• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

و سر انجام Prince Of Persia 3


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
20 جولای 2005
محل سکونت
Tehran-Karaj Cellphone:Samsung SGH-U700

mohammadmehdi_g جان ممنون از راهنماییتون

راستش من سناریو بازی رو از اینترنت نخونده بودم و فقط از روی گیم و دموهای بازی برداشت کرده بودم

بازم ممنون;)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
28 سپتامبر 2004
به نقل از Amir(Steve) :

mohammadmehdi_g جان ممنون از راهنماییتون

راستش من سناریو بازی رو از اینترنت نخونده بودم و فقط از روی گیم و دموهای بازی برداشت کرده بودم

بازم ممنون;)

البته منم از رویه خوده بازی به این نتایج پی بردم;)


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
9 آگوست 2005
محل سکونت
بچه ها منم بازی پرنس سه رو دارم بازی میکنم الان:blush: من یک جای بازی گیر کردم همان جاهست که یک قول خانم هست که پرنس به دو شکل مختلف در میاد بعد میکشیمش بعد انجا که با اون پرنس وحشتناکه داری تبدیل میشی به حالت اولیش من اونجا گیر کردم یک اهرم است که میچرخانم بعد یک در مانند بسه میشه ولی جای دست یا چیزی نداره که من ازرش برم بالا اسم سیو گیمش the upper city است لطفا کمکم کنید :( این بار تمام صفحه ها را خواندم ولی چیزی در این مورد نبود:)


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
9 آگوست 2005
محل سکونت
به نقل از shakira :
بچه ها منم بازی پرنس سه رو دارم بازی میکنم الان:blush: من یک جای بازی گیر کردم همان جاهست که یک قول خانم هست که پرنس به دو شکل مختلف در میاد بعد میکشیمش بعد انجا که با اون پرنس وحشتناکه داری تبدیل میشی به حالت اولیش من اونجا گیر کردم یک اهرم است که میچرخانم بعد یک در مانند بسه میشه ولی جای دست یا چیزی نداره که من ازرش برم بالا اسم سیو گیمش the upper city است لطفا کمکم کنید :( این بار تمام صفحه ها را خواندم ولی چیزی در این مورد نبود:)
ممنون راهشو خودم پیدا کردم:blush:


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
9 آگوست 2005
محل سکونت
دیگه کسی داخل تاپیک نیست:( من به یک جا رسیدم که باید اهرم را بچرخانی که یک مجسمه بزرگ حرکت کنه من هر کاریش میکنم از مانع اول رد میشه نمیدونم چیکارش باید بکنم البته اون جوری که من فهمیدم با مجسمه باید یک کاری بکنی که فکر میکنم در بزرگ را باید خراب کنی:blush: لطفا راهنمایی کنید رسید به دو روز که بازی جدید را شروع کردم:lol: ممنون:happy:


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
8 دسامبر 2003
محل سکونت
روزبه جان ،شکیرا جان و بقیه دوستان!!لطفا کمک کنین
نکته کنکوری کشتن غول دوم بازی (همون زنه) چیه؟؟:blink:
من تا اونجا پیش رفتم که یه ذره جون برای غوله باقی مونده و دارک پرینس و غوله رو در رو دارن با هم میجنگن!!اما لامصب غوله نمیمیره که!!!:wacko: همینطور مرتب L click میزنم اما فایده ای نداره...حالا بگین من چیکار وکنم؟؟!


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
28 سپتامبر 2004
به نقل از amir@ :
روزبه جان ،شکیرا جان و بقیه دوستان!!لطفا کمک کنین
نکته کنکوری کشتن غول دوم بازی (همون زنه) چیه؟؟:blink:
من تا اونجا پیش رفتم که یه ذره جون برای غوله باقی مونده و دارک پرینس و غوله رو در رو دارن با هم میجنگن!!اما لامصب غوله نمیمیره که!!!:wacko: همینطور مرتب L click میزنم اما فایده ای نداره...حالا بگین من چیکار وکنم؟؟!

همون دیگه اونقدر تند تند باید L click (ضربه) بزنی تا پیروز شی


کاربر فعال بازیهای کامپیوتری
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
15 جولای 2005
امیر جان دیگه وقت نمی کنم اینجا سر بزنم منو میتونید اینجا پیدا کنید http://www.blackmice.com


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
9 آگوست 2005
محل سکونت
به نقل از amir@ :
روزبه جان ،شکیرا جان و بقیه دوستان!!لطفا کمک کنین
نکته کنکوری کشتن غول دوم بازی (همون زنه) چیه؟؟:blink:
من تا اونجا پیش رفتم که یه ذره جون برای غوله باقی مونده و دارک پرینس و غوله رو در رو دارن با هم میجنگن!!اما لامصب غوله نمیمیره که!!!:wacko: همینطور مرتب L click میزنم اما فایده ای نداره...حالا بگین من چیکار وکنم؟؟!
این غوله شما باید صحنه را اهسته کنی(منظورم اینکه هر وقت که بهش نزدیک شدی زمان رو کند کنی) بعد قبل اینکه از دست این پرنس وحشتناکه فرار کنه حالشو جا بیاری :) خیلی اسونه فقط برای اینکه جونت تموم نشه باید هر دفعه حال این جوجه کوچلو ها رو بگیری:lol:


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
9 آگوست 2005
محل سکونت
بچه ها خسته نباشی کمکم کردین :wacko: خودم راه اهرم ها رو پیدا کردم برای مجسمه چهارشنبه هفته پیش بازی رو تموم کردم:D


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 آپریل 2005
محل سکونت
My House
من دیروز رفتم این بازی رو بگیرم یارو گفت سی پی یو 64 بیتی میخواد، رو اینتل اجرا نمیشه!!!:blink: :eek:
عجیباً غریبا!


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
8 دسامبر 2003
محل سکونت
به نقل از mostafa_gm :
من دیروز رفتم این بازی رو بگیرم یارو گفت سی پی یو 64 بیتی میخواد، رو اینتل اجرا نمیشه!!!:blink: :eek:
عجیباً غریبا!
این مورد بشدت تکذیب میشه....برو بازی رو بگیر و حالشو ببر!!;)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
29 ژوئن 2005
لطفا اگه زحمت نیست این لایف ابگریدارو یه بار دیگه بیزارین چون عکسایی که گذاشتین دیده نمیشه ؟؟؟


کاربر فعال بازیهای کامپیوتری
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
15 جولای 2005
Lfie upgrade 1 بعد از اولین باری که به پرینس تغییر حالت میدین حواستون باشه اینجا رو رد نکنین

Lfie upgrade 2 قبل از جنگیدن با اولین غول بازی(همون نره غوله که زبونش اویزونه:D ) حواستون باشه در اول میره پیشه آقا غوله در دوم میره آب خوری مدرستون در سوم هم میدهن عدس پلو


بعد از رد کردن اون برجای دایره ای شکل و بعد از تغییرحالت به پرینس به یه جا میرسین که وزیر فرار میکنه و باید آب داخل سالن رو با دستگیره ای که اونجاس تخلیه کنین


مرحله canal
دقیقا بعد از غول سوم بازی همونی که میپرین روش بعد باید کنترلش کنید(یه چیز تو مایه های خر سواری
به اینجا میرسید

از نردبون برید بالا بعد برید تو اون سوراخه

Life Upgrade 5

مرحله آسانسور
وقتی دارید فرح رو با آسانسور بالا میبرید آخرش به اینجا میرسید
برید حالشو ببرید فقط یکی دیگه مونده:lol:

Life Upgrade 6
تو مرحله MIDLE TOWER
مرسید به اینجا



کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
14 فوریه 2006
WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 1: Our Arrival at Babylon

Part 1 - Shores of Babylon

After the beginning cutscene, roll under the door ahead and head to the left. Jump and climb on top of the wooden structure next to the fireball on the ground. Make a series of three big leaps to the next few platforms, then wall run to the fourth platform. Run directly up the wall to the right after the wall run and shimmy to the area on the left. Drop from the ledge and slide down the ladder in the back.

Enter the wreckage of the building to the right and climb up the column. Turn your backside to the second column and jump. Climb up the second column and jump again. Position your back to the wooden platform on the side of the building (rotate the camera) and jump to it. Climb to the top of the wooden walkway with the railing, hang off the side closest to the column, and jump to the column. Turn your back to the crevice in the wall to the side and jump to it. Shimmy along the crevice and drop to the platform. Position the camera to face the small ledge above the crevice on the other side, then wall run toward the small ledge. Jump to the crevice and use it to shimmy across to the top of the wall. Fall and grab onto the side of the wall and drop to the rock below. Use the save fountain to save your game.


Part 2 - The Ramparts

Run down the ramp ahead and hit the landscape view button to see some enemies around the area. Climb up the ladder to the side and walk to the right afterwards. [SPEED KILL] After the cutscene, you will be given the option to perform your first speed kill. The Prince will automatically crouch and enter a sneaking animation when approaching an enemy from behind. To perform a speed kill, walk behind the enemy until the screen becomes distorted then press the secondary attack button to initiate the speed kill animation.

As the animation slows down you must press the primary attack button during that instant to continue the speed kill animation. For the first few speed kills, the tutorial will guide you through each strike animation, but for the rest, you will need to time the primary attack button presses appropriately. [END SPEED KILL]

Press the landscape view button to get an idea of where to go next. Hop to the other side of the railing to the right and jump to the column. [SPEED KILL] Slide down the column and perform a speed kill to the enemy up ahead. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run to the platform across from the enemy and shimmy along the crevice up above it. Pull yourself up to the ledge after shimmying then jump to the next crevice and shimmy some more. Fall down and walk along the next ledge, then jump to the wooden platform. Get on the ladder, but don't slide down just yet. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the guard at the bottom to walk toward the ladder. Slide down the ladder and perform a speed kill when he turns around. [END SPEED KILL] Run down the broken ramp and head to the right. This next guard will not turn around so you will have to fight him. Use this chance to get used to the free form fighting system that is exclusive to the Prince of Persia series. Block his attacks and counter. Use the jump button to leap over him and strike him to knock him down. Pick up his sword afterwards from his dead body.

Walk further down the alley until you see a waterfall in the distance. Wall run along the left wall then jump while wall running to reach the ledge on the right. Pull yourself up the first ledge then jump to the next and shimmy to the next area. Climb up the ladder and run up the wall to reach the window. After the cutscene, wall run to the red curtain on the left. The Prince will automatically sink his dagger into the curtain and slide down to the next level. Walk into the open area and three guards will charge you. Focus on one
at the start of the battle. Once one of them has fallen, throw your weapon at one of the others for some major damage, then grab the fallen guard's weapon to continue the battle. Pick up a strong secondary weapon and head to the building they came from.

Walk through the entrance and climb the ladder. Jump to the next ladder once the top of the first one has been reached. Turn around on the second ladder and climb to the top. Run up the wall in front of the ladder and jump to the ledge across from the wall as you reach the top. Pull yourself up on the ledge then jump to the ladder across from you. Climb the ladder to the area above. After scaring the birds with the Prince's ramblings, fall off the wooden platform. Jump to the small ledge beside the door on the left and climb on top of the building. [SPEED KILL] Inch your way to the other end of the roof and the birds will automatically fly off alerting the archer below. Wait until the archer goes back to his watch spot then wall run using the left wall to reach the ledge up above him. From the top of the ledge, initiate a speed kill. The Prince will only go through one attack animation for each speed kill done to an archer. [END SPEED KILL]

[SPEED KILL] Approach the doorway and wait until the guard has his back to the ladder, then slide down the ladder and immediately approach him and perform a speed kill. The archer in the back will not notice anything so you can speed kill him after the guard. [END SPEED KILL] Climb through the open space that the archer was guarding and climb the ladder. Fall to the area below to find a
save fountain.


Part 3 - The Harbor District

Walk along the wooden platform outside and wall run on the left wall then jump to the next wooden platform across from the wall in the distance. On the second wooden platform move to the end, next to the piece of the building that is trailing from the wall, and get on the small ledge. Drop and hang on the ledge and shimmy all the way to the next platform. Walk across the beam to the ledge on the opposite side and follow the ledge around the corner. Stand at the tip of the broken beam and jump to the other beam tip. Roll under the broken wood to enter the next area.

Hit the weapon rack against the side wall for a better sword. Walk out onto the tip of the beam and jump to the top beam above the enemies. [SPEED KILL] Walk to the right side of the beam and drop down to the second beam. The birds will fly off and alert the enemies but they will still not see you. Move to the center of the second beam and as the archer turns his back to walk away, initiate a speed kill on the guard below the beam. After the kill, immediately rush behind the archer and perform another speed kill. [END SPEED KILL]

Run up the steps in the side area then run up the wall and jump to the beam. Pull yourself up and jump to the second beam. Walk across the second beam to the area ahead. Jump to the beam in front of you and stand on the tip of the beam that is trailing ahead. Now for something a little different - jump toward the gap in front of you and the Prince will automatically spread out his arms and legs to suspend himself in the gap. The gaps are much like ladders only with different animation. Hold down to slide down the gap then drop once you reach the bottom. Two guards will automatically be alerted when you drop to the street below. Fight them off and take one of their weapons if needed.

Go around the corner and jump to the beam on the right. Walk to the right side and jump to the piece of the beam above. Walk to the end of the small beam and leap to the gap up ahead. Climb up the gap and pull yourself up on the side of the building. Look up ahead, in between all the flames in the windows, and you will see a single beam. Jump to the beam and walk to the part of the beam that points toward a gap. Leap in between the gap and slide down it. [SPEED KILL] Press right or left to turn around while inside the beam and initiate a speed kill on the guard below. [END SPEED KILL]

Go up the stairs and walk into the next area. Use the landscape view to see some enemies below. Once the Prince goes into his crouching animation creep toward the birds in the distance until they fly off. This will alert the enemies below. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the enemies go back to their normal stances and jump to the beam above the guard. The screen will distort as you grab on. Pull yourself up and initiate the speed kill. Sneak up behind the archer and speed kill him as well. [END SPEED KILL] Climb up the ladder and walk out onto the beam. Use the beam to jump to the railing on the other side. [SPEED KILL] Right when you grab on an Archer will walk by in the distance. Wait for him to walk over to the wall and walk back, then pull yourself up and sneak up behind him for a speed kill. He's by himself so don't worry about alerting another enemy. [END SPEED KILL] Roll under the broken door to get to the next area. Save your game at the save fountain across from the burning building.


Part 4 - The Streets of Babylon

Walk to the back of the burning building and run up the side of it to reach the roof. Use the right wall to wall run then jump while running to reach the beam across from the wall. [SPEED KILL] Pull yourself up immediately as you grab the beam and wait for the screen to distort then strike the guard below with a speed kill. Sneak up behind the archer for yet another speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Jump to the beam and then leap to the area across from the beam.

Run all the way up the stairs until you reach the dead end. Run up either the right or left wall and jump to each side of the wall in repetition (wall jump). Wait for the Prince to hit each side of the wall then tap the jump button again until you reach either of the ledges above. At the top, grab onto the second ledge above the right ledge and walk to the side of the building. Climb up to the wooden platform up ahead and walk to the end of the beam facing the group of beams in the distance. Jump and pull yourself up onto the first beam then make your way across the rest by jumping. When you reach the balcony across from the guards hop over the railing and hang from the side. [SPEED KILL] Jump to the small ledge in the black area of the building across from you. Fall to
the second ledge below the first and the screen will distort. Start the speed kill immediately after the turning guard faces away from the one below you (rotate the camera to see him). Right after the first speed kill immediately sneak behind the second guard and start up another speed kill. [END SPEED KILL]

Enter the area to the left and walk out onto the small beam. Jump to the crevice across from the beam and shimmy to the next small beam. Jump to the next beam and leap to the area across from it. On the other side, go to the end of the walkway and wall run on the right wall then jump to the beam across from the wall while running. Jump toward either the right or left wall and jump off the wall to the beam above. Walk toward the middle of the beam and jump to the room with the fire in the background. Save your game at the save fountain.

WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 2: The Prince's Responsibility

Part 1 - The Palace Balcony

Hang off the railing to the side and fall to the roof. The guard in the back will leave the balcony and go back inside. Wall run against the left wall and jump to the railing of the balcony while running. If you move over too far to the left while hanging onto the railing, the guard will see you. [SPEED KILL] Shimmy to far right side and pull yourself up. Stay against the wall and walk to the left, but do not step out from behind the wall. Run directly up the wall and grab the ledge at the top. Pull yourself up and walk around the corner until the screen distorts. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the archer in the back walks down the hall, then go for the speed kill on the guard below. The archer will stay down the side of the hall. [END SPEED KILL] Walk into the hall and stay behind the grating on the right side. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the archer in the back to turn and face the right side then quickly run to the left area beside him and get behind the column. Get on top of the chest and run directly up the wall and jump to the beam up above you. Walk to the far end of
the beam to activate a distortion, then go for the speed kill. Sneak up behind the second archer and speed kill him as well. [END SPEED KILL]

Jump and climb on top of the small pedestal. Now for another new technique - run up the wall and press the primary attack button to stab the Prince's dagger into the plate up above. After stabbing the first plate, press the jump button then quickly stab the second plate by pressing the primary attack button again. Jump to the railing of the area across from you and pull yourself up. In the distance you will see a shutter and a tutorial will appear for yet another new technique. Wall run along the left wall until you reach the shutter (it will sink into the wall) then quickly jump off the shutter to leap diagonally to the next area. Break the weapon rack and grab the weapon. Stand on the switch to open the gate then quickly run through the doorway before the gate lowers.

Climb on top of the small pedestal then wall run along the right wall and immediately stab the dagger into the plate when you reach it. Drop onto the small beam below from the plate and jump to the next plate in front of you and stab it. [SPEED KILL] While on the plate the distortion for the speed kill of the guard below will activate - go for it! [END SPEED KILL] Climb up the second column and put your back to the beam then leap to it. Jump to the railing and move to the far left side. [SPEED KILL] Climb up then wall run directly up the wall in front of you to get on the ledge above. Be sure to pull yourself up on the ledge then work your way across to the beam up ahead. Walk to the end of the beam and jump to the gap above the archer. Turn around while inside the gap (drop down a bit) and go for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Hang off the railing to the side and jump to the beam across from it. [SPEED KILL] While on the beam a guard will pace around underneath you just begging for a speed kill - don't disappoint him! [END SPEED KILL]

Break the chairs and the pot blocking your way to the next room and the guard will notice the sound, but shouldn't notice you. [SPEED KILL] Run up the wall in between the pots and chairs then grab onto the railing. Move to the right side then pull yourself up behind the guard to get another speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Run up the wall the guard was facing and stab the first plate followed by the second. Wall run to the left and stab the other plate. Run along the wall one more time to make it to the other side. Climb on top of the pedestal. [SPEED KILL] In order to get this speed kill you will have to wall run to the shutter then press the secondary attack button to activate the speed kill right when you run over the shutter. [END SPEED KILL] Run up the wall to the left of the big door then leap off to the beam up above. Jump to the next beam then walk to the edge of it and jump to the ledge up above. Pull yourself up and jump to the ledge across from the one you're currently on. Grab onto the railing and pull yourself up. Don't even think of breaking the chairs if you want to do this the stealthy way! [SPEED KILL] Climb the pedestal then wall run up to the plate and stab it. Wall run to the right and jump off the wall while running to get to the top of the wall across from it. The guard in the back will leave. Walk along the top of the wall and walk to the end of the beam facing the archer. Jump to the gap above the archer then slide down and turn to activate the distortion for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL]

Walk down the hall and climb the pedestal on the left. [SPEED KILL] Run up the wall to the left and leap to the beam overhead. Walk along the beam until you reach a plate. Jump and stab the plate then wall run and stab the other. Leap to the beam across from the second plate and walk to the edge of the small beam pointing at the guard then jump to the gap above him. Slide down and turn to
activate the distortion for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Walk through the doorway on the right then wall run and stab the plate to the left. Wall run to the small ledge and work your way across to the area without any railing. Nevermind the Kaileena cameo - it's just a teaser. Climb to the floor above. Run over to the left and run up the wall to hit the switch then jump off at the peak of wall run to the beam. Quickly go through the doorway before the gate lowers. Save your game at the save fountain.


Part 2 - The Palace

Either run or wall run down the hall ahead to avoid the spikes. Further down the hall a saw blade will activate - time a roll to get by it safely. Run on top of the floor at the end when the wood portion appears then wall run up to the railing above. Wall run as the saw blade moves away from the top portion then jump to the area across from the wall while still wall running. For the next portion, wall run when the spike portion of the wall turns and jump off the shutter in the back. Wait until the spike portion of the wall ahead is
about to turn then dash over the spike floor and run up the wall. Roll through the break in the saw blades on the floor as they go by to reach the end. Pick up the sword from the weapon rack if your current one is exhausted and turn the lever at the end. Turn around and do a wall run directly up to the tall plate against the side wall and stab your dagger into it to make a portion of the wall come out across from you. Jump to the wall and use it to quickly wall run to the ledge above and get into the room overhead. Use the save fountain to the left after climbing into the room.


Part 3 - The Throne Room

Get on top of the bird head statue to the right of the save fountain. Run up the wall behind it and stab the plate then wall run to the right platform. [SPEED KILL] For the archer in the distance, wait until he turns to walk away from you then wall run and press the secondary attack button to begin a speed kill right when you hit the shutter on the wall. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run across the grating on the left wall to reach the next platform. Wall run to the higher platform in front of you when you land. Be sure to use landscape view to see what you will have to do next. Wall run to the shutter and leap off of it to get to the ledge on the column. Jump and stab the dagger into the plate up above then jump and grab onto the beam against the wall behind you. [SPEED KILL] Shimmy along the beam then pull yourself up and jump to the gap above the archer. Turn around and slide down for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Run up the wall to the side and grab the ledge then walk around the corner. Jump and stab the plate. Wall run to

the right and jump off the wall to land on the ledge on the large column. [SPEED KILL] Walk around the left side of the large column and keep your eye on the archer pacing around upstairs. When he turns his back to you, jump to the small column behind you. From the column, jump to the railing on the same floor as the archer. His back must be to you until you reach the railing or he will see you. Wait for him to turn his back and walk to the other side then sneak up behind him for a speed kill. Hang off the railing next to the small column beside the two guards and jump to the small column. Climb to the top of the column and put your back to the gap above the guard in the back then jump to it. Turn around and slide down the gap for a double speed kill on both guards. Double speed kills have more stab animations that you will need to time. [END SPEED KILL] Run down the hall they were guarding.

After the cutscene you will gain the Recall power. Like the past games in the series, this will allow you to rewind time to undo a mistake. Run through the entrance up ahead and break the furniture to the side. Around the corner at the end of the hall, the floor will give away and you will need to run all the way to the switch on the left wall in the distance. Run up to the switch with a wall run to open the gate then quickly run through the doorway. In the next room the floor will give away as you go through the doorway. Run and jump over the gap in the floor and keep running until you reach the left side of platform next to the railing. Wall run up to the plate and stab it, then wall run to the left and stab the next plate. Wall run one more time to reach the area ahead. Use landscape view and you will notice a curtain off to the side. Wall run to the curtain and drop to the floor below. Immediately get off the broken portion of the bridge as you land since it will fall. Save your game at the save fountain through the doorway.

WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 3: A Broken Promise

Part 1 - The Trapped Hallway

Walk down the hall ahead and run over the spiked traps when the spikes go under the floor. Roll or run by the spike pillars on the opposite side when they go to one side. The next trap is a mix of the first two - run ahead as the spikes go under the floor and stay on the opposite side of the spike pillar. Do the same thing for the next area only watch the spiked pillars more closely. Wall run to hit the switch on the wall then get through the gate quickly.

As soon as you run to either side of the room the floor will start to give away. Run along the left side and the floor will not fall below you - it will just fall beside you. Jump on top of the small column to the right of the door. Turn your back to the column in the back and jump to the next two. When the third is reached, turn your back to the ledge above the windows and jump to it. Immediately move to the right as you jump because the ledge will fall in that portion. Move to the right and jump to the column in the back. The
column will collapse just a few seconds after grabbing it so jump and stab the dagger into the wall across from it immediately. Wall run to the right and stab the dagger into the next wall plate. This second plate will fall in a few seconds, so wall run to the right instantly and stab the third plate. Jump to the next two columns in the back then jump to the ledge slightly below you before both columns collapse. The camera angle for the second column will show you the ledge below. From the ledge, jump to the hole in the wall and then jump and slide down the curtain. When you near the bottom of the curtain jump off of it to land inside of a gap across from it. If you miss the jump at the bottom of the curtain, the Prince will luckily grab onto a crevice below the curtain allowing you to still jump to the gap. Either way slide down the gap and fall to the room below. There is a save fountain to the side.


Part 2 - The Ruined Palace

Be sure to break any breakable objects from now on to get sand credits to recharge your sand gauge and unlock some extra content. Run down the hall ahead and roll through the first trap when the pillar goes to one side and the spiked wall spikes go inward. The second trap has an easy pattern - just run once the first set of spikes go under the floor. The third trap can be rolled
through as the spike pillars go to one side. Be sure to keep running even after going through the trap since the floor will give away until you reach the doorway in the distance.

Walk into the next room and leap across the gap in the floor. The guard in the back will catch sight of you instantly. Wall run over to him and defeat him. Climb on top of the area with the broken column and jump to the small strip of floor that is still left. Walk along the strip to reach the area to the side. Two guards will charge through the doorway. Defeat them and walk through the doorway to find 10 sand credits in the chest. Climb on top of the small section of the wall to the left of the flame and use it to reach the top of the collapsed floor. A guard will be waiting at the top. Get on top of the small section with the broken railing and jump and stab the plate in the back. Jump and stab again for the second plate then jump to the ledge above and use it to reach the area to the left. Wall run to the small strip of floor ahead - you'll have to stop this wall run early in order to land on the floor. Wall run again and jump off the shutter in the distance. The shutter will send the Prince flying toward a ledge that leads to a doorway and a save fountain.


Part 3 - The Royal Chambers

Hit the switch and dash through the doorway. Run down the stairs in the halls ahead and enter the room at the bottom.
WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 4: The Dark Half Awakens

Part 1 - The Sewers

Save your game at the save fountain to the left side. Jump to the first pole. Swing on the pole then jump to the next series of poles until you reach the other side. Walk down the stream up ahead then jump and grab onto the pole. Climb along pole to reach the other side. Walk up the stairs on the other side and jump and grab the pole at the end. Swing to the crevice above and shimmy over to the gap. Release your grapple to fall into the gap. Slide down to the very bottom of the gap and drop.

Sand creatures will attack once you drop. Stay in the lit area (middle of the area) while fighting them and they will be weaker because of the light. Grab one of their weapons and run straight ahead when the battle is finished. Wall run directly up to the plate and stab it with the dagger. Slide down the gap that opens below and jump to the pole in the distance. Drop down each of the three poles and fall into the stream below. Take a drink from the water if you are low in life because apparently sewage water is tasty!

Walk to the back where sunlight is pouring in and switch to landscape view to see two plates up above. Wall run and stab the first plate then jump and stab the second. Jump from the second plate to get on the ledge across from it. Go around the right corner and jump to the column. The column will sink down and a door will open below. Slide down the column and walk through the doorway. Walk out onto the beam and a camera angle will show a gap to the Prince's right. Jump to the gap and slide down below then drop.

In the area ahead use landscape view to see some ledges to the left. Jump to the first ledge then to the next. Jump to the crevice from the second ledge and leap to the column in the back. The column will slide down a bit. Jump to the pole across from the column and swing from it and stab the plate on the moving wall when it extends outward. Wait for the wall to move outward once again then wall run to the left to get to the wooden platform. From the wooden platform look to the left to see a gap in the distance. Wall run to the gap and slide down it then drop to the floor below. Walk to the back of the room for a cutscene.


After the cutscene you will be in control of Dark Prince. Dark Prince requires sand to stay alive so you must constantly defeat an enemy or collect some sand from a breakable object in order to stay alive while in control of him. Sand creatures will instantly attack as the change to Dark Prince occurs. Dark Prince's secondary attacks are some of his most powerful moves. Use combos with his secondary attack to dispose of the sand creatures quickly. Jump over one and use the primary attack button for an almost instant kill if you need sand quickly. It is not necessary to fight off all the sand creatures in the areas that follow if you do not want to. After you have decimated the sand creatures move toward the white block with the face on it and use the secondary attack button to pull it out of the wall. Quickly run through the open door in the back that opens up.

As Dark Prince you will be required to move quickly since his life gauge will continually drop. Use the sand from breakable objects to replenish his life and do not stall long on obstacles. Walk out onto the beam ahead and jump to the next beam. Pull yourself up and jump to the column then slide down it. A few more sand creatures will attack at the bottom. Run through the doorway in the back. Jump toward the poll ahead and press the secondary attack button to make the Dark Prince grapple onto the pole with his whip and swing to the other side. Break the pots for some sand on the other side. Jump to the next pole and press the secondary attack button to swing from the first pole then press the button once again to grapple onto the second pole. Slide down the gap you land in and fall to the bottom. Sand creatures will attack at the bottom. Fight them off and use the sand from them and the sand in the crates to sustain life. Pull the white block with the face out of the wall and go through the doorway that opens up in the back (the camera will show the door when it opens).

Collect some sand from the pots and wall run up the wooden wall. Climb across the top wooden plank and pull yourself up when you travel to the left. When you reach the area above, rotate the camera and look in the back to see a ladder. Jump to the ladder and climb to the top. Run to the back plate and wall run then stab the dagger into it to make the wall extend outward. Quickly jump to the pole behind you and swing to the next one. On the second pole, wait for the wall spikes to rotate inward then jump to the wall and wall jump all the way to the top to reach the wooden floor above. Run down the rock hall ahead and step out onto the beam. Jump to the gap, slide down it, then drop to the water below.


Walk up to the wooden walls in the back and jump to the ledge on the right side. From the first ledge, hop up to the next two ledges across from you. Move to the Prince's left and jump behind him as the wall comes down and stab the dagger into the plate on the wall. When the wall moves upward, wall run to the left. Run down the lit up hall ahead to find some sand creatures. Stay in the lit up areas and they should go down quickly. In the third section of the hall wall run up to the plate and stab it with the dagger to open the door in the back. Quickly roll through the door. The area below is optional. You might want to reach the save fountain on the other side of the saw blades and come back to it.


Look to the left to see some curtains covering an entrance. Go past the curtains and wall run on the right wall (or jump) to reach the platform ahead. Walk around the corner and jump to the next platform with the pots in the back. Walk out onto the beam and jump to the next three beams and walk to the next platform. Walk out onto another broken beam, then jump to the next one. Walk to the left on the last beam and jump to the area ahead. Drink from the fountain to gain the first life upgrade.

Roll through the small break in the saw blades as they retreat into the wall. Walk out onto the beam ahead and wait for the arrows to shoot then quickly walk across the beam and stop right before you get to the next set of arrows. Wait once again for the arrows to shoot then walk toward the saw blades. Stand at the edge of the beam and jump through the break in the saw blades as they pass by. On the final beam walk to the very end just before you get to the holes on the ground and jump ahead when the saw blade goes under the floor.

Go all the way back to the curtain at the beginning.


When the first two saw blades retreat into the wall, run through the open area and run over the holes of the spike trap then stop right before you reach the next set of saw blades. Run through the next set to reach a save fountain.


Part 2 - The Tunnels

Walk into the cave ahead and wall run then jump to the area across from the wall. Jump to the ladder and climb to the top. Leap to the rock ledge across from the ladder. Jump to the next ledge but do not pull yourself up just yet. Wait for the arrows to fire then pull yourself up and jump and grab onto the next ledge across from you quickly. Once again, don't pull yourself up just yet. Wait for the arrows to fire then pull yourself up and jump once again to grab onto the top portion of the floor above. Jump across the pit in the tunnel ahead. [SPEED KILL] Fall along the side of the second pit and wait for the pacing archer to walk to the right then jump to the archers' side, but do not pull yourself up just yet. Wait for the pacing archer to walk just a little over midways to the right then jump up and speed kill the first and quickly make your way over to the second and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] For this speed kill and the rest of the speed kills in the game, please remember that you can use the Recall power to undo any mistake you make in either the timing of the stab animations or the moment before the speed kill.

Run up the wall and grab the rock ledge up above. Jump to the next ledge then jump to the crevice up above and shimmy to the right. Drop down to the next rock ledge once you reach it and quickly move to the right and jump to the next crevice. The last rock ledge will fall. From the crevice jump to the rock ledge across from you. Move to the right and grab the crevice above then move on down and drop to the next ledge. Quickly walk to the right on the ledge as it crumbles and jump to the ledge above. This ledge will

start to fall as well so quickly jump to the ledge across from you. Move around the corner of the rock wall and jump and grab the ledge above you. Move to the area below the arrows then, when the arrows pause, grab the side of the plank above and pull yourself up before the arrows shoot out again. For the next set of arrows walk to the far right while still below them and wait for them to shoot, then jump and grab the plank above them and move to the right then pull yourself up. The next two ledges will extend outward for a brief period then retreat back into the wall. Wait for them to shoot outward then immediately climb up them and grab onto the right side of the tower above. Use the save fountain to the left to save your game.


Part 3 - The Fortress

Slide down the gap next to the save fountain but do not drop yet. For these sand gates you must take out the sand gate guard (red sand guard) or he will summon guards through the sand gate. Also keep in mind that the speed kills become much more vicious when trying to time the button press for the stab animations starting with this little group of guards. Be sure to use Recall if you mess up on any stab animation. [SPEED KILL] Wait at the bottom of the gap for the pacing guard to pass by you underneath the gap then go for a speed kill when the screen distorts. After killing him, move behind the sand gate guard and activate the speed kill for him. [END SPEED KILL] Approach the sand gate afterward for a cutscene and you will gain a new sand tank. Be sure to take the sand gate guard's sword since it will regenerate sand tanks over time.

[SPEED KILL] Wall run on the left wall when the spiked wall rotates inward then jump to the first pole and stand on top (jump button). When the archer paces toward you and turns his back, hang on to the pole then swing the next and get on top. Right when the archer paces toward you and stops start swinging on the pole. The moment he paces away from you and turns around from that pace, jump to the roof he is on and speed kill him from behind. [END SPEED KILL] Jump to the chain up ahead. This action will scare the birds below. Wait on the chain until the guards get back to their normal rounds. [SPEED KILL] Slide down the chain until the Prince hangs upside-down, then wait for the pacing guard to walk over to the standing guard. Don't do anything when the screen distorts the first time. Wait for the standing guard to turn his back (he must have his back to you for this to work) then when the distortion starts the second time go for the speed kill. This will be a double speed kill. Quickly sneak around the building where the archer went and speed kill him as he walks away. If you took the sand gate guard's sword from earlier, you will have more chances to use Recall for screwups. [END SPEED KILL]

Hop over the railing behind the building that the archer from earlier was guarding and grab the 10 sand credits from the chest in the back. Go back up the side of the railing and, in the area where the guards were, climb on top of the wooden platform and wall run up the first plate and stab it with the dagger. Jump to the second plate and stab, then wall run to the third plate and stab. Wall run to

the first shutter in the distance then hop off of it to the next shutter and do another hop to land on a ledge. Drop down from the ledge. The weapon rack below carries a Mace, but keep that sand gate guard's sword if you still have it. Wall run up to the ledge across from the one you were just on. Grab onto the railing up above and pay attention to the movement of the guard and the archer. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the guard to turn his back and walk away from you, then climb up and get behind him for a speed kill. Quickly run down the walkway and speed kill the archer before he paces back your way. If he turns to stare over the railing you can still get behind him without being seen. [END SPEED KILL] Rotate the lever to start the rotating wall to the side. Walk over to the wall and wall run to the platform on the other side when the spikes move inward. A cutscene will occur on the other side.


After the cutscene run along the wall and use your whip to swing from the torch above while running (press the secondary attack button while wall running). When you land, jump toward the pole in front of you and use your whip to grapple to the end of it and swing to the platform above the archer. [SPEED KILL] Fall down using the ledges on the platform and sneak up behind the archer for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] For the Dark Prince's speed kill you will have to tap the secondary attack button once he grabs them from behind to finish the kill. Go back to the top of the platform you just came from and wall run to the torch and use your whip to swing from it then do a jump the instant you line up with the chain during the camera switch. [SPEED KILL] Slide down the chain and speed kill the guard below. [END SPEED KILL] You don't need to tap the secondary attack button for chain speed kills. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the guard in the back turns his left side toward your way, then jump down and start to run toward the archer, but do not fully approach him just yet. When the guard in the back turns his back to you immediately get behind the archer and perform a speed kill to him. Quickly run to the guard in the distance and get behind him to kill him with a speed kill. You have to be extremely quick to catch the guard. [END SPEED KILL] Guards will charge through the gate in the back and from the side to attack after the other enemies are defeated. There is no need to fight any of these guards because they will keep coming until you do the required task to open the gate. Climb to the top of the column in the middle of the area and swing along the poles to the side until you reach the end then stab your dagger into the plate after you jump from the third pole. This will open the gate in the back. Run through the gate and step into the water for a cutscene.


After the cutscene approach the chariot in the distance.

Part 4 - The Chariot Ride

For the chariot level don't forget that the Recall power can be used to undo any mistake you make. If you run directly into a wall with your chariot, the chariot will automatically be destroyed. When the enemy appears beside you make sure to stay right against his chariot to keep from hitting the wall. When you reach the tunnel, line yourself up with the tunnel and ram the enemy chariot to the side to get rid of him. When the path splits make sure to take the right path. Tap the primary attack button when the guards jump on your chariot to knock them off. Turn left when the path splits for the second time. For the third path split you can go either way, but the left path is much easier. If you take the right path you will have to deal with jumps that can easily mess up your steering. A few more guards will attack your chariot along the way. Soon another enemy in a chariot will appear beside you, but the cutscene will take him out.

After the cutscene walk through the doorway to the left. Use landscape view to see up into the top portion of the room ahead. Wall run up to the ledge above the door and jump to the next ledge up above that one. Move to the left and jump onto the ledge across from you then pull yourself up to the area above. Climb up the first portion of the ladder then jump to the ledge across from it. Jump and grab onto the side of the wall above then jump to the second portion of the ladder to continue your climb. Walk through the doorway to the right and hang off the left side of the railing up ahead. Jump to the ladder across from the railing and climb it. Leap to the ledge across from the ladder and walk around the corner to jump to another ladder across from you. Jump to the railing across from the top of the ladder and pull yourself up. Run through the doorway to find a save fountain.


Part 5 - The Lower City

Approach the broken railing ahead and walk out onto the beam. Jump to the next beam then walk to the side pointing to a ledge. Jump to the ledge and walk around the corner of the building while on the ledge. Drop to the crevice below and then the ledge below the crevice. Hang from the ledge as you move to the other side of the window to keep the guard from seeing you. Walk out onto the beam and jump to the next beam. Walk toward the building. [SPEED KILL] Wall run on the wall to left side, as you get off the beam, and perform a speed kill on the guard the moment when you hit the shutter on the wall. Sneak up behind the guard in the back of the curtains and speed kill him as well. [END SPEED KILL] Go back through the curtains and use landscape view to see a plate below. Hang off the side of the building and fall to the plate and then stab it with the dagger. [SPEED KILL] Start the speed kill on the guard below as soon as the distortion starts when he passes underneath you. Quickly run through the doorway and speed kill the next guard before he turns around. [END SPEED KILL] Walk out on the beam extending from the broken railing and jump to the pole in front of it then the gap. Slide down the gap. The instant the pacing guard turns around, the distortion for a double speed kill will activate. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the guard turns all the way around and go for the double speed kill on the first two guards. Immediately after the double speed kill sneak up behind the sand gate guard and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Throw away whatever secondary weapon you have and grab the sand gate guard's sword. Walk up to the sand gate to get 100 sand credits.

Go through the doorway below the gap you just jumped from. Walk into the area, then head back into the doorway segment and hide behind the wall when the Prince draws his weapons. You have to walk far enough into the area in order to get the guards to walk out from behind the back wall. [SPEED KILL] Two guards will enter the area to the left. Wait for the guard on the left to turn his back to you, then rush toward him and perform a speed kill. Walk over to the other guard while he has his back turned and speed kill him as well. [END SPEED KILL] Climb on top of the debris covered with a cloth in the back and wall run to the plate above and stab it. Wall run to the right and pull yourself up to the hole in the wall. Hang off the side of the wall on the other side and fall to the

wooden crate below. Sand dogs will come down the hall to the side and attack. They look vicious, but they have one major weakness. The moment they try to steal a sand from you (they will open their mouth) stab them with the dagger for an instant kill. After defeating them, walk to the hall they came from and look to the right for a chest with 10 sand credits. Run down the path across from the area where the sand dogs came from. Use the right wall to wall run across the large hole in the ground. Walk up the ramp to the left and jump toward the door across from you. Wall run up to the railing above the door and pull yourself up. Go to the broken railing and jump to the building. A cutscene will activate inside.


After the cutscene, fight off the sand dogs and grab a sand tank from a breakable object then walk to the doorway up ahead. Jump through the doorway and use your whip to swing from the pole overhead. When you land you must run quickly across the floor and run up the left wall or jump to the pole. Stand on top of the pole (jump button) and jump to the floor above. [SPEED KILL] Use a speed kill from behind to strangle the archer. [END SPEED KILL] Walk to the hole in the brick wall and wall run then use your whip to swing from the torch. As you land quickly run across the crumbling floor and jump toward the pole at the end and use your whip to swing to the ladder in the distance. Climb all the way up the ladder and walk into the water for another cutscene.


Walk down the steps in front of the water to find a save fountain.

WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 5: A Friend from the Past

Part 1 - The Lower City Rooftops

Don't stand on the edge of roof or the archer in the back will notice you. [SPEED KILL] Stand next to the fountain and wait until he turns to walk to the left then leap to his roof and speed kill him from behind. Walk to the left side of the railing on the left and wait for the archer below to walk to the right. Hop over the railing and land beside him then speed kill him. Be careful since he turns around quick. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run on the wall next to the broken railing and leap off the shutter, then immediately leap off the next shutter for a cutscene. Jump to the area below the building to the left. Wall run and grab onto the side of the building. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the archer to walk to the left then pull yourself up and speed kill him from the back. [END SPEED KILL] Stay behind the shrubbery and railing and do not get too close to the broken piece of the railing just yet or the archers ahead might see you. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the archer on the left to walk to the right side, then as he turns to face the other way jump toward the building they are on and the Prince will automatically grab onto the side. This action will scare off some birds perched near the area and the archers will investigate. When they get back to their normal positions move over to the far left while still hanging on. Wait for the archer on the left to walk toward you, then, as he passes by you, pull yourself up and speed kill him. Immediately following the first speed kill you will need to speed kill the other archer. [END SPEED KILL]

Jump to the top of the building for a cutscene. Move to the broken side of the railing that leads to the building below and jump to the building. Wall run to the shutter on the side of building and leap off of it to the chain in the distance. Slide all the way down the chain to cause a distortion for a speed kill. [SPEED KILL] Watch the two archers and wait until the archer in the back faces the right side then initiate the first speed kill on the pacing archer. Move behind the other archer and speed kill him as well. [END SPEED KILL] Walk through the doorway and jump to the ledge past the wooden floor. Drop to the second ledge below and it will fall causing you to land on the third ledge. Fall down to the floor below and walk through the doorway. To the left you will see a plate above you on the left wall. Wall run and stab the plate then jump to the ledge across from the plate. Make your way up the ledges and climb to the building above. Wall run on the right wall and stab the plate near the end. Drop and stab the next plate below the current one. Fall to the floor below and run to the left then run up the wall and stab the plate. Jump and stab the next plate then wall run and stab the tall plate to open two doors. The doorway behind you leads to an optional life upgrade and the one to the right will lead you toward your destination.


Run to the door across from the tall plate and roll underneath it before it closes. Hang off the side of the wall and fall to each ledge below until you reach the third ledge. Move to the right side and jump to the small ledge across from you. Drop down each of the wooden floors and go down the path ahead. Break open the chest for 10 sand credits along the way. Run around the corner and run up each of the caged walls. Drink from the fountain at the top.

Run through the traps when the spikes go under the floor and walk out onto the beam. Wait for the arrows to shoot out to the right of the beam below and jump to it. Walk to the very center of the beam and the arrows will not be able to hit you. When the arrows in front of you shoot out walk to the tip of the beam as they reload. Quickly jump to the next beam and pull yourself up. Walk to the end of beam you're currently on and wait for the bottom ledge to pop out then jump to it. Immediately hop up each of the next two ledges and get to the top. Tap that jump button fast! Walk toward the light. After gaining the life upgrade, return to the very beginning of the first area and stab your dagger into the tall plate to get out.


After stabbing the plate, go through the door on the right to find a save fountain.


Part 2 - The Arena

Walk through the doorway for a cutscene.

Boss - Giant Sand Warrior

Don't even think of running next to him and trying to hit him just yet. There are quite a few things you need to do to weaken him before you can hurt him.

Run to either the Prince's left or right to find some obstacles to climb on in order to reach the boss' head. The screen should zoom in as you approach each one. Keep in mind that you will need to dodge the boss' attacks the whole time you are trying to make it to a set of obstacles or while you are climbing the obstacles. He will try to sword slice you or pound the ground with his left fist as you run to the obstacles. Roll right before he does the attacks to avoid them while on the ground. Don't get too close to the boss or he will automatically grab you and throw you into the wall. He will usually try to hit you with his fist as you climb the obstacles on the side.

If you run to the Prince's right: Wall run and stab the first plate, then wall run to the right and stab the next plate. The boss will always hit the wall when you stab the second plate. Wall run to the right and grab onto the side of the platform on the right side then pull yourself up. Run up the wooden ramp and wall run directly up to the next plate and stab it. Wall run to the left to grab the side of the top platform. Pull yourself up and walk across the beam toward the boss to activate a screen distortion. Press the secondary attack button to initiate the Speed Kill 1 animation on the boss.

If you run to the Prince's left: Run up the small ramp then wall run to the right to grab onto a beam. The boss will always hit the wall beside you as you pull yourself up to the beam. While on the beam, jump to the right. Run to the ramp on the right side of the platform you land on and look for the plate above. Wall run up to the plate and stab it then wall run to the left to reach the top platform. Walk out onto the beam and press the secondary attack button to initiate the Speed Kill 2 animation on the boss.

Please note that the boss will destroy the first part of each obstacle after each speed kill so you will have to choose the other set for the next speed kill. After stabbing both eyes, get behind the boss and hack away with your dagger. Roll after every few attacks to make sure the boss doesn't hit you. Whenever he stumbles backwards make sure you stand behind him. When you get his life all the way down he will stand on one foot. Attack the other foot when he stands on one foot to make him fall to his knees and Speed Kill 3 will automatically start.

Speed Kill 1: The Prince will leap toward the boss and [STAB] him in the left shoulder then run to his right arm. The boss will try to grab the Prince with his left hand but the Prince will [SLICE] the boss' left hand with the dagger. The Prince will jump on the back of the boss' head and [STAB] him in the left eye with the dagger then the Prince will slide down the boss' chest and leap off his gut as the boss screams in agony.

Speed Kill 2: The Prince will leap toward the boss and [STAB] him in the right shoulder anchoring himself to the boss' right arm. The boss will grab the Prince with his left hand but the Prince will surprise the boss with a [STAB] directly into the side of the boss' hand. The boss will throw the Prince up in the air and the Prince will fall and grab onto the side of the boss' face and [STAB] him in the right eye. The Prince will fall off of him and run toward the screen as the boss screams in agony.

Speed Kill 3: The Prince will start at the boss' left leg and begin to run up his back. The Prince will [STAB] him directly in the center of the back. The boss will yell out and try to grab the Prince from his back using his left hand but the Prince will jump into the air and [FALL AND STAB] him directly in his right shoulder plate. The boss will flail in pain and the Prince will move up his back and [STAB] the boss directly in the back of his head and slide his knife down the boss' backside as the Prince falls to the ground below.

Part 3 - The Arena Tunnel


You will need to run through this first part fast! Wall run across the spike pit using either wall. Wall run up to the ledge directly in front of you and move to the left. Use the extending ledge up above to jump to the pole overhead. Grapple onto the pole with your whip while jumping and you will land on a ledge across from it. Pull yourself up to the floor above and run around the corner to the

left but stop before you get to the hole ahead. The metal sides of the wall in front of the hole will try to crush you so you must run by them quickly and grapple onto the pole with your whip. You will land on the bottom ledge ahead. Pull yourself up to each ledge above but make sure to avoid the crusher above the second ledge. On the third ledge move over to the left side and jump to the beam above. From the beam, jump to the area above and pull yourself up as the crushers go into the wall. Quickly break a pot in the back for some sand since you will surely need it by now. Climb down the ladder ahead until you reach a white block with a face on it. Use the secondary attack button to pull the block out of the wall. This will cause the door on the floor across from you to open. Hop on top of the block and use it to reach the floor above. Quickly run to the closing door in the back and roll underneath it just before it closes.

Run along the right wall and grapple to the torch to continue wall running to the ledge across from you. Move over to the left and grab the next ledge then move to the left again. Jump toward the pole and grapple it with the whip to swing to the ledge across from you. Pull yourself up to the next ledge then hop across the next two beams to reach the area across from you. Run through the door at the end and step down into the water for a cutscene.


Destroy the weapon rack to the left for an axe and go through the doorway for a cutscene. There is a save fountain to your left through the door.


Part 4 - The Balconies

Watch the enemies in the back. [SPEED KILL] Right when the archer turns his back, wall run on the right wall and start a speed kill on him the moment you hit the shutter on the wall. Run over to the guard afterward and speed kill him while his back is turned. [END SPEED KILL] Step up on the raised platform to the side and activate landscape view. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the archer in the back walks toward you and turns left then wall run on the left wall and start a speed kill on him the moment you hit the shutter on the wall ahead. He will be facing you, but the speed kill distortion will still activate. [END SPEED KILL] Hang off the side of the railing next to the tall railing and leap to the area across from you. [SPEED KILL] Pull yourself up to the area with the guard and sneak up behind him for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL]

Hop over the plank the guard was facing. Pick up the Mace from the weapon rack if you need it. Wall run up to the plate above the weapon rack and stab it. Wall run to the next two plates on the left and stab them. While on the third plate the camera will show you a chain in the distance. Wall run to the left and jump to the chain when you line up with it. [SPEED KILL] Slide all the way down the chain and speed kill the guard below whenever you're ready. [END SPEED KILL] Walk out onto the beam the guard was staring at and jump to the chain in the distance. [SPEED KILL] Slide down to the bottom of the chain and wait for both guards to walk toward each other and stand still while they are directly below you, then go for a double speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] After that the Prince should be in the posture for another speed kill. [SPEED KILL] Don't jump off the railing. Head to the right and go around the corner until you hit a dead end. Stand above the open area that overlooks the pacing sand gate guard and wait for him to walk your way. When he stops, hang off the side of the building above him and the screen will distort allowing you to activate a speed kill on him [END SPEED KILL] Be sure to grab his sword after defeating him. Walk to the sand gate to get the Eye of the Storm power. This power will allow you to slow down time with the tap of the Recall button.

Go back to the area you were just at that that overlooked the sand gate guard (wall run up to the railing on any side). Two archers and two guards will ambush you along the way. Use the Eye of the Storm power to make the battle much easier. Hit the switch on the right wall with a wall run and use Eye of the Storm to slow down time then quickly get to the door below before it closes. Drop down through the open area overlooking the sand gate and roll through the door just before it closes. Roll under the boards ahead and use the save fountain to the left.


Part 5 - The Dark Alley

Walk over to the area with the fallen lattice and break the weapon racks on both sides. The weapon rack on the right will hold a Mace. Wall run up either wall then wall jump to the plate at the very top and stab it. Wall run to the right from the plate to drop to the floor beside you. Walk through the doorway and walk up to the ladder then climb it to the top. Walk to the very end of the wooden bridge then hop off. Some birds will scatter and catch the attention of the archers below. This is a hard speed kill to get. Do not stand too close to the railing or the archer below will notice you. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the second archer on the building across from you to pace to the left, then hop over the railing next to the first archer so that his back is facing you then speed kill him. Step behind the rock railing that is beside the open area leading to the building with the second archer. When the second archer walks to the left, jump to the other side and speed kill him from behind. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run on the wall to make it up the side of the building and view a cutscene.

After the cutscene, wait behind the baskets and the hanging clothes to the left for the Prince to crouch and get ready for a speed kill. Make sure to wait for the Prince to crouch or the guard ahead will see you. Walk to the railing up ahead and you will see a guard behind it. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the guard to turn his back then hop over the railing and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Look for a dagger plate on the left wall and jump and stab it. Wall run to the dagger plate on the left and stab it as well. A guard and an archer will notice you when you stab the second dagger plate. Wall run to the left and fight them on the building. Jump to the next building and you will have to battle some more guards. A cutscene will play after you beat the final guard. Go through the newly opened door after the cutscene.

Walk out onto the piece of the building pointing to a gap and jump to the gap. Slide down the gap. The camera view will show you a plate that you can jump and stab. Wall run to the right from the plate and slide down the curtain. Walk through the doorway and head left. Wall run up to the top of the building on the right. Wall run on the right wall to the curtain then jump off the curtain when you slide near the bottom to jump to the area across from it. Walk through the doorway in the back and head to the left. Go to the area where the walls are close together and run up either wall and wall jump to the ledge above. Make sure to use the outer area of the wall when you wall jump. Walk all the way around the ledge and step out onto the beam. Jump to the balcony across from you. Use the left wall to wall run over the gap inside. Climb up the next two ladders and go through the doorway to find a save fountain on the left side of the next area. The area with the save fountain is very dark so make sure you look for it.


Part 6 - The Temple Rooftops

Walk to the wooden balcony to trigger a cutscene. After the cutscene, drop off the balcony via the broken railing. A group of transparent sand creatures will attack once you drop below. As they move around they become a bit more visible. They're basically just like the sand creatures from earlier in the Sewers. Walk over to the area where the Vizier was and, near the door where he entered the area during the cutscene, break the chest for 10 sand credits. Directly in front of the balcony you fell from, go around the corner to the right then make another right and look at the right wall to see a plate up above. Run up the wall and stab the plate. Jump after stabbing the plate to grab onto the crevice above then shimmy to the other side until the camera shows you a column across from you. Jump to the column and climb to the very top. Jump and stab the plate across from it then wall run to the right and leap off the shutter for a cutscene. Hop down to the platform below with the bell. A transparent sand creature will attack upon landing to the area. Use the grab/block button to slide the bell over to the hole in the wall up above you. Get on top of the bell and wall run up to the hole in the wall and grab the side. Pull yourself up and wall run up to the tall plate and stab it with the dagger. A cutscene will play. Quickly jump back on top of the bell and wall run toward the open door. The door is to the Prince's right when facing away from the tall plate. You will grab onto the side of the floor next to the door after the wall run. Pull yourself up and get through the door before it closes. If the door closes jump back down and use your dagger on the plate again.

Jump to the ledge below the torch and move to the right. The camera angle will show you a plate across from you. Jump and stab the dagger into the plate. Wall run to the left to reach a ledge. Quickly move left across the ledge as it crumbles and jump to the plate across from you and stab it. Wall run to the ledge on the right. Move to the right across the ledge and jump and stab the dagger into the plate above the ledge at the end. Jump to the tall plate across from the current one and stab it. This will cause two ledges to extend from the wall. One of ledges is below you and one is across from the left side of the ledge below. Drop to the ledge below and quickly move to the right across it. Pull yourself up and jump to the ledge across from you. Move all the way to the right and grab the next ledge before the current one goes back into the wall and pull yourself up again. Get off the current ledge before it falls by jumping to the crevice up above it. Shimmy all the way to the right end of the crevice and fall to the ledge below it. Move to the right and jump and stab the plate across from you. Wall run to the left and jump off the wall to reach an area with a door. Wall run up the wall beside the door to reach a ledge. Jump to the next floor across from the ledge.

As soon as you climb up to the floor above, some sand dogs will attack. Wait for them to steal a sand then stab them with the dagger. Climb on top of the stone piece to the side of the first tower to the right and face the pole that is above you. Wall run on the left wall and jump to the pole when you are across from it. The camera angle will change as you run. Swing from the pole to the tall plate on the side of the tower and stab it. This will raise a platform in the back next to the second tower. Drop off the plate and run to the platform. Don't worry, it won't sink. Once on top of the platform wall run into the tower and you will land on a wooden platform in between the tower. Look up to see an open area in the wall. Wall run against the next tower wall and jump to the pole up above the tower. The camera angle will show you the pole during the middle of the wall run. Turn around on the pole and swing to the top of the tower wall. Pull yourself up the tower wall and jump to the small strip of the platform across from the wall. Move to the right then wall run up to the plate and stab it. From the plate, wall run to the left and jump to the pole across from the wall. Swing from the pole and land on the small beam ahead. Wait for the guard behind the window to turn his back to you then jump to the floor up above on the left.

[SPEED KILL] Hang on the side of the railing next to the beam. Jump to the beam then jump and stab the plate across from the beam. The screen will distort many times while moving around above but don't speed kill just yet. Wall run to the left and jump off the shutter then stab the plate it will send you to. Wall run to the next plate to the right and stab it. This is the area where you should start the speed kills. Wait for the two normal guards to stand together with both of their backs toward you - activate a double speed kill on both of them at that instant. After killing both of them, sneak behind the sand gate guard and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Walk up to the sand gate to gain a new sand tank. Be sure to grab the sand gate guard's sword. Drag the bell over to the area with two plates in the wall. You will need to break some of the pots in the way. Wall run up to the first plate and stab, then jump to the second plate and stab. Jump to the floor above and pull yourself up for a cutscene.

After the cutscene, hang over the railing across from the lever in the distance and drop to the floor below. Wall run up to the railing in front of you and rotate the lever. Drop back down to where you were. Stand on the raised area below the first plate and wall run up to it and stab it. Wall run to the next two plates and stab them. When you reach the third plate jump on top of the broken tower wall. Drop to the other side and rotate the lever to the left. Rotate the next lever across from you after that. A cutscene will occur. Go back and rotate the other lever across from you again. Another cutscene will occur. Rotate the lever you just got finished with

one more time. A cutscene will start and sand dogs will attack you afterwards. The sand dogs should be no threat at all if you took the sand gate guard's sword from earlier. Get back inside the tower (wall run up to the side) and go back to the very first lever you rotated in this area. You can hop off of the side of the wall to the inside of the tower without taking damage. Another cutscene will occur after you rotate the last lever. Hop to the floor below after the cutscene and push the bell to the area below the tall plate. Wall run and sink the dagger into the tall plate for a cutscene. After the cutscene you will need to reactivate the switch in the plate to open the door right beside you. Wall run up the railing and get through the door before it closes.

(Please note that if you move the levers out of order the cutscenes will not activate sometimes, ever if the bridge is laid out in front of Farah.)

Move along the small strip of floor against the left wall. When you reach the end jump and stab the plate across from you. Wall run to the left to reach the area ahead. Wall run to the plate above and stab it. Jump to the ledge above you and move to the right. Jump to the next ledge and move to the right once again. Line yourself up with the ledge across from you and jump to it. Pull yourself up to the ledge and jump and stab the plate across from the ledge. Wall run to the left to reach the floor above. Walk up the steps to find a save fountain.

WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 6: Obsessed With Vengeance

Part 1 - The Temple

Wall run up to the tall plate and stab the dagger into it to open the door. Run all the way down the stairs and walk up to the railing to activate a cutscene.


Hang along the side of the railing in front of you. Jump to the small ledge in the back and grab on. Drop to the beam below the ledge and pull yourself up. Jump to the next beam. [SPEED KILL] While hanging on the side of the beam, wait for the guard below you to cross by and the distortion for a speed kill will start. Go for the speed kill the moment the screen distorts. [END SPEED KILL] A sand dog will attack afterwards. Wall run to the small platform with the door in the back. Wall run on the left wall then jump off the wall when the camera changes and grapple to the two poles in the distance to carry you to the area with the door in the back. Wall run on the right wall and jump to the beam across from it. Jump to the next two beams. [SPEED KILL] On the top of either of the last two beams, the speed kill for the guard below can be activated. [END SPEED KILL] Two sand dogs will attack after the guard. Use the Dark Prince's whip to pull the white block with the face out of the wall to the side. Jump on top of the block and wall run directly up the wall to the right as you land then jump to the platform up above.

Walk through the doorway and hang along the side of the floor in the next room. Shimmy to the right and use the Dark Prince's whip to pull the white block with the face out of the wall. After jumping to the block turn toward the set of torches up above you to the right. Wall run toward the torches and grapple to each of them with your whip to keep you wall running. Eventually you will wall run across a shutter. Jump from the shutter to another shutter on a column. Jump from the shutter on the column to hit a wall and land between two guards. [SPEED KILL] Speed kill one of the guards and fight off the sand dog. You can only speed kill one guard, since the sand dogs will notice you after the first speed kill has been initiated on either guard. [END SPEED KILL] Through the doorway, wall run on the right wall and grapple to the first torch then jump to the pole across from the wall. Grapple to the pole and swing to the wooden platform up ahead. Wall run on the wall behind the large statue and you will land in a gap between the statue and the wall. Don't slide down the gap. Jump to the pole in front of you and grapple to it to get to the gap behind the next statue. Slide all the way down the gap and jump to the platform with the door in front of you. Look across from the door and wall run on the right wall to reach the next platform. Wall run up the wall next to the door and jump to area with the two guards above. [SPEED KILL] Speed kill both guards while their back is turned. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run on the small curved wall to the right as you walk through the doorway. You will hit a curtain and start to slide down it. When the camera view switches to show a pole across from you, jump to the pole and grapple across it to the next curtain. Slide down the second curtain to reach the bottom.

Sand creatures will attack at the bottom. Stay in the patch of sunlight in the middle of the area to easily defeat all of them. After the battle break the chest behind the set of two columns to the side for 10 sand credits. Step on the floor next to the tall stones and quickly use Eye of the Storm to keep the door from closing too quickly. Dash through the door. There is a door up above the stairs in front of you that will only stay open while the traps are activated. Step on the switch in front of you to activate the traps up the stairs. Run up the stairs quickly while you roll through the rotating blades and climb on top of or run by the two crushers. Step into the room and a cutscene will activate.


Rotate the lever off to the side to drain the water in the middle of the room. Sand wraiths will attack you afterwards. Use Eye of the Storm to slow down time and defeat them quickly. Pick up one of their daggers after defeating them. Face the area with the lever and look to the right. Wall run up the right wall next to the area with the lever and jump to the column above. Climb up the column and jump to the next column. On the second column rotate the camera to see a platform with a door behind you. Jump to the platform and jump to the pole across from the platform. Wall run on the wall to the left of the door and jump to the pole that will be across from the wall as you near the end of the wall run. Stand on top of the pole and jump to the next pole. Swing toward the next set of poles. You will land on the bottom pole and will have a choice of where to go next.


From the bottom pole, line up with the entrance behind the flag and swing on the pole then jump inside. Wall run on the left wall and slide down the curtain. When you near the bottom of the curtains jump to the next curtain across from you and fall to the floor below. Break the pots to the side for some sands if you need them because you definitely will in a few minutes. Across from the pots is the area to exit this room after you get the life upgrade. Run down the hall and drink from the fountain.

To start this portion, wall run on the right wall and jump from shutter to shutter until you reach the column at the end. Don't worry about the spike pillars that pop up while jumping from shutter to shutter since they cannot hit you and are only there to distract your timing. There are a total of nine shutters. Tapping the jump button while jumping from shutter to shutter seems to work rather well, but be sure to stop tapping it when you reach the column at the end. From the column at the end, jump to the next pillar when the saw blade goes into the floor. Do the same thing for the next saw blade. The columns will fall so you must not stop long. The final two columns seem to give you more time to jump because of the increase in saw blade speed. On the other side, walk toward the light to gain the life upgrade. Go back the way you came after getting the upgrade. You will need to go all the way back up to the set of poles from earlier.


Stand on top of the bottom pole and jump to the next pole up above you. Turn around to face the other way and swing to the pole up above. From the next pole, swing to the floor above. Pull yourself up and walk through the door. Rotate the lever inside the room to close off the doorway you just came through and open the other door. Walk through the open door. Hang off the railing to the left and jump to the curtain. When you near the bottom of the curtain jump to the curtain across from it to slide down to the floor below. Walk through the doorway at the bottom then jump and stab the tall plate to open the door to the side. Quickly drop down and roll through it before it closes. Walk to the side of the floor to the left and wall run on the right wall to reach the area across from you. Climb up the ladder to find a save fountain at the top.


Part 2 - The Marketplace

Walk outside to activate a cutscene. Leave Farah and walk to the other end of the walkway. Wall run on the left wall and jump to the wooden windows with a ledge around it. Walk around the right corner and jump to the gap behind the grating, which will be in the back of you. Slide down the gap, but do not drop just yet. [SPEED KILL] Turn around and jump to the beam in front of you. Jump to the next beam across from that one. There are two guards below you. Wait for the guards below to move together (while they both face you) then activate a double speed kill on both of them. [END SPEED KILL] Run to the back and grab the block next to the burning rubble. Move the block on top of the switch on the floor to open the door in the back.

Run through the door and go down the corner of the hall inside. Wall run up the door at the end to reach the wall above it. Pull yourself up the wall and walk to the end of the beam. [SPEED KILL] Jump to the next two columns across from you and stay on the second column. Jump to the top plate above the standing warrior (the one without the armor). Face the burning rubble in the back and this will be the set of plates to the right. You don't need to fall to the second plate to activate the speed kill. Wait until the pacing guard starts to walk away from the warrior then activate the speed kill for the warrior. Please note that the warrior has much more stab animations than the single guard. After speed killing the warrior, quickly wall run back up to the plates you just jumped off of and stab the first before the pacing guard turns around. Jump to the top plate and stab it then jump back to the middle column. Now jump and stab the first plate above the standing guard. Wait until the pacing guard walks over to the standing guard and activate the double speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Break the objects next to the crate by the burning wagon and pull the crate to the closed doorways across from it.

Jump to the top of the wall above the doors. [SPEED KILL] Walk out onto the beam and jump and stab the plate across from it. Wall run and leap off the first shutter then leap off the second shutter and stab the plate that the second shutter will bounce you to. Wait for the pacing guard to walk over to the standing guard then activate the double speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run up to the top plate in the back and stab it to activate a cutscene. After the cutscene, grab the crate and move it over one of the switches on the floor and stand on the other switch. Run through the door before it closes. Climb up the ladder in the next room then wall run and stab the plate on the wall ahead. Jump to the crevice above the plate and shimmy over to the ledge on the left. Jump to the floor above.

Wall run on left wall and jump off the shutter then stab the plate that you bounce to. Wall run to the right and you will hit the wall and fall to the ledge below. Walk to the right and move around the corner of the ledge and jump and stab the plate behind you. Wall run to the left and leap to the beam across from the wall in the middle of the wall run. From the beam, leap to the beam below you. Jump to the plate and stab it then wall run to the left and leap off the next two shutters and stab the next plate after leaping from the second shutter. Wall run to the beam on the left then jump and stab the plate on the wall ahead. Wall run to the left and pull yourself up to the hallway up above. Walk around the corner to find a save fountain.


Part 3 - The Market District

Fall down to the right of the walkway outside. Approach the portion where the railing is broken and wall run on the right wall and leap off the wall to the ledge across from it near the end of the wall run. Hang off the ledge and shimmy to the right. Drop and stab the plate below. Wall run to the right and stab the next plate. Jump to the ledge above the second plate and shimmy to the right for a cutscene. Shimmy some more to the right and pull yourself up onto the ledge. Walk out onto the beam and jump to the gap across from it. Slide down to the bottom of the gap. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the pacing guard below walks away from the warrior, then speed kill the warrior. After the speed kill, quickly climb up the ladder. Jump to the crevice on the other side of the platform and shimmy to the left. Drop to the beam below you. When the pacing guard walks up to the standing guard activate the double speed kill to take them both out. [END SPEED KILL] Break the objects in the middle of the area below the tall plate. Wall run up to the tall plate and stab it to open the door the guard was standing next to. Activate Eye of the Storm and fall off the plate then roll under the door before it closes.

Make sure your sand tanks are full and wall run up the closed gate at the end to reach the wall up above. [SPEED KILL] Walk out onto the beam and jump to the next beam across from it. Look across from the beam to see three plates with a ramp below each plate - these plates will help you speed kill all of these guards. Make sure to perform this first speed kill on the left side of the beam and not in the middle. If you do the speed kill in the middle, the Prince will destroy a pot after the final stab alerting all the other guards. Wait on the beam until the three guards up ahead turn all of their backs, then jump down and speed kill the guard below the beam. Run to the first ramp below the first plate then wall run and stab the plate. Wall run to the second plate and stab it. Stay on the second plate for this next speed kill. This guard below you is the main troublemaker of the bunch since he turns often. Wait for the other two guards to turn and walk the other way then quickly speed kill him and wall run back up to the plate you were just on. Two guards left! Wall run back to the first plate and stab it then jump back to the beam across from the plate where you started the first speed kill. Stand in the middle of the beam and wait for both guards to turn their backs then quickly jump toward the sand gate guard and speed kill him. Run to the second plate ramp and wall run to the plate above then stab it immediately! For the final guard, wall run to the third plate and wait for the distortion to start then speed kill him. This set of speed kills is extremely hard to pull off, but it can be done! [END SPEED KILL] Walk to the sand gate to claim 150 sand credits. Be sure to grab the sand gate guard's sword as well.

Walk to the crates in the back where the sand gate guard was patrolling and pull the bottom crate out of the stack for a cutscene. Move the crate over to the tall plate across from the stack of crates. Get up on the crate and wall run up to the tall plate then stab it to open a door in the back. Activate Eye of the Storm while on the plate than run to the open doorway and dash through. Run down the hall to the right and climb the ladder across form the boarded doorway. Run around the left corner up ahead. Wall run on the right wall then jump from shutter to shutter to get to the next side and activate a cutscene. After the cutscene there will be a save fountain in the distance.


Part 4 - The Bowery

Wall run on the left wall up ahead then jump to the ledge across from the wall. Jump to the crevice and shimmy to the left. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the archer above to turn his back then pull yourself up and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Hang off the railing on the other side and jump to the beam across from the railing. Jump to the crevice on the wall beside the beam and shimmy over to the wooden floor. Walk to the railing and a cutscene will activate.


Hang off the railing and jump toward the pole up above and use it to grapple to the ledge ahead. The ledge will automatically crumble and the Dark Prince will fall and grab onto the ledge below. Drop to the floor below and sand wraiths will attack. After fighting the sand wraiths break the chest around the corner beside a door for 10 sand credits. Wall run up the wall across from the chest to grab onto a ledge. Jump to the next ledge and pull yourself up. The camera angle will show you a pole in the distance. Jump and grapple onto the pole and let it carry you to a beam. Jump to the railing beside the beam and pull yourself up the side of the building. Run into the red room to the right.

For this room and the rooms ahead, make sure to destroy the pillows on the beds to the side if you need some extra sand. Wall run up to the switch on the wall next to bed then immediately use Eye of the Storm and roll under the door to the side before it closes. Hang off the railing up ahead and drop to the curtain below the railing. A new enemy will attack at the bottom. These females sand creatures can put up quite a fight. You are supposed to hit them when they stop attacking, but with Dark Prince it doesn't really matter when you hit them. Sand wraiths will burst up from the floor after the females are disposed of. Climb up the column across from the pattern with the circle in the middle on the wall. From the top of the column, jump to the crevice on the middle wall. Shimmy to the left and pull yourself up, then jump to the next ledge above. Pull yourself up and jump to the railing on the area with the archer. [SPEED KILL] Shimmy to the right along the railing and approach the archer from behind for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL]

Use the right wall and wall run to the area the archer was staring at. Two female sand creatures will attack. Run ahead, but don't cross the wall just yet to the area in the back. [SPEED KILL] Stay against the wall and wait for the archer to go through the doorway then quickly wall run on the right wall to reach the area where he is and sneak up behind him for a speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] In the room that the archer went into, look for a gate that seals off the door inside. Wall run up either wall on the side of the doorway and wall jump to the top railing. Pull yourself up and go through the doorway. The archer in the area across from you will automatically see you and start to fire arrows. Run to the lever on the right and rotate it to make a pole fall down from the ceiling. Wall run on the left wall then jump and grapple to the pole. Run to the left and be sure to wreak your vengeance on that archer. Go through the doorway beside the archer and hop through the window inside.


Wade through the water and climb into the next room up ahead. Wait for the open space to appear in the middle area in between the little saw blades and roll through it. For the next set, follow one strip of saw blades as it moves away from you then quickly dash to the other side when it comes back toward you and keep moving to make sure the other set doesn't hit you. Run up the torn brick wall ahead and stab the plate. Jump to the tiny piece of wall forming a ledge up above you and pull yourself up to it. Jump to the next ledge up above and you should see two archers. [SPEED KILL] Jump to the wooden railing and wait for them to turn their back and speed kill the first as he walks away then speed kill the second before he turns. It's a little tricky since they will start to move at different times, but try to wait until they both walk away at the same time. [END SPEED KILL] Walk down the area ahead for a cutscene. After the cutscene, fall back down the railing to the area you just came from and break the weapon rack to get an axe - you need some sort of secondary weapon for what's coming. Wall run back up to the next area, then wall run up to the next wall ahead to find a save fountain.


Part 5 - The Brothel

If you need some sand, break the pots off to the side. Walk toward the railing in the back and fall down the first two floors.

Boss - Female Sand Warrior

The first part of this battle is pretty tough. The boss has some very long combos and a kick that will send you flying off the platform if you have your back to the edge of the platform. Use Recall if she ever knocks you off. Block often and try to counter her combos when you block them (keep pressing the primary attack button when blocking). While hitting her, if she starts to guard she will most likely retaliate with a combo after you get finished with your attack so be ready to block. Eye of the Storm will work on her and will get you a few free hits, but she will still block your attacks at times during this move. If she knocks you to the ground, block while on the ground or she will continue to hit you. When the screen zooms in and you clash weapons with her, tap the primary attack button to knock her back. Take 25% of her life to start the second sword clash - fight her once again by pressing the primary attack button and a cutscene will begin.


After the cutscene the battle will change in your favor. She will run from you now and you must chase after her. You will have a

choice of which way to go from here. She will always jump two platforms away from you. When you get to the middle platform a sand wraith will appear. Defeat the sand wraith in order to get some of your life back. When you eventually get to the boss, immediately activate Eye of the Storm and hit her as she tries to escape to the platform on the other side. She will eventually escape when Eye of the Storm wears off. Repeat the same pattern of working your way to her and defeating the sand wraith. Immediately activate Eye of the Storm when you get to the platform that she is on once again and hack away at her before she can escape. There are many ways to go about chasing her so the obstacles you go through to reach her will vary. Some areas only require a single wall run or pole swing to get the next platform. Be sure to scope out a platform with a sand wraith while moving toward her. Sometimes a sand wraith will not appear on both platforms.

Here's a list of all the ways to get to her while she is on another platform if you are having trouble reaching her at any time:

A: Jump to the pole and make sure to move to the right end to avoid hitting the section of the building above when leaping to the platform. Swing and leap to the platform with the sand wraith. Wall run toward the platform with the boss then jump to the beam across from the wall. Walk across the beam and pull yourself up to the boss' platform.

B: Wall run on the right wall over to the platform with the sand wraith. Jump to the beam ahead then jump to the platform with the boss and pull yourself up.

C: Jump to the pole and make sure to move to the right end to avoid hitting the section of the building above when leaping to the platform. Wall run on the left wall and fall to the roof of the small balcony below the platform with the boss.

D: Wall run on the right wall over to the platform with the sand wraith. Walk out onto the beam and jump to the roof of the small balcony below the platform with the boss. Jump and pull yourself up to the boss.

Keep this pattern up and you should be able to take her down after about four or five Eye of the Storms. When you hit her for the final time you will initiate another sword clash. Tap the primary attack button until a cutscene activates.


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
14 فوریه 2006
WALKTHROUGH - Chapter 7: A Dark Secret Revealed

Part 1 - The Plaza

Look for the only open doorway up on the highest platform and make your way over to it. Jump to the curtain and slide down it, but jump off right before you reach the bottom of the curtain to land on the ledge across from it and keep from plummeting to the spikes below. Walk to the right on the ledge and jump to the room across from it. Walk around the corner and jump to the ledge across the hole. Jump to the ledge up above the first and walk to the right. Jump toward the pole and grapple it with your whip to reach the beam across from it. Jump to the floor below you from the beam. Use the right wall and run to the first shutter and leap from that shutter to another shutter then leap again to catch onto a ledge. Move to the right and drop to the ledge below that one. Move to the right some more then run down the hall. Wall run on the left wall and grapple the torch up above along the way to keep you running. On the other side run to the left and some warriors will attack you once you go through the doorway. Sand creatures will follow after the warriors are defeated. Stay in the sunlight as usual to weaken the sand creatures.

This next part is a little tricky in finding out what to do next. Go back toward the doorway you used to enter this area and look to the left. There is a pole extending out of the wall beside the column on the left that you need to grapple to. Run to the brick wall behind the column (near the corner) and wall run up it then jump off at the peak of the wall run and grapple onto the pole above. This will carry you to a beam. Walk across the beam to the floor ahead. Rotate the camera so that you are looking out over the area and wall run on the right wall. Grapple onto the torch above while running and jump off the next two shutters you will land on. The Prince will be sent to the top of a column. Shimmy to the right until the camera shows you the wooden floor above. Jump to the wooden floor across from you and hop through the window. Go around the corner to the left. Wall run on the right wall then jump and grapple to the pole above you. This will send you flying toward a crevice. Shimmy to the right along the crevice and line yourself up with the pole across from the right side. Jump to the pole and grapple to it. The grapple will send you flying to a chain. [SPEED KILL] Slide down the chain and perform a speed kill on the guard below. Wait for the pacing guard in the back to turn his back to you then drop down and sneak behind him for another speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run up to the switch on the wall to press it. The first time you press it two sand creatures will attack you. Wall run and press it again to make a door open to the right. Use Eye of the Storm to get through the door before it closes.

[SPEED KILL] Once you go through the door, step into the gap in the wall to the left and wait for the guard in the back to walk down the area ahead and come through the doorway. He will turn around and start to walk back through the doorway. Rush behind him and speed kill him as he walks away. [END SPEED KILL] Break the objects in front of the wooden structure past the doorway and roll under the wooden structure. Keep running down the path and step through the window at the end.


Wade through the water to find a save fountain on the right side of the room.


Part 2 - The Upper City

Walk over to the wooden structure on the side of the room. Pull yourself up on top of the first part (not the beam) and move the camera to the wooden platform above the save fountain. Wall run on the left wall and jump to the railing of the walkway. Rotate the lever on top. Jump back down to the floor below and move the wooden structure all the way to the water pool until you cannot move it anymore. Climb to the beam on top of the wooden structure and leap to the wooden wall that closed when you rotated the lever. Leap toward the wall and wall jump off the wall to reach a beam above the wooden structure. Pull yourself up and walk to the center of the beam. The center will point toward a gap. Jump to the gap. There is a pacing guard up above you that will see you if he has his back turned and if you are on the same level as him while climbing the gap. Make sure that he has his back to you then climb all the way to the top of the gap. [SPEED KILL] Jump to the set of beams up above the guards. Walk to the center of the beams and wait for both of the guards to stand together with their backs turned. Use a speed kill on the first guard, then walk up behind the second guard for another speed kill. [END SPEED KILL] Rotate the lever to open the door across from you. There is a pacing guard patrolling around that doorway. Jump to the crevice up above the door that just opened. [SPEED KILL] Make sure the guard inside is pacing away from the doorway, then drop to grab onto the floor of the room above. Wait until the guard paces away once again then pull yourself up and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL]

Walk through the next doorway in the room. Wall run on the right wall up to the first shutter then leap off of the shutter and jump to the next two shutters and you will land on the area in the distance. Go through the doorway on the other side for a cutscene. Wall run on the left wall then jump to the beam across from the wall. From the beam, jump to the chain and climb down it then drop to floor below. Sand creatures will attack at the bottom. Lead them into the sunlight to quickly get rid of them. Break the chest to the left of the hole they came through for 10 sand credits. Wall run up to the switch on the wall to open the door in this area. Through the door there will be a guard that will stare to the right. [SPEED KILL] Go through the doorway on the left side to keep him from seeing you. Quickly sneak up behind him as he starts to walk to the right and speed kill him. Walk down the path he was going to but stop before you step out from behind the right wall. There are two guards in the distance. Wait for the guard furthest away from you to turn his back then run and speed kill the first guard closest to you. Kill the next guard after that before he turns his back again. [END SPEED KILL] Climb up the ladder in the area the guards were both staring at. Jump to the wall behind the ladder and wall jump to the railing up above the ladder. Wall run directly up the wall to the left of the lantern and jump to the beam across from the wall. Walk along the beam and pull yourself up to the floor above.

Wall run on the left wall to reach the beam further ahead on the wall. Jump to the wooden platform beside the beam. Walk along the small ledge on the side and drop down the to the third ledge below then walk to the platform on the left. Wall run on the right wall then leap off the two shutters to land on a ledge up above the pacing guard in the distance. [SPEED KILL] Move over to the side of the ledge closest to the guard and wait for him to stop pacing below. Activate a speed kill when the screen distorts. [END SPEED KILL] The guards below will not be able to see you on this platform. Wall run on the left wall then leap off the shutter to the platform up ahead. [SPEED KILL] When you land on the platform from the shutter you will scare some birds away. Do not move until the guards get back to their normal patrol. They will not be able to see you on this platform when they get back to their normal patrols. Wall run on the left wall and jump to the beam across from the wall. Stand on the beam and get ready for some speed killing. When the pacing guard walks over to the normal guard, wait for the sand gate guard to turn his back and walk away. During that instant, hang off the side of the beam and activate the double speed kill for the two guards below. Quickly run over to the sand gate guard and speed kill him. Go by the right side of the sand gate when you sneak up to him. [END SPEED KILL] Walk up to the sand gate to get The Winds of Sand. As always, pick up the sand gate guard's sword. Wall run up to the switch on the wall across from the sand gate then run through the door that opens.

Walk up the stairs and hop over the railing at the top. The baskets and pots up ahead are hiding a crate. Break through all the objects and pull the crate out of the area behind the objects. Pull the crate to the left and move it in front of the sealed doorway ahead of you. Climb on top of the crate and wall run up the wall. Hop to the other side and walk down the hall. In the area with the moss on the walls, jump to the top of the block sticking out of the wall. Wall run and stab the plate on the wall up above. While on the plate, wall run to the left and leap from the wall to the plate across from you and stab it. Jump to the crevice above the plate you leap to and shimmy to the top of the floor above you to find a save fountain.


Part 3 - The City Gardens

Walk through the doorway and jump to the pole extending out of the left wall. Swing from the pole to the plate up ahead and stab it. Wall run to the right and stab the next plate. Drop to the ledge below the plate and walk around the corner. Jump to the next ledge above. There's no reason to pull yourself up - shimmy along the crevice on the side of the building and drop to the beam it will lead you to. Walk to the end of the beam and hop across to the next beam. Jump to the ledge up above the beam then pull yourself up and move to the right. Jump to the beam across from the ledge then jump and stab the plate above the beam. Wall run to the next plate to the right and stab it. [SPEED KILL] Wait until the guard on the side walkway paces away from you. Wall run to the small platform below the guard. Some birds will fly off and alert the guard above. Grab onto the side of the walkway and wait for the guard to turn his back, then pull yourself up and go for a speed kill on him. [END SPEED KILL] Go to the other side of the walkway and hang off the railing. Jump to the pole and swing to the other walkway across from you. Walk to the other end when you're on the walkway across from the pole and hang off the side. Shimmy to the crevice on the side of the building and drop to the ledge below. Jump to the ledge on the large column to the side.

Hang onto the side of the ledge and move to the right side of the large column then pull yourself up. Jump to the tree behind you. [SPEED KILL] Slide down the tree just enough to jump to the tree on the side. Hop to the next tree then hop to the tree after that. Look on the wall to the side and you should see a piece of dark brown wood forming a ledge. Jump to that ledge. From the ledge, jump to the statue and the Prince will grab onto the side. This is the area where the speed kills begin! Stay hanging on the statue and face the camera so that it is looking down at the Prince's back and you see three guards. One guard will pace below you, one guard will stand still with his back to you, and one guard will pace toward you and away from you in the distance next to the trees. Wait for the pacing guard by the columns to turn his back and walk away and wait until the guard below you walks behind the stone wall holding up the statue (he will move to the Prince's left). Activate a speed kill on him the moment he walks behind the statue and stand behind the standing guard while still concealed behind the statue from the pacing guard's view. This is the hardest part since the pacing guard by the trees will notice you if he sees you while you are not concealed behind the stone wall. Go for a speed kill on the standing guard right next to you when the pacing guard walks away from you then get back behind the stone holding up the statue. When the pacing guard walks toward you and stands across from the stone holding the statue, rush behind him and speed kill him. The standing guard in the back will not notice. Get behind the last standing guard by going around the stone with the statue and speed kill him from behind. [END SPEED KILL]

Wall run up the stone holding the statue and sink the dagger into the tall plate to make two beams rotate on the two big columns in the back of you. Climb up the small tree closest to the big column and leap to the taller tree beside it. From the tall tree leap to the ledge on the side of column and hang from it. Move to the left side of the big column and drop to the beam below it. Hop across to the beam on the next big column. Jump to the ledge above the beam and move around the side of big column while hanging. On the other side, leap to the ledge on the crevice across from you. Drop to the plate below and stab it. Drop from the plate to the floor below. Walk out onto the beam ahead and jump to the beam to your right. Look through the grating (rotate the camera) and make sure the guard behind it is not looking your way then jump to the ledge on the wall beside the grating. Move to the right on the ledge and jump to the pole across from you. Turn around and face the wall on the pole. Swing to the wall and wall jump to the pole above you. Turn around once again on the next pole. Swing to the top of the wall and pull yourself up.

Walk out onto the beam and jump to the tree up ahead. Slide down the tree just enough to where you can jump to the ledge about midways down. [SPEED KILL] From the ledge, jump to the plate and stab it. Wall run to the right and stab the next plate. Wall run to the beam on the right. You are now positioned to make the perfect speed kill on the sand gate guard. Hang off to start the distortion for the speed kill. Wait for the pacing guard to turn his back to you then hang off and start to speed kill the sand gate guard. Immediately after the kill, hang off the side of the wall overlooking the river. Shimmy toward the side with the standing guard but

stay behind the stone up above. If you shimmy to the left and the standing guard or the pacing guard is looking your way, they will see you. Stay behind the stone until the pacing guard turns his back to you then quickly shimmy to the left and pull yourself up then speed kill the standing guard. Hang along the side once again and make sure to stay behind the stone. When the pacing guard turns his back to you once again shimmy over to the left, pull yourself up, get behind him, and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Walk to the sand gate to get a new sand tank. Grab the sand gate guard's sword if don't still have the one from earlier. Look toward the stone holding up the statue. There is a tall plate on the stone. Wall run up the stone and stab your dagger into the tall plate to rotate a beam and open a window outside this area.

Climb back up the tree and jump back to the beam where you entered this area. Walk onto the top of the wall and jump to the wooden portion of the open window. Jump to the ledge on the side of the big column against the building up ahead. Move to the left on the ledge and drop to the beam below. Hop to the other beam on the big column across from you. Jump to the ledge above and move to the right. Hop to the ledge across from you and drop to the next ledge. [SPEED KILL] When the pacing guard below you walks to the left and turns his back to you activate a double speed kill on both of them. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run on the left wall to the pole extending from the wall. Swing from the pole to the ledge in front of you. Walk around the right side of the ledge. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the pacing guard below you to walk your way then turn around. When he turns his back to you activate a double speed kill on both guards. The camera will sometimes zoom out during this speed kill making it a bit hard to time. [END SPEED KILL] Go down the walkway and break the chest behind the sixth waterfall for 10 sand credits. Drop down below to activate a cutscene.

Boss - Sand Creature Juggernaut

This boss is extremely easy. All you have to do is get behind him and hack away at the back of his legs until he drops. The Prince should automatically climb on his back and activate a speed kill.

Speed Kill - The Prince will hop up the boss' back and [ATTEMPT] to stab him in the back of the head but the boss will shake around causing the Prince to nearly lose his balance. The Prince will continue to hang on to the boss' neck and eventually stab him in the back of the head.

Now you will ride the boss through the rest of the garden area. Here is a list of the ways you will have to turn while riding on his back:

Charge through the door.
Left to break through another door.

After the cutscene, climb up the ladder to the right to find a save point.


Part 4 - The Canal

There is a life upgrade through the little hole to the right of the save fountain.


Roll through the hole by the baskets to the right of the save fountain. Move to the left on the first ledge then drop down to the second ledge below and continue moving left. Walk to the very end of the next ledge further down and hop onto the ladder across from it. Slide all the way down the ladder and jump to the floor below. Drink from the fountain to start the life upgrade trial. This one if much easier than the last one.

Walk to the left. For the first set of traps, run through them on the right side when the first spike pillar starts to move to the left. Be sure to roll just as the second spike pillar comes downward. Use Eye of the Storm and wall run on the left wall to get past the saw blades easily. If you don't have any sands then run the moment right before the first saw blade goes into the wall. For next set of spike pillars, run through the right side when the first spike pillar touches the left wall. When you reach the lone saw blade, stand on the right side and study the movements then roll through the second you see an open spot. Walk toward the light to claim the life upgrade. Leave the area afterwards and roll back through the hole.


Climb on top of the stone block in the distance. Wall run up the wall on the left and wall jump to the area above. Walk to the left when you reach the floor above. Wall run on the right wall to reach the ledge across from you. Walk to the left on the ledge and line yourself up with the ladder across from you. Jump to the ladder and slide to the bottom. Jump to the ledge across from you at the very bottom and move to the right. Jump to the pole across from you and swing to the area across from the pole. There is a save fountain to the left up ahead.

Part 5 - The Promenade

Walk through the doorway ahead and stand behind the wooden structure made out of planks. [SPEED KILL] A warrior will walk back and forth from behind the building in the background. When he steps around the side of the building, get on top of the wooden structure and jump to the pole up above. Swing to the smaller pole up ahead and stand on top of it. Wait for the distortion to start for the speed kill when the warrior below turns his back to you then speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Move the crate to the side over to the railing of the pool of water. Make sure it is to the left of the big door. Get up on top of the crate and wall run on the right wall over to the small stream of water coming out of the drain in the back. Right before you reach the wall (or drain), jump to the other wall across from you and wall jump all the way up to the side of the area above. [SPEED KILL] Wait on the side of the floor until the warrior turns his back to you then speed kill him from the back. [END SPEED KILL] Wall run up to the switch on the wall to close the drain on the wall to the right. Immediately wall run on the wall to the right and jump from the shutter to land on a ledge in the corner. Move to the right on the ledge and pull yourself up to the next ledge. Jump to the wall across from you on the wooden structure extending from the building and use it to wall jump all the way to the top of the wooden structure. Wall run on the right wall and jump off the shutter to the next shutter. Jump off the second shutter to land on the railing of the walkway in the back. Pull yourself up and walk through the doorway for a cutscene.


Run to the doorway on the side and jump to the chain. Slide down the chain. [SPEED KILL] Wait for the warrior, on the other side of the doorway to walk beneath the chain then speed kill him from the chain. [END SPEED KILL] Sand dogs will enter the room and attack you. Drop from the chain and fight them off then go through the doorway. As you exit the doorway there is a plate on the left wall. Stab the plate to lower the covering of the windows on the wall to the side. Wall run on the right wall and grapple the torch. You will hit a curtain while running. When you near the bottom of the curtain, jump to the pole in the back and grapple to it. The pole will carry you to an area with sand dogs and female sand creatures. Fight off the enemies then wall run up to the plate in the back and stab it to lower the covering of the windows on the next wall.

Wall run on the right wall up ahead and grapple to the torch. Continue wall running and leap off the first shutter to another shutter. Jump from the second shutter to hit a third shutter. Jump from the third shutter to a platform with a warrior. Defeat the warrior then wall run on the wall behind him. Jump off three shutters then grapple to the pole after leaping from the third shutter to land in an area with sand dogs and warriors. Wall run on the next wall to reach the platform on the left. If you land on the beam drop down - you will use that beam in a moment. Wall run up to the plate and stab it to open the coverings of the windows in the areas you just came from. Get on top of the beam and jump to the first window covering. Jump back to the platform where you fought the sand dogs and warriors. Looking at the second window covering above, wall run directly up the wall to the left and jump to the covering at the peak of the wall run. On top of the covering, wall run on the left wall, jump off the wall, and grapple to the next two poles across from it. On the platform you land to, hang off the side up ahead and shimmy along the crevice to the right. Use your whip to pull the white block with the face out of the wall across from you. Jump on top of the white block. Wall run on the left wall to reach a ladder. Slide down the ladder and pull the white block with the face out of the wall. The white block will be across from you at the bottom of the ladder. Jump on top of the block and wall run on the right wall (while facing the railing) and jump to the floor across from the wall to land in a pool of water.


Jump to the ledge to the right of the drain and grab onto the top of the railing above. Pull yourself up to the walkway above. Hang off the railing ahead on the left side and jump to the two poles across from you. From the second pole jump to the beam up ahead then walk to the edge. Jump to the chain in front of the beam and slide all the way down it. [SPEED KILL] Hang on to the end of the chain and wait for the sand gate guard in the back to face away from you. The moment he faces away activate a speed kill on the warrior below the chain (he should be below you by then). Immediately head to the wall in the middle of the area and wall run directly to the top and pull yourself up. If you are not all the way at the top when the sand gate guard turns, he will see you. Walk toward the wooden wall and jump onto the beam across from you. Surprisingly, the guard behind the wooden wall will not be able to see you on either of the beams to the side. Jump to the next beam across from you and then jump to the chain. Slide all the way

down the chain. When the sand gate guard turns his side to you, activate the speed kill for the warrior below the chain. Wall run back up the middle wall in the area and jump back to the first beam on the wooden wall. From this beam, you can easily activate the speed kill for the sand gate guard. After killing him you still cannot claim your prize from the sand gate because the guard behind the wooden wall is actually another sand gate guard. Wall run up the wall behind the wooden wall and grab onto the side of the floor. Wait for the second sand gate guard to turn his back then pull yourself up and speed kill him. [END SPEED KILL] Break the chest to the side for 10 extra sand credits. Go back down and claim your reward of 200 sand credits from the sand gate.

Walk through the doorway below the first chain. Walk down the halls until you reach some crushers. The best way to do this part is to actually run across the top of the crushers as they go back into the wall. Use Eye of the Storm to slow down time and make this part a bit easier. Stand on the far left and wait for the first set of two crushers to dash out of the wall then get on top of the first one and run to the second. Do a roll to the next set as it dashes out of the wall. Then move to the single crusher ahead. Keep moving along the crushers (rolling and jumping) but do not get too close to the wall or the saw blades will hit you. Use Recall to help you out if you mess up at the beginning. If you have the sand gate guard sword then that will help out a bunch. Run to the left and go through the doorway for a save fountain.


Part 6 - The Royal Workshop

Wall run and stab the tall plate to the side to open the door up ahead and start a cutscene. After the cutscene run to the statue in the back. Climb the bottom of the staff that the statue is holding. Turn your back away from the statue and jump to the wooden platform on the side. When you land, wall run up the wall directly in front of you and leap to the pole across from the wall at the peak of the wall run. Move along the pole and move across to the wooden platform on the side then pull yourself up to it. Jump and hang onto the crevice on the wall in the back. Shimmy to the left on the crevice until you go all the way around the other side. Jump to the crevice on the wall across from you and shimmy to the left again until you reach a wooden platform. Run toward the lever on the side up ahead.

This lever will help you to solve the puzzle in this room. The objective for this puzzle is to ram the statue into the side of the building at the end using the rolling platform in the middle of the floor. The lever you are currently at will switch the statue between moving either clockwise or counterclockwise. The tall plate to the side will move the lever in the actual direction. Look above the tall plate to see what the statue is currently set to. It should be set to clockwise for the moment. If you move the lever the picture will revolve and the symbol for counterclockwise will appear. The lever across from you will move the statue forward and backward. To reach that lever, climb up the ladder and move across the platform to the other side. The same directions apply to the lever on the other side only it will move the statue forward and backward. The lever is currently set to forward.

Below is the correct sequence you will have to move the levers in:

1. Forward
2. Clockwise
3. Clockwise
4. Forward
5. Forward
6. Clockwise
7. Backward
8. Clockwise
9. Forward
10. Clockwise
11. Forward
12. Counterclockwise
13. Forward

You will only need to mess with the lever on the side for the Backward and Counterclockwise movements. Rotate the lever once before you stab the plate and move the lever once again after you stab the plate.

After you move the statue forward for the last time, a cutscene will activate.

Part 7 - The King's Road (Second Chariot Ride)

Sadly, if you had the sand gate guard sword from earlier it will be taken away from you at the start of this part. Fight off the sand guards from your chariot and zigzag down the walls of the path in front of you. When you reach the ramp you will leap into a cave. When the sand guard in the chariot comes up from the right side, keep moving him further to the right and he should plow into a wall further ahead. When the path splits you can take either path. Right after the split you will have to stay in the middle since there will be a pitfall on both sides. Right after going over the middle portion of the pitfall you will have to move to either the right or left to avoid the rock in the middle area up ahead. Right after you exit the cave do not move to the far right because there will be some rubble off to the side that will cause you to crash. Along the twisting streets ahead you will come upon two ramps and fly to the path on the other side. The first entrance will be on the left and the second will be just about all the way to the right. Make sure to line up with the entrance properly before jumping. A cutscene will play eventually and a sand guard on a chariot will appear to the right of you. You will see the sand guard crash later from taking the wrong path. Right after he crashes, you will be forced to veer to the left when you see the waterfall ahead or fall off into a hole. You will be forced to dodge many barricades on the paths ahead. Be sure to tap that primary attack button to force the sand guards off your chariot. When the next sand guard on a chariot appear to the left of you a cutscene will begin that will end the chariot riding.

Boss - Sword and Axe Sand Demons

This battle seems near impossible if you don't know how to approach it. The sword demon cannot be damaged at any time during this battle with an attack from the Prince. The only boss that can be damaged is the axe demon, but there is a catch involved in how to damage him. When the battle starts rush over to the sword demon and hit him three times. After a few blocked hits on the sword demon, the camera will switch to a frontal view of the Prince and will show the axe demon in the background right before he strikes. During this moment dodge to the side and the axe demon will get his axe stuck in the ground. This is your moment to strike the axe demon. The sword demon will try to attack you this entire time so it is best to move to one side of the axe demon and attack him while the sword demon is on the opposite side. Use the jump button to hop over the axe demon if the sword demon gets next to you. The sword demon will usually start an attack after you hit the axe demon the first time. The axe demon will eventually recover so you will have to hit the sword demon once again to make the axe demon take a swing at you. Try to split them apart - don't hit the sword demon when they are both together. If you back off they will eventually split apart again like they were at the start of this battle. The sword demon will usually try to jump toward you and strike you with his sword. Block that hit and attack him. After you have taken 50% of the axe demon's life bar a distortion for a speed kill will start. The moment that distortion starts be sure to take the speed kill!

Speed Kill 1: The Prince will jump on top of the axe demon's axe and [STAB] him in the back of the head then leap to the sword demon. When the Prince hits the ground he will [STAB] the sword demon in the chest right before the sword demon strikes.

Do the same thing for the rest of the battle and eventually another distortion for the final speed kill will activate.

Speed Kill 2: The Prince will dodge both the sword and axe demon's strike then jump to the axe demon and [STAB] him in the head knocking him down. The Prince will then jump to the sword demon, get behind him, and [STAB] him in the back of the head and throw him toward him toward his friend. Burn!

Please note that the button taps for the second speed kill stab animations have to be pressed very quickly (the instant) during the slow down or the demons will throw you off. If you lose a bunch, don't get frustrated because this battle is quite hard and takes practice. After the final stab of the second speed kill a cutscene will start.


After all the cutscenes you will be in control of Dark Prince and will have to face a whole armada of warriors and female sand creatures. After the first wave of enemies another wave of warriors will attack. Go through the door after fighting the warriors and break the baskets in the shrubbery to the left, below the railing in front of you. Wall run up the left side of the wall to reach the railing overhead. Shimmy over to the right side of the railing to pull yourself up to the floor above. Step through the curtain and step into the pool of the room ahead.


Wall run up the wall with the engraving in front of the pool to catch onto the railing up above. Pull yourself to the floor above to find a save fountain.



تاریخ عضویت
6 مارس 2006
محل سکونت
ممنون که زحمت کشیدی
باید بازی جالبی باشه!!!
من PRINC OF PERSIA THE SANDS OF TIME را بیشتر از PRINCE OF PERSIA 2 دوست داشتم اما شاهزاده ایرونی 2 گرافیکش بهتر وخیلی سخت تر بود


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تاریخ عضویت
8 دسامبر 2005
میبینمکه دقیقا 2 ماهه اینجا خبری نیست اما چون من میخوام تو بازی هم فعالیت داشته باشم راش میندازم چطوره راجع به شخصیتا یکگم بیشتر بحث کنیم


کاربر فعال بازیهای کامپیوتری
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
15 جولای 2005
فک نکنم
البته خود یوبی گفته پرینس 3 اخرین قسمت از سری پرینس 3 گانه که همون ماجراهای شن های زمان هست
ولی بازم معلوم نیست یه دفعه دیدی داری پرینس 4 رو بازی میکنی:D