that my view on "the products of company is not always accurate from the position of developers, marketing, decision making". As the reward for the expenditures on the trip to me promised the possibility to publish those facts, the reasonings, which will be given. I acknowledge honestly that the first thought, which arose in me from the contact with the anonymous collocutor, that these are of its kind checking or the intrigue of the security service of company Sony Ericsson. I understand, that often the leakages of information force these children to be nervous, but I assure, that we published only those data, that already to the utmost extent they are extended out of the company. Another fact that often we the first make with their property of wide public, but not the visitors of the closed forums or small resources. But let us return to the story about the interview.
After considering on the leisure proposal, it came to the conclusion that one day, carry ouied in central Europe, will become maximum loss for me, but this so is not bad. It left-off ringing to its comrade and asked to appoint encounter. Even in the aircraft, turning over the pages the data base with the biographies of potential collocutors, it guessed, who this can be sowing in the cafe, in the shop window, which emerges on one of the central streets with the sauntering people, he patiently awaited its future collocutor. This person was extremely punctual. I will be specified, which to my surprise with its appearance not there was limit, I was literally shaken. Knowing externally about those works, that they were made it or your obedient servant was filled respect and did not hope be encountered to sometimes with own eyes under his management. After speaking almost 7 it is hour, only was strengthened in the opinion that in this person gets along not only the specialist, but also outstanding collocutor. But lyric retreats will be sufficient, let us switch over to story about the initiatives of company Sony Ericsson. Only basic, most interesting questions here are given. To decipher entire record because of its duration is problematic, yes even it is not necessary.
3.M. Company Sony Ericsson is associated with the innovation products, users were accepted well T68i, then T'y0 became in a short time best-seller, many they awaited its improved version with the support of the maps of memory. But company proposed only K"00, S700, which were interesting, but they had direct or indirect competitors. Why was extended the period of the idea of new model, which did not have straight competitors and was derived company into the leaders in the high price segment.
A. A question, as answer to it, lies at the region of the ideology of the development of telephones. New model - these are not only creation of technological platform (program and by instrument room), but also marketing of the received product, its proposal through different channels of distribution. We are capable of creating interesting products within the very short times, company has strong operating times in the region of interface, interaction machine - man. But the creation of product - only first step toward its success on the market. In the following stage of company it is necessary to deliver this product for the market, to make its competitory. The maximum number of functions indicates the high cost of telephone. Our ideology another, it is necessary to create the product, which will be unique at the moment of output, but it is completely accessible for the larger part of the audience. The life cycle of this product is maximum, month from the month its cost can be reduced, but company must have the capability to earn money in the long period on it. Example Sony Ericsson T610 clearly demonstrates this concept.
Second important factor - correct time for the starting of new model. You should agree with the operators, independent distrib'yutorami, prepare additional services for the telephone. By the way, for two years the telephones in the larger measure will become terminals with the predetermined services, the producers of telephones will negotiate about interaction with the operators at principally other level.
Limitation for the starting of new model it is the existing model number, production capacities. If old products are successful on the market, marzha at the acceptable level, and competitors do not plan the release of the comparable products, then there are no reasons for the idea of novelty. Everything is determined by the structure of demand. Attachment to other producers of technological wars for the company, which controls only tenth part of the market, poor way for strengthening of its positions. There is mass it is lever pressure from the side of competitors, first of all this the price of products. For example, you produce the super-functional apparatus, which anticipates its time and as the minimum during the year does not have straight competitors. You do consider that this model will become popular on the market? Yes, about it will much write, it will obtain many rewards, but its sales will be comparatively low. Competitors will present the worse solutions for the smaller money, whereas buyer is sensitive to the price of the solution as operators. To let out flag officer for this reason they would speaking at each angle wastefully about you, this is not business. Partly because of this idea of the new model, compared in the effect from T'y0, it was postponed for the long term. Now the most successful time for the starting of this product.
3.M. For T'y0 the totality of technologies was clear, this presence of camera, color picture screen, stylish design. What message you do pack into K"shch0, which new does contain this apparatus?
A. We call this telephone - True Imaging. In model S700/K700 were made the first steps toward the association of telephone and this device as digital camera. Those models in the horizontal orientation were similar to the cameras, lateral keys served for chamber control. This is the natural method of chamber control for many, we make to it rate. You will recall, about which speaks our advertisement, "from one side camera, from other side telephone".
Here for the first time appeared 2-megapiksel'naya camera, on the market there are no analogous products in the same form factor and with the analogous sizes. We is expected, that the first solutions from other producers will appear only in three, four months after this model. You will look here here, you see, as is varied smoothly picture on the screen. Try to harvest to the button of lock not to the end. You do see? Apparatus is tuned to the object, picture becomes sharp. The same ideology in the usual cameras. Objective is equipped with the system of auto-focus, it works at all distances, including macro-regime.
Objective is covered by the shifting cover, it active. For the starting of camera it does not be required the call of the menu or other tiresome actions, you shift cover and begin to remove. Telephone memorizes the last tuning of survey, this is convenient. Analogously S700 tuning surveys are compared with the digital cameras, these are the automatic balance of white, the control of endurance.
From the model Of k"00 to this apparatus moved the regime of panoramic photography, function arrived on the taste for many users, we plan, that she will be used subsequently in a number of products. From the new functions appeared Burst Mode, for example, on the football it is worthwhile to make photographs in this regime. Telephone makes with the small interval 4 photographs, for the rapidly moving objects this is one of a few methods to obtain qualitative photograph.
The maximum permission of the camera of y'e2khyy2ya of point, this is sufficient for the press of photographs not only with the size of y0khyshch of centimeters, but also it is more with the retention of quality. Specially for you I brought the unsealed photographs from its digital apparatus and from the telephone, find, what photographs relate to what device.
3.M. I love such games, but in this case to select of 20 photographs those that a telephone it will be made easy. On the neighbor plans smearing details on the angles of photograph shows to the absence grow prettier optics, although the center section remains acceptable. As a whole such photographs are good for the telephone, but they do not suffice to the level of good ya,shch-megapiksel'nykh cameras.
Khmmm, with the views not all so is simple, perhaps, only one photograph with leaves of trees issues telephone. In this photograph evidently as worked out the algorithm of compression, with the press point structure was visible. In the case of portrait survey I make it difficult to say, where what photographs. As a whole the photographs are very worthy, taking into account, that this is small telephone, I remove hat. Why there are no photographs under the poor light conditions, in the twilights?
A. Miracles in the light it does not occur. In the darkness the noise appears, the use of the built-in flash (it here powerful), is not corrected situation. Macro-regime is not always successful, but this as a whole is characteristic for the products of this class.
Frankly speaking, in this selection not the best photographs in entire time of usage of a telephone are selected. But you will focus attention, that you could not at first glance separate photographs from the telephone from their analogs from the camera. For you it was necessary to spend time on image evaluation, to study separate parts. In our opinion this alone makes it possible to count this model of sign. In the housing minimum by the volume you obtain the camera, compared in the imprints with good digital cameras. These are not replacement for such cameras, altogether only the daily possibility to make the photographs of interesting vital situations. Today camera in the telephone is not so interesting, tomorrow all will change K"shch0 - first product of this class.
3.M. It is agreeable, that the quality of photographs for the mean statistical user is sufficient and and what is more excellently. But indeed a few will print these photographs, and place them into the family album.
A. I bring apology, that I smash, but 4 it is not agreeable with these reasonings. With the propagation of inexpensive photos-printer we see an increase in the press photographs from the digital carriers. Not only at the specialized points, but also first of all of house. It is not accidental that we very closely collaborate with company HP, which leads in the region of the solutions for domestic photographic printing. Subsequently we plan to only enlarge this collaboration, any user can send photograph to the printer and immediately obtain imprint. This can be made with the aid of bluetooth, after putting into the printer the map of memory.
The quality of photographs on the computer is high, on the screen of telephone all the more, the display in our opinion one of the good today.
3.M. Screen of neplokh, but not best in my view. For example, the same Sagem X8 has the more contrasting, more saturated screen. Model Samsung D500 is a little better from this parameter. Comparing screen from K"00, 4 I do not see fundamental difference.
A. You will focus attention, which speaking about the screen, was said, "one of the good". It is completely compared with that mentioned Samsung D500, i.e., it relates to the best models. Not I will go into the verbal ropewalking, but among the competitive supplies of this type displays not so there are many.
3.M. With which was connected a change in the system joint? Many speak, that this is the outstanding method to force users to buy new accessories.
A. Appearance Fast Port became necessary, since the previous version of interface it was weak, did not make it possible to attain the high speed of transmission of data. Potentially it was possible to preserve the same form of interface joint, but actually for this there is no need. The units of users can to suffer from this change, we will regret about this, but pay for the progress is such. We did not carry out the special actions, directed toward the making more active of sales of accessories, and we do not be going to carry out. Our company has very strong positions on the market for accessories, their portion in sales is high. Bluetooth- solutions Enjoy special popularity, but here there are no wires whatever, so that users bear no expenditures, similar accessories are compatible with any new products. Wire sets are relatively inexpensive, for many new models they will be packed into the standard delivery set.
3.M. In the photographs, which were filtered into the network, on the joint of the map of memory stands inscription Memory Stick Duo. This is actual so maps Pro are not supported? How as a whole do proceed the matters concerning the memory in this apparatus?
A. For entire model number we established identical standard into 40 with the the small of megas-byte, you see this storage capacity into K'00, K"00. Opinions show that the given storage capacity is optimal. Initially it was planned to establish into K"shch0 the larger storage capacity. During October we reexamined our plans, the presence of the map of memory makes apparatus less sensitive to a quantity of built-in memory. Telephone supports maps Pro with volume to 1 Gb. The map on 64 mb. enters into complete set.
3.M. Let us return to the new functions Of k"shch0, which were not encountered in other telephones of company, about the camera you described literally everything. What the even interesting there is in this telephone?
A. Work in regime USB- accumulator appears by one of the interesting functions, into complete set with the apparatus enters usual cable for the connection to PK. Map in the apparatus appears at the computer as additional disk, you can directly copy any files to it or from it. To speak, that our company was first , who proposed a similar technology for the market cannot, in a number of products she was realized. In next yr the overwhelming majority of telephones will obtain support to this technology. A question consists in that, who first will be able to build-in the support of the wireless USB the telephone, this matter of the next year.
But if we speak about the actually new options, then I would want to stop at here this key under the screen, it is called Activity menu. In this telephone we introduce the concepts of all possible events, this can be the passed bell, the record of organayzera, communication, electronic letter. The kombinirovannyy list is convenient fact that you in one place see all records, let and relating to different applications, functions.
3.M. You prostite, but indeed the analogs of this function exist in telephones from Siemens of a 65- series, number of products from Alcatel.
A. Developments in the region of interface occupy the specific time, this function was finished in our apparatuses long before the appearance of products of other companies. Another question, that we did not propose the realization of this function in the commercial products. But in this case other logic acts, partially it was described by me earlier. Also take into consideration, that we should support the succession of the generations of interfaces, it cannot be immediately switched over from the model Of t28 to this apparatus as T'y0. Gradual changes be required, and we dynamically introduce them into our models.
Speaking about the concrete realization Activity Menu in the model Of k"shch0, we can emphasize difference from any competing product. First, besides the events here there are two additional layings for the labels, the layings of browser. In one place the most utilized functions are united. We carry out the large number of studies and we try to correspond to consumer needs. The realization of this menu is logical, to use it is simple.
In the second place, in this menu you can examine those applications, that work in the background regime, for this model this Fm- radio, mre of pleyer. In the future with the advent of real mnogozadachnosti in the common telephones the list of such applications will be enlarged. Actively it is discussed, what kind mnogozadachnost' will be present in the telephones. As to me is seen this question today, this there will be displacing mnogozadachnost'.
3.M. I.e., telephones will become their kind smartfonami?
A. These are the different classes of products and in spite of the miniaturization of element base to create valuable smartfon in the housing usual according to the sizes is today complicated, this skill of a compromise between that desired and possible. Smartfony with each year acquire the increasing number of functions, grow their operating speed, convenience in the use. But also common telephones increase functionality. It is not important from the position of user that costs at the basis of device, the open operating system or its closed version (propriety OS). User first of all looks on the functions, which can propose to it the telephone, to its cost. A good example of this type Sony Ericsson S700, in the model is all contemporary functions as that the map of memory, mre of pleyer, 1.3 mega-pixelcamera, large screen. Often for this functionality users acquire smartfony, they have the capability of selection, then after whom there would be inevidently victory. One should understand that to many producers to simpler build-in the support of mre of pleyera, mega-pixelcamera into smartfon, for example, on Symbian or MS Windows, than to add the support of these functions its apparatus platform. This the cheaper way of development, but however strangely it conducts to the gradual loss, the concession of positions. Glance at K"shch0, this is model state-of-art, to include in this small volume the same set of functions soon will not be able other producers. In the region of development and introducing the new functions our company one of the strong on the market, we revolutionize approach to the development of new products.
Completing thought about that, will become telephones smartfonami I can say that we observe convergence. The row of telephones is achieved to the functionality of smartfonov, Java- application they will give the necessary expansion of software. At the same time a number of smartfonov they will be miniaturized, which will create the simpler set of functions. Such products will be located on the joint of two segments of market. From the position of the cost of development more expensively they appear the solution for its own products, but they give the necessary advantage in the time, for copying of technology the time will be required. We will have time to prepare something also, this is run to the long distance.
3.M. Is ever more less clear with the apparatus platforms, but indeed a number of functions roams from the model into the model without the special changes, this, for example, concerns the telephone book, the radio, mre of pleyera. You do consider that, dostignuv of the specific level, there is no need for continuing developments?
A. The development of improvements in the interface, separate modules occurs constantly. Some improvements and corrections appear in the form of new piercings, some are derived for the market in the new products. The retention of the succession of functions in the limits of a product number is required. As a rule, we select sign products for the realization of new functions, improvement in the existing solutions. Then these solutions are copied to other models in a product number.
Some changes to user can not be visible completely, they concern the speed of the operation of applications, search for names in the telephone book, for example. Some are on the contrary well noticeable. You mentioned the radio, which in your view the same as into K"00. You will look attentively on the menu and it is here to this line. In the radio appeared system RDS, you can examine the information, extended by radio stations, this unique possibility for the telephone. In the following versions possibly we will add a number of the functions, connected with RDS, work will be organized analogously with the existing automobile radio tape recorders. Everything depends on the fact that will say the users, and also participants in the pilot tests of new devices.
The functions, which did not undergo changes, completely correspond to the existing level of the development of telephones, they do not require immediate change. But we are actually directed toward the desires of users, many complained about the absence of the possibility to appoint its melody for incoming SMS- communication. In a number of new products we made this possible.
3.M. Model Sony Ericsson K750i - the first apparatus of company with the support to function VideoDJ, which is continuation MusicDJ. In my view, this of its kind variation MMS- communications. To what extent is necessary such function, that it new does give to users?
A. Similarity with MMS not by chance, ideology is similar, but in VideoDJ you can preserve the product of your creation and edit immediately several paths, which contain different data, be it sound, photograph, by video, something another. In limits of MMS- communications cannot be attain this functionality. This function is interesting for the young people, it kreativna knows how to experiment. Our task - of granting tool for such experiments and it came out not bad. Name telephone with video build it by editor. There are no such apparatuses at the given moment on the market, smartfony with strange software can this, but their prevalence is low, we speak about the mass technology.
3.M. Speaking about the mul'timediynykh possibilities of apparatus, I do want to ask what improvements it did undergo mre of pleyer?
A. However it is strange, but this is the lateral key Music. With its aid you can start the playback of music, stop it. Telephone is converted in its kind of m.pe of pleyer, it does not be necessary to climb up in the menu for the work with the music. Analogous with camera apparatus memorizes the last working application, so, if you listened to radio, then the pressure of key Music will cause radio. Is at first glance improvement insignificant, but it strongly improves usability this telephone.
3.M. In the telephone of altogether only 40- tone polyphony, why company did not place the chip, which supports 64 or 72 voices simultaneously, indeed such solutions in you to eat?
A. As show our studies, majority of users use as the melody of the bell of mre files (either predetermined or loaded independently). Here to the foreground the quality of the reproduction of this size leaves. If we speak about realization midi, then in the telephone it not bad. We do not see large sense in the growth of the key of polyphony, although in a number of new products we will propose the improved possibilities (two dynamics, the diversity of channels). An increase in the quantity of simultaneously lost tools, is vocal it is required for the companies, which do not have the support of mre of melodies, this a number of Korean producers. We mass propose on the market products with the support of mre, for us this strategic direction, our strategy. The following step became support AAS, this size was interesting fact that with the same quality of melody it occupies 20-25 percent less place than in the size of mre.
3.M. How standard AAS is important, indeed the map of memory makes it possible not to economize space. Or this is done for the support of bells in the memory of apparatus and first of all for them?
A. Support AAS is necessary, since this standard is promising, but mre files are more popular. The support of this standard strictly hence and emerges, the allocation of memory here not moreover. If we speak about the maps of memory, then traditionally on them it is possible to store any types of mul'timediynykh it is file, yes even generally any files. MRE of composition from the map of memory can be used as the melody of bell, here there are no differentiations between the types of memory.
3.M. It is excellent, it seems to me that about the telephone is described entire most interesting. Or you in the sleeve have something still?
A. (with the laughter) not so it is much. I want to note that we continue to believe in the fact that the three-dimensional cursor Mascot Capsule is very successful for the mobile devices. In this apparatus its third version is established. But besides this we support the standard Java API for 3D of applications (JSR184). Company Sony Ericsson only proposes to the selection both the version, the developers, the spreaders of games, buyers have a selection, alternative, and this is always large plus for the device.
3.M. How long does work this device in the typical European network? To what extent is reliable the construction of the catch of storage battery?
A. Construction does not cause censures, otherwise we would not let out this telephone in this form. Yes, fastening storage battery greater is similar to the digital cameras, but not the cell phones, but on the reliability there everything in the order. In the first models the cover can have small gap, in the commercial models we will remove it due to several technical contrivances.
The operating time strongly depends on the fact that you make with your apparatus. With a constant use by radio or mre, and also to the hour of the survey by video, conversations duration to 2-2.5 is hour, the games of minutes to 30 telephones will work one day. This is large load and analogously conduct all apparatuses on the market, our proposes the longer operating time. On the average we calculate, that the usual user will charge the apparatus of times in two, three days, accomplishing order 1.5-2 it is hour the conversations in all. The operating time is typical for this class of telephones, but, taking into account its functionality, it is possible to say that it is practically maximal.
3.M. Which the capacity of storage battery?
A. Storage battery has a capacity 900 mAch, it lithium- polymeric.
3.M. Many it did interest, as many color solutions will be for this model?
A. Two color solutions are planned for not the operator version of model, you see them before yourselves, they both are interesting. For the operators this apparatus will be let out in other color solutions, they are more eccentric, in by something tender more female. To speak which of the solutions is better, I am not taken.
3.M. What opinions about this apparatus from the operators, that they do think about it?
A. A question to them is better to address, but we see that the model is received with the enthusiasm, our hope consists in the fact that the success Of t'y0 not only will be repeated, but also this apparatus will exceed all its, prerequisites for this exist. We selected correct time, supplied apparatus with the newest technologies, made its accessible. There are no competitors for this model, the first analogous solutions can appear through 6-8 months, apparatuses, in one or other parameter or another which are approached this model, 3-4 months after the beginning of its sales.
3.M. You much spoke about the dimensions of telephone, that into a small volume was possible to contain the mass of possibilities. Are such the real dimensions of telephone?
A. I will say honestly that on the memory I do not remember these data. Its thickness together with the cover of camera does not exceed 20 mm, which is characteristic for the contemporary telephones. Weight on the order of 100 grams (note of editor. We refined these characteristics - weight of the telephone of 99 grams, the size of y00khya'khy9.shch mm).
3.M. How many analogous products will appear in 2005 from your company?
A. The precise number not to smog to name, but with a similar ideology of construction it will appear as the minimum of 8 models. If we speak about products in what will be used entire the balanced package of this model, then them not then there is much, order 4, they all will appear in the second half-year. K"shch0 is flag officer and in this form it will remain for a long time. The following step - this is addition to this apparatus of support UMTS, increase in the permission of matrix. The existing technologies make it possible to rapidly dostich' permission into 3 megapikselya for the camera, it is not necessary to create new chassis, housing, everything is placed in the dimensions of a device of the type Of k"shch0.
3.M. How stably does work K"shch0 today? It is no secret that many devices are unstable into the first several months.
A. We constantly the work through an improvement in the quality of our products, they pass the large number of tests on networks. But the beginning of sales always means that some one of the situations could not be modelled, we did not encounter it. Our products are very complex functionally, the probability of the occurence of insignificant, noncritical errors is high. At the given moment the solution of similar problems is passed within the shortest periods, this of the order of three months from the first party, which was put on the market. Period can seem by large, but indeed still departs time to sale of terminals, collection of information about the refusals, the problems, the release of the renovations of software and its testing. We react operationally to such problems. For the comparison analogous works in other companies occupy 3.5-4 months, for some players these periods still above reach 7-8 months, when device find at the end of life cycle.
3.M. The many thanks for the meaningful conversation. Traditionally we request to say several words, wishes for our readers.
A. You be also critical to the new devices, the technologies as editorial staff Mobile-Review.com. Healthy view on the thing helps us to create the more qualitative devices, which then become best-sellers. From a human point of view me it is not pleasant to read the "sweet" surveys of devices, it turns out that in them some pluses there are no negative sides. We are sincerely interested so that the users of our production would be honest with us.
But, returning to the wishes, I want to congratulate you all with the offensive of spring, let it present to you more than sunny days. And try not to pass on 1 March, we prepare for you present surprise.
In the interview entered only the information, which are concerned directly Sony Ericsson K750, here it were not placed the large part of the conversation, which is concerned a trend in development of company, new tendencies. It is very interesting and we will think is it possible to place it more lately. Our collocutor mentioned at the end of the conversation the date on 1 March, during this day company Sony Ericsson announces new devices, and we will mark detailed report about them. Interview was such detailed that some of its parts simply subsequently will enter into survey Sony Ericsson K750, permission to this was obtained. New photographs you will see during the week as the surveys of all devices.