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دوستان (مخصوصاً دوستان کرجی) سرویس 256 نامحدود پارس آنلاین چه سرعت دانلودی رو می ده؟ کیفیتش چطوریه؟
من هنوز متوجه نشدم این no interlive چکار میکنه روی خط؟ میشه بگید؟ (بودن و نبودنش چه فرقی داره؟)
This setting removes interleaving from your ADSL connection. This may reduce the latency on your line but also introduces connection instability issues such as dropouts. Only certain applications, such as online gaming will benefit from this setting. Warning: Selecting this option may render your connection unusable.
Depends on what you are after, low latency or high throughput.
Interleaving means that it mixes up your data from multiple packets before sending, ie
non-interleave AAAA BBBB CCCC DDDD
The advantage of non-interleaved is that your data is ready to send out when it is ready, and is sent out faster. No waiting for a second packet to be ready. Also, the whole packet is sent at once, not broken up into two packets. So latency is less.
The advantage of interleaved is for the channel to be used as efficiently as possible, and not have to sit around waiting for more data to come in. Also it may be used to aid in error correction, which could reduce retransmission requirements.
I can't tell you why the 6dB is there. Doesn't make sense to me. But turning interleaving on or off should not affect your connection reliability to any great extend (except for the error correction bit if it is used). So just try it off if you need lower latency, but keep it on if you don't.
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