- تاریخ عضویت
- 19 اکتبر 2003
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- 2,082
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- 11
underline در فلش ؟
برا txt ها ؟
برا txt ها ؟
You can use the createTextField method of the MovieClip object to create a new, empty text field as a child of the movie clip that calls the method. You can use the removeTextField method to remove a text field created with createTextField; this method will not work on a text field created manually on the Timeline.
When you create a text field, you can use the TextField object to set properties of the text field. If you don’t set the properties, the new text field receives a set of default properties. The default properties of the new text field are as follows:
type = "dynamic"
border = false
background = false
password = false
multiline = false
html = false
embedFonts = false
variable = null
maxChars = null
After you create a text field, you can use the TextFormat object to format the text. You must create a new TextFormat object and then pass it as a parameter to the setTextFormat method of the TextField object. A text field created with the createTextField method receives the following default TextFormat object:
font = "Times New Roman"
size = 12
color = 0x000000
bold = false
italic = false
underline = false
url = ""
target = ""
align = "left"
leftMargin = 0
rightMargin = 0
indent = 0
leading = 0
bullet = false
tabStops = [] (empty array)
txt_fmt = new TextFormat();
txt_fmt.bold = true;
txt_fmt.underline = true;
txt_fmt.italic = true;