Registered User
- تاریخ عضویت
- 24 سپتامبر 2014
- نوشتهها
- 417
- لایکها
- 434
اخرین state ها:
25 December - 12,940 positions purchased.
That forced the following amount of cycles per level..
Level 1 - 3235
Level 2 - 808
Level 3 - 202
Level 4 - 50
Level 5 - 12
24 December - 12,873 positions purchased.
That forced the following amount of cycles per level..
Level 1 - 3218
Level 2 - 804
Level 3 - 201
Level 4 - 50
Level 5 - 12
هر روز بهتر می شه خدا رو شکر.
25 December - 12,940 positions purchased.
That forced the following amount of cycles per level..
Level 1 - 3235
Level 2 - 808
Level 3 - 202
Level 4 - 50
Level 5 - 12
24 December - 12,873 positions purchased.
That forced the following amount of cycles per level..
Level 1 - 3218
Level 2 - 804
Level 3 - 201
Level 4 - 50
Level 5 - 12
هر روز بهتر می شه خدا رو شکر.