• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

نرم افزار :: Windows Mobile , Pocket Pc, Win CE ٠


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه جهت دسترسی آسان به شماره تلفنهای مورد نظر با استفاده از عکس شخص مورد نظر با حجمی حدود 29 کیلو بایت.


توضیحات :

Photo Contacts - 1.0
By: Blade2032

Description: Tired of the same old contact manager in your Windows Mobile 6 Professional device? Want to be able to easily find your contacts by the picture? If so, then this is the program for you! Easily scroll back and forth through all your contacts and then just Tap & Hold on the photo of the contact you'd like to call, email or send a text message to. It's that easy!

Requires Compact Framework 3.5: No



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه جهت اندازه گیری دقیق زمان واندزه گیری تغییرات در مدت زمان مشخص. برای نصب برنامه باید دات نت رو داشته باشید.


توضیحات کامل و کاراییهای برنامه:

This app functions as a simple Metronome for Windows Mobile devices. It was optimized for the square 240x240 screens so it should work well on all PPC devices without the need to scroll.
- User selectable Beats Per Minute.
- Visual and Audible beat.
- Beats per measure with visual indication of position within the measure.
- Beat indicator flashes a different color for the first beat of the measure.

While the metronome is running, it will keep your device from suspending. If you like to have a visual indicator only, you can mute the sound. There is also an option to keep the backlight awake if you're primarily looking for a visual beat indicator.

To install, download the CAB and copy it onto your device, then run the cab file. You can uninstall through your add/remove programs interface.

مشخصات برنامه:

Size: 84 KB
Date: October 9, 2007
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile
• .NET CF v2.0



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک کورنومتر کم حجم و چند منظوره که قبلا" خودم در یکی از پست ها معرفی کردم. این آپدیت شده همون کرنومتر هست که همین امروز ریلیز شده. برای نصب باید دات نت رو داشته باشید.


توضیحات کامل به همراه کارایی های برنامه:

This neat little app acts as a multi-function timer. It was optimized for the square 240x240 screens so it should work well on all PPC devices without the need to scroll.
In regular stopwatch mode it shows:
- The time you started counting.
- The current time.
- Total elapsed time (running total).

With countdown mode enabled you can input any combination of hours, minutes and/or seconds. Once you start the countdown it displays the start time, the projected stop time, and the total time left. When the countdown reaches the projected stop time, you are alerted with a pop up and a tone. Since most PPC devices go to sleep within 2 minutes when idle, WMStopWatch will schedule the system to wake up 30 seconds before the stop time if the total time to count is more than 60 seconds.

Unless you stop the counter, it will continue counting. The "remaining time" display will turn into "Overage", and the selected alert will continue to at the prechosen interval. Once stopped, the total time that actually elapsed is displayed. (This is great if you need to know exactly how far you went over!)

The "Options" tab allows you to configure and save all the various sound options. Saved preferences are automatically loaded at startup.

The sound can be toggled on and off on the main screen so you can quiet the alert at any time.

مشخصات برنامه:

Size: 39 KB
Date: October 9, 2007 (Updated)
Type: Freeware
• Windows Mobile
• .NET CF v2.0



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اینم یک برنامه دیگه از SPB که داغه داغه تاریخ Release همین دیروز(Oct 09, 2007) که برنامهای قدرتمند جهت سرو سامان دادن ودیدن فایلهای تصویریه(عکس).این برنامه میتونه فایلهای با حجم زیاد و در مدت زمان خیلی کم که تعجب برانگیزه نمایش بده.(من که باهاش حال کردم).با سریال که میزارم رجیستر میشه .همچنین در موقع نصب اگه به اینترنت متصل باشید بطور رایگان با همون سریال براتون دو برنامه:Spb Full Screen Keyboard و Spb Pocket Plus رو هم دانلود کرده و میتونید نصب کنید(آخرین آپدیتشون ).تمام تصاویر آموزشی موجود رو هم براتون میزارم که بتونید با استفاده ااز آموزشش نهایت استفاده از برنامه رو ببرید.



Image list. You can sort images in this list by name, date, size, and type by selecting a Sort by method from the top right corner of the screen (labeled Name by default).

You may list the contents of a certain folder by selecting it from the folder list in the top left corner. You can open any folder on your device, including those on your flash disk, or a storage card (cards). To open a certain folder tap Show (labeled My Pictures by default) and explore your device.

On this screenshot you can see the Thumbnail mode of the image list. In thumbnail mode you can get the visual perception of every image in this list. You can select the number of thumbnails to be displayed in a row. This screenshots shows a three in a row mode


Detailed Thumbnails. In the detailed thumbnail mode you can see thumbnails and the information on the image files: name, time and date of creation; size in bytes and size in pixels, along with the ability to quickly open the image properties dialog.

To switch between thumbnails and detailed thumbnails modes, tap the File List Mode button in the toolbar



To make Spb Imageer search for images in all subfolders of a currently chosen folder, select Include Subfolders from the thumbnails menu


Thumbnail Context Menu. You can select a picture or a group of pictures and perform different actions with these pictures, such as:
Add/edit picture notes
Create an album
Optimize and save to folder
Publish to Web
Set as Today wallpaper
Other actions like view slideshow and create new folder are available in the View and Tools menus


Picture View. You can see pictures in different zooms. If a displayed picture is lager then the screen area, you can move it with your stylus to see its parts (a pan tool).

In the toolbar:
View menu: in this menu you can select different modes of image displaying, such as zoom ratio, rotation, slideshow, screen filling commands, etc.
Tools menu: in this menu you can select such commands as Save As, Delete, etc.
Full screen button: tap this button to enter the full screen (with toolbars hidden) mode.
Navigation buttons: tap left or right to open the previous or the next picture in the image list.
Fit to screen button: if this button is pressed then the whole picture is shown with the best zoom ratio.
Notes button: this button opens the notes mode.
Editor button: this button opens the edit mode


Editor. Spb Imageer allows you to edit your images. You can show/hide the editor toolbar by tapping the Editor button.

Editor features include:
Anti red-eye tool
Red/green/blue channels


Editor. The most frequently used editor actions such as brightness, contrast, auto-level, crop and anti red-eye are available from the Edit toolbar. More features are available from the Edit menu


Editor. Crop. As you tap the crop button, you can crop a rectangular part of a currently displayed image and make a separate image out of it. Move your stylus by the image to select a desired area. Then tap somewhere inside the selected area to finish. The selected area will appear as a new image. Later you can save it in a separate file


Picture Notes. A powerful tool in Spb Imageer is notes support. There are three types of notes you can attach to your images: text notes, audio notes, and drawings.

A text note is a short comment to a picture, shown either on a picture or hidden. You can configure the text font face, size and color, position on a picture, shadow, etc. On this screenshot the text note is Our September 2003 weekend.

A drawing is something you draw on a picture with your stylus. As an example, a celebrity's autograph on his photo is a drawing.

An audio note is a short audio record attached to a picture and played when it is opened. Good examples of audio notes are your car's engine sound, a fireworks explosion or a little baby's first cry


Slideshow. Spb Imageer provides an easy to use slideshow. In slideshow options you can choose one of 22 different transition effects and the preview will help you to find the best effect. You can also specify the delay time between two shown pictures.

In slideshow you can use Up and Down hardware buttons to force slideshow to go to the next picture or to return to the previous one.

Albums can also be shown in slideshow


Optimization Wizards. Images stored on you Pocket PC might be far from optimal for such kind of using. It does not make sense to keep large images, which will be shown small on a small Pocket PC screen. Instead, you can optimize images for the best storage and usage on your Pocket PC.

The optimization process goes along with the following procedures:
Optimize and Create Album Wizard
Optimize and Save to Folder Wizard
Optimize and Publish to Web Wizard
Copying images from a desktop computer
Adding a picture to an existing album
On this screenshot you can see the step of choosing which images are subject to optimization


Optimization Wizards. Resize step. In the optimization wizards you can choose a picture size, which can be one from the list of predefined sizes or a custom picture size


Optimization Wizards. Brightness and Contrast step. Spb Imageer optimization wizards help you to change brightness and contrast for all pictures in the group. In most cases the "Auto Brightness and Contrast" option gives the best result


Optimization Wizards. Rename step. Here, you can rename all pictures during the optimization process and add a prefix that will help you to identify these pictures later. For example if you took numerous photos of the same city, you may wish to add the city's name to all these pictures

مشخصات و نیازمندیهای برنامه:

Price: USD 14.95
Current version: 1.6
Release date: Oct 09, 2007
Download size: 2.47 MB
Size on device: 2.8 MB
Requirements: Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6



مدیر بازنشسته
تاریخ عضویت
26 می 2005
محل سکونت
London UK
خوب برو بچ پزشکی یادتونه این برنامه رو ، متاسفانه برنامه به شکل خودکار ، روی دستگاه های بعد از ویندوز موبایل 2003 اس ای به بعد کار نمی کرد ، به این دلیل که یک سری از فایل ها از هسته او اس پاک شده ، حالا جناب آی فلانی ، زحمت کشیده اند و یک هک نوشته اند ، که با نصب ش قبل از نصب این برنامه ها ، راحت می تونید روی دستگاه های ویندوز موبایل 5 استفاده ببرید ازشون

این لینک هک هست ، نصبش کنید روی پی دی ای تون
البته الان دیگه نمی شه تریال های برنامه ها رو از سایت السویر دانلود کرد ، اما یک لینک رپید هست که همه فایل ها رو داره

اینجا هم توضیحات قدیمی نصب هست ، این تریکی که توضیح می داد ، چطور فایل های دیتای برنامه رو که هر چه زور بزنید در مموری خارجی نصب می شن ، به مموری خارجی منتقل کنید.

روی دستگاه های ویندوز موبایل 5 امتحان شد و جواب داد


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
15 فوریه 2007
محل سکونت
Somewhere I Belong PocketPC: HTC Advantage X7
Microsoft ActiveSync v4.5 Portable FINAL
اینم ورژن پرتابل برنامه سینک با پاکت پیسی ها برای 87% از کاربران کار میکنه که به نوبه خودش انقلابه.... چون این برنامه رو TheMaster1292 خودش از تو اکتیو سینک درست کرده و مایکروصافت دستی در این برنامه نداشته.. حتماً دانلود کنید چون واقعاً در بعضی از مواقع بدرد میخوره ;)

به عکس دقت نکنید خود سازنده گفته آلفاست...


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 فوریه 2005
محل سکونت
برنامه فول هست
با سلام – پس از جست و جو های فراوان برای اولین بار به یک برنامه ی بسیار قوی بر خوردم که نظیر ندارده
توسط این برنامه بعد از اینکه گوشی مقابل شما را اکسپت کرد—بر فرض مثال:
شما می خواید برای اشکان که بر فرض دوست شما است یک آهنگ بلوتوس کنید-دوستتون شما را اکسپت می کنه-بعد شما خود را به حالت مخفی در میارید و چراغ بلوتوس شما خاموش و اسم کانکت شدن شما به یک اسم دیگر تغییر پیدا می کند.
پس از کانکت شدن شما می توانید کارهایی از قبیل موارد زیر را بر روی گوشی مقابل انجام دهید:
1-مخفی ماندن از جست و جوی طرف مقابل توسط موبایل یا دیگر وسایل بلوتوس دار
2-خاموش کردن چراغ بلوتوس
3-تغییر اسم در گوشی مقابل هنگام کانکت شدن
4-دریافت sms ها ی طرف مقابل
5-دریافت دفترچه تلفن طرف مقابل
6-ایجاد هر گونه فایل با اسم دلخواه بدون اطلاع طرف مقابل
7-پاک کردن هر گونه فایل-عکس-آهنگ و... بدون اطلاع طرف مقابل
8-تغییر نام فایل های طرف مقابل
9-ارسال sms با شماره ی خط مقابل
توضیح:به این صورت است که شما متن sms را در پاکت پی سی خود تایپ می کنید و شماره ی فردی که می خواید این sms براش بره را هم میزنید بعد send را می زنید بعد این sms از طریق سیمکارت گوشی مقابل ارسال میشه و هزینه بر روی گوشی مقابل میفته و شماره ی مقابل برای طرف مورد نظر میفته و جالب اینجاست که هیچگونه اس ام اسی در send item طرف مقابل قرار نمی گیره.
10-دریافت اطلاعات گوشی مقابل از قبیل مدل-آی پی-اسم و...
11-دریافت و ارسال هر گونه فایل و ...
12-حالت حمله ی 1 و 2 که گوشی طرف مقابل را از طریق پاک کردن بعضی چیزا به هنگ کردن میندازه.
13- پاک کردن اس ام اس های طرف مقابل
14-پاسخ گویی به موبایل طرف مقابل(برای من جواب نداد)
و خیلی کارهای دیگه که هنوز وقط نکردم چک کنم-بر روی جمین بنده جواب داد و اکثر این کار ها را تونستم باش انجام بدم فقط مهم همون اکسپت اولش....
امکان داره کمی گیر کنید و ارور بده اما راه میفتید...

قابل نصب بر سیستمهای 2003 و 2005 و 2006

این برنامه توسط دوست خوبم @m!nKh معرفی شده

فایل های ضمیمه

  • Bluezard_PPC_Full.CAB
    1,011.1 KB · نمایش ها: 581


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
26 آگوست 2007
( The Best MP3 Player for PocketPC!! )
withMP3 1.60:(
یکی بگرده پیدا کنه چون پولیه لینک:(

این مال قدیماست اما ندیدم کسی جواب داده باشه خلاصه اگه اشتباه می کنم ببخشید لینک قدیمی پاک شده
می تونید از اینجا بگیرید و دقیقاً فایل readme رو دنبال کن


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه بروزر برای ویندوز موبایل 2005 که یه سری امکانات بیشتر نسبت به بروزر های دگه داره از جمله باز کردن چند تا Tab در یک صفحه. امکانات برنامه تقریبا" مثل Internet Explorer 7 هست.فقط نکته مهم اینه که برای نصب باید دات نت رو داشته باشید.



This program has been developed to give Windows Mobile users the facility to have a very useful and functional tabbed web browser. Other tabbed mobile web browsers are either bulky, slow, or not free. This program is entirely free to use and uses Pocket Internet Explorer to show the web pages.


* Tabbed Browser
* Standard Navigation Buttons (Back, Forward, Refresh, Stop)
* Open links in new tab
* Duplicate tab
* View Source (customise external viewer/editor)
* Remember closed tabs
* Remember typed URLs
* Full Screen mode
* Hide Tabs Option (to increase viewing area)
* Various Tab Options (Close, Close Others, Reload All)



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
اسمارت فون

یک برنامه تودی پلاگین برای زنگها و کلیه هشدارهای یاد آوری که روی صفحه تودی اسمارت فون شما قرار میگیره واسه دسترسی سریع و آسان.



Alarm Info is designed to give you the ability to see the system alarm status on the homescreen. Being a standard homescreen plugin, you are able to scroll to it, click on it, and then set the alarm to the time desired. The alarm information is all that is entered, so it is a fast and easy process to set the alarm. Instructions on how to install the plugin are provided with the plugin.



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یکی دیگه از برنامه های گروه Spb بنام: Spb Phone Suite این برنامه کلکسیونی از برنامه هایی هست که در ویندوز موبایل لازمه ولی فراموش شده.مثل profiles, call filtering, missed call notifications, reject and reply with SMS
که در این برنامه گنجانده شده این برنامه برای ویندوز موبایل 5 و 6 نوشته شده.این برنامه با هر یک از سریالهای زیر رجیستر میشه:



آموزش از طریق تصویر:



The necessary profile can be selected from the Today plug-in in just a couple of taps or button presses


Today Plug-In. Profiles. Set to Time.

You can also activate a certain profile only for a specified time interval. Just set the Silent profile before the important meeting for half an hour and you won't forget to return to normal mode as you may have done before


Profiles. Profile Options.

Every profile can contain information about a lot of phone and system settings


Today Plug-In.

The Today plug-in provides you with access to all possible phone functions.

The Today-plugin can contain:

The most frequently used photo speed dial icons
Missed call and message indicators
Profile manager
Wireless connections manager
Call filtering mode switcher
Other phone related controls and indicators


Today Plug-in. One Line.

The Today plug-in is highly customizable. One way of saving the screen real estate is representing it with only one line without losing the convenience of using it. This can be achieved by decreasing the size of buttons and indicators and hiding all photo speed dial icons into a drop-down menu


Today plug-in. Two Lines.

Get maximum information and control with this handy two-line configuration


Today plug-in. Only Photo Speed Dial.

A very laconic Today plug-in configuration. Only speed dial icons providing you with possibility to make phone calls and send messages in one-two taps or hardware button presses


Reject and Reply with SMS

When rejecting an incoming call you have a choice to quickly reply with an SMS to the caller. The text for the SMS can be selected from several predefined ones


Photo Speed Dial. Drop-Down Mode

You can hide all your photo speed dials into a drop-down list. Opening the speed dial list will require only one more additional tap or button press but it will significantly save the screen space


Today Plug-In. Wireless Manager.

Your wireless connections are now controled from Spb Phone Suite Today plug-in in just a few taps or hardware button presses. Turning on and off the Bluetooth, WiFi and Phone functions, Bluetooth discoverable mode as well as the very useful Flight mode are all accessible from the context menu


Today plug-in. Integration with Spb Mobile Shell.

Another way of saving the screen area is representing Spb Phone Suite in a form of a separate tab of the Spb Mobile Shell Today plug-in


Today plug-in. Integration with Spb Pocket Plus.

Or, finally, in a form of a separate tab of the Spb Pocket Plus Today plug-in


Photo Call Log.

Spb Phone Suite adds photos to the standard call log. This feature significantly improves the call log usability


Options. Today Plug-In. Appearance.

The Today plug-in of Spb Phone Suite can be customized via program options


Options. Today Plug-In. View.

You can select what particular items will be placed on the Today screen. You can also specify what speed dial icons behavior prefer (either embedded, available from a drop-down list or disabled). Among missed calls and messages you can also specify what particular items to show


Photo Speed Dial List.

This list contains your photo speed dial icons. For each of them you can specify what phone number will be used as the default one


Options. Profiles.

In the list of profiles you can customize the existing profiles, including the automatic ones

مشخصات کامل برنامه:

Price: USD 19.95
Current version: 1.1.1
Release date: Aug 28, 2007
Download size: 1.67 MB
Size on device: 2.5 MB
Requirements: Windows Mobile 5 Phone Edition or Windows Mobile 6 Professional



کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
12 اکتبر 2007
من این کرک رو برای JetCet (که چندی پیش لینک ورژن trialش توسط دوستان معرفی شد) پیدا کردم، ولی هنوز امتحانش نکردم ببینم کار می کنه یا نه. لینکش اینه:


Pocket PC کاربر فعال- فروشنده معتبر
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
26 اکتبر 2006
محل سکونت
Kent farm , Smallville , Shiraz
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Persian


من از این برنامه برای حفظ کردن و یاد گیری لغات انگلیسی استفاده می کنم که خیلی خیلی کارش عالی هست :happy:​

LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Persian (Farsi) 2007 for Pocket PC is the easy way to study a foreign language - anytime, anywhere. Offering a choice between 5 engaging and effective games, it turns learning into an enjoyable pastime. Considered the most reliable way to memorize thousands of new words, LingvoSoft FlashCards software is the first choice of students, parents and teachers alike.

Once installed on your handheld device you will be ready to begin increasing your knowledge of another language immediately. With it’s truly unique, customizable interface you can choose from a variety of options to make it function just the way you want - including a choice of up to 5 different display languages. Incorporating three stages of general vocabulary and Business, Computer, Medical, and Legal terminology, LingvoSoft Flashcards lets you learn the language you need to be successful.

Integration with LingvoSoft Dictionary 2007 and PhraseBook 2007 also allows you to easily increase the amount of words and phrases you can learn by importing them from these optional applications making this an almost limitless utility. With its easy to understand instructions, indispensable English Grammar section and language information for 40 languages, this essential tool is designed to grow along with you.


Customizable multilingual English, French, German, Spanish and Russian interface
Language information included for nearly 40 languages plus English Grammar
Five learning games: Review It!, Pair It!, Guess It!, Recall It! and Type It!
Bi-directional learning available
Full integration with LingvoSoft Dictionary and LingvoSoft PhraseBook software
User Dictionary (Add, Create, Edit)
Adjustable random or sorted word order, font size
Dictionary and word statistics available
Remove previously learned or unnecessary words
Any dictionary may be set as the default. Words from LingvoSoft Dictionary and LingvoSoft PhraseBook will then be added into this dictionary.
Also, don’t miss the LingvoSoft FlashCards Builder – the easy way to create your own personal FlashCards sets from text files as well as from clipboard bits. Memorize the words you need with LingvoSoft FlashCards and FlashCards Builder.​

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  • Lingvosoft - Flashcards-pkpc-engper-7.rar
    1.2 MB · نمایش ها: 330


Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه کاربردی دیگه از Spb بنام Spb Weather که وضعیت جوی رو براتون روی تودی اسکرین مشخص میکنه. این برنامه میتونه با برنامه های Spb Mobile Shell و Spb Diary و Spb Pocket Plus ادغام بشه با سریال زیر هم رجیستر میشه.


آموزش تصویری:


You can select one of four available modes to represent weather information in Spb Weather. These modes are:

7 days view
5 days view
4 days view
Multiline view
These modes are quite self-explanatory. When you select, let's say, a 4 days mode, then you can see four weather information entries for a selected city in a row.

The multiline mode allows you to view five day forecasts for several cities simultaneously. City entries are represented with lines in this mode, rather than with tabs as in all other modes


7 days view. On this screenshot you can see a seven day weather forecast for one city (New York). Another city can be selected by tapping on its name in the header


Multiline view. In this mode all your active cities are put on the screen at once, represented with horizontal lines. Tap on any day of any city and you will see the detailed information for that day


Detailed forecast for one day. One day weather forecast can contain information on temperature, humidity, pressure and winds allocated by four periods of the day


Options: Cities. You can select several cities to monitor. Weather forecasts will be downloaded for only checked cities in this list. You can also highlight a city in this list and tap on Edit... to customize city options, such as a name to display and a weather source. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to set the city order in the list


Adding cities. When adding a city you can first select a country and then a city (for the US you can also select a state, or specify a city by ots ZIP code). Moreover you can provide a different city name to display (some people prefer to say 'Frisco' rather than San Francisco, or 'Peter' rather than St. Petersburg. You are also prompted to select a weather source for the city


Adding custom cities. If you cannot find a desired city in a database you can add it manually. For such a custom city you should know a weather source that provides forecasts for that city and a special code used by that weather source for handling that city


Options: View. In this view you can configure Spb Weather Today plug-in interface in detail. Select between different views, skins, and headers and see the sample result at the bottom of the screen


Options: Units. These options allow you to select your habitual measurement unit set. Specify such parameters as temperature, wind speed and atmospheric pressure units


Options: Synchronization. Here you can customize the weather update rules. Select if you want Spb Weather to update every time your device is docked. Select if you want Spb Weather to update every time you add a new city. Finally, select an update behavior: this can be either a manual update (weather data will be downloaded only upon request) or automatic update (in this case data will be downloaded after every specified time interval


Options. Statistics. In this dialog you can see how much data has been transferred for every weather source for a selected period of time


Integration with Spb Pocket Plus. Activation. This is a screenshot of Spb Pocket Plus Today plug-in options dialog. You can see that Spb Weather can now be chosen as a separate Pocket Plus Today plug-in tab


Integration with Spb Pocket Plus. How it looks like. This screenshot represents an Spb Weather tab of the Spb Pocket Plus Today plug-in


Weather refresh. You can always refresh weather information manually form the header context menu. Select whether you want to refresh data for all active cities or only for the current one.

توضیحات و کاربردهای برنامه:
Spb Weather is a very powerful weather forecast Today plug-in. You can customize weather views, skins and even the weather forecast data source. Spb Pocket Plus users can save space on their Today screen running Spb Weather as a tab.

Integration with Spb Mobile Shell
Integration with Spb Diary
Integration with Spb Pocket Plus
Five different view modes
10 professional skins
Easy configuration from context menu
Optimized traffic (400 bytes for 5 day forecast)
Custom weather source support
Custom city support

مشخصات کامل برنامه:
Price: USD 14.95
Current version: 1.7.0
Release date: Feb 06, 2007
Download size: 1.74 MB
Size on device: 2.0 MB
Requirements: Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003 or Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه جهت استفاده بهینه از پاکت پی سی شامل بیش از 200 فن مخفی در ویندوز موبایل که توسط 10 برنامه نویس حرفه ای نوشته و طبقه بندی شده.( شاید زیاد مورد استفاده قرار نگیره اما با یه بار استفاده تمام مدت زمانی که بی مصرف مونده رو میتونه از یاد ببره و ارزشش رو داشته باشه). با سریال زیر رجیستر میشه. البته این برنامه مال سال 2005 هست ولی من نتونستم توی برنامه های معرفی شده پیداش کنم.

توضیحات تصویری:


13 topics. All tips and tricks are devided into 13 big topics or chapters that cover the most important aspects of effective using of Pocket PC. These topics are:

Input Methods
Phone Edition
Pocket Office


Topic content. Each topic consists of an introduction with easy-to-read general information written and 15 tips and tricks, which the author considered important enough to be included with this topic


Tip content. Each tip and trick is dedicated to one specific question. It may contain images, links, and/or utilities that can be run right from inside the tip. Some tricks may describe a non-standard approach to solving a certain problem


Tweaks. The program includes more than 40 system tweaks that help to use undocumented Pocket PC features like installing CAB files to a storage card, showing date on the taskbar, renaming storage card folder, disabling start menu animation, changing all system fonts and colors, etc. All tweaks have detailed help


Search. You can search the entire content of Spb Pocket PC Tips & Tricks for specific terms

توضیحات برنامه:

200+ tricks and secrets from Pocket PC gurus
Spb Pocket PC Tips & Tricks is the most complete collection of more than 200 tips and tricks about using Pocket PC written by 10 professional Pocket PC authors.

مشخصات کامل برنامه:

Price: USD 19.95
Current version: 1.5
Release date: Aug 04, 2005
Download size: 2.87 MB
Size on device: 4.1 MB
Requirements: Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003 or Windows Mobile 5 Pocket PC



Pocket PC کاربر فعال
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
4 آگوست 2007
محل سکونت
سرزمین آریایی
یک برنامه از گروه resco بنام Keyboard Pro که یک کیبورد با امکانات فراوان از قبیل متن از پیش تعیین شده(متنی که استفاده زیادی براتون داره به تشخیص خودتون) و ماشین حساب و امکانات دیگر که در قسمت آموزش تصویری مشاهده خواهید کرد. برای رجیستر کردن برنامه از سریال زیر استفاده کنید.ابتدا نام پاکت پی سی تون رو به SerialZ تغییر داده سپس سریال را وارد کنید .بعد از رجیستر کردن دوباره میتونید اسم دستگاهتون رو به نام اصلی برگردونید.نکته مهم اینه که حوف کوچک وبزرگ باید در موقع نوشتن رعایت بشه.

سریال برنامه:
Name: SerialZ
S/N: 65352

توضیحات تصویری:

National keyboard layouts


Gives you the ability to write in more than 20 languages (including Belgian, Canadian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Ukrainian).

Gestures & Auto-repeat


Keyboard supports standard Gestures with selectable sensitivity and Auto-repeat with selectable repeat delay and repeat rate

Three numeric layouts including Calculator


In addition to the standard text layout it supports three numeric layouts including calculator with formatted text output

Frequently used phrases


"Fx" mode allows you to write the frequently used phrases by just two stylus taps

Custom keyboard layout

Skilled users will be able to customize the keyboard layout by editing the textual description defining the characters assignment.

مشخصات برنامه:

Version: 4.37
Released: April 26, 2007
Restriction: 14-day trial

توضیحات کلی:

a powerful input method. It gives you the ability to write texts and control your applications faster than ever before. In addition to the system keyboard, there are three numeric layouts, including a "Writing Calculator" for typing numbers or numerical expressions.
