• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

گفتگوی آزاد (به انگلیسی)


مدیر بازنشسته
تاریخ عضویت
25 می 2006
محل سکونت
Bloody Harlan
Most of songs in his "O" album are great. I usually don't listen to all songs of an album, but O is an exception. I can't decide which of the songs of O I like the most.


کاربر فعال زبان
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
26 نوامبر 2006
محل سکونت
staring at a closed door!
Ever tried chatting with guru,google robot?
It's amazing!
Although it wasn't able to answer some of my questions but it's fun:p
I'm never impolite when I'm chatting with someone but this 1 is a robot so I felt free to share my real feelings with it but it was nice enough to respond me this way::lol:

Me:khak too saret

guru: Did you mean 'web khak TO saret'?

* How do you write this in farsi: Mikhai khak ro saret berezi az ...
would like it an a very nice font a special nastaliq or something ... does this sentence mean alot to you that you want it in a beautiful script ...

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کاربر فعال و منتخب سال 90 انجمن موسیقی<br>کاربر فع
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
21 جولای 2006
محل سکونت
Ever tried chatting with guru,google robot?
It's amazing!
Although it wasn't able to answer some of my questions but it's fun:p
I'm never impolite when I'm chatting with someone but this 1 is a robot so I felt free to share my real feelings with it but it was nice enough to respond me this way::lol:

that's wonderfu:blink:l

what do you mean? google priveds a robot for chatting and it can diagnose your language. Is it new service from Google company because I never hear that before :wacko:

unfortunately it' is under fil_tering for me my *** cant connect but i'll try soon

i'll check it :rolleyes:


کاربر فعال زبان
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
26 نوامبر 2006
محل سکونت
staring at a closed door!
that's wonderfu:blink:l

what do you mean? google priveds a robot for chatting and it can diagnose your language. Is it new service from Google company because I never hear that before :wacko:

unfortunately it' is under fil_tering for me my *** cant connect but i'll try soon

i'll check it :rolleyes:

گورو guru رویاتی هست دست‌پخت آزمایشگاه گوگل. روباتی که جواب خیلی از پرسش‌ها رو می‌دونه و برای پرسیدن کافیه به فهرست دوستاتون توی جی‌تاک اضافه بشه.
حالا پاسخ چه جور پرسش‌هایی رو می‌شه از این بابا پرسید؟ اطلاعاتی مانند نتایج مسابقات ورزشی، پیش‌بینی آب و هوا، ترجمه با استفاده از مترجم گوگل، ماشین حساب، تبدیل واحدها و خیلی چیزهای دیگه رو می‌شه با استفاده از این روبات و از راه چت به دست آورد.

چطور گورو رو به کار بکشیم؟

  1. به برنامه مسنجری وصل بشید که جی‌تاک رو پشتیبانی می‌کنه.
  2. دعوتنامه چت رو برای guru@googlelabs.com بفرستید یا اینجا کلیک کنید.
  3. حالا guru رو از توی فهرست دوستان پیدا کنید و طبق فرمول زیر باهاش چت کنید.
نتایج بازی: score arsenal آب و هوا: weather Nairobi ماشین حساب: ۱۲۳ * ۴۵ تبدیل ارز: ۱۲۰ KES to USD معنی: define laptop برگردان: translate earth to French نتیجه جست‌وجو: web Mount Kenya راهنما: help translate به هر حال گورو یکی از داناترین روبات‌های دم‌دستتونه. روبات‌های به درد بخور دیگری هم برای جی‌تاک نوشته شدن، که سر فرصت سراغ اونها هم می‌رم.

Sorry that is in persian!:blush:


کاربر فعال زبان
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
26 نوامبر 2006
محل سکونت
staring at a closed door!
Thanks dear Lizard .. ... sorry what name we should call you :blush:!

You're welcome!
I'm L!ZARD not Lizard!


کاربر فعال سینما
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
5 می 2010
محل سکونت
Solaris Ocean


Looks like you're all alone here. Like the scary movie...It's scary, isn't it?
do you panic? tell me, trust me, i won't tell anybody if you do, because i'm a priest, thousands of people come to me to confess their sins in front of me.

i'm just kiddin'.:D

Ever tried chatting with guru,google robot?
It's amazing!
Although it wasn't able to answer some of my questions but it's fun:p
I'm never impolite when I'm chatting with someone but this 1 is a robot so I felt free to share my real feelings with it but it was nice enough to respond me this way::lol:

I tried it.
It's very Interesting. thanks.


By the way,

I've always had this question in my mind about your username, what does exactly "L!ZARD" mean?
Why did you choose such a name?
I'm sure you hadn't "Lizard" the animal in your mind by the time you chose that name.
But Seriously what does it stand for?


And one more thing...

I think you have an excellent taste in choosing beautiful avatars and also choosing very short and Yet Meaningful signatures.
That's very admirable.



کاربر فعال زبان
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
26 نوامبر 2006
محل سکونت
staring at a closed door!


Looks like you're all alone here. Like the scary movie...It's scary, isn't it?
do you panic? tell me, trust me, i won't tell anybody if you do, because i'm a priest, thousands of people come to me to confess their sins in front of me.

i'm just kiddin'.:D

Do you realize what you've don? You scared all ghosts around here, dear priest!:grumpy::p

1.I tried it.
It's very Interesting. thanks.


2.By the way,

I've always had this question in my mind about your username, what does exactly "L!ZARD" mean?
Why did you choose such a name?
I'm sure you hadn't "Lizard" the animal in your mind by the time you chose that name.
But Seriously what does it stand for?


3.And one more thing...

I think you have an excellent taste in choosing beautiful avatars and also choosing very short and Yet Meaningful signatures.
That's very admirable.

You're welcome:)


Well, to be honest I don't know exactly why I'd chosen this username but I can say it doesn't stand for anything. You know I just like ! alot and I think lizard looks cuter with a ! instead of i !


Wow! great to see that there are elegant people around here who appreciate beauty!:lol:
partly kidding thank you very much . That's very kind of you to say such a nice words:)



کاربر فعال سینما
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
5 می 2010
محل سکونت
Solaris Ocean

Do you realize what you've don? You scared all ghosts around here, dear priest!:grumpy::p

Thanks god i'm not a mullah, cause i would kill all of them:D

Well, to be honest I don't know exactly why I'd chosen this username but I can say it doesn't stand for anything. You know I just like ! alot and I think lizard looks cuter with a ! instead of i !

You just liked it.
Frankly it's one of the best reasons I've ever heard.
It's very good to care about your interests.
And about that Exclamation mark which you put it instead of (i), I'm totally agree with you, it makes your user name so much cuter,Even though it's hard to type:p
Well done my son.

Wow! great to see that there are elegant people around here who appreciate beauty!
partly kidding thank you very much . That's very kind of you to say such a nice words

Don't even mention that. You're the one who own such a great aesthetic sense. I really appreciate it.
You see what i mean, you've just chanched your signature and like i said it's very short and yet very meaningful and impressive. What more can i say?:lol:

“Nothing is beautiful, only man: on this piece of naivete rests all aesthetics, it is the first truth of aesthetics. Let us immediately add its second: nothing is ugly but degenerate man - the domain of aesthetic judgment is therewith defined.”

Friedrich Nietzsche


Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as war but as an act of self-defence against a homicidal maniac.

– George Orwell​

The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.

Joseph Stalin

I wanted to countine this discussion in the same thread, but i thought it would be better to move them here.

Personally i think war quotes are very deep and impressive, Because these quotes are mostly about life and death and also tragic events and all things inbetween that had happened in the past.

They really make me think of essence of humanity.

I mean how can that be? these cruel persons who just think about killing innocent people and conquering.
Nowadays we just need peace and more contatct with people from all over the world, i think it's the best way to get more acquaintance with differrent cultures and enjoying them instead of destroying them.
Internet,books, movies,Art,etc. are very helpful in this matter. hope one day these things won't matter in this world.

What do you think?​

سعید ال

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
2 فوریه 2011
محل سکونت
hi guys...may i join you...what are u talking about...i wasnt in mood of reading your posts

and also tell me my mistakes if i had in writing


کاربر فعال زبان
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت
26 نوامبر 2006
محل سکونت
staring at a closed door!


I mean how can that be? these cruel persons who just think about killing innocent people and conquering.
Nowadays we just need peace and more contatct with people from all over the world, i think it's the best way to get more acquaintance with differrent cultures and enjoying them instead of destroying them.
Internet,books, movies,Art,etc. are very helpful in this matter. hope one day these things won't matter in this world.

What do you think?​

That reminds me of Siavash Ghomeishi's song !

hi guys...may i join you...what are u talking about...i wasnt in mood of reading your posts

and also tell me my mistakes if i had in writing

Well, I', not in the mood of explaining what we are talking about:lol:
Just kidding...You're very welcome to join this topic.

سعید ال

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
2 فوریه 2011
محل سکونت
yep...its disaster...but we always and all the time have to try more...money doesnt exist easily for us


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
16 آپریل 2011
محل سکونت
Companies are cutting their work forces
A lot of my friends are going to lose their job.
It would be a social disaster too.
I might be one of them (I can smell the odor of cheese right now!!:lol:)

سعید ال

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
2 فوریه 2011
محل سکونت
i think these days we need a new idea more than everything....i mean in iran you must have idea or lots of money to be successful...if you think you do something as others do and expect to be rich in the future...its a hallucination