لول 1 دادن البته نه از آمریکا.
دقت 94 درصد که با اولین تسک لول یکی اومد 90 درصد!
طرف مشکل روانی داشت تیکت زدم دقتم رو برگردونن.
زیاد لول 1 با 3 فرق نداره. غیر از آمریکا هم زیاد ارزش نداره.
بر نمیگردونن من تیکت زدم گفتم بهشون 3 بار اکوریسیم کم شد از 91 اومد 89 و الانم 76 اینم جوابشون :
Hi Masoud,
Thanks for writing in regarding your Dashboard’s Overall Accuracy. The Accuracy you are now seeing is based on our updated calculation which now takes into account all Test Questions seen in Work Mode, Quiz Mode and some Skills Tests, while excluding Test Questions or Jobs that have been marked ‘broken’.
Although your Accuracy most likely dropped, this updated Accuracy calculation will give you a more comprehensive view of your statistics and a clearer representation of your eligibility for Performance Level Badges. For instance, this is the Accuracy we have been using in the background for Level eligibility since the beginning of the Level program. This is all in our effort to be more transparent with our Contributors and thus improve the overall experience. For information on Accuracy, please visit here:
Thanks again. We appreciate your patience.
The Community Support Team