Plugin Name: WP Paginate
Version: .1.1
Plugin URI: http://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/2004/05/23/wppaginate/
Description: This function will paginate your posts. (See plugin URI for details on use)
Author: Jennifer - Scriptygoddess
Author URI: http://scriptygoddess.com
Ability to truncate long navigation lists provided by Stan Schwarz http://bort.gps.caltech.edu
function wpPaginate($paginateAfterNposts = '', $pageNavDivider = ' | ', $paginateHome = FALSE, $briefnavigation = TRUE, $navpad = 6) {
global $posts_per_page, $posts;
global $paginationNavigation;
$paginationNavigation = '';
if ($paginateAfterNposts == '') {
$paginateAfterNposts = $posts_per_page;
//should I paginate or not?
if ($paginateHome) {
//yes, I've said to paginte home
$paginateThePage = true;
} else if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == '') {
//we've said not to paginate home -
//if there's no "query strings" - we must be on the home page
//therefore do not paginate.
//break out of function
} else {
$paginateThePage = true;
if (count($posts) <= 0) {
if ($paginateThePage) {
if (!(isset($_GET['offset']))) {
$offset = 0;
} else if ($_GET['offset'] == "all") {
//we're not paginating - because all posts have been requested. Break out of function.
} else {
$offset = $_GET['offset'];
//if there's enough content to paginate, and we haven't requested to show everything...
if ( (count($posts) > $paginateAfterNposts) && $_GET['offset'] != "all" ) {
//get total number of pages needed
$num_of_pages = ceil(count($posts)/$paginateAfterNposts);
//print out navigation
$paginationNavigation .= "Page: ";
//If the user requested a navigation, then figure out what pages to make links for.
if ($briefnavigation) {
$lowtest = $offset +1 - $navpad;
$hightest = $offset + 1 + $navpad;
for ($i = 0; $i < $num_of_pages; $i++) {
$pg = $i + 1;
//Make the navigation
//Make a link for page 1 and the last page, and for pages offset-$navpad to offset+$navpad
//Also make all page links if $briefnavigation == false
if ((!$briefnavigation) || (($pg == 1) || ($pg == $num_of_pages) || (($pg > $lowtest) && ($pg < $hightest)))) {
if ($i != 0) {
$paginationNavigation .= $pageNavDivider;
//are we on the current page?
if ($offset != $i) {
if(strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'&offset=') !== false) {
$newurl = preg_replace('/(\&offset=)(\d+)(&|)/i', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$addchar = "&";
} else if (strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?offset=') !== false) {
$newurl = preg_replace('/(\?offset=)(\d+)(&|)/i', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (strrpos($newurl,'?') !== false) {
$addchar = "&";
} else {
$addchar = "?";
} else {
$newurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$addchar = "?";
$paginationNavigation .= "<a href='".$newurl.$addchar."offset=$i'>$pg</a>";
} else {
$paginationNavigation .= $pg;
} else {
//Add the divider. If the string ends in an ellipsis ('...') then do nothing
if (!preg_match ("/\.\.\.\$/", $paginationNavigation)) {
$paginationNavigation .= "$pageNavDivider...";
} // end creating navigation
$cutafterPostNum = $offset * $paginateAfterNposts;
$posts = array_slice($posts, $cutafterPostNum, $paginateAfterNposts);
} // end if paginate the page at all
} //end wp-paginate() function
function print_pg_navigation ($before = '', $after = '') {
global $paginationNavigation;
if ($paginationNavigation != '') {
echo $before.$paginationNavigation.$after;