• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

نرم افزار :: Windows Mobile , Pocket Pc, Win CE ٠


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک مدیا پلیر قوی برای اسمارت فون که فایل هایی از قبیل :AVI (*.avi), Matroska (*.mkv, *.mka), MP4 (*.mp4, *.m4a), Ogg Media (*.ogg, *.ogm), ASF (*.asf) و ..... را ساپورت میکنه.


توضیحات کامل:

TCPMP - The Core Pocket Media Player is an open-source media player for Windows Mobile-based devices.

Supported file containers: AVI (*.avi), Matroska (*.mkv, *.mka), MP4 (*.mp4, *.m4a), Ogg Media (*.ogg, *.ogm), ASF (*.asf).

Supported audio codecs: Mpeg 1 Layer III, Ogg Vorbis, Musepack, Windows Media Audio, AC-3, AMR, Adpcm, uLaw.

Supported video codecs: DivX, XviD, MPEG4-SP (plus B-frame support), MPEG1, M-JPEG, Windows Media Video.



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک برنامه برای دیدن و کانورت کردن عکس و تغییر سایز و تغییر کیفیت.


توضیحات کامل:

You can easily visualize, convert, resize, enhance your images and photos with XnView. Slideshow, screen capture, animated GIF, multi page TIFF



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک ساعت قابل تنظیم برای زنگ زدن با چند آپشن متفاوت مثلا" یک بار چند بار هر روز و ..... ضمن اینکه ساعت این برنامه گویا هست و امکانات دیگر.....


توضیحات کامل:

Alarm clock features:
- Alarm Type
- specifies when the alarm should be activated
a) One-tim - set a date and time for one-time alarm
b) Daily - set a specified time that will be used as an every-day alarm
- Plugin - specifies an action that should be executed with the set alarm time Plugins available now:
- AlcAlarm - a standard plugin that plays a sound file (.wav) in a specified time range and at a pre-set volume, or you can also activate a vibration with the alarm
- SayClock - a plugin that says the current time
- Power Off - a plugin that turns off your device
- Note - a text note (reminder) that will be displayed during alarm
- Voice time announcement:
a) Current time (key <5>)
b) Next set alarm time (key <8>)
c) Recurrent voice time announcement in specified intervals Settings:
- You can set the option of a recurrent time announcement in specified intervals during alarm
- You can set your own intervals in minutes for the Snooze function
Themes: - Display your own picture as the background of the application - Display analogue and digital clock, monthly and weekly calendar, current date, the current day of the week, number of past and remaining days in the year, day number of the year etc. - Define the colour and shadows of texts, titles and other parts of the application - You can switch between 4 pre-defined themes, for the time being, using the cursor: analogue clock, LCD time, calendar, universal. - Each theme is saved in an XML file and can be modified directly in the application's tree structure

Platforms: - Smartphone 2003, 2003SE, 5.0 and higher - Pocket PC 2002 and higher (The application runs under the .NET Compact framework 1.0, therefore in older PPCs 2002 devices you need to install it)



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه از دسته تودی پلاگین جهت ساخت و ناوبری پروفایل های متفاوت برای ویندوز موبایل 5 و 6.


توضیحات کامل:

Today screen profile changer. Click on the plugin to select the profile you'd like to use. You can also navigate to the plugin using your d-pad and then make your selection using left and right on your d-pad.
The custom profiles selection allows you to create up to two custom profiles which will then be available to the today screen plugin.

When creating a custom profile, you will have the option of turning on or off the following:
Bluetooth, WiFi, Infrared beams, and Cellular Data connection in addition to setting your desired volume.

The default profiles are:
- Normal - BT on: Volume is at maximum and Bluetooth is turned on. All other items remain in their previous state.
- BT/WiFi/IR off: Bluetooth, WiFi and Infrared beams are turned off. Volume remains unchanged from it's previous state.
- Silent: Volume is muted. All other items remain in their previous state.

- Copy PeraProfiler_v1.0.cab to your device (via ActiveSync or another method of your choosing).
- Open your favorite File Explorer program and navigate to the directory you stored the .cab file in.
- Click (or double-click) the .cab file to begin installation.

مشخصات :
Size: 249 KB
Date: October 4, 2007
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile 5.0 / WM6
• QVGA (VGA not supported)



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یکImageViewer البته نسخه تستش هست و احتمالا" طبق گفته سازنده تا چند روز آینده نسخه اصلیش میاد بیرون.

عکس موجود نیست


PocketCM ImageViewer is currently a test version, the purpose is to experiment what's possible with image on our Windows Mobile device using the PocketCM framework.

مشخصات برنامه:

Size: 55 KB
Date: October 3, 2007 (Updated)
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه واسه اجرای note pad با هر UNICODE .هین برنامه توسط یک ایرانی بنام: محمد علیخانی نوشته شده . با آرزوی موفقیت روز افزون ایشان. ضمنا" برای اجرای این برنامه باید دات نت رو داشته باشید.



ShNotePad is a completely UNICODE Compatible text editor that works with any UNICODE compatible input method.
You can create, open, edit and save text files that have a mixture of Farsi/English characters.

مشخصات برنامه:

Size: 26 KB
Date: October 5, 2007
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile 5.0
• .NET CF v2.0
Author: Mohammad Alikhani



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه جهت فیلترکردن تماس افراد با امکانات فراوان حتی از روی کد محل تماس.جهت نسب این برنامه نیاز به دات نت دارید. و برای WM5/WM6 ساخته شده.


توضیحات برنامه:

CallFirewall basically rejects unwanted calls.

a. Accecpt all calls - pretty self explainatory
b. Accept call from My Contacts only - accepts calls from contacts only, others are rejected
c. Reject all calls - pretty self explainatory
d. White List - accepts calls only from the white listed nos
e. Black List - accepts all call except from the black listed nos f. Black List Pattern - any no STARTING from the black list pattern list is rejected. for eg. if you enter "123", so all nos STARTING from "123" will be rejected this is a very nice option with which you can block nos from any particular network, country, city , area or whatever you can think of.
f. There is also an option to reply with an SMS.

امکانات اضافه شده نسبت به قبل از آپدیت:

1. Added option to reject unknown / private / withheld nos
2. Option to Add Accepted calls as calendar appointment
3. Option to Add Rejected calls as calendar appointment
4. Toggle Option to show 'CallFirewall' in 'running programs' / Task Managers
5. Save User Settings so that it remains intact upon restart.
6. Completely revamped UI to accomodate new options



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک برنامه جهت فیلرینگ تماسها تو ضیحات دقیقا" همان توضیحات پست قبلی برای پاک پی سی هست برنامه دقیقا" همون کارهارو انجام میده با همون شکل و شمایل فقط قابل نصب بر روی اسمارت فونهاست.


توضیحا ت:

پست قبلی



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه کم حجم جهت reset کردن پاکت پی سی در زمان مشخص و برنامه ریزی شده.برای نصب برنامه نیاز به دات نت دارید.



A Windows Mobile application to schedule automatic resets on your Pocket PC. Compatible with 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0.

مشخصات کامل برنامه:

AutoReset v0.1.0.28415
Size: 10 KB
Date: October 6, 2007
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile 2003 / WM 5.0
• .NET CF runtimes



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک تم زیبا البته به نظر من. روش اینستال کردنش هم توی توضیحات هست.


توضیحات کامل:

Its a theme for any 320*240 Phones. It will run on Windows Mobile 5. I did not try it on WM6 yet. To install it unzip the files. Then copy it to yours phone\'s Mobile Device>Application Data>Home directory. Then go to Setting>Display>Home Screen and change it to Elixir, Elixir2 or Elixir3.



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
OtO v0.3a یا One Touch Organizer یک برنامه برای اعمال یک سری تغییرات بدون نیاز به قلم از قبیل تغییرات در Appointments/Tasks البته این برنامه برای ویندوز موبایل 6 ساخته شده اگه کسی روی ورزن های پایین تر هم تست کرد و دید جواب میده بگه تا دوستان دیگه هم استفاده کنند. ضمنا" فکر میکنم این برنامه قبلا" توسط دوستان معرفی شده که الان من آخرین آپدیتش رو گذاشتم.(October 7, 2007) همچنین برای نصب باید دات نت رو روی سیستمتون نصب شده داشته باشید.



OtO, or One Touch Organizer, is a Windows Mobile software to fill a personal need to be able to add Appointments/Tasks on Windows Mobile phone without the need of a stylus
Update Description:
New Features:
- "Add Appointment" feature is now enabled.
- Added icon courtesy of DarkHunter.
- First cab version.
- Added possibility to add a task without a due date.
- Flip to change month.

مشخصات کامل برنامه:

Size: 271 KB
Date: October 7, 2007 (Updated)
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile 6
• .NET CF v2.0



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
برنامه Spb Time به نظر من یک برنامه عالی که لازم روی هر پاکت پی سی نصب بشه با امکانات فراوان. از قبیل جعبه ابزار برای تمام کارهایی که به زمان مربوط میشه ساعت آنالوگ.ساعت دیجیتال.دارای قابلیت skin شدن برای صفحه موبایل.کورنومتر با قابلیت استفاده همزمان در جند برنامه. میتونه مثل یک اسکرین سیور و با قابلیت اسلاید عمل کنه و............ من تمام Screenshot های موجود رو براتون میزارم با توضیحات مربوط به هر قسمت.ضمنا" یک سریال هم برای رجیستر کردنش میزارم.در ابتدای نصب گزینه رجیستر رو انتخاب کرده سریال رو وارد کنید.

سریال : 61330463


Improved alarm engine
Spb Pocket Plus Applet
Today plug-in
Slideshow in screensaver
Analog clock
Digital clock with calendar
World clock with zoom
Stopwatch with lap times export
Multiple timers and stopwatches
Fullscreen view for clocks
Toolbar designed for finger taps
Tap-and-drag to set an alarm


Spb Time Today Plug-in and Pocket Plus Applet (DefaultBig skin).

After installation of Spb Time today plug-in with 4 predefined cities is activated.

An applet is a graphical component which can be added to the Spb Pocket Plus Today plug-in as an individual item. As result you can easily add an analog or digital clock to any of Spb Pocket Plus tabs. User can select a view of the clock, change skins, track time in multiple cities and quickly launch Spb Time. It is possible to add several applets and configure them independently.


Spb Time Alarm pop-up dialog (default skin).

In time of alarm user will hear the sound and see Alarm pop-up dialog. Two big colored in red and green buttons will appear for Dismiss and Snooze options. On WM 5.0 devices Dimiss and Snooze is also mapped to softkeys.


Analog clock with the toolbar. SpbBlack47 skin.
A user can easily switch screens by finger tap on Spb Time toolbar. In Analog and Digital clock modes a user can easily switch the full screen mode on or off by tapping any point of the clock screen.

The options button is designed to be tapped by stylus.


Clock full screen mode. SpbTensor skin.
On this screenshot you can see how spectacular may the clock look in the full screen mode. The full screen mode in the Analog and Digital clock modes is switched on/off by simple tap on screen.


Analog clock with the alarm control. Default Skin.
To set a new alarm user can simply tap-and-hold on the analog clock face and choose New Alarm from the context menu. The alarm pictogram will be shown at the tapped place and a graphical alarm control will appear on the screen.

Tap-and-drag the alarm icon to set the alarm time approximately. A 5 minutes presicion is used.

Use arrows to adjust the exact alarm time


Digital clock. White Skin.
In digital clock mode a user can configure options to show seconds, calendar and alarms. The time representation format is selected according to user locale setting.


World clock. White Skin.
Four cities can be selected for time monitoring. A user can select a city either from the dropdown list or right on the map and then tap on the red flag.

Small markers for city locations may be hidden or shown by setting the corresponding option.

The night shadow can also be switched on or off


World clock full screen mode.
The world map can be zoomed to the full screen mode. This mode allows user to better hit a desired city. The full screen map is draggable.

In this mode a user can select a city to monitor using the context menu


Stopwatch. Cube Skin.
Spb Time stopwatch screen allows users to make precise time evaluation. An unlimited number of lap time markers can be exported to the CSV format.


Timers. Black Skin.
The timer screen allows you to set up to five simultaneously running reminders for specific time periods


Multistopwatches. Black Skin.
This screen allows you to run up to five time counters. Similarly to the single stopwatch screen, lap time support with ability to save the lap time lists is provided


Skin selection.
Enter the Skins tab of the options dialog to see available skins provided by Spb Time to customize the program design.

You can remove any skin but the current and the default ones


Screen saver options.
You can customize some options that set the screen saver behavior. When your Pocket PC is being charged, after the timeout period the selected Spb Time screen will be automatically runned.

You can also provide a list of exceptions - programs, from which the screen saver will never be started


World clock options.
In this dialog you can set cities to be monitored by Spb Time program, assign them to certain monitors, as well as to choose if the night shadow and city markers will be shown on the map


Alarm options.
For each alarm you can customize some specific options, such as the alarm name, time and day of alarm activation and different snooze and sound options



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه جهت بکاپ گرفتن از اطلاعات روی پاکت پی سی که قابلیت برنامه ریزی زمانبندی شده هم داره به این صورت که شما زمانی رو مشخص میکنید برنامه بصورت اتوماتیکبرای شما بکاپ گیری میکنه. سریال برای رجیستر کردن هم میزارم.



Backup copy destination
In the first dialog you are supposed to select what kind of backup you want to perform. If you choose Full Backup, the program will back up all possible data, such as PIM data, Emails, My Documents and System data (other files, programs and their settings). Otherwise, choose Custom Backup to select manually what particular data you want to backup


Custom backup contents
At this step you are proposed to select what particular item categories you want to include into the backup copy. To select a category, select the check box in front of it. For some categories you can also customize their contents by selecting them and tapping on the Options butto


Backup file name and location dialog
In this dialog specify the backup file name and location. If you select the Custom location, you will be able to select any folder on your device. To continue, tap Next


Compression and encryption dialog
Provide the password and confirm it if you wish to encrypt your data using the AES algorithm (Rijndael). This password will be asked for further backup copy restoration.

If you choose to compress your data, Spb Backup will use ZIP archiving to reduce the backup file size (it will be approximately half as small compared to the uncompressed one). The file size is dependant on the real device storage space used


Scheduled Backup Options
Spb Backup allows you to schedule the automatic backup copy creating. If you wish to create automatic copies, customize the schedule as it is shown on the screenshot.


Summary dialog
On the final screen make sure all the specified preferences are correct and tap Next to start the process or Back to return to customizing the backup preferences. On this screen you are also shown the estimated backup file size and the available storage space


Spb Backup Today Plug-In
You can constantly have information about the last backup on your Today screen using the Spb Backup Today plug-in. You can also quickly open the program by tapping on this plug-in. On the plug-in you can see the time of the last backup and the next one, if it is scheduled.

Spb Backup plug-in is compatible with Spb Pocket Plus and can take one tab of it. This saves the screen space and follows the general line of compatibility of all Spb products


Spb Backup Unpack Tool
Spb Backup Unpack tool is a desktop PC program for extracting files, registry and databases information from backup files created by Spb Backup.

Extract files from a backup file
Extract registry information as a .reg text file
Extract databases into text files
Encryption support
Drag-and-drop support


Spb Backup is an application for creating reserve copies of data on your Pocket PC. It creates self-extracting compressed executables, thus making backup and restore processes very simple and intuitive. Backup scheduling supported


Storage card backup
Customizable file restoration
Scheduled backups
Self-extracting executable backup files
Full and custom backups
Backup file compression
Backup file encryption
Desktop PC unpack tool



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک تودی پلاگین برای Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Notes و Messages که بنظر من خیلی جالب و با کارایی فراوان میتونه کاربرد زیادی داشته باشه.سریال برای رجیستر کردنش رو هم میذارم موقع نصب گزینه رجیستر رو انتخاب کنید سریال رو وارد کنید.

سریال: 93476932

توضیحات برنامه:
Spb Diary is a feature-rich Today plug-in for your Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Notes and Messages. It enhances Pocket Outlook by gathering all of your PIM information in one place. With Spb Diary, the Today
screen will soon become your favorite since you will need to leave it less and less

کارایی ها:

Today plugin for PIM data with tabs
Calendar tab
Tasks tab
Contacts tab with photos
Notes tab — notes and documents
Messaging tab — emails & SMS
Special Events tab — Birthdays and more
NEW! Custom tab
One-hand navigation

مشخصات برنامه:

Price: USD 19.95
Current version: 2.5.5
Release date: Aug 07, 2007
Download size: 2.79 MB
Size on device: 1.5 MB
Requirements: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6


Calendar tab.
Spb Diary acts as a powerful Today plug-in for several PIM applications. Calendar is one of them. On this screenshot you can see the general look of the Calendar tab of Spb Diary. The Calendar tab may show your appointments, tasks, messages, birthdays, anniversaries, financial data, grouped by days and filtered, if necessary.

A lot of different icons may accompany your entries. These icons are either informative or provide fast access to some extra information. For example, tapping on opens the appointment or task notes in a separate window. Tapping on opens a window, where you can quickly customize the reminder options. You can specify, which icons should be shown, in program options.

Almost all actions can be performed right from the Today plug-in. For example, double-tap on any list item opens it for editing in the specified PIM application (this is the default behavior, it can also be changed in options).


Tasks tab.
The Tasks tab of Spb Diary Today plug-in represents your tasks. There are several ways to group and sort these items. You can group tasks by category, completion state, due date, priority, sensitivity, start date or not group them at all. Every grouping style implies several sorting modes that can be applied to your tasks. You can also specify and apply a category filter for your tasks. All words said above about icons in the Calendar tab can be referred to tasks, too


Contacts tab. New feature – photo contacts!
The third tab of Spb Diary Today plug-in is the Contacts tab. All your contacts are represented here. If you wish you can display your contacts as small photos, shown at the very top of the list. Similarly to appointments and tasks you can apply filters and select different grouping modes, like "By Company", "By Category", or no grouping. You can also activate sorting by the first or the last name of people in your contact list.

You can select, what partucular contact to show for every person in your list. This can be either one of his/her phone numbers (mobile, office, home, etc) or an email address.

If you tap on a contact you will see a convenient pop-up menu, from which you will be able to dial person's phono number, send him a mesasge, etc.


Notes tab. New feature – text, Pocket Word files and PhatNotes supported!
The fourth tab of Spb Diary is Notes. All your notes are represented here. Starting from version 2.0 Spb Diary supports showing text and Pocket Word files and PhatNotes notes within the Notes tab with ability to preview them. Your notes can be grouped by date and time of creation or folder and sorted by name, date and time of creation and size


Messages tab
Messages is the fifth tab of Spb Diary application. The Messages tab shows all your e-mail, SMS and MMS messages, grouped and filtered, if necessary.

The message preview is very handy. By tapping on a message you can quickly preview it with ability to reply, forward, delete or open a message for editing


Special Events tab – NEW!
Special Events is the sixth tab of Spb Diary application. Special Events tab is the best way to quickly overview all birthdays and anniversaries of people from your contacts and/or your scheduled money transactions for a long period of time.

Contact entries within the Special Events tab can be treated as normal contacts, with ability to see their profiles, dial their phone numbers, send messages, etc. Scheduled transactions from the Special Events tab can be treated quite as in the Calendar tab.

For your convenience events are grouped by months and by weeks for the current month (or, you can select to see all items without grouping from the menu).


Long titles.
You can configure Spb Diary to cut the long titles of appointments and tasks and show them in full only when selected


Spb Diary Calendar.
If you tap on twice you will be shown Spb Diary calendar. There are three main functions of this calendar:

If at least one appointment is specified for a certain day, it is represented with a tiny time span icon (), thus you can see all your appointments for one month at once.
You can quickly load the appointments and task of one or more days into the Calendar tab
You can quickly create an appointments or a task by tapping on a day and selecting the desired action from the pop-up menu.
Navigating by the calendar is also very intuitive. Just tap on the month name or a year to change it. Or, use the left and right arrows to jump to the previous or next month. To return to the current date, just tap on


Using time span.
Time span - is a very simple and effective feature. In the Calendar tab you can see the time span icon next to every day in the list (unless you disabled it in Options). Just tap on this icon () and you will see a larger analog (as on this screenshot). Now, tap your stylus and drag it along this time rule. When finished, you will be proposed to create an appointment with the start and finish times corresponding to the captured section.

If more than one appointment exists for a certain day, the time span icon will show them all.

As long as different appointments may have different status, they are represented with different colors on the time span.

Showing the time span icon can be disabled or enabled from Options


Context menus.
All most frequently used actions with appointments, tasks, contacts, notes and messages can be performed right from Spb Diary Today plug-in. As almost all Spb Diary users say, one can literally never face a situation when it is necessary to open the PIM application.

Such operations as opening an item for viewing or editing, rescheduling, configuring the reminder, adding, deleting, beaming an item, or sending it via Bluetooth, and much more, can be performed from the corresponding context menus


Spb Diary allows to create and apply different filters that enable or disable showing different items. The screenshot shows how to filter the task list to display only tasks of Personal category.

Filters can be rather complex. For example a filter "Personal+Bike" lets through only items that belong to Personal and Bike categories; and a filter "-Business" lets through all items but of the Business category


Program Options.
Spb Diary has a highly customizable interface. All customization is done via program Options. The options are divided into several groups: General, Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Notes, Messages, Special Events and Category Icons.

You will find it very practical that when customizing one option or another you will constantly be able to see what effect the changed options took. The changeable sample interface is shown in options dialogs, which provides a kind of WYSIWYG editing


Category icons and colors.
You can assign an individual icon for any category you have. This icon will accompany (optional) all items within this category.

The new feature of Spb Diary is ability to color items assigned to different categories with different colors


Each tabs of Spb Diary can have a header allowing user to access some frequent actions such as changing current filtering mode. There are three different modes for headers:

Header always shown. In this mode you have the header always visible. This mode is designed for those who frequently use different filters, grouping and sorting modes.

Header always hidden. When you do not need frequent access to filtering, grouping and sorting modes you can hide the header in order to have more vertical space available for displaying your data. In this case all the header functionality becomes available via the context menu.

Header handled manually. This is probably the compromise. You can show or minimize the header manually. To hide the header, tap on . To show it, tap on the thin horizontal line shown instead of the header


Contacts. Selecting a contact to display.
It's up to you to select which contact will be shown for every single person in your contact list. Just tap on an icon that symbolizes some type of phone number or an email address and you will see the list of all contacts available for that person. Select the one you want to see in the contact list.


Contacts. Pop-up.
When you tap a contact in your contact list you will see a pop-up where you will find all possible actions that can be performed with this contact: dialing the mobile and home phone numbers, sendnig text or e-mail messages, deleting and editing this contact


Notes. Preview
It's not necessary to open to the PIM application to get information on one event or another. For example, if you tap the Notes icon of a certain task, the notes will be shown in a small separate window without opening the PIM application.

When previewing a note or a text file or a Pocket Word file, you can copy texts to clipboard, which is very useful.


Integration with Spb Weather.
If you have Spb Weather installed on your Pocket PC with the Today plug-in activated, you will see a small weather icon near the day titles in the Calendar tab. Spb Diary takes the weather forecast information for each day from Spb Weather for the city currently active in that application. If you tap this icon in the Spb Diary Today plug-in you will see a pop-up window with the detailed weather information for that day taken from Spb Weather.


Integration with Spb Finance.
If you have Spb Finance installed on your Pocket PC, Spb Diary will help you track your scheduled transactions. You can configure Spb Diary to show your scheduled transactions within the Calendar and/or Special Events tabs.



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه واسه ترانسفر کردن فایل از طریق اینترنت با قابلیت معرفی یوزر های متعدد و امکانات دیگر.



توضیحات کامل:

Mocha FTP Server gives an easy way to copy files to/from a PDA running Windows Mobile or Pocket PC 200x. It supports the standard File Transfer Protocol (FTP) features found in most web browsers and FTP client applications.

If the PDA has IP address, use following URL in Internet Explorer
and Internet Explorer will give access to all the files on the PDA.


Supports all standard FTP commands
PASV command. The client will make the data connection (needed with firewalls)
Portrait/landscape mode
Anonymous login
Real-time monitoring of users and commands
9 different users with password protection
25 active sessions
Different access rights for users (read only mode)
Security timer, which will close inactive sessions




Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک برنامه 14 کیلو بایتی جهت دریافت وضعیت آب و هوای مناطق مختلف جهان.این برنامه برای ویندوز موبایل 5 نوشته شده.




Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک برنامه کم حجم File Explorer جهت دسترسی آسان به فایلها و اجرای عملکردهای مورد نظر.



Have a SmartPhone, and miss not being able to browse through the files and folders on your system? Well worry no more! With my File Explorer program, you can browse through the contents of your system, and even copy, cut, paste, and delete files, just like the explorer in Windows!



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

اینم یک برنامه کم حجم دیگه برای اسمارت فونها با این برنامه شماهر زمان که بخواهید به راحتی میتونید دستگاهتون رو ریست کنید.نکته مهم اینه که این برنامه برای دستگاه هایی نوشته شده که دارای رزولوشن 320x240
هستن مثل:Motorola Q



This program will give you a quick and easy way to reset your SmartPhone at any time. Also works on 320x240 resolution SmartPhones (such as the Motorola Q)



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه کم حجم 12 کیلو بایتی جهت سرچ در اینترنت از روی صفحه تودی.( بدرد من که خیلی میخوره)



Today Search - 1.0
By: Blade2032

Description: Want to be able to perform a search on the internet quickly and easily right from your Today screen? Then this plugin is all you need! Just type in the box what you're looking for, then type the icon, and you're off!

Requires Compact Framework 2.0: No
