• پایان فعالیت بخشهای انجمن: امکان ایجاد موضوع یا نوشته جدید برای عموم کاربران غیرفعال شده است

ادغام تاپیک هایی که دیگر فعال نیستند


کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
تاریخ عضویت
25 ژانویه 2005
محل سکونت
Iran , Tehran
من از ایشون دی وی دی گرفتم مشگلی نداشت .


کاربر افتخاری سئو و معرفی سایتها
تاریخ عضویت
20 جولای 2004
محل سکونت
به نقل از sinaarian :
آخه عزیز من شما رو اوس کردم یا شما مارو ...!!! حالا برای اثبات حرف خودم فیلم ها رو همراه بسته پستی که تحویل نگرفتی مجانی امروز با پیک برات میفرستم تا جریان برای همه روشن بشه
خوب چرا از اون اول پست دوقبضه نكرديد كه مشكلي پيش نياد


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
10 اکتبر 2004
به نقل از arvin_ict :
سلام دوست عزیز اگر آدم یک مقدار مودبانه تر صحبت بکنه بد نیست البته خودمم شرمسارم از اینکه کلمه ادم رو در مورد شما استفاده می کنم!!!

در ضمن بگم که اگر مدیریت سایت شهر فیلم در این مورد مشکلی داره میتونه به من میل بزنه و من مطالبش رو از سایتم بر میدارم و حداقل تا حالا هم این کار رو نکرده.

در ضمن شغل من فروش دی وی دی نیست فقط از ارشیوی که دارم می خوام دیگران هم استفاده کنن و خو شبختانه از نظر مالی انقدر تامین هستم که نیازی به پول دی وی دی ندارم عزیز.شما هم به جای اینکه انقدر حرص بخوری بچسب به کارت و یک مقدار ادب هم یاد بگیری بد نیست .

مدیر سایت هم می تونه بنا به صلاحدید خودش ای دی من رو ببنده و یا باز بزاره و شما اگر به counter سایت من هم یک نگاه بندازید جوابتون رو می گیرید و می فهمید که سایت با این بیننده زیاد نیازی به بازاریابی نداره.موفق باشید
واي مردم از اين همه افاضات كلام
مردك اولا" مديريت سايت شهر فيلم من هستم.....دفعه پيش هم كه اومدي و اينكار رو تو يك تاپيك ديگه كردي بهت
گفتم و اعلام كردم كه بدون اجازه من اومدي مطالب سايت در پيت خودت رو عينا" از سايت من (شهرفيلم) كپي كردي و بايد بابت اينكار عذرخواهي كني و مطالب رو برداري..مدير بخش و بعضي از دوستان هم همين رو ازت خواستن و بهت يك مهلت يك هفته ايي دادند كه تو اصلا" جواب ندادي و اون تاپيك رو امير خان حذف كردند(حيف كه حذف شده وگرنه دوستان ميديدند)
دفعه بعدش يك ماه بعد در ايام عيد اومدي دباره يك تاپيك جديد باز كردي كه دوباره امير خان يك پست تو تاپيك زد كه بهت اخطار داد و گفت هنوز آبها از اسياب نيفتاده و تاپيك رو قفل كرد.
الان هم اومدي و يك تاپيك جديد زدي دوباره داري اينكار رو تكرار ميكني...
بابا پولدار ..بابا مايه دار.....كشتي مارو با اينهمه پولت ....تو كه وضعت خوبه چرا از ديوار سايت مردم بالا ميري؟؟؟
نمرديم و معني سايت پربيننده رو هم فهميديم:lol: :lol: :lol:
89 تا بازديد كننده:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: خيلي باحالي....
دفعه قبل كه سايتت از 1274584 شروع شده بود:p :p
تو اگه شعور داشتي خوب بود....تو اين فروم همه از دستت شاكي هستن..يكيش همين night wolf كه ميايي تو
تاپيك فروش بنده خدا واسه خودت پست فروش فيلم خودتو راه ميندازي.
برو جمعش كن تو يكي صحبت از ادب و عدم نياز مالي از اين حرفهاي گنده تر از دهنت نزن..
امير خان طبق قوانين خودتون كه از اول گفتين شديدا" بهش پايبند هستين در مورد ايشان عمل نمائيد.
با تشكر


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
12 نوامبر 2005
به نقل از mehrdad_dvd :
واي مردم از اين همه افاضات كلام
مردك اولا" مديريت سايت شهر فيلم من هستم.....دفعه پيش هم كه اومدي و اينكار رو تو يك تاپيك ديگه كردي بهت
گفتم و اعلام كردم كه بدون اجازه من اومدي مطالب سايت در پيت خودت رو عينا" از سايت من (شهرفيلم) كپي كردي و بايد بابت اينكار عذرخواهي كني و مطالب رو برداري..مدير بخش و بعضي از دوستان هم همين رو ازت خواستن و بهت يك مهلت يك هفته ايي دادند كه تو اصلا" جواب ندادي و اون تاپيك رو امير خان حذف كردند(حيف كه حذف شده وگرنه دوستان ميديدند)
دفعه بعدش يك ماه بعد در ايام عيد اومدي دباره يك تاپيك جديد باز كردي كه دوباره امير خان يك پست تو تاپيك زد كه بهت اخطار داد و گفت هنوز آبها از اسياب نيفتاده و تاپيك رو قفل كرد.
الان هم اومدي و يك تاپيك جديد زدي دوباره داري اينكار رو تكرار ميكني...
بابا پولدار ..بابا مايه دار.....كشتي مارو با اينهمه پولت ....تو كه وضعت خوبه چرا از ديوار سايت مردم بالا ميري؟؟؟
نمرديم و معني سايت پربيننده رو هم فهميديم:lol: :lol: :lol:
89 تا بازديد كننده:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: خيلي باحالي....
دفعه قبل كه سايتت از 1274584 شروع شده بود:p :p
تو اگه شعور داشتي خوب بود....تو اين فروم همه از دستت شاكي هستن..يكيش همين night wolf كه ميايي تو
تاپيك فروش بنده خدا واسه خودت پست فروش فيلم خودتو راه ميندازي.
برو جمعش كن تو يكي صحبت از ادب و عدم نياز مالي از اين حرفهاي گنده تر از دهنت نزن..
امير خان طبق قوانين خودتون كه از اول گفتين شديدا" بهش پايبند هستين در مورد ايشان عمل نمائيد.
با تشكر

سلام اقای پر مدعا شما مثلنکه حرف حالیت نمیشه اگه نتونی دفعه دیگه بهتر صحبت کنی کاری رو انجام می دم که خودم دوست ندارم.

اما مطلب بعدی به کوری چشمت آره پولدار هستم و چون فیلم دی وی دی دوست دارم ارشیو جمع کردم و دوست دارم دیگران هم استفاده کنند.

و مطالب شما هم به زودی از سایتم برمی دارم اگر می دونستم چنین ادمی هستی اصلا چنین کاری نمی کردم.

از مدیر سایت هم ممنون می شم که ای دی من رو ببندن چون از این جوی که پیش اومده اصلا خوشم نمیاد و برای PT واقعا متاسفم.

اما در مرد counter سایت : من اول وبلاگ داشتم بعد که سایت زدم counter رو به سایت منتقل کردم به خاطر همین از اون
1274584 عدد شروع شده بود چون این مقدار بیننده های وبلاگ بودند و بعدش counter رو برداشتم یک counter جدید گذاشتم که الان تو سایت می تونید ببینید
و اما شما و مدیر غیر محترم سایت شهر فیلم یه نصیحت اگه یک مقدار قیمت هات رو بیاری پایین فکر کنم فروشت بهتر بشه.
آز سایت شهر فیلم:
قيمت فيلمها چگونه محاسبه ميشود؟ در حال حاضر با توجه به اينكه دي وي دي خام مصرفي از نوع ملودي بوده و بصورت چاپدار عرضه ميشود قيمت بر مبناي تعداد بدين گونه محاسبه ميگردد. 15 تا 100 فيلم هر دي وي دي 2000 تومان 100 فيلم به بالا هر دي وي دي 1500تومان.



کاربر قدیمی پرشین تولز
تاریخ عضویت
7 فوریه 2005
محل سکونت
قسمت فروشش رو یه دومین دیگست که بنا به دلایل امنیتی نمی تونم آدرسشو بدم


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
10 اکتبر 2004
به نقل از arvin_ict :
سلام اقای پر مدعا شما مثلنکه حرف حالیت نمیشه اگه نتونی دفعه دیگه بهتر صحبت کنی کاری رو انجام می دم که خودم دوست ندارم
و اما شما و مدیر غیر محترم سایت شهر فیلم یه نصیحت اگه یک مقدار قیمت هات رو بیاری پایین فکر کنم فروشت بهتر بشه.
آز سایت شهر فیلم:
قيمت فيلمها چگونه محاسبه ميشود؟ در حال حاضر با توجه به اينكه دي وي دي خام مصرفي از نوع ملودي بوده و بصورت چاپدار عرضه ميشود قيمت بر مبناي تعداد بدين گونه محاسبه ميگردد. 15 تا 100 فيلم هر دي وي دي 2000 تومان 100 فيلم به بالا هر دي وي دي 1500تومان.

اين كه قيمت من چنده و چرا اين قيمت ميدم به خودم مربوطه و تو يكي حرف نزن .
اين همه ادعاي آرشيو نكن كه خودت ميدوني حتي اين فيلمهايي كه مدعي فروش اونا هستي مال خودت نيست.
دروغگو كم حافظه هست ...ايميل ها ت به خود من موجود هست كه التماس خريد فيلم ميكردي و نوشتي كه دلالي
يك نفر ديگه رو ميكني و ازش فيلم ميگيري و اينجا ميفروشي....
اگه بگي نه ايملهاتو اينجا ميزارم...
زودتر هم بابت دزدي و كپي كردن مطالب سايت در پيت خودت از سايت شهر فيلم معذرت خواهي كن و مطالب رو از
سايت حذف كن ....لااقل يه سايت درست و حسابي اينكار رو كرده بود دلم نميسوخت ..آبروي سايت منو بردي:lol: :lol: :lol:
تهديد هم نكن كه هيچ غلطي نميتوني بكني بچه.
جواب كارهاي اشتباهتو كه با مدرك و دليل نوشتم بده...قيمت من چه ربطي به كش رفتن مطالب و عكسهاي سايت
شهر فيلم يا دخالت تو تاپيك ديگران و يا بازكردن تاپيك هاي جديد عليرغم اخطار مدير سايت داره؟؟؟؟؟


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
12 نوامبر 2005
به نقل از mehrdad_dvd :
اين كه قيمت من چنده و چرا اين قيمت ميدم به خودم مربوطه و تو يكي حرف نزن .
اين همه ادعاي آرشيو نكن كه خودت ميدوني حتي اين فيلمهايي كه مدعي فروش اونا هستي مال خودت نيست.
دروغگو كم حافظه هست ...ايميل ها ت به خود من موجود هست كه التماس خريد فيلم ميكردي و نوشتي كه دلالي
يك نفر ديگه رو ميكني و ازش فيلم ميگيري و اينجا ميفروشي....
اگه بگي نه ايملهاتو اينجا ميزارم...
زودتر هم بابت دزدي و كپي كردن مطالب سايت در پيت خودت از سايت شهر فيلم معذرت خواهي كن و مطالب رو از
سايت حذف كن ....لااقل يه سايت درست و حسابي اينكار رو كرده بود دلم نميسوخت ..آبروي سايت منو بردي:lol: :lol: :lol:
تهديد هم نكن كه هيچ غلطي نميتوني بكني بچه.
جواب كارهاي اشتباهتو كه با مدرك و دليل نوشتم بده...قيمت من چه ربطي به كش رفتن مطالب و عكسهاي سايت
شهر فيلم يا دخالت تو تاپيك ديگران و يا بازكردن تاپيك هاي جديد عليرغم اخطار مدير سايت داره؟؟؟؟؟

دوست عزیز من وقت ندارم زمانم رو با ادم های بی فرهنگی مثل شما که هنوز بلد نیستن چه جوری صحبت کنن تلف کنم شما هم انقدر فضای این صفحه رو اشغال نکن.
فقط یک کلمه می تونم بگم جواب ابلهان خاموشیست.

night wolf

Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
24 اکتبر 2003
محل سکونت
Data life يعني رايت نمي كني؟(روي اين مي خوام )
حالا كيفيت فيلم هاخوبه يا نه؟
اگر خوبه مي خوام (20 تايي كه مي گي اضافه كن)
مهیار خان اگه بخوای میتونم روی DataLife هم بزنم چون قیمتاشون یه سطحه...
کیفیت فیلمها هم که عالیه... همه dvd هستند و به هیچ عنوان مورد پرده ای هم توشون نیست...
این هم اون 20 تا:

اینا 10 تا دوبله فارسین
Bridge on the River Kwai(2disk) 1957
Chinatown 1974
Citizen Kane 1941
Dog Day Afternoon 1975
Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1966
Great Dictator 1940
North by Northwest 1959
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975
Sting 1973
Strangers on a Train 1951

اینا هم اصلین...
2 Fast 2 Furious 2003
Autumn in New York 2000
Bewitched 2005
Chronicles of Narnia 2005
Devil's Rejects 2005
Godsend 2004
Gone In Sixty Seconds 2000
Honey 2003
Into the Blue 2005
Kung Fu 2004


کاربر افتخاری سئو و معرفی سایتها
تاریخ عضویت
20 جولای 2004
محل سکونت
اوكي نگاه مي كنم سفارش رو مي دم تا چند روز ديگه


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
24 سپتامبر 2005
به نقل از arvin_ict :
دوست عزیز من وقت ندارم زمانم رو با ادم های بی فرهنگی مثل شما که هنوز بلد نیستن چه جوری صحبت کنن تلف کنم شما هم انقدر فضای این صفحه رو اشغال نکن.
فقط یک کلمه می تونم بگم جواب ابلهان خاموشیست.

می بخشید حضرت آقا جناب عالی هم با کلامتان و هم با عملتان فضای این فروم را دارید به گند می کشید . این جا که شهر کور ها نیست . مطالبی که یه نفر کلی براش زحمت کشیده خیلی راحت کپی پیست می کنید تو سایتتان . اگر عرضه ندارید خودتان مطالب سایتتان را تهیه کنید خب مثل دیگران عمل کنید این همه آدم دارن دی وی د ی می فروشند کدوم یکی اومده سایت بزنه و مطالب دیگران را کش بره . این همه مطلب تو عرصه اینترنت هست چرا خودتان زحمت ترجمه نمی کشید . مال مفت خوری مزه داره ؟


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 ژانویه 2006
محل سکونت
حداقل سفارش تعداد البوم 50 عدد می باشد
کلیه سفارشات بر روی dvd data life 8x رایت می شود
سفارش فقط برای تهران می باشد
برای اطلاع بیشتر با شماره 09329400067 تماس گرفته شود
موفق باشید
+---A Perfect Circle
| +---2001
| +---2003 - Thirteenth Step
| +---2004 - Emotive
| \---Others
+---A Tribute To Bathory
| \---1998 - In Conspiracy With Sata
+---A Tribute To Dio
| +---Disk 1
| \---Disk 2
+---A Tribute To Slayer
| \---1999___STRAUGHT_TO_HELL
| +---Abazagorath - 1996 - Channeling The Etherial
| \---Abazagorath - 1997- Tenebrarum Cadent Exsurgemus
| +---Abigor - 1994 - VERWUSTUNG___INVOKE_THE
| +---Abigor - 1995 - Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
| +---Abigor - 1995 - ORKBLUT___THE_RETALIATI
| +---Abigor - 1996 - OPUS_IV
| +---Abigor - 1997 - APOKALYPSE
| +---Abigor - 1998 - SUPREME_IMMORTAL_ART
| +---Abigor - 1999 - CHANNELING_THE_QUINTESS
| +---Abigor - 2000 - IN_MEMORY
| \---Abigor - 2001 - Satanized
| \---Ablaze - 2000 - Ablaze Black Metal Comp
+---Ablaze My Sorrow Melodic Death Metal
| \---2002 - Anger Hate And Fury
| \---Aborted - Engineering The Dead
+---Aborym Black metal, black industrial
| +---Aborym - 1993 - Worshipping Damned Souls (Demo)
| +---Aborym - 1999 - Kali Yuga Bizarre
| +---Aborym - 2001 - Fire Walk With Us
| \---Aborym - 2002 - With No Human Intervention
| \---Abrass - demo
| \---Abruptum - De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet
+---Abs Conditus black metal
| \---Abs - 1995 - Noc Dlugich Nozy (DEMO)
| +---Abscess - 1996 - SEMINAL_VAMPIRES_AND_MA
| +---Abscess - 1997 - URINE_JUNKIES
| \---Abscess - 2000 - TORMENTED
+---Absu Death Metal (early), BlackThrash Metal
| +---Absu - 1993 - Barathrum Vitriol
| +---Absu - 1995 - ...And Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh(Single)
| +---Absu - 1995 - THE_PILLORIAN_AGE
| +---Absu - 1997 - The Third Storm Of Cythraul
| +---Absu - 1998 - In The Eyes Of Ioldanach(EP)
| \---Absu - 2001 - Tara
| \---EZAFE
| \---Absurd - 2001 - Werwolfthron
+---Abysmal Black doom metal
| \---Abysmal - 1995 - The Pillorian Age
+---Abyssic Hate Black Metal
| +---Abyssic hate - 1994 - Cleansing of an Ancient Race
| +---Abyssic hate - 2000 - Suicidal Emotions
| \---Abyssic hate - Bretrayed
+---Abyssos Melodic Black metal
| +---Abyssos - 1996 - Together We Summon the Dark
| \---Abyssos - 1999 - Fhinsthanian Nightbreed
| +---Acheron - 1991 - Rites Of A Black Mass
| +---Acheron - 1992 - Alla Xul
| +---Acheron - 1992 - Satanic Victory
| +---Acheron - 1994 - Lex Talionis & Satanic Victory
| \---Acheron - 1998 -
+---Acrimony Doom Metal
| \---Acrimony - 2001 - Burning Lives
+---Adhur [Spain]
| \---Adhur - 2001 - Iluntasunaren Itzulera
+---Adorned Brood
| +---Adorned Brood - 1996 - Hiltia
| +---Adorned Brood - 2000 - Asgard
| \---Adorned Brood - 2002 - Erdenkraft
+---Advocatus Diaboli
| \---Advocatus Diaboli - 1999 - Le Dernier Requiem De L
| \---Aeba - 1998 - Im Schattenreich
| +---1995 - From Blackest Darkness
| +---1997 - Beyond The Wandering Mo
| +---1999 - Shadows Of Old
| +---2000 - AETERNUS
| +---2001 - Ascension Of Terror
| \---2003 - A Darker Monument
| \---Afondsperdu - 2000 Years
+---After Forever Gothicatmospheric doom metal
| +---After Forever - 2000 - Prison Of Desire
| \---After Forever - 2001 - Decipher
+---Agalloch Atmospheric folkdoomgothic metal
| +---1999 - Pale Folklore
| +---2001 - Of Stone, Wind, And Pillor
| \---2002 - The Mantle
| \---Agares - 2003 - Live In Kabata(271.200
+---Agathodaimon Symphonic Black Metal
| +---Agathodaimon - 1998 - Blacken The Angel
| +---Agathodaimon - 1999 - Agath [EP]
| +---Agathodaimon - 1999 - Higher Art Of Rebellion
| +---Agathodaimon - 2001 - Chapter III
| \---Agathodaimon - 2004
+---Agatus Black Death Metal
| \---Agatus - 1994 - Dawn of Martyrdom
+---Agregator [Hungary]
| \---Agregator - 1997 - featured
+---Akercocke Black Death Metal
| \---Akercocke - 2001 - Goat Of Mendes
+---Alas Operatic progressive metal
| \---Alas - 2001 - Absolute Purity
+---Alastis Black metal
| +---Alastis - 1997 - The Other Side
| +---Alastis - 1998 - Revenge
| \---Alastis - 2001 - Unity
+---Alastor Sanguinary Embryo Black Death Metal
| +---Alastor - 1997 - The Howling Creature Of Night
| +---Alastor - 1999 - Eternal Tears Through Asmodeo'
| +---Alastor - 2001 - Metal Battle
| \---Alastor - Other
+---Algaion Atmospheric black metal
| +---Algaion - 1995__OIMAI_ALGEIOU
| +---Algaion - 1996__VOX_CLEMENTIS
| \---Algaion - 1997__GENERAL_ENMITY
+---Alghazanth Symphonic Black Metal
| +---Alghazanth - 1999 - THY_AEONS_ENVENOMED_SAN
| +---Alghazanth - 2000 - SUBLIMINAL_ANTENORA
| \---Alghazanth - 2001 - Osiris-Typhon Unmasked 2001
+---Aline & Crazzy
| \---Aline & Crazzy
| \---Allegiance - 1997 - Blodornsoffer
+---Allfader Black Metal
| \---Alfader - 1999 - DETEST
| +---Altar - 1994 - Youth Against Christ
| +---Altar - 1996 - Ego Art
| +---Altar - 1999 - In The Name Of Father
| +---Altar - 1999 - IN_THE_NAME_OF_FATHER
| +---Altar - 2000 - Until Heavens Forbids
| \---Altar - 2001 - Red Harvest
+---Amestigon Pagan Black Metal
| +---Amestigon - 1997 - HOLLENTANZ
| \---Amestigon - membering Ancient Origins
+---Amon Amarth Melodic Death Metal
| +---Amon Amarth - 1994 - The Arrival Of The Fimb
| +---Amon Amarth - 1996 - SORROW_THROUGHOUT_THE_NINE_WOR
| +---Amon Amarth - 1998 - ONCE_SENT_FROM_THE_GOLDEN_HALL
| +---Amon Amarth - 1999 - THE_AVENGER
| +---Amon Amarth - 2001 - THE_CRUSHER
| +---Amon Amarth - 2002 - VERSUS_THE_WORLD
| \---Amon Amarth - 2004 - Fate Of Norns
+---Amorphis Progressivedeathdoom metal
| +---Amorphis - 1993 - The Karelian Isthmus
| +---Amorphis - 1994 - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
| +---Amorphis - 1995 - Black Winter Day - EP
| +---Amorphis - 1996 - ELEGY
| +---Amorphis - 1997 - My Kantele - EP
| +---Amorphis - 1999 - TUONELA
| +---Amorphis - 2001 - AM Universum
| \---Amorphis - 2003 - FAR_FROM_THE_SUN
+---Amortis BlackDeath Metal
| \---Amortis - 2000 - Summoned by Astral Fire
+---Amphiaraus Black Metal
| \---Amphiaraus - 2000 - Pure Hate (Demo)
+---Anaal Nathrakh Black metal
| +---Anaal Nathrakh - 1999 - Anaal Natrakh (Demo)
| \---Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
| \---Anacrusis - 1991__MANIAC_IMPRESSIONS
+---Anaon Celtic Black Metal
| \---1996 - Tenvalijeen (DEMO)
+---Anasarca Death Metal
| \---Anasarca - MORIBUND
+---Anata Technical Death Metal
+---Anata VS Bethzaida
| \---Anata VS Bethzaida - WAR_II
+---Anathema (UK) DoomDeath Metal, Atmospheric Rock
| +---Anathema - 1991 - All Faith Is Lost
| +---Anathema - 1993 - Serenades
| +---Anathema - 1994 - We Are The Bible
| +---Anathema - 1995 - Pentecost III
| +---Anathema - 1995 - The Silent Enigma
| +---Anathema - 1996 - Eternity
| +---Anathema - 1998 - Alternative 4
| +---Anathema - 1998 - Ep - Alternative Future
| +---Anathema - 1999 - Judgment
| +---Anathema - 2001 - A Fine Day To Exit
| +---Anathema - 2001 - Resonance I
| +---Anathema - 2002 - Resonance II
| \---Anathema - 2003 - A Natural Disaster
+---Ancestral Legacy symphonic black metal
| \---Ancestral - 2000 - Ancestral Legacy (DEMO)
+---Ancient Melodic Black Metal
| +---Ancient - 1994 - SVARTALVHEIM
| +---Ancient - 1996 - The Cainian Chronicle
| +---Ancient - 1996 - Trolltaar
| +---Ancient - 1997 - Mad Grandiose Bloodfien
| +---Ancient - 1998 - Det Glemte Riket
| +---Ancient - 1999 - The Halls Of Eternity
| +---Ancient - 2001 - God Loves The Dead (Mini-CD
| +---Ancient - 2001 - God Loves The Dead (Mini-CD)
| \---Ancient - 2003 - Under Moonlight We Kiss
+---Ancient Wisdom Atmospheric Black Metal
| +---Ancient Wisdom - 1996 - For Snow Covered The Northland
| +---Ancient Wisdom - 1997 - The Calling
| \---Ancient Wisdom- 2000 - And The Physical Shape
+---And Oceans
| \---AND OCEANS - 2002___ Cypher
+---Angel Corpse
| \---Angel Corpse - 1999 - The Inexorable
+---Angel Rot
| \---Angzia - 1999 - Das Schachbrett Des Trommelbuben Zacharias
| \---Annihilator - CRITERIA_FOR_ABLA
+---Anorexia Nervosa Symphonic Black Metal
| +---Anorexia Nervosa - 2000 - Drudenhaus
| +---Anorexia Nervosa - 2001 - NEW_OBSCURANTIS_ORDER_2001
| +---Anorexia Nervosa - EXILE
| \---Anorexia Nervosa - Sodomizing The Archedangel. 1999
+---Antaeus Raw Black Metal
| \---Antaeus Raw - 2000 - Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan
+---Anthrax SpeedThrash, Groove Metal
| +---Anthrax - 1992 - FISTFUL OF METAL
| \---Anthrax - 1998 - The Threat Is Real Vol_8
| \---Antimatter - 2001 - Saviour
+---Apocalyptica Symphonic Pseudo-Metal, 'heavy cello'
| +---Apocalyptica - 1996 - PLAY_METALLICA_WITH_FOU
| +---Apocalyptica - 1998 - Inquisition
| +---Apocalyptica - 1999 - STORM_OF_THE_
| +---Apocalyptica - 2000 - ENLIGHTEN_THE_DARKNESS
| +---Apocalyptica - 2003 - Reflections
| +---Apocalyptica - 2005 - Apocalyptica
| | \---Apocalyptica_files
| | +---band_files
| | \---menu_files
| \---Apocalyptica - Cult
+---Apollo 440
| +---Apollo 440 - 1996 - KRUPA (SINGLE)
| +---Apollo 440 - 1997 - ELECTRO GLIDE IN BLUE
| \---Apollo 440 - 1999 - GETTING HIGH ON YOUR OWN SUPPLY
| \---Apollyan - 1999___DIABOLI GRATIA
| \---Apothis - HELIOPOLIS
| \---Aragorn - 2000___IMPRESSIONS
| +---Arcana - 1997 - Cantar De Procella
| \---Arcana - 2002 - Inner Pale Sun
+---Arch Enemy
| +---Arch Enemy - 1996___BLACK_EARTH
| +---Arch Enemy - 1998___STIGMATA
| +---Arch Enemy - 1999___BURNING_BRIDGES
| +---Arch Enemy - 1999___BURNING_JAPAN_LIVE
| +---Arch Enemy - 2001___WAGES_OF_SIN
| +---Arch Enemy - 2003___ Anthems Of Rebellion
| \---Arch Enemy - [1998]___SINGLE__IRON_MAIDEN_COV
| +---Arckanum - 1998___KAMPEN__CD_1
| +---Arckanum - 1998___KAMPEN__CD_2
| \---Arckanum - 2004__KAOS_SVARTA_MAR__SKINNIN
| +---Arcturus - 1991___MY_ANGEL__VINYL_
| +---Arcturus - 1996___ASPERA_HIEMS_SYMPHONIA
| +---Arcturus - 1999___DISGUISED_MASTERS____TH
| +---Arcturus - 1999___EP
| \---Arcturus - 2002___THE_SHAM_MIRRORS
+---Arkham BlackAmbientDark Metal
| +---Arkham - 1997 - REHEARSAL
| \---Arkham - 2004_-_Chapter 3, the madness from teh sea
+---Arkhon Infaustus BlackDeath Metal
| \---Arkhona - 2002 - Nocturnal Arkonian Hord
+---Armaggedon Black Metal
| \---Armaggedon - 2002 - Anti Human Life (Compil
+---Armored Saint Traditional Metal
| \---Armored Saint - 2002 - Reign Of Fire
+---Art Malefica Raw Black Metal
| \---Art Malefica - 2001 - As Florestas Do Sul (DE
+---Artillery Hell DeathThrash Metal
| \---Artillery Hell - 1998 - Deadly Relics
+---As It Burns Melodic DeathBlack Metal
| \---As It Burns - 2000 - Best Of As It Burns
+---Asaru black metal
| \---Asaru - demo
+---Aseidad DeathDoom Metal
| \---Aseidad - Autumn
+---Asgaroth BlackDoom Metal
| +---Asgaroth - 1996 - The Quest For Eldenhor(EP)
| +---Asgaroth - 1997 - Trapped In The Depths Of Eve
| +---Asgaroth - 1998 - Absence Spell Beyond
| +---Asgaroth - 2001 - Red Shift
| \---Asgaroth - Bartholomeus Night
+---Ashes you Leave DoomDeath Metal
| +---Ashes you Leave - 1998 - The Passage Back To Life
| +---Ashes you Leave - 1999___DESPERATE_EXISTENCE
| \---Ashes you Leave - 2000___THE_INHERITANCE_OF_SIN_
| \---Asphyx - 2000___ON_THE_WINGS_OF_INFERNO
+---Astrofaes Black Metal
| \---Astrofaes - 1998 - Dying Emotions Domain
+---At The Getes
| +---At The Getes - 1992 - The Red In The Sky Is Ours
| +---At The Getes - 1994 - Terminal Spirit Disease
| +---At The Getes - 1995__SLAUGHTER_OF_THE_SOUL
| +---At The Getes - Gardens Of Grief 1991
| \---At The Getes - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness (1993)
| \---Ataraxia - 2002 - Mon Seul Désir
| \---Atrocity - 1994___BLUT
| \---Autopsy - 1995 - Shitfun
| \---Autumn - 2002 - When Lust Evokes The Cu
+---Autum Tears
| +---Autum Tears - 1997___LOVE_POEMS_FOR_DYING_CH
| +---Autum Tears - 1999___ABSOLUTION
| \---Autum Tears - 2000___LOVE_POEMS_FOR_DYING_CH
+---Autumn Verses Melodic Blackened Death Metal
| +---Autumn Verses - Autumn Verses
| \---Autumn Verses -1997 - Tunes of Disconsolation
+---Autumnblaze Melodic Doom Death Metal
| +---Autumnblaze - 2000 - Bleak
| +---Autumnblaze - 2002 - Lighthouses
| +---Autumnblaze - 2002 - Mute Boy Sad Girl
| \---Autumnblaze - Daemmer Elben Tragoedie
+---Avec Tristesse Dark Metal
| \---Avec Tristesse - 2002 - Ravishing Beauty
| \---Avernus - Of The Fallen
+---Averse Sefira Black Metal
| \---Averse - 2001 - Battle's Clarion
+---Avrigus Orchestral ambient doom metal
| +---Avrigus - 1998, The Final wish
| \---Avrigus - 2001, The Secret Kingdom
+---Axamenta Melodic DeathBlack Metal
| +---Axamenta - 1995 - Echoes
| \---Axamenta - 1997 - In To A Dream
+---Ayreon Progressive metalrock
| +---Ayreon - 1994 - The Final Experiment - A Rock Opera
| +---Ayreon - 1996 - ACTUAL_FANTASY
| +---Ayreon - 1998 - Into The Electric Castle
| | +---Disc 1
| | \---Disc 2
| +---Ayreon - 2000 - T. Pa
| +---Ayreon - 2000 - The Dream Sequencer
| \---Ayreon - 2004 - The Human Equation
| +---Azaghal - 1998 - Deathkult MMDCLXVI
| +---Azaghal - 1998 - Harmagedon
| \---Azaghal - 2000 - Helvetin Yhdeksas Piiri
| \---Azazel - 2000
+---Azerlath Black Metal
| \---Azerlath - 1999 - Medieval Art
+---Azmodan Black Metal
| \---Azmodan - 1998 - Evil Obscurity
+---Aztec Black Metal
| \---Aztec - 2000 - Loss Of Our Final Pride
| \---Baalbeith - 1996 - Storming Through The Ga
+---Bal Sagoth
| +---Bal Sagoth - 1998___BATTLE_MAGIC
| \---Bal Sagoth - 2001___ATLANTIS_ASCENDANT
| \---Baphomet - 1992 - The dead Shall Inherit
| +---Bathory - 1984 - Bathory
| +---Bathory - 1985 - The Return
| +---Bathory - 1988 - Blood Fire Death
| +---Bathory - 1990 - Hammerheart [1990]
| +---Bathory - 1991 - Twilight Of The Gods
| +---Bathory - 1993 - JUBILEUM - VOLUME II
| +---Bathory - 1994 - Requiem
| +---Bathory - 1995 - Octagon
| \---Bathory - 2003 - Destroyer Of Worlds
+---Before The Rain
| \---Before The Rain - 2002 - And With the Day Dying Light
| +---Beheerit - 1991 - The Oath Of Black Blood
| +---Beheerit - 1994 - H418ov21.C
| +---Beheerit - 1994 - Messe Des Morts (EP)
| +---Beheerit - 1996 - Electric Doom Synthesis
| +---Beheerit - MESSE_DES_MORTS
| \---Beheerit - With ARCHGOAT
+---Behemoth Black metal
| +---Behemoth - 1992___ Endless Damnation (DEMO
| +---Behemoth - 1992___ The Return Of The North
| +---Behemoth - 1993___FROM_NOTHERLNADS_TO_LIN
| +---Behemoth - 1994___AND_THE_FORESTS_DREAM_E
| +---Behemoth - 1995___SVENTEVITH___STORMING_N
| +---Behemoth - 1997 - Grom
| +---Behemoth - 1997___BEWITCHING_THE_POMERANI
| +---Behemoth - 1998___CHAOTICA___THE_ESSENCE_
| | +---DISK_ONE
| | \---DISK_TWO
| +---Behemoth - 1998___PANDEMONIC_INCANTATIONS
| +---Behemoth - 1999___ Thunders To Erupt
| +---Behemoth - 1999___SATANICA
| +---Behemoth - 2000___THELEMA_666
| +---Behemoth - 2001___ ANTICHRISTIAN_PHENOMENON
| +---Behemoth - 2002___ Zos Kia Cultus
| \---Behemoth - 2004 - Demigod
+---Belfegor Black metal
| +---Belfegor - 1997 - Blutsabbath
| +---Belfegor - 2000 - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan
| \---Belfegor - 2001 - The Kingdom Of Glacial Palaces
+---Bellum Black Metal
| \---Bellum - 2001 - Pagan Antipathies (DEMO
| +---Belphegor - 1997 - Blutsabbath
| \---Belphegor - 2000 - NECRODAEMON_TERRORSATHA
+---Benediction Death Metal
| +---Benediction - 1992 - THE GRAND LEVELLER
| +---Benediction - 1993 TRANSCEND THE RUBICON
| +---Benediction - 1994 - GORTESQUE-ASHEN EPITAPH (EP)
| +---Benediction - 1995 - The Dreams You Dread
| | \---1997-From The Underground And
| +---Benediction - 1998 - Grind Bastard
| \---Benediction - 2001 - Organized Chaos
+---Beseech Gothic metal
| +---Beseech - 1998 - From a bleeding heart
| +---Beseech - 2000 - Black emotions
| +---Beseech - 2002___SOULS_HIGHWAY
| \---Beseech - 2004 - Drama
| \---Bestia - 2001___DEMO
| +---Bethlehem - 1995
| +---Bethlehem - 2004 - Dictius Te Necare [CD 2]
| \---Bethlehem - Bethlehem
+---Betray My Secrets DoomFolk Metal
| \---Betray My Secret - 1999___BETRAY_MY_SECRETS
| \---Bewitched - 1996 - Encyclopedia Of Evil
+---Beyond Dawn
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1993 - Up Through The Linear Shadows
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1994 - Longing For Scarlet Days
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1995 - Pity Love
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1998 - Revelry
| \---Beyond Dawn - 1999 - In Reverie
| +---Bile - 1994 - Suck Pump
| \---Bile - 1997 - Biledegardabel
+---Bio Hazard
| +---Bio Hazard - 1994 - STATE OF THE WORLD ADDRESS
| +---Bio Hazard - 1996 - Matleao
| \---Bio Hazard - 1999 - NEW WORLD DISORDER
+---Bishop of Hexen Symphonic Black Metal
| \---Bishop of Hexen - 1997 - Archives Of An Enchanted Philosophy
+---Black Crows
| +---Black Crows - 1990 - Shake Your Money Maker
| \---Black Crows - 1994 - Amorica
+---Black Dawn
| \---Black Dawn - 1998 - Blood For Satan
+---Black Funeral
| \---Black Funeral - 1996 - Vampyr - Throne Of The
+---Black lable society
| +---Black lable society - 1999 - Sonic Brew
| +---Black lable society - 19xx - Other songs
| +---Black lable society - 19xx - ZAKK WILD guitar lesson
| +---Black lable society - 2001 - Alcohol Fueled Brewtality Live + 5
| | +---(Disc I)
| | \---(Disc II)
| +---Black lable society - 2002 - 1919 Eternal
| \---Black lable society - 2003 - The Blessed Hellride
+---Black Sabbath HeavyTraditional, Doom Metal
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1972 - VOL. 4
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1987- The Eternal Idol
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1990- Tyr
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1994- Cross Purposes
| +---DISK A
| \---DISK B
+---Black Throne
| \---Black Throne - 2001 - Panzerfaust Division Blackthrone
+---Black Witchery Black Metal
| \---Black Witchery - 1998 - Summoning Of Infernal Legions (Demo)
+---Blackseed Boys
| \---Blackseed Boys - 2000___NONE_YET
+---Blackstar Traditional Metal, Classic Rock
| \---Blackstar - 1998 - Barbed Wire Soul
+---Blazing Eternity
| \---Blazing Eternity - 2003 - A World To Drown In
+---Blind Melon
| \---Blind Melon - 1992 - BLIND MELON
+---Blind Guardian
| +---Blind Guardian - BONUS_CD
| \---Blind Guardian - FOLLOW_THE_BLIND1989
+---Blood Feast
| +---Blood Feast - CRUCIFIED_AGAIN
| \---Blood Feast - DEMO
+---Bloodhound Gang
| \---Bloodhound Gang - 1999___HOORAY_FOR_BOOBIES
+---Bloodthorn BlackDeath Metal
| \---Bloodthorn - 2001 - Under The Reign Of Terr
+---Bluttaufe Black Thrashing War Metal
| +---Bluttaufe - 1995 - Ultima Thulée
| +---Bluttaufe - 1996 - Memoria Vetusta I- Fathers of the Icy Age
| \---Bluttaufe - 2000___DEM_UNTERGANG_VERPFLICH
| +---Boituary - 1989___ SLOWLY_WE_ROT
| +---Boituary - 1990___ CAUSE_OF_DEATH
| \---Boituary - 1990___ THE_END_COMPLETE
+---Bolt Thrower Death metal
| +---Bolt Thrower - 1992 - The IV Crusade
| +---Bolt Thrower - 1998 - MERCENARY
| \---Bolt Thrower - Bolt Thrower(UK)
| +---Brainstorm - 2003 - Soul Temptation
| +---Brainstorm - AMBIGUITY
| \---Brainstorm - METUS_MORTIS
+---Broken Hope Death Metal
| \---Broken Hope - LOATHING_1998
+---Brutal Truth Death Metal Grindcore
| \---Brutal Truth - 1994 - Need To Control
+---Burning Witch Extreme doom metal
| \---Burning Witch - 1997 - Crippled Lucifer
+---Burzum Black MetalAmbient
| +---@Burzum - Varg Vikernes - Count Grishnackh - (11th February 1973 - Berge
n, Norway)
| | +---Desktop Wallpapers
| | +---Others
| | +---VARG VIKERNES (1987-1999)
| | \---Winamp Skins
| +---Burzum - 1991 - 1992-Burzum & Aske
| +---Burzum - 1991 - Demo
| +---Burzum - 1992 - Det Som Engang Var
| +---Burzum - 1993 - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
| +---Burzum - 1994 - Dark Medieval Times
| +---Burzum - 1995 - The Shadowthrone
| +---Burzum - 1996 - FILOSOFEM
| +---Burzum - 1997 - Balder's Dod
| +---Burzum - 1997 - Megiddo (Mother North In The Dawn Of New Age)
| +---Burzum - 1997 - Nemesis Divina
| +---Burzum - 1998 - Burzum
| +---Burzum - 1999 - Hlidskjalf
| +---Burzum - 1999 - Intermezzo II
| +---Burzum - 2000 - Ragnarok (A New Beginning)
| +---Burzum - 2000 - Rebel Extravaganza
| +---Burzum - 2002 - Anthology
| \---Burzum - Svarte Dauen
+---Cadaveria Symphonic Horror Metal
| \---Cadaveria - 2002 - The Shadows Madame
+---Callenish Circle
| +---Callenish Circle - 1997 - Drift Of Empathy
| \---Callenish Circle - 1999 - Graceful. Yet Forbidding
| +---Cancer - Death Shall Arise
| \---Cancer - The Sins of Mankind
+---Candle Box
| \---Candle Box - 1993 - CANDLE BOX
+---Cannibal Corpse DeathGore Metal
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1990 - EATEN BACK TO LIFE
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1991 - BUTCHERED AT BIRTH
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1992 - TOMB OF THE MUTILATED
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1994 - THE BLEEDING
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1996 - VILE
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1998 - GALLERY OF SUICIDE
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 2000 - LIVE CANNIBALISM
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 2002 - Gore Obsessed
| \---Cannibal Corpse - 2004 - The Wretched Spawn
+---Carcass Death metal
| +---Carcass - 1991__NECROTICISM___DE
| +---Carcass - 1994__HEARTWORK
| +---Carcass - 1995 - SWAN SONG
| +---Carcass - CARCASS HEART WORK 1993
| +---Carcass - Go To Hell
| \---Carcass - Symposium Of Sickness
+---Carfatic Forest
| \---Carfatic Forest - 2000 - Strange Old Brew
+---Carpathian Dream neoclassical dark-metal
| \---Carpathian Dream - 2002 - Frozen Tears
+---Carpe Tenebrum Black Metal, Death Metal
| \---Carpe Tenebrum - 1998____MAJESTIC_NOTHINGNESS
+---Carphatian Forest
| \---Carphatian Forest - 1998 - Black Shining Leather
+---Catamenia Melodic Black Metal
| +---Catamenia - 1995 - (demo)
| +---Catamenia - 1997 - Wind (demo)
| +---Catamenia - 1998 - Halls of frozen north
| +---Catamenia - 1999 - Morning Crimson
| +---Catamenia - 2000 - Etenal Winter S Prophec
| +---Catamenia - 2002 - Eskhata
| +---Catamenia - 2003 - Chaos Born
| \---Catamenia - 2005 - Winternight Tragedies
+---Cathedral Doom stoner metal (new), Doom metal (old)
| +---Cathedral - 1990 - In MEMORIUM
| \---Cathedral - 1995 - Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)
+---Celestial Season Death Doom (early) Stoner Metal (later)
| +---Celestial Season - 1993 - Forever Scarlet Passion
| +---Celestial Season - 1994 - Above Azure Oceans (Vin
| +---Celestial Season - 1994 - Promo
| +---Celestial Season - 1995 - Solar Lovers
| +---Celestial Season - 1995 - Sonic Orb
| +---Celestial Season - 1996 - 3 Track Demon
| +---Celestial Season - 1997 - Black Queen Is Dynamite
| +---Celestial Season - 1997 - Orange
| +---Celestial Season - 1999 - Chrome
| +---Celestial Season - 1999 - Demo '99
| +---Celestial Season - 2000 - Lunchbox Dialogues
| \---Celestial Season - 2001 - Songs From The Second F
+---Celtic Forest
| +---Celtic Forest - 1987___INTO_THE_PANDEMONIUM
| \---Celtic Forest - 1990 - Vanity - Nemesis
+---Cemetry Of Scream
| +---Cemetry Of Scream - 1995 - Melancholy
| \---Cemetry Of Scream - 1998 - Deeppression
| +---Chalice - 2001 - An Illusion To The Temp
| \---Chalice - Chronicles Of Dysphoria
| \---Charon - 2002 - Downhearted
+---Children of Bodom
| +---Children of Bodom - 1998 - Something Wild
| +---Children of Bodom - 1999 - Hatebreeder
| +---Children of Bodom - 1999 - Tokyo Warhearts - Live In Japan
| +---Children of Bodom - 2000 - Follow The Reaper
| +---Children of Bodom - 2003 - Hate Crew Deathroll
| +---Children Of Bodom - 2004 Hate Crew Deathroll (Japanese Version)
| | \---CHILDREN OF BODOM LYRICS - Hate Crew Deathroll (2003)_files
| +---Children of Bodom - Children Of Bodom
| \---Children of Bodom - Other
+---Circle of Dead Children
| +---Circle Of Dead Children - 1999 - Starving the Vultures
| +---Circle Of Dead Children - 2000 - 'Exotic Sense Decay
| \---Circle Of Dead Children - 2001 - The Genocide Machine
+---Cirith Ungol HeavyDoom Metal
| \---Cirith Ungo - ONE_FOOT_IN_HELL
+---Clandestine Ablaze
| +---Clandestine Ablaze - 1999 - Fire Burns In Our Heart
| \---Clandestine Ablaze - 2000 - Night Of The Unholy Flames
| \---Closterkeller - blue
+---Coal Chamber
| +---Coal Chamber - 1997 - Coal chamber
| +---Coal Chamber - 2000____CHAMBER_MUSIC
| \---Coal Chamber - 2002 - Dark Days
+---Control Denied Technical Progressive Power Metal
| \---Control Denied - 1999___THE_FRAGILE_ART_OF_EXIS
| \---Covenant - 1998 - Nexus Polaris
+---Cradle Of Filth
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1991
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1996 - Dusk And Her Embrace
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1998 - Cruelty The Beast
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1999 - FROM DUSK TO CRUELTY TIME
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1999 - FROM THE CRADLE TO ENSLAVE (EP)
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2000 - GLASS HOUSES
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2000 - Midian
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2001 - Bitter Suiles to Succubi
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2002 - Lovecraft And Witch Hea
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2003 - Damnation and a Day
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2004 - Nymphetamine
| +---Cradle Of Filth - The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh
| \---Cradle Of Filth - Vempire or Dark Faerytales
+---Crazy Town
| +---Crazy Town - 2001 - BUTTERFLY (SINGLE)
| +---Crazy Town - 2001 - THE GIFT OF GAME
| +---Crazy Town - 2002 - Darkhorse
| \---Crazy Town - 2002 - Darkhorse + Bonus
| +---Creed - 1999_HUMAN_CLAY
| \---Creed - WEATHERED_2001
| +---Crematory - 1993 - Transmigration
| +---Crematory - 1995 - Illusion
| +---Crematory - 1996 - LIVE AT THE OUT OF THE DARK FESTIVAL
| +---Crematory - 1996 - CREMATORY
| +---Crematory - 1997 - AWAKE
| +---Crematory - 1999 - ACT SEVEN
| +---Crematory - 1999 - FLY__SINGLE_
| +---Crematory - 1999 _ ACT SEVEN
| +---Crematory - 2000 - Believe
| | \---CREMATORY LYRICS - Believe (2000)_files
| +---Crematory - 2000 - EARLY_YEARS___PART_2
| +---Crematory - 2000 - Remoad
| \---Crematory - 2004 - Revolution
| \---CREMATORY LYRICS - Revolution (2004)_files
+---Crimson Garden Gothic metal
| \---Crimson Garden - 2000 - Lilith The Dark Mother
+---Cryptal Darkness Doomgothic metal
| +---Cryptal Darkness - 1998 - Endless Tears
| +---Cryptal Darkness - 1999 - They Whispered You Had Risen
| +---Cryptal Darkness - 2000 - Dawn Of The New Age
| \---Cryptal Darkness - 2001 - Chapter II - The Fallen (EP)
+---Cryptic Wintermoon Melodic Black Metal
| \---Cryptic Wintermoon - 1999 - The Age Of Cataclysm
| \---Cryptopsy - And Then You'll Beg . 2000
+---Cultus Sanguine
| +---Cultus Sanguine - 1995 - Cultus Sanguine
| +---Cultus Sanguine - 1997 - Shadow's Blood
| \---Cultus Sanguine - 2000 - The Sum Of All Fears
| \---Cyinc - 1993 - FOCUS
+---Daemonarch Black metal
| \---Daemonarch - 1998 - HERMETICUM
+---Daemonic Alchemy Epic symphonic blackened metal
| \---Daemonic Alchemy - 2000 - Scriptures
+---Dalmerot's Kingdom Black Metal
| \---Dalmerot's Kingdom - Ha'minstorin Ha'nitzchi
+---Danzig Heavy Metal - Metallic Doom Rock
| +---Danzig - 1988__DANZIG
| +---Danzig - 1990 - LUCIFUGE
| +---Danzig - 1995 - Mother
| \---Danzig - 1996__BLACKACIDEVIL
+---Dargaard Dark Neoclassical Metal
| +---Dargaard - 1998 - Eternity Rites
| +---Dargaard - 2000 - In Nomine Aeternitatis
| \---Dargaard - 2001 - The Dissolution Of Eter
+---Dark Angel
| \---Dark Angel - 2000 - Time Does Not Heal
+---Dark Army BlackThrashIndustrial Metal
| +---Dark Army - 1999 - Dark Army
| \---Dark Army - 2000 - Requiem
+---Dark at Dawn Dark Power Metal
| \---Dark at Dawn - 1999 - Baneful Skies
+---Dark Fortress Melodic Black Metal
| \---Dark Fortress - 2001 - Tales From Eternal Dusk
+---Dark Funeral Black Metal
| +---Dark Funeral - 1994 - DARK_FUNERAL
| +---Dark Funeral - 1996 - The Secrets Of The Black Arts
| +---Dark Funeral - 1998 - Live In Hultsfred
| +---Dark Funeral - 1998 - Vobiscum Satanas
| +---Dark Funeral - 2000_ TEACH_THE_CHILDREN_TO_WOR
| +---Dark Funeral - 2001 - Diabolis Interium
| +---Dark Funeral - 2001 - In The Sign
| \---Dark Funeral - 2002 - Live In Cleveland
+---Dark Moor Power Metal
| +---Dark Moor - 1999___SHADOWLAND
| +---Dark Moor - 2000___HALL_OF_THE_OLDEN_DREAM
| +---Dark Moor - 2001___THE_FALL_OF_MELNIBONE
| \---Dark Moor - 2002___THE_GATES_OF_OBLIVION
+---Dark Reality
| +---Dark Reality - 1997 - Oh Precious Haze Pervade The Pain
| \---Dark Reality - 2000 - Blossom Of Mourning
+---Dark Tranquility
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1993 - Skydancer
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1995 - The Gallery
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1996 - The Mind's I
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1999 - projector
| | \---DARK TRANQUILLITY LYRICS - Projector (1999)_files
| +---Dark Tranquility - 19XX - Dark Tranquility & In Flames
| | \---P3_LIVE
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2000 - Haven
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2001 - FOREVER STAINS
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2002 - Damage Done (Promo)
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2004 Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial CD1
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2004 Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial CD2
| \---Dark Tranquility - 2005 Character
+---Dark Tribe Black Metal
| \---Dark Tribe - 2001 - First Promo
+---Darkseed Gothic Heavy Metal
| +---Darkseed - 1994 - Romantic Tales
| +---Darkseed - 1996 - Midnight Solemnly Dance
| +---Darkseed - 1997 - Spellcraft
| +---Darkseed - 1998 - Romantic Tales
| +---Darkseed - 1999 - Give Me Light
| +---Darkseed - 2000 - Diving Into Darkness
| +---Darkseed - 2003 - Astral Adventures
| \---Darkseed - Best Of Dark Seed
| +---Darkside - 1997 - Shadowfields
| \---Darkside - 2001 - Cognitive Dissonance
+---Darkthrone Black Metal, Death Metal (early)
| +---Dark Throne - 1991_Riihimaki
| +---Dark Throne - 1992 - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
| +---Dark Throne - 1993_UNDER_A_FUNERA
| +---Dark Throne - 1994 - Transilvanian Hunger
| +---Dark Throne - 1995_PANZERFAUST
| +---Dark Throne - 1996_GOATLORD
| +---Dark Throne - 1996_TOTAL_DEATH
| +---Dark Throne - 1997_THE_ROOTS_OF_E
| +---Dark Throne - 1999_DARKTHRONE_HOL
| +---Dark Throne - 1999_RAVISHING_GRIM
| +---Dark Throne - 2001_Evil Past
| +---Dark Throne - 2002_Ravishing Grimness
| \---Dark Throne - 2003_ Hate Them
+---Darkwell Gothic, doom metal
| \---Darkwell - 2000___SUSPIRIA
+---Darkwoods My Betrothed Black Metal
| +---Darkwoods My Betrothed - 1995 - Heirs Of The North Star
| +---Darkwoods My Betrothed - 1996 - Autumns Roars Thunder
| \---Darkwoods My Betrothed - 1998 - Witch Hunts
+---Darzamat Atmospheric Metal
| \---Darzamat - 1998 - IN_THE_OPIUM_OF_BLACK_VEIL
+---Dawn Of Dreams
| +---Dawn Of Dreams - 1997 - Amber
| | \---info
| | \---DAWN OF DREAMS LYRICS - Amber (1997)_files
| \---Dawn Of Dreams - 1998 - Fragments
+---Daylight Dies Melodic DeathDoom Metal
| \---Daylight Dies - No Reply
+---Dead Can Dance
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1984- Dead Can
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1985-spleen and
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1987-Enigma of
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1988 - The Serpent's Egg
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1990- Aion
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1991 - A_PASSAGE_IN_TIME
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1993- Into The Labyrinth
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1994- Toward The Within
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1996- Spiritcha
| +---Dead Can Dance - 2000 - Serpent
| +---Dead Can Dance - Influences From The Middle Age
| +---Dead Can Dance - Lisa Mirror
| \---Dead Can Dance - The Hidden Treasures
| +---Death - 1987 - scream bloody gore
| +---Death - 1988 - Leprosy
| +---Death - 1990 - FALL FROM GRACE (LIVE)
| +---Death - 1990 - SPIRITUAL HEALING
| +---Death - 1991 - Human
| +---Death - 1993 - Individual Though Patterns
| +---Death - 1995 - SYMBOLIC
| \---Death - 1998 - The sound of perseverance
+---Death Angel
| \---Death Angel - 1990 - FALL FROM GRACE (LIVE)
+---December Moon Black Metal
| \---December Moon - 1996 - Source of Origin
+---December Wolves Deathblack metal, Industrial post-black metal
| \---December Wolves - Completely Dehumanized
+---Decoryah Atmosphericmelancholic new-age gothic metal
| \---Decoryah - 1996 - Fall-Dark Waters
+---Deeds of Flesh Brutal Death metal
| +---Deeds of Flesh - 2000 - Path of the Weakening
| +---Deeds of Flesh - Gradually Melted
| +---Deeds of Flesh - Inbreeding the Anthropophagi
| +---Deeds of Flesh - Mark Of The Legion
| \---Deeds of Flesh - Trading Pieces
+---Deicide Death Metal
| +---Deicide - 1990 - Deicide
| +---Deicide - 1992 - LEGION
| +---Deicide - 1993 - AMON - FEASTING THE BEAST
| +---Deicide - 1995 - Once Upon The Cross
| +---Deicide - 1997 - Serpents of light
| +---Deicide - 1999 - WHEN_SATAN_LIVES
| +---Deicide - 1999 - WORLD_COMING_DOWN
| +---Deicide - 2000 - Insineratehymn
| +---Deicide - 2001 - In Torment In Hell
| +---Deicide - 2003 - Burning Down The Opera - Live
| \---Deicide - 2004 - Scars Of The Crucifix
+---Deinonychus Symphonic DarkDoom Metal
| +---Deinonychus - 1995___THE_SILENCE_OF_DECEMBER
| +---Deinonychus - 1996___THE_WEEPING_OF_A_THOUSA
| +---Deinonychus - 1997___ARK_OF_THOUGHT
| \---Deinonychus - 1999___DEINONYCHUS
| \---Demigod - 1992 - Slumber Of Sullen Eyes
+---Deminsion zero
| +---1998 - Penetrations From The L
| \---2002 - Silent Night Fever
+---Demolition Hammer
| \---Demolition Hammer - 1994 - Time Bomb
| \---Demoniac - 1999 - STORMBLADE
+---Demonism Black Metal
| \---Demonism - Saga For The Dark Winter Times
+---Demons & Wizards Power metal
| \---Demons & Wizards - 2000 - Demons & Wizards
| +---Desire - 1998 - Pentacrow
| \---Desire - 2002 - Locus Horrendus - The Night Cries Of A Sullen Soul. (por
| \---DESIRE LYRICS - Locus Horrendus - The Night Cries Of A Sullen Soul__
_ (2002)_files
+---Destroyer 666
| +---Destryoyer - 2000___PHOENIX_RISING
| \---Destryoyer - 2002___COLD_STEELFOR_AN_IRON_A
| \---Destruction - 2000___ALL_HELL_BREAKS_LOOSE
+---Diabolical masquerade
| +---Diabolical masquerade - 1995 - Ravendusk In My Heart
| +---Diabolical masquerade - 1997 - The Phantom Lodge
| +---Diabolical masquerade - 1998 - Nightwork
| \---Diabolical masquerade - 2001 - Death's Design
+---Diabolos Rising
| +---Diabolos Rising - 1994 - 666
| \---Diabolos Rising - 1996 - Blood Vampirism And Sad
+---Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
| \---Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - 1997___COME_HEAVY_SLEEP
+---Dimmu Borgir Melodic BlackSymphonic Extreme Metal
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1994 - For All Tid
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1996 - Devil's Path
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1996 - Stormblast
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1997 - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1998 - Godless Savage Garden
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1999 - Spiritual Black Dimensions
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 2001 - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 2003 - Death Cult Armageddon
| \---Dimmu Borgir - 2004 - Vredesbyrd
+---Disbelief DeathThrash Metal
| +---Disbelief - 1997 - Disbelief
| +---Disbelief - 1998 - Infected
| \---Disbelief - 2001 - Worst Enemy
+---Disgorged Death Metal
| \---Disgorged - Cranial Impalement
+---Dismal Euphony Melodic black metal
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1995 - Dismal Euphony
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1996 - Soria Moria Slott
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1997 - Autumn Leaves - the Rebellion of Tides
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1999 - All Little Devils
| +---Dismal Euphony - 2000 - Lady Ablaze
| \---Dismal Euphony - 2001 - Python Zero
+---Dismember Death Metal
| +---Dismember - 1991 - Like An Everflowin
| +---Dismember - 1993 - Indecent Obscenc
| +---Dismember - 1995 - Massive Killing Capacity
| +---Dismember - 1997 - Death Metal
| \---Dismember - 2000 - Hate Campaign
| \---Dissection - 1995 - Storm Of The Light's Bane
+---Disturbed Thrash Metal
| +---Disturbed - 2000 - The sickness
| +---Disturbed - 2002 - Believe
| \---Disturbed - Others
+---Dod Helms Gard
| +---Dod Helms Gard - 1995 - Kronet Til Konge
| +---Dod Helms Gard - 1996 - Monumental Possession
| +---Dod Helms Gard - 1997 - Satanic Art
| \---Dod Helms Gard - 1999 - 666 International
| +---Dolorian - 1999___WHEN_ALL_THE_LAUGHTER_H
| \---Dolorian - 2001___DOLORIAN
+---Doomsword Epic Doom Metal
| \---Doomsword - 2002 - Resound The Horn
+---Down sludge heavy metal
| +---Down sludge - 1995 - Nola
| \---Down sludge - 2002 - Down II
+---Draconis Black metal
| +---Draconis - 1999 - The Highest Of All Dark
| \---Draconis - 2005 - Arcane Rain Fell
+---Dragonlord Blackthrash metal
| \---Dragonlord - 2001 - Rapture
+---Dreadful Shadows Gothic Metal
| +---Dreadful Shadows - 1999 - Beyond The Maze
| +---Dreadful Shadows - 1999__THE_CYCLE_
| \---Dreadful Shadows - 2001 - Beyond the Maze
+---Dream Theater Progressive metal
| +---Dream Theater - 1992 - IMAGES AND WORDS
| +---Dream Theater - 1994 - AWAKE
| +---Dream Theater - 1995- A Change Of Seasons
| +---Dream Theater - 1997 - FALLING_INTO_INFINITY
| +---Dream Theater - 1998 - Liquid Tension Experiment
| +---Dream Theater - 1998 - ONCE_IN_A_LIVETIME
| | +---DISK_1
| | \---DISK_2
| +---Dream Theater - 2000 - AN_EVENING_WITH_JOHN_PE
| +---Dream Theater - 2000 Cover Songs
| +---Dream Theater - 2002 - SIX DEGRESS OF INNER TURBULENCE - DISK_1
| +---Dream Theater - 2002 - SIX DEGRESS OF INNER TURBULENCE - DISK_2
| +---Dream Theater - 2003_TRAIN_OF_THOUGHT
| +---Dream Theater - SOLO
| +---Dream Theater - TRIBOT OF METALLICA
| \---Dream Theater - Unreleased Live Material - B-sides
+---Dreams of Sanity gothic metalrock
| +---Dreams of Sanity - 1997___KOMODIA
| +---Dreams of Sanity - 1999___MASQUERADE
| \---Dreams of Sanity - 2000___THE_GAME
+---Drohm BlackDeath Metal
| \---Drohm - 2000 - Everlasting Departure
+---Drowning Pool
| \---Drowning Pool - SINNER 2001
+---Dub Buk Melodic Black Metal
| \---Dub Buk - 2003 - Rus Ponad Vse
| \---Dusk - 1993 - Majestic Thou In Ruin
| +---Duskfall - 2001 - Deliverance
| \---Duskfall - Boot Camp Promo 101
| \---Dynabyte - 2002 - promo
+---Ebony Tears
| \---Ebony Tears - 1998 - Tortura Insominae
+---Ecthalion doomgoth metal
| \---Ecthalion - 2000 - In the Embrace of Noctu
+---Edenbridge Power Metal
| \---Edenbridge - 2000_SUNRISE_IN_EDEN
+---Edge of Sanity
| +---Edge of Sanity - 1996 - Crimson
| \---Edge of Sanity - 1997 - Cryptic
+---Efhel Duath
| \---Efhel Duath - OPERA__2000_
+---Einherjer Viking Metal
| +---Einherjer - 1997___FAR_FAR_NORTH
| +---Einherjer - 2000___NORWEGIAN_NATIVE_ART
| \---Einherjer - 2003___ Blot
| \---Eisergen - 2000___BLOODY_BLASTING
+---Eisheilig Gothic Meta
| \---Eisheilig - 2001___EISHEILIG
| +---Elend - 1994 - LE_ONS_DE_T_N_BRES
| +---Elend - 1994 - Leçons De Ténèbres
| +---Elend - 1996 - Les Ténèbres Du Dehors
| +---Elend - 1997 - Weeping Nights
| +---Elend - 1998 - The Umbersun
| \---Elend - 2004 - Winds Devouring Men
+---Em Sinfonia
| \---Em Sinfonia - 1998 - In Mournings Symphony
+---Eminenz Black Metal
| \---Eminenz - 2000 - The Blackest Dimension
| \---Emorthany - 1998___FILTHIES_OF_THE_LORD
+---Emperor (Nor) Black MetalSymphonic Extreme Metal
| +---Emperor - 1992 - Wrath Of The Lyrant
| +---Emperor - 1994 - In The Nightside Eclips
| +---Emperor - 1997 - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
| +---Emperor - 1999 - IX EQUILIBRIUM
| \---Emperor - 2001 - Prometheus - The Discipline Of Fire And Demise
+---Empyrium Dark Symphonic Folk Metal
| +---Empyrium - 1995 - Der wie ein Blitz vom Himmel fiel... Demo
| +---Empyrium - 1996 - A Winter Sunset
| +---Empyrium - 1997 - Songs Of Moors & Misty Fields
| +---Empyrium - 1999 - Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays
| \---Empyrium - 2002 - Weiland (Promo)
| +---Ensiferum - 2002 - ensiferum
| \---Ensiferum - 2004 - iron
| +---Enslaved - 1994 - FROST
| \---Enslaved - 2003 - Below The Lights
+---Enslavement of Beauty Melodic BlackGothic Metal
| +---Enslavement of Beauty - 1999 - TRACES_O__RED
| \---Enslavement of Beauty - 2001 - MEGALOMANIA
| +---Enthorned - 1997 - Towards The Skullthrone
| +---Enthorned - 1998 - Reggie Sathanas
| +---Enthorned - 1999 - The Apocalypse Manifesto
| \---Enthorned - 2002 - Carnage in Worlds Beyond
+---Entombed DeathThrash Metal, Death'n Roll
| +---Entombed - 1989 - LEFT HAND PATH
| +---Entombed - 1992 - CLANDESTINE
| +---Entombed - 1993 - HOLLOWMAN
| +---Entombed - 1993 - WOLVERINE_BLUES
| +---Entombed - 1997 - CRAWL(EP)
| +---Entombed - 1997 - Entombed Ep's
| +---Entombed - 2001 - Morning Star
| \---Entombed - 2003 - Infernal
+---Entwine gothic metal
| +---Entwine - 2001 - Gone
| \---Entwine - 2002 - Time Of Despair
| +---Era - Era & Dead Can Dance - Christian Rock Selction
| \---Era - ERA(NEW)
+---Esoteric Doom Metal
| \---Esoteric - 1994 - Epistemological Despond
+---Estatic Fear symphonic doom metal
| +---Esoteric Fear - 1996___SOMNIUM_OBMUTUM
| \---Esoteric Fear - 1999___A_SOMBRE_DANCE
| \---Evanescence - 2003 - Fallen
+---Evemaster black death metal
| \---Evemaster - 1998 - Lacrimae Mundi
| +---Evenfall - EVENFALL (Single)
| +---Evenfall - EVENFALL1
| \---Evenfall - Others
+---Evereve Death Atmospheric Gothic Metal
| +---Evereve - 1998 - Stormbirds
| +---Evereve - 1999 - REGRET
| \---Evereve - 2001 - E_MANIA
+---Evergrey Modern Dark Progressive PowerHeavy Metal
| +---Evergrey - 1998 - The Dark Discovery
| +---Evergrey - 2000 - Solitude Dominance Trag
| \---Evergrey - 2003 - Recreation Day
+---Evoken DoomDeath Metal
| +---Evoken - 1998 - Embrace The Emptiness
| \---Evoken - 2001 - QUIETUS
| +---Evol - 1995 - The Saga Of The Horned King
| +---Evol - 1996 - Dreamquest
| +---Evol - 1998 - Ancient Abbey
| \---Evol - 2000 - Portraits
+---Exodus Thrash Metal
| \---Exodus - 1992___FORCE_OF_HABIT
+---Experiment Fear Technical Brutal Death Metal
| \---Experiment Fear - 1995___ASSUMING_THE_GOD_FORM
+---Extreme Noide Teror
| +---Extreme Noide Teror - 1990 - Pornograffitti
| +---Extreme Noide Teror - 1997 - DAMAGE_381
| \---Extreme Noide Teror - Album
+---Face Down Post-thrashdeath metal
| \---Face Down - 1995 - MIND_FIELD
+---Faerghail Melodic 'death'heavy metal with harsh vocals
| +---Faerghail - 2000 - Blood Will Follow Blood
| \---Faerghail - 2000 - Where Angels Dwell No More
+---Faith No More Heavy metal, avant-garde, alternative
| +---Faith No More - 1992 - ANGEL_DUST
| +---Faith No More - 1998 - The Collection
| \---Faith No More - 1999 - More The Best
| +---Faitles - 1995 - Insomnia
| +---Faitles - 1996 - Reverence
| \---Faitles - 2000 - Best
+---Falkenbach Blackened folkviking metal
| +---Falkenbach - 1996 - Magni Blandinn Ok Megintir
| \---Falkenbach - 2003 - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
+---Fall of the Leafe Melodic deathfolk, gothic metal
| +---Fall of the Leafe - 2000 - August Wernicke
| +---Fall of the Leafe - 2002 - Fermina
| \---Fall Of The Leafe - 2004__Volvere
+---Fear Factory Death metal, Industrial metal
| +---Fear Factory - 1992 - Soul Of A New Machine
| +---Fear Factory - 1993 - Fear is the mindkiller
| +---Fear Factory - 1995 - Demanufactue
| +---Fear Factory - 1997 - Remanu Acture
| +---Fear Factory - 2000 - Obsolete
| +---Fear Factory - 2001 - Digimortal
| \---Fear Factory - 2004 - Archetype
+---Fiendish Nymph Atmospheric Black Metal
| \---Fiendish Nymph - The Sibyl Of Elikona
| +---Fight - 1995 - A Small Deadly Space
| \---Fight - War of World 1993
+---Final Cry heavypower metal
| \---Final Cry - 1999 - Wavecrest
| +---Finntroll - 1999 - Midnattens Widunder
| +---Finntroll - 2001 - Jaktens Tid
| +---Finntroll - 2003 - Visor Om Slutet
| +---Finntroll - 2004 - Nattfodd
| \---Finntroll - 2004 - Trollhammaren ep
+---Flesh Parade
| \---Flesh Parade - KILL_WHITEY
+---Fleshcrawl Death Metal
| \---Fleshcrawl - SOULSKINNER
+---Flotsam and Jetsam PowerThrash Metal
| \---Flotsam and Jetsam - 1988___NO_PLACE_FOR_DISGRACE
+---Flowing Tears Gothic Metal
| +---Flowing Tears - 1998 - Joy Parade
| +---Flowing Tears - 1999 - Swallow
| +---Flowing Tears - 2000 - Jade
| \---Flowing Tears - 2002 - SERPENTINE
+---Forced to Decay
| \---Forced to Decay - PERKUSSIVE_PERLOKUTION
+---Forest of Shadows Doom Metal
| +---Forest of Shadows - 1999 - PROMOTION_CD__DEMO_
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2000 - UNDER_THE_DYING_SUN__DE
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2000 - WHEN_DREAMS_TURN_TO_DUS
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2001 - Where Dreams Turn To Dust
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2004 - Departure ( Sample )
| \---Forest of Shadows - 2004 - Departure (Full)
+---Forest Stream Black Gothic Doom Metal
| \---Forest Stream - [2003] - Tears Of Mortal Solitude
+---Forever Sleep
| \---Forever Sleep - 2000 - Seasons
+---Forgotten Darkness Black Metal
| \---Forgotten Darkness 2002 - Krieg Des Winterleids
+---Forgotten Tomb BlackDoom Metal
| +---Forgotten Tomb - 2000 - Obscura Arcana Mortis
| \---Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
+---Forlorn (Nor) Viking Metal, melodic black metal
| \---Forlorn (Nor) - 1999___OPUS_III_AD_CAELESTIS_R
+---Fornost Black Metal
| \---Fornost - 1998 - Chaosaxt
+---From Autumn Ashes
| \---From Autumn Ashes - TOO_BAD_YOU_RE_BEAUTIFUL
+---Frozen Shadows
| +---Frozen Shadows - 1996 - Empires De Glace
| \---Frozen Shadows - 1999 - Dans Les Bras Des Immortels
| \---Funeral - 1996 - Tragedies
+---Funeral Winds
| \---Funeral Winds - 1992 - Rehearsal [Demo I]
+---Furious Trauma
| \---Furious Trauma - ROLL_THE_DICE
| +---Galadriel - 1996___EMPIRE_OF_EMPTINESS__DE
| +---Galadriel - 1999___THE_MIRROR_OF_AGES
| +---Galadriel - 2000___OBLIVION
| \---Galadriel - 2002___FROM_ASHES_AND_DUST__EP
+---Gamma Ray
| +---Gamma Ray - No World Order.2001
| \---Gamma Ray - Powerplant (W. One Bonus Track) 1999
| \---Garbage - 2001 - Beautiful Garbage
| \---Gardenian - 1999 - Soulburner
+---Gates of Ishtar
| +---Gates of Ishtar - 1997 - THE DAWN OF FLAMES
| \---Gates of Ishtar - 1999 - AT DUSK AND FOREVER
| +---Gathering - 1994 - Alwas
| +---Gathering - 1995 - Mandylion
| +---Gathering - 1997 - NIGHTTIME_BIRDS
| +---Gathering - 1999
| +---Gathering - 2000 - If Then Else
| \---Gathering - 2003 - Souvenirs
| +---Geezer - 1995 - GEEZER
| \---Geezer - 1997 - BLACK_SCIENCE
| +---Gehenna - 1994 - First Spell
| +---Gehenna - 1995 - Second Spell - Seen Through The Veils Of Darkness
| +---Gehenna - 1996 - Malice
| +---Gehenna - 1997 - Black Seared Heart
| +---Gehenna - 1998 - Adimiron Black
| +---Gehenna - 1998 - Deadlights
| \---Gehenna - 2000 - Murder
+---Gloomy Grim
| +---Gloomy Grim - 1996 - BLOOD__MONSTERS__DARKNE
| \---Gloomy Grim - 2000 - LIFE
+---God Death
| \---2003 - The Crown Eyes
+---God Dethrouned
| +---God Dethrouned - 1997 - The Grand Grimoire
| +---God Dethrouned - 1998 - Bloody Blasphemy
| +---God Dethrouned - 2000 - The Ancient Ones
| \---God Dethrouned - 2001 - Ravenous
+---God Flesh
| +---God Flesh - 1992 - Pure
| \---God Flesh - 1996 - Songs Of Love And Hate
+---God Gory
| +---God Gory - 1994 - Sea Of Dreams
| +---God Gory - 1996 - Shadow's Dance
| +---God Gory - 2000
| \---God Gory - 2001 - Way Beyond
+---God Killer
| \---God Killer - 1993___THE_REBIRTH_OF_THE_MIDD
+---Godless North
| \---Godless North - Summon The Age Of Supremacy
| +---GodsMack - 2001 - AWAKE
| +---GodsMack - 2003 - FACELESS
| \---GodsMack - 2004 - The Other Side
| \---Gondalf - 2001 - Rock Hell
| +---Gorefest - 1994 - ERASE
| \---Gorefest - 1998 - CHAPTER 13
| +---Gorgoroth - 1997 - Antichrist
| +---Gorgoroth - 1998 - DESTROYER
| +---Gorgoroth - 1999 - INCIPIT SATHANAS
| \---Gorgoroth - 2003 - Twilight of Idols (In C
+---Grand Belial's Keys
| \---1997 - Mocking The Philanthropist
| +---Grave - 1994___SOULLESS
| \---Grave - 1996___HATING LIFE
| +---Graveland (1993- [Demo] Epilogue)
| +---Graveland (1993- [Demo] In the Glare Of Burning Churches)
| +---Graveland (1994- [Ep] Carpathian Wolves)
| +---Graveland (1994- [Ep] The Celtic Winter)
| +---Graveland (1995- In The Glare Of Burning Churches)
| +---Graveland (1995- Thousand Swords )
| +---Graveland (1996- The Celtic Winter)
| \---Graveworm - 1998 Underneath the crescent moon
| +---Graveworm - 1997 - When Daylight's Gone
| +---Graveworm - 1998 - Underneath the crescent moon
| +---Graveworm - 1999 - As The Angels Reach The Beauty
| +---Graveworm - 2001 - Scrourge Of Malice
| +---Graveworm - 2003 - Engraved In Black
| \---Graveworm - 2005 - N_UTOPIA
| +---Gregorian - 2001 - Masters Of Chant
| \---Gregorian - 2003 - Master Of Chant Chapter IV (chapter 4)
+---Grey Skies Fallen
| \---Grey Skies Fallen - 1999 - The Fate of Angels
+---Grief Of Emerald
| \---Grief Of Emerald - 2002 - Christian Termination
+---Grim Forest
| \---Grim Forest - 2000___ASCENT_OF_SACRIFICE
+---Grim Overlord
| \---Grim Overlord - 2002 - Throne of Satan (DEMO)
| \---Grimm - 1998 - Soulraper (DEMO)
+---Grip Inc
| +---Grip Inc - 1995 - ower Of Inner Strength
| \---Grip Inc - 1997 - Nemesis
| \---Grom - Pagan War Machine
| \---Hades - 1998___DEMO
| \---1999 - Urd-That Which Was
| +---Haggard - 1994 - PROGRESSIVE
| +---Haggard - 1995 - DIE_IRAE_DIES_ILLA
| +---Haggard - 1997 - And Thou Shalt Trust The Seer
| +---Haggard - 2000 - Awaking The Sturies
| +---Haggard - 2001 - Awaking The Gods - Live
| \---Haggard - 2004 - Eppur Si Muove
| +---Hammerfall - 1997 - GLORY_TO_THE_BRAVE
| +---Hammerfall - 1998 - LEGACY_OF_KINGS
| +---Hammerfall - 2000 - RENEGADE
| +---Hammerfall - 2002 - Crimson Thunder
| \---hammerfall - 2005 - Chapter V (Unbent Unbowed Unbroken)
| +---Havohej - 1993 - Dethrone The Son Of Go
| \---Havohej - 2000 - Man and Djinn
| +---Heavenwood - (1996) Diva
| \---Heavenwood - (1998) Swallow
+---Hecate Enthroned
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1996 - Upon Promeathean Shores (Unscriptured Waters)
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1997 - The Slaughter of Innocence - A Requiem for the
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1998 - Dark Requiems and Unsilent Massacre
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1999 - King Of Chaos
| \---Hecate Enthroned - 2001 - Miasma
| +---Hefeystos - 1997 - Vilce Sjen (EP)
| \---Hefeystos - Hefeystos
| \---Helheim - 2000 - Blod & Ild
| +---Helloween - 1987 - Keeper Of The Seven Keys (Part 1)
| +---Helloween - 1988 - Keeper Of The Seven Keys (Part 2)
| +---Helloween - 1993 - Chameleon
| +---Helloween - 1996 - The Time Of The Oath
| \---Helloween - 1998 - Better Than Raw
| \---Helvete - 2000 - Better To Reign In Hell
| \---Hemlock - 1998 - Crush The Race Of God
| +---Him - 1997 - Greates Love Songs (Vol.666)
| +---Him - 2000 - RAZORBLADE ROMANCE
| +---Him - 2001 - Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights
| +---Him - 2003 - LOVE_METAL
| \---Him - 2004 - And Love Said No (The Greatest Hits 1997-2004)
| +---Hollenthon - 1999 - Domus Mundi
| \---Hollenthon - 2001 - With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell
| +---Horna - 1998 - Kohti Yhdeksan Nousua
| +---Horna - 1999 - Haudankylmyyden Mailla
| +---Horna - 2001 - Sudentaival
| \---Horna - 2003 - Viha Ja Vikate MCD
| +---Hypocrisy - 1992 - PENETRALIA
| +---Hypocrisy - 1993 - OSCULUM_OBSCENUM
| +---Hypocrisy - 1994 - The Forth Dimension
| +---Hypocrisy - 1996 - Abducted
| +---Hypocrisy - 1997 - The Final Chapter
| +---Hypocrisy - 1999 - Hypocricy
| +---Hypocrisy - 2000 - Into The Abyss
| +---Hypocrisy - 2002 - CRTCH22
| \---Hypocrisy - 2004 - The Arrival
+---Ice Ages
| \---Ice Ages - 2000 - This Killing Emptiness
+---Iced Earth
| +---Iced Earth - 1991 - Iced Earth
| +---Iced Earth - 1992 - Night Of The Stormrider
| +---Iced Earth - 1995 - Burnt Offerings
| +---Iced Earth - 1996 - The Dark Saga
| +---Iced Earth - 1997 - Days of purgatory
| +---Iced Earth - 1998 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Alive In Athens Disc 1
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Alive In Athens Disc 2
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Live at Athens - Disk 1
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Live at Athens - Disk 2
| +---Iced Earth - 2001 - Horror Show
| +---Iced Earth - 2004 - The Glorious Burden
| \---Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings
+---Immersed in Blood
| \---Immersed in Blood - 2001 - Relentless Retaliation
| +---Immolation - 1999 - Failures For Gods
| \---Immolation - 2002 - Unholy Cult
| +---Immortal - 1992 - Diabolical Fullm
| +---Immortal - 1992 - Pure Holocaust
| +---Immortal - 1993 - Battle In Th
| +---Immortal - 1994 - SUFFOCATE_THE_MASSES
| +---Immortal - 1995 - BATTLES_IN_THE_NORTH
| +---Immortal - 1996 - Live Zaandam (Bootleg)
| +---Immortal - 1997 - Blizzard Beasts
| +---Immortal - 1999 - At The Heart Of Winter
| +---Immortal - 1999 - Live At Rockwave Festival
| +---Immortal - 2000 - Damned In Black
| +---Immortal - 2001 - Smmcorz
| \---Immortal - 2002 - SON_OF_THE_NORTHERN_SKY
| \---2003 - Ice Upon The Night
| \---Impaled - The Dead Shall Dead Remain
+---Impaled Nazarene
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1993 - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz No
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1993 - Ugra - Karma
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1994 - Suomi Finland Perkele
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1996 - Motorpenis
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1996- Latex Cult
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1998 - Rapture
| \---Impaled Nazarene - 1999 - Nihil
+---In Aeternum
| +---In Aeternum - 1998 - Forever Blasphemy
| +---In Aeternum - 2000 - The Pestilent Plague
| \---In Aeternum - 2001 - Past And Present Sins
+---In Extremo
| \---In Extremo - 1998
+---In Flames
| +---In Flames - 1994 - SUBTERRANEAN (EP)
| +---In Flames - 1996 - Firelord 666
| +---In Flames - 1996 - Jester Race
| +---In Flames - 1997 - Whoracle
| +---In Flames - 1999 - Colony
| +---In Flames - 2000 - Clay Man
| +---In Flames - 2001 - Live Popstad Gothenburg Radio
| +---In Flames - 2003 - In Flames
| +---In Flames - 2004 - Soundtrack To Your Escape
| | \---IN FLAMES LYRICS - Soundtrack To Your Escape (2004)_files
| \---In Flames - Live Brooklyn
+---In The Woods
| +---In The Woods - 1993 - Isle Of Man
| +---In The Woods - 1995 - Heart Of The Ages
| +---In The Woods - 1996 - White Rabbit (vinyl)
| +---In The Woods - 1997 - Omnio
| +---In The Woods - 1998 - Let There Be More Light (Vinyl)
| +---In The Woods - 1999 - Strange in Stereo
| +---In The Woods - 2000 - Epitaph (Vinyl)
| \---In The Woods - 2000 - there times seven on a pilgrimage
| \---1994- Mortal Throne Of Nazarene
| \---Incubase - 2004 - A Crow left to the Murder
| \---Indeferal - 2002 - Infeti
+---Infernal War
| \---Infernal War - 2003 - Demo
| \---2003 - Demo
| +---1999 - Wild
| +---2001 - Supernature
| +---Vampire Erotica
| \---Wytches
| \---1995-V~1
+---Iron Maiden
| +---Iron Maiden - 1982 - Iron Maiden
| +---Iron Maiden - 1982 - Killers
| +---Iron Maiden - 1982 - The Number Of The Best
| +---Iron Maiden - 1983 - Piece Of Mind
| +---Iron Maiden - 1984 - Power Slave
| +---Iron Maiden - 1985 - Live After Death
| +---Iron Maiden - 1986 - Somewhere In Time
| +---Iron Maiden - 1988 - Seventh Son Of Sevent Son
| +---Iron Maiden - 1990 - No Prayer For The Dying
| +---Iron Maiden - 1992 - Fear Of The Dark
| +---Iron Maiden - 1992 - Onword To Golgotha
| +---Iron Maiden - 1995 - The X Factor
| +---Iron Maiden - 1996 - Best Of The Beast - Disc 1
| +---Iron Maiden - 1996 - Best Of The Beast - Disc 2
| +---Iron Maiden - 1998 - Virtual 11
| +---Iron Maiden - 19XX - Iron Maiden-Sellection
| +---Iron Maiden - 2000 - Brave New Word
| +---Iron Maiden - 2003 - Dance of Death
| \---Iron Maiden - Purgatory & maiden japan
| \---Isegrim - 2000 - Dominus Infernus Uzhana
| +---Isengard - 1991 - Horizons (Demo)
| +---Isengard - 1993 - Vandreren (Demo)
| \---Isengard - 1995 - Hostmorke
+---Jangli Jaggas
| \---Jangli Jaggas - Jangli Jaggas
| \---Jasson - ALINE & CRAZZY
+---Judas Priest
| +---Judas Priest - 1974 - ROCKA ROLLA
| +---Judas Priest - 1975 - SAD WINGS OF DESTINY
| +---Judas Priest - 1978 - STAINED CLASS
| +---Judas Priest - 1979 - HELL BENT FOR LEATHER
| +---Judas Priest - 1980 - BRITISH STEEL
| +---Judas Priest - 1981 - POINT OF ENTRY
| +---Judas Priest - 1982 - Screaming For Vengeance
| +---Judas Priest - 1984 - DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH
| +---Judas Priest - 1986 - Priest...Live!
| +---Judas Priest - 1986 - TURBO
| +---Judas Priest - 1987 - Stained Class
| +---Judas Priest - 1988 - RAM IT DOWN
| +---Judas Priest - 1990 - Painkiller
| +---Judas Priest - 1993 - Gold 1973-1993 CD 1
| | \---disk1
| +---Judas Priest - 1993 - Gold 1973-1993 CD 2
| | \---disk2
| +---Judas Priest - 1997 - JUGULATOR
| +---Judas Priest - 1998 - MELTDOWN CD 1
| +---Judas Priest - 1998 - MELTDOWN CD 2
| +---Judas Priest - 1999 - Live - Metal Hammer - CD 2
| | \---Disk II
| +---Judas Priest - 1999 - Live - Metal Hammer CD 1
| | \---DiskI
| +---Judas Priest - 2001 - Demolition
| \---Judas Priest - 2005 - Angel Of Retribution
| \---Kalmah - 2003 - Swampsong
| +---Kamelot - 2000___THE_FOURTH_LEGACY
| +---Kamelot - 2001___KARMA
| \---Kamelot - 2003___EPICA
| +---Kampfar - 1996 - KAMPFAR
| +---Kampfar - 1997 - Mellom Skogkledde Aaser
| +---Kampfar - 1998 - Norse (EP)
| \---Kampfar - 1999 - Fra Underverdenen
| \---Karkadan - Eternal Black Reflections (2000)
| +---Kataklysm - 1993 - The Mystical Gate of Re
| +---Kataklysm - 1995 - Sorcery
| +---Kataklysm - 1996 - Temple Of Knowledge (Kataklysm Part III)
| +---Kataklysm - 1998 - VICTIMS_OF_THIS_FALLEN_
| +---Kataklysm - 2001 - Epic, The Poetry Of War
| \---Kataklysm - 2004 - Serenity In Fire
| +---2003 - Viva Emptiness
| \---Katatonia - download
+---Keep of Kalessin
| \---Keep of Kalessin - 1997 - Through Times of War
| \---Khold - 2002 - PHANTOM
+---Kid Rock
| \---Kid Rock - History Of Rock.2000
+---King Diamond
| +---King Diamond - 1989 - Conspiracy
| +---King Diamond - 1990 - The Eye
| +---King Diamond - 1995 - The Spider's Lullabye
| \---King Diamond - 1996 - The Graveyard
| \---Kitte - 2000___SPIT
| \---Konkhra - 1998 - WEED OUT THE WEAK
| +---1.Korn 1994
| +---1994 - Korn
| +---1996 - life is peachy
| +---1998 - follow the leader
| +---1999 - Issues [Limited Edition] CD1
| +---1999 - Issues [Limited Edition] CD2 - All Mixed Up
| +---19XX - gold
| +---19XX - Remix
| +---2.Life is peachy 1996
| +---2002 - Untouchables
| +---3.Follow the leader 1998
| +---4.Issues 1999
| +---5.Untouchables 2002
| | +---CD 1
| | \---CD 2
| \---Pictures
| +---Korovakill - 1998 - Dead Like An Angel
| \---Korovakill - 2001 - Waterhells
| +---Kovenant - 1999 - Animatronic
| \---Kovenant - 2003 - Seti
| +---Kreator - 1989 - EXTREME AGGRESSION
| +---Kreator - 1990 - COMA_OF_SOULS
| +---Kreator - 1990 - Renewal
| +---Kreator - 1995 - CAUSE FOR CONFLICT
| +---Kreator - 1997
| +---Kreator - 1999 - ENDORAMA
| +---Kreator - 19XX - OUTCAST
| +---Kreator - 2000 - VOICES_OF_TRANSGRESSION
| +---Kreator - 2001 - Endless Pain
| \---Kreator - 2001 - VIOLENT_REVOLUTION
| \---Krisiun - Ageless venomous 2001
| \---Kvist - 1996 - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig
+---Lacrimas Profundere
| +---Lacrimas Profundere - 1995 - ...And The Wings Embraced Us
| +---Lacrimas Profundere - 1997 - La Naissance D'un Reve
| +---Lacrimas Profundere - 1999 - Memorandum
| \---Lacrimas Profundere - 2001 - Burning, A Wish
| +---Lacrimosa - 1991 - Angst
| +---Lacrimosa - 1992 - Einsamkeit
| +---Lacrimosa - 1993 - Alles Luege
| +---Lacrimosa - 1994 - Schakal
| +---Lacrimosa - 1995 - Inferno
| +---Lacrimosa - 1997 - Stille
| +---Lacrimosa - 1999 - Elodia
| +---Lacrimosa - 2001 - Fassade
| \---Lacrimosa - 2003 - Echos
+---Lake of Tears
| +---Lake of Tears - 1994 - Greater Art
| +---Lake of Tears - 1995 - Headstones
| +---Lake of Tears - 1997 - A Crimson Cosmos
| +---Lake of Tears - 1997 - Lady Rosenred (EP)
| \---Lake of Tears - 1999 - Forever Autumn
| \---Leakh - 2000__THE_WRECKONING
| +---Legenda - 1997 - Autumnal
| \---Legenda - 1998 - Eclipse
| \---Legion - Bloodaeons
+---Legion of Doom
| \---Legion of Doom - Kingdom Of Endless Darkness
| \---Leviathen - 1993 - Onward Thru The Fog
+---Liar of Golgotha
| +---Liar of Golgotha - 1997 - Dwell With the Mysterious Dark
| \---Liar of Golgotha - 1999 - Ancient Wars
+---Limbonic Art
| +---Limbonic Art - 1996 - MOON_IN_THE_SCORPIO
| +---Limbonic Art - 1997 - In Abhorrence Dementia
| +---Limbonic Art - 1998 - EPITOME_OF_ILLUSIONS
| \---Limbonic Art - 2002 - THE_ULTIMATE_DEATH_WORS
+---Lock Up
| +---Lock Up - 1999 - Pleasures Pave Sewers
| \---Lock Up - 2002 - Hate Breeds Suffering
+---Lord Belial
| +---Lord Belial - 1994 - KISS_THE_GOAT
| +---Lord Belial - 1997 - ENTER_THE_MOONLIGHT_GAT
| +---Lord Belial - 1999 - UNHOLY_CRUSADE
| \---Lord Belial - 2002 - Angelgrinder
+---Lord Helm
| \---Lord Helm - 2001- Helm
+---Lord Wind
| \---Lord Wind - 1994 Kill For Satan (Demo)
+---Lost in Twilight
| \---Lost in Twilight - 1998 - DESCENDING_MIST
| \---Loudness - 1986 - Shadows of War
+---Lucuna Coil
| +---Lucuna Coil - 1994 - Half Life (EP)
| +---Lucuna Coil - 1999 - in a reverie
| +---Lucuna Coil - 2000 - half life
| +---Lucuna Coil - Lacuna Coil
| \---Lucuna Coil - unleashed memories
| \---Lugubrum - 1999 - De Totem
| +---Lullacry - 1999 - Sweet Desire
| \---Lullacry - 2001 - Be My God
| \---Luminaria - 2004 - Arche
+---Lunar Aurora
| \---Lunar Aurora - Ars Moriendi
+---Lux Occulta
| \---Lux Occulta - 2001___THE_MOTHER_AND_THE_ENEM
| \---Macabre - 1992 - SINISTER_SLAUGH
| \---Macbeth - 1998 - Romantic Tragedy's Cres
+---Machin Head
| +---Machin Head - 1994 - BURN MY EYES
| +---Machin Head - 1997 - The More Things Change [1997]
| +---Machin Head - 19xx - The burning red
| \---Machin Head - 2003 - THROUGHT_THE_ASHES_OF_E
| +---Mactatus - 1998___PROVENANCE_OF_CRUELTY
| \---Mactatus - 2000___THE_COMPLEX_BEWITCHMENT
| \---Malevolence - MARTYRIALIZED
+---Malevolent Creation
| +---Malevolent Creation - 1992 - RETRIBUTION
| +---Malevolent Creation - 1995- Eternal
| \---Malevolent Creation - 1998 - THE_FINE_ART_OF_MURDER
+---Malignant Eternal
| +---Malignant Eternal - 1997___FAR_BENEATH_THE_SUN
| \---Malignant Eternal - 1999___ALARM
+---Mandragora Scream
| \---Mandragora Scream - 2001 - Fairy Tales From Hell's Caves (EP
| +---Manegarm - 1998___NORDSTJAERNANS_TIDS_LDE
| \---Manegarm - 2000___HAVETS_VARGAR
| \---Mangled - 2001 - Most Painful Ways
+---Maniac Butcher
| +---Maniac Butcher - 1995 - Barbarians
| \---Maniac Butcher - 1998 - Cerna Krev
| +---Manowar - 1982 - Battle Hymns
| | \---MANOWAR LYRICS - Battle Hymns (1982)_files
| +---Manowar - 1984 - Hail To England
| +---Manowar - 1984 - Sign Of The Hammer
| +---Manowar - 1986 - Kings Of Metal
| +---Manowar - 1992 - The Triumph Of Steel
| +---Manowar - 1995 - HELL_ON_WHEELS__L CD_1
| +---Manowar - 1995 - HELL_ON_WHEELS__L CD_2
| +---Manowar - 1995 - THE_HELL_OF_STEE
| +---Manowar - 1996 - LOUDER_THAN_HELL
| +---Manowar - 1998 - Steel Warriors
| +---Manowar - 1999 - HAIL_TO_ENGLAND
| \---Manowar - 2002 - Warriors Of The World
| +---Marduk - 1994 - Opus Nocturne
| +---Marduk - 1995 - Fuck me Jesus
| +---Marduk - 1996 - Glorification
| +---Marduk - 1996 - Heaven Shall Burn
| +---Marduk - 1997 - Here's No Peace
| +---Marduk - 1997 - Live In Germania
| +---Marduk - 1998 - Nightwing - Dictionanaire Infernal
| +---Marduk - 1998 - Nightwing - The Warlord Of Wallachia
| +---Marduk - 1999 - Infernal Eternal
| | +---CD 1
| | \---CD 2
| +---Marduk - 1999 - Panzer Division
| +---Marduk - 2000 - Infernal Eternal
| +---Marduk - 2000 - Obedience
| +---Marduk - 2001 - La Grande Danse Macabre
| +---Marduk - 2002 - Blackcrowned
| \---Marduk - 2003 - World Funeral
+---Marylin Manson
| +---Marylin Manson - 1994 - Portrait of an American Family
| +---Marylin Manson - 1995 - Smells Like The Children
| +---Marylin Manson - 1996 - Antichrist Superstar
| +---Marylin Manson - 1998 - Mechanical Animals
| +---Marylin Manson - 1999 - Coma
| +---Marylin Manson - 2000 - Hollywood
| +---Marylin Manson - 2000 - The Last Tour
| +---Marylin Manson - 2002 - Dancing With The Antichrist
| +---Marylin Manson - 2003 - Bootlegs And B-Sides
| +---Marylin Manson - 2003 - Marylin Manson
| \---Marylin Manson - 2003 - The Golden Age Of Grotesque
| +---Massacra - 1989 - Final Holocaust
| \---Massacra - 1991 - Enjoy The Violence
| +---Mayhem - 1986 - Pure Fucking Armageddon (Demo)
| +---Mayhem - 1987 - DeathCrush
| +---Mayhem - 1990 - The Dawn Of The Black Hearts (Live In Sarpsbourg)
| +---Mayhem - 1992 - From The Darkest Past (rehearsal, no vocals)
| +---Mayhem - 1992 - Live In Leipzig (26.11.1990)
| +---Mayhem - 1993 - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
| +---Mayhem - 1998 - Wolf's Lair Abyss
| | \---WOLF'S lair abyss
| +---Mayhem - 1999 - MEDIOLANUM_CAPTA_EST
| +---Mayhem - 2000 - Grand Declaration Of War
| +---Mayhem - 2001 - US Legions
| \---Mayhem - 2004 - Chimera
| +---Megadeth - 1986 - PEACE SELLS... BUT WHO'S BUYING!
| +---Megadeth - 1988 - So Far, So Good...So What!
| +---Megadeth - 1990 - Rust In Peace
| +---Megadeth - 1992 - Countdown To Extinction
| +---Megadeth - 1994 - Youthanasia
| +---Megadeth - 1995 - Hidden Treasures
| +---Megadeth - 1997 - Cryptic Writings
| +---Megadeth - 1999 - ALBUM
| +---Megadeth - 2001 - The World Needs A Hero
| +---Megadeth - 2001 - World Needs A Hero
| \---Megadeth - 2002 - Rust In Peace
| \---Megiddo - 1999 - The Final War
| +---Melechesh - 2001 - Djinn
| \---Melechesh - 2003 - Sphynx
| +---Menhir - 1997___DIE_EWIGEN_STEINE
| +---Menhir - 1998___BUCHONIA
| +---Menhir - Menhir
| +---Menhir - [1999] - Thuringia
| \---Menhir - [2001] - Ziuwari
| +---Mephistopheles - 1997 - Landscape Symphonies
| +---Mephistopheles - 1999 - Songs Of The Desolate O
| \---Mephistopheles - 2003 - Death Unveiled
+---Mercyful Fate
| \---Mercyful Fate - 1999 - Mercyful Fate
| \---Merrimack - 2003 - Hellgium Raped
+---Metal Churche
| \---Metal Churche - 1991 - THE HUMAN FACTOR
+---Metal Hammer
| +---Metal Hammer - 1998 - Offroad Tracks Vol.12
| | \---1998- Offroad Tracks Vol.12
| +---Metal Hammer - 2000 - Offroad Tracks Vol.29
| \---Metal Hammer - 2000 - Offroad Tracks( Compilation)
| +---Metallica - 1983 - Kill'em All
| +---Metallica - 1984 - Ride The Lightning
| +---Metallica - 1986 - Master Of Puppets
| +---Metallica - 1987 - The $9.98 C.D. Garage Days Re-Revisited
| +---Metallica - 1988 - ... And Justice For All
| +---Metallica - 1991 - Metallica [Black album]
| | \---Album covers
| +---Metallica - 1996 - Load
| | \---Album covers
| +---Metallica - 1996 - UNTIL IT SLEEPS (SINGLE)
| +---Metallica - 1997 - ReLoad
| +---Metallica - 1998 - Garage Inc
| | +---Disc 1
| | \---Disc 2
| +---Metallica - 1998 - Over Load(A Tribute To Metallica)
| +---Metallica - 1999 - Metallica Post Reload Slashes, Crashes & Hits
| +---Metallica - 1999 - S&M - Disc 1
| +---Metallica - 1999 - S&M - Disc 2
| +---Metallica - 2003 - St. Anger
| +---Metallica - 2004 - The Unnamed Feeling (EP)
| +---Metallica - An industrial tribute to metallica
| +---Metallica - Befor Death
| +---Metallica - Down load
| +---Metallica - Down load 2
| +---Metallica - Live Mexico 1
| +---Metallica - Live Mexico 2
| +---Metallica - Live Mexico 3
| +---Metallica - Metallica 2003
| +---Metallica - Single
| +---Metallica - Tribute to
| \---Metallica - Tribute to four horseman
| +---Mindrot - 1995 - Dawning
| \---Mindrot - 19XX - FORLORN
| \---Misteria - MASQUERADE_OF_SHADOWS__1999_
| +---Mithotyn - 1994 - MEADOW_IN_SILENCE__DEMO
| +---Mithotyn - 1997 - IN_THE_SIGN_OF_THE_RAV
| +---Mithotyn - 1998 - KING_OF_THE_DISTANT_FO
| \---Mithotyn - 1999 - Gathered Around the Oaken Table
| \---Monstrosity - 1996 - MILLENNIUM
| +---MoonSpell - 1992 - Serpent Angel
| +---MoonSpell - 1993 - Anno Satanae
| +---MoonSpell - 1994 - Under The Moonspell
| +---MoonSpell - 1995 - WOLFHEART
| +---MoonSpell - 1996 - IRRELIGIOUS
| +---MoonSpell - 1997 - 2ECONG SKIN
| +---MoonSpell - 1999 - Butterfly Effects
| +---MoonSpell - 19XX - Sin
| +---MoonSpell - 2001 - Darkness And Hope
| +---MoonSpell - 2003 - The Antidote
| \---MoonSpell - xxxx - Best Of Moon Spell
+---Morbid Angel
| +---Morbid Angel - 1985 - The Begining [Bootleg]
| +---Morbid Angel - 1989 - Altars Of Madness
| +---Morbid Angel - 1991 - BLESSED ARE THE SICK
| +---Morbid Angel - 1992 - Covenant
| +---Morbid Angel - 1992 - Domination
| +---Morbid Angel - 1994 - Laibach
| +---Morbid Angel - 1998 - FORMULAS FATAL TO THE FLESH
| +---Morbid Angel - 1999 - Love Of Lava
| +---Morbid Angel - 2000 - GATEWAY_TO_ANNIHILATION
| \---Morbid Angel - 2003 - Heretic
| +---Morgion - 1997 - Among Majestic Ruin
| +---Morgion - 1999 - Solinari
| \---Morgion - Morgion
| +---Morgoth - 1990 - THE ETERNAL FALL
| +---Morgoth - 1991 - CURSED
| +---Morgoth - 1992 - Resurrection Absurd
| +---Morgoth - 1993 - Odium
| \---Morgoth - 1996 - Feel Sorry For The Fanatic
| +---Morgul - 1997 - Lost in Shadows Grey
| +---Morgul - 1998 - Parody Of The Mass
| +---Morgul - 2000 - The horror grandeur
| \---Morgul - 2001 - Shetch of supposed murderer
+---Mork Cryning
| +---Mork Cryning - 1995 - Tusen _r Har G_tt
| +---Mork Cryning - 1998 - RETURN_FIRE
| \---Mork Cryning - 2001 - Maelstorm Chaos
+---Morphia [Death Metal Symphonic Doom Metal] [Netherlands]
| +---Morphia - 2000 - Unfulfilled Dreams
| +---Morphia - 2002 - Frozen Dust
| \---Morphia - 2005 - Fading Beauty
| \---Mortem - 2000___DECOMPOSED_BY_POSSESSIO
| +---Mortician - 1991___MORTAL_MASSACRE
| +---Mortician - 1996___HACKED_UP_FOR_BARBECUE
| +---Mortician - 1998___ZOMBIE_APOCALYPSE
| +---Mortician - 1999___CHAINSAW_DISMEMBERMENT
| +---Mortician - 19XX___HOUSE_BY_THE_CEMETERY
| +---Mortician - 2001___DOMAIN_OF_DEATH
| \---Mortician - 2003___Darkest Day of Horror
| +---Mortiis - 1993___FXDT_TIL_E_HERSKE
| +---Mortiis - 1994___Anden Som Gjorde Oppror
| +---Mortiis - 1996___CRYPT_OF_THE_WIZARD
| +---Mortiis - 1999___THE_STARGATE
| \---Mortiis - 2002___SMELL_OF_RAIN
+---Motley Crue
| \---Motley Crue - RAW TRACKS II 1990
+---Motor Head
| +---Motor Head - 1987 - MOTORYEARS_THE_BEST_OF_MOTORHE
| +---Motor Head - 1990 - NO_SLEEP_TIL_H
| \---Motor Head - 1992 - MARCH_OR_DIE
| \---Mourning - 1993 - Greetings From Hell
+---Mourning Beloveth
| \---Mourning Beloveth - 2002 - The Sullen Sulcus
| +---Mudvayne - 2002 - The end of all things to come
| \---Mudvayne - L.D 50
+---My Daying Bride
| +---My Daying Bride - 1991 - Symphony Of The Infernu
| +---My Daying Bride - 1992 - As The Flowers Withers
| +---My Daying Bride - 1992 - The Trash Of The Naked
| +---My Daying Bride - 1993 - Turn Loose The Swans
| +---My Daying Bride - 1994 - I Am A Bloody Earth (EP)
| +---My Daying Bride - 1995 - The Angel And The Dark River
| +---My Daying Bride - 1995 - Trinity
| +---My Daying Bride - 1996 - LIKE GODS OF THE SUN
| +---My Daying Bride - 1998 - 34.788%...Complete
| +---My Daying Bride - 1999 - The Light At The End Of The World
| +---My Daying Bride - 2000 - Meisterwerk I
| +---My Daying Bride - 2001 - Meisterwerk 2
| +---My Daying Bride - 2001 - The Dreadful Hours
| +---My Daying Bride - 2003 - The Voice of the Wretched
| +---My Daying Bride - 2004 - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light
| \---My Daying Bride - SELECT.D.M.D.B
+---My Shameful
| +---My Shameful - 2000 - SOWN IN SADNESS (DEMO)
| \---My Shameful - 2000 - YOUR DARK OVERWHELING
| \---Myriads - In Spheres Without Time (1998 Demo)
| \---Mysterium - The Glowering Facades Of Night
+---Mystic Circle
| +---1997 - Morgenrote - Der Scheri Nch Finsternis
| +---Mystic Circle - 1998 - Drachenblut
| \---Mystic Circle - 2001 - The Great Beast
| \---1996 - In The Streams Of Inferno
| \---Nacturnus - 1990 - THE_KEY
| +---Naglfar - 1994 - Stellae Trajectio
| +---Naglfar - 1995 - Vittra
| +---Naglfar - 1998 - Diabolical
| +---Naglfar - 2001 - Ex inferis
| \---Naglfar - 2003 - Sheol
| \---Nailbomb - 1994 - POINT BLACK
+---Napalm Death
| +---Napalm Death - 1990__HARMONY_COR
| +---Napalm Death - 1992__UTOPIA_BANIS
| +---Napalm Death - 1994__FEAR__EMPTI
| +---Napalm Death - 1995__GREED_KILLI
| +---Napalm Death - 1996__DIATRIBE
| +---Napalm Death - 1997__INSIDE_THE_
| +---Napalm Death - 1997__IN_TONGUES_WE_SPEAK
| +---Napalm Death - 1998__BREED_TO_BRE
| +---Napalm Death - 1998__Words From The Exit Wou
| +---Napalm Death - 1999__ Leaders Not Followers
| +---Napalm Death - 1999__WORDS_FROM
| \---Napalm Death - 2001__Enemy Of The Music Busi
| +---Nargaroth - 1998 - Orke (Demo)
| +---Nargaroth - 2000 - AMAROK
| +---Nargaroth - 2000 - Fuck Off Nowadays Black Metal
| +---Nargaroth - 2001 - Rasluka Part II
| \---Nargaroth - 2001 - Split Ep Endsieg ii
| \---Narghathornd - demo
| \---Nassthrone - 1998
| \---Nasum - INHALE_EXHALE
| \---Natalie -
| \---Nazareth - SNAKES__N__LADDERS
| +---Nazxul - 1994___NAZXUL__DEMO_
| \---Nazxul - 1995___TOTEM
| +---Necromantia - 1993 - Crossing The Fiery path
| +---Necromantia - 1997 - Ancient Pride
| \---Necromantia - 1999 - IV, Malice
| \---Necromass - [1996] - Mysteria Mystica Zorifiana
| \---Necromicon - 1998 - Sightveiler
| \---Necrophagia - 1999 - Black Blood Vomitorium
| \---Nehemah - 2004_Requiem Tenebrae
| +---Nevemore - 1996 - Politics Of Ecstasy
| +---Nevemore - 1998 - Dreaming neon black
| +---Nevemore - 2000 - Dead heart in a dead world
| | \---PIX
| \---Nevemore - 2003 - Nevermore-Enemies Of Reality
| \---Nifelheim - 1994 - Nifelheim
+---Night in Gales
| \---Night in Gales - 2001___NECRODYNAMIC
| +---NightWish - 1997 - Angels Fall First
| +---NightWish - 1998 - Oceanborn
| +---NightWish - 1999 - Sleeping Sun [Single])
| +---NightWish - 2000 - Wishmaster
| +---NightWish - 2001 - Live
| +---NightWish - 2001 - Over The Hills And Far Away
| +---NightWish - 2002 - Century Child
| \---NightWish - 2004 - Once
+---Nine inch nails
| +---Nine inch nails - 1992 - BROKEN
| +---Nine inch nails - 1999 - THE FRAGILE
| | +---Left
| | \---Right
| \---Nine inch nails - 2002 - And All That Could Have Been
| \---Ninnghizhidda - 2002 - Demingod
| +---Nirvana - 1989 - Bleach 1989
| +---Nirvana - 1991 - 1993 the best
| +---Nirvana - 1991 - Nevermind
| +---Nirvana - 1992 - Incesticide
| +---Nirvana - 1993 - In Utero
| +---Nirvana - 1994 - MTV Unplugged In New York 1994
| +---Nirvana - 1996 - From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah
| \---Nirvana - 1996 - SINGLES
+---Nocte Obducta
| \---Nocte Obducta - 2000 Taverne In Schatten Schabiger Spelunken
| +---Noctes - 1997 - Pandemonic Requiem
| \---Noctes - 1999 - Vexilla Regis Prodeunt INFERNI
| +---Nocturnus - 1990 - THE KEY
| \---Nocturnus - 2000 - ETHERNAL_TOMB
| \---Nord - 1996
| +---Norther - [2002] - Dreams Of Endless War
| +---Norther - [2002] - Released
| +---Norther - [2003] - Mirror Of Madness
| \---Norther - [2003] - Unleash Hell [Demo]
| \---Novembre - 2002 - Dreams D'Azur
+---Novembre Doom
| +---Novembre Doom - 1995 - Amid its hallowed mirth
| +---Novembre Doom - 1999 - OF_SCULPTURED_IVY_AND_S
| \---Novembre Doom - 2000 - The Knowing
+---Nuclear Assault
| \---Nuclear Assault - 1988 - Survive
| +---Obitury - 1992 - THE END COMPLETE
| +---Obitury - 1994 - World Demise
| \---Obitury - Back From The Dead
+---Obtained Enslave
| +---Obtained Enslave - 1994 - Centuries Of Sorrow
| +---Obtained Enslave - 1997 - Witchcraft
| +---Obtained Enslave - 1998 - Soulblight
| \---Obtained Enslave - 2000 - The Shepherd and The Hounds of Hell
+---Octobr Tide
| \---Octobr Tide - 1999 - Rain Without End
| \---Odium - 1998 - The Sad Realm Of The Stars
+---Of The Wand And The Moon
| +---Of The Wand And The Moon - 1999 - Nighttime Nightrhyme
| \---Of The Wand And The Moon - 2001 - Emptiness - Emptiness - Emptiness
| \---OffSpring - 1998 - AMERICANA
| \---OfraHaza -
+---Old Man's Child
| +---Old Man's Child
| +---Old Man's Child - 1995___BORN_OF_THE_FLICKERING
| +---Old Man's Child - 1997___THE_PAGAN_PROSPERITY
| +---Old Man's Child - 1998___ILL_NATURED_SPIRITUAL_I
| +---Old Man's Child - 2000___REVELATION_666___THE_CU
| \---Old Man's Child - 2003___IN_DEFIANCE_OF_EXISTENC
+---Omni Mortiutus
| \---Omni Mortiutus - 2002 - The Immortal Flame
+---On Thorns I Lay
| +---On Thorns I Lay - 1995 - Sounds Of Beatyful Experience
| +---On Thorns I Lay - 1997 - Orama
| +---On Thorns I Lay - 1999 - Crystal Tears
| \---On Thorns I Lay - 2000 - Future Narcotic
+---Open Grave
| \---Open Grave - The Heavens Cry Black Tears
+---Opera IX
| +---Opera IX - 1995__THE_CALL_OF_THE_WOOD
| +---Opera IX - 1998__SACRO_CULTO
| +---Opera IX - 2000__THE BLACK OPERA SYMPHON
| \---Opera IX - 2002__MALEVENTUM
| +---Opeth - 1996___MORNINGRISE
| +---Opeth - 1998 - My Arms, Your Hearse
| +---Opeth - 1999___STILL_LIFE
| +---Opeth - 2001___BLACKWATER_PARK
| \---Opeth - 2003___DAMNATION
| \---Ophthalamia - 1998 - Dominion
| \---Orphanage - 2000 - Inside
+---Orphand Land
| \---Orphand Land - 2004
| +---Overkill - 1985 - Feel The Fire
| +---Overkill - 1987 - Taking Over
| +---Overkill - 1989 - The Years Of Decay
| +---Overkill - 1991 - Horrorscope
| +---Overkill - 1993 - I Hear Black
| +---Overkill - 1994 - W.F.O
| +---Overkill - 1995 - Wrecking Your Neck(LIVE)
| | +---DISK A
| | \---DISK B
| +---Overkill - 1996 - Fuck You And Then Some
| +---Overkill - 1996 - Killing Kind
| +---Overkill - 1999 - Coverkill
| +---Overkill - 2003 - THE_KILLBOX_13
| \---Overkill - 2005 - ReliXIV
+---Ozzy Osbourne
| +---1983___BARK_AT_T
| +---1987 - TRIBUTE
| +---1987 - Tribute (Live)
| +---1988___NO_REST_F
| +---1993___95___LIVE
| | +---DISK1
| | \---DISK2
| +---1995___OZZY_OSBO
| +---1997- The Ozzman Cometh
| +---1997___THE_OZZMAN
| +---1998___THE OZZMAN COMETH1998
| +---19xx___NO_MORE_TEARS
| +---19xx___OZZMOSIO
| +---19xx___Ozzy Osbourne
| \---2001 - Down To Earth
| \---New Folder
| +---P.O.D - 2001 - Satellite
| \---P.O.D - New Folder
| +---Pain - 1997 - Pain
| \---Pain - 1999 - Rebirth
| +---Pantera - 1990 - Cowboys From Hell
| +---Pantera - 1992 - Vulgar Display Of Power
| +---Pantera - 1993__TEXAS_1993___HE
| +---Pantera - 1994__FAR_BEYOND_DRIVEN
| +---Pantera - 1994__LIVE_IN_TEXAS
| +---Pantera - 1996__THE_GRAIT_SOUTHERN_TREND
| +---Pantera - 1997 - Official Live 101 Proof
| \---Pantera - 2000 - REINVENTING THE STEEL
+---Paradise Lost
| +---Paradise Lost - 1992 - SHADES_OF_GOD
| +---Paradise Lost - 1993 - Icon
| +---Paradise Lost - 1995 - Draconian Times
| +---Paradise Lost - 1997 - One Second
| +---Paradise Lost - 1999 - Host
| +---Paradise Lost - 19XX - HOST
| +---Paradise Lost - 2001 - Believe In Nothing
| \---Paradise Lost - 2002 - Symbol Of Life (Real Limited Edition)
| \---Pazuzu - END OF AGE
| +---Peccatum - 1999___OH__MY_REGRETS
| +---Peccatum - 1999___STRANGLING_FROM_WITHIN
| \---Peccatum - 19XX - Amor Fati
| \---Pentagram - 1997 - Anatolia
| +---Penumbra - 1999 - Emanate
| +---Penumbra - 2002 - THE_LAST_BEWITCHMENT
| \---Penumbra - Penumbra
| +---Portishead - 1995 - Glory Times
| | +---CD I
| | \---CD II
| +---Portishead - 1997___PORTISHEAD
| \---Portishead - 1998 - Roseland NYC Live
+---Primal Fear
| \---Primal Fear - 2002___BLACK_SUN
| \---Primodiac - 2000 - Spirit the Earth Aflame
| \---Profanatica - 1992 - Tormenting holy flesh
+---Profane Grace
| \---Profane Grace - 1998 - Serenity of the endless g
| \---Profanum - 1998 - Eminence Of Satanic Imperial
| \---Propain -
+---Prophecy Of Doom
| \---Prophecy Of Doom - 1990 - Acknowledge The Confusi
+---Quano Appes
| +---1986 - Life's rich pageant
| +---1992 - Automatic for people
| +---1996 - New Adventures in HI-FI
| +---1998 - UP
| +---1999 - The Greatest Hits Collection
| +---2001 - Reveal
| +---2002-IX
| +---R.E.M - 1987 - Document
| +---R.E.M - 1988 - Green
| +---R.E.M - 1991 - Out Of Time
| +---R.E.M - 1994 - Monster
| \---R.E.M - 1998 - Thank You
+---Radio Head
| +---Radio Head - 1986___CROSSROADS
| +---Radio Head - 1993__PABLO_HONEY
| +---Radio Head - 1995___THE_BENDS
| +---Radio Head - 1997 - Ok Computer
| +---Radio Head - 19XX - Celection Of Barock
| +---Radio Head - 2000____KID_A
| +---Radio Head - 2001 - AMNESIAC
| +---Radio Head - 2003 - Hail To The Thief
| \---Radio Head - Radio Head - Celection Of Barock
| +---Rakoth - 1999 - Planeshift
| +---Rakoth - 2001 - Jabberworks
| +---Rakoth - 2003 - Jaber work
| \---Rakoth - 2004 - Promo [Demo]
| +---Rammstein - 1995 - Herzeleid
| +---Rammstein - 1997 - Du Hast
| +---Rammstein - 1998 - Sehnsucht
| +---Rammstein - 1999
| +---Rammstein - 1999 - Live From Berlin
| +---Rammstein - 2001 - Mutter
| \---Rammstein - 2004 Reise Reise
| +---Ramones - ANTHOLOGY___HEY_HO_L
| | +---DISK1
| | \---DISK2
| \---Ramones - BRAIN_DRAIN
| +---2002 - Songs for the Withering
| \---Songs For The Withering 2002
| \---2003 - Dead Letters
| \---Raventhrone - 1998 - Malice in Wonderland
| +---Rhapsody - 1996 - Symphony Of Enchanted Lands
| +---Rhapsody - 1998 - Emerald Sword
| \---Rhapsody - 2002 - Power Of The Dragon Flame
+---Rob Zombie
| +---Rob Zombie - 1995___ROB_ZAMBIE
| \---Rob Zombie - 1998___HELLBILLY_DE
+---Rock Hard
| \---2000 - Dynamit (Vol.23)
| \---Rossomahaar - 1997 - Grotesque
+---Rotting christ
| +---Rotting christ - 1993 - THE_MIGHTY_CONTRACT
| +---Rotting christ - 1996 - Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers
| +---Rotting christ - 1997 - A Dead Poem
| +---Rotting christ - 1999 - Darkness We Feel (Volume II)
| +---Rotting christ - 1999 - Der Perfekte Traum
| +---Rotting christ - 1999 - Sleep Of The Angels
| +---Rotting christ - 2000 - Khronos
| \---Rotting christ - 2002 - Genesis
| +---Sacramentum - 1995 - Finis Malorum
| +---Sacramentum - 1996 - Far Away From The Sun
| +---Sacramentum - 1997 - The Coming Of Chaos
| \---Sacramentum - 1999 - The Black Destiny
| +---Sacriversum - 1998 - Soteria
| \---Sacriversum - 2000 - Beckettia
| +---Sadness - 1995 - Danteferno
| +---Sadness - 1997 - Evangelion
| \---Sadness - Ames Demarbre
| +---Salem - 1990 - Millions Slaughtered Live (live demo)
| +---Salem - 1992 - Creating Our Sins
| +---Salem - 1994 - Kaddish
| \---Salem - 1998 - A Moment of Silence
| +---Samael - 1994___ CEREMONY OF OPPOSITES
| +---Samael - 1996___PASSAGE
| +---Samael - 1998___EXODUS
| \---Samael - 1999___ETERNAL
| \---Sanctuary - Refuge Denied
| +---19XX___New Folder
| \---2000___MARTYRE
| \---Sarcrophagus - 1996 - Who Are Consumed By Darkness
| \---Satan - Court In The Act
+---Satanic Slaughter
| +---Satanic Slaughter - 1996___SATANIC_SLAUGHTER
| \---Satanic Slaughter - 1997___LAND_OF_THE_UNHOLY_SOUL
+---Satanic Track
| \---Satariel - 2000 - Lady Lust Lilith
| +---Saturnus - 1997 - Paradise Belongs to You
| +---Saturnus - 1998 - FOR THE LOVELESS LONELY NIGHTS
| \---Saturnus - 2000 - Martyre
| +---Satyricon - 1993 - Dark Medieval Times
| +---Satyricon - 1995 - THE SHADOWTHRONE
| +---Satyricon - 1996 - THE_FOREST_IS_MY_THRONE
| +---Satyricon - 1997 - MEGIDDO MOTHER NORTH
| +---Satyricon - 1997 - Nemesis Divina
| +---Satyricon - 19XX - The Forest is My Throne (demo)
| +---Satyricon - 2000 - Rebel Extravaganza
| +---Satyricon - 2002 - TEN_HORNS_TEN_DIADEMS
| +---Satyricon - 2002 - VOLCANO
| +---Satyricon - 2003 - Volcano
| \---Satyricon - INTERMEZZO_II__EP_4_TRACKS_199
| +---Savatage - 1993 - Edge Of Thorns
| +---Savatage - 1994 - Handfull Of Rain
| +---Savatage - 1995 - Dead Winter Dead
| \---Savatage - 1998 - The Wake Of Magellan
| \---Sceptic - 2001 - Pathetic Being
| +---Sentenced - 1995 - Amok
| +---Sentenced - 1998 - Frozen
| \---Sentenced - 19XX - The Cold White Light
+---Septic Flesh
| +---Septic Flesh - 1994___MYSTIC_PLACES_OF_DAWN
| +---Septic Flesh - 1995___ESOPTRO
| +---Septic Flesh - 1997___OPHIDIAN_WHEEL
| \---Septic Flesh - 1998___A_FALLEN_TEMPLE
| +---Sepultura - 1987__SCHIZOPHRENIA
| +---Sepultura - 1989__BENEATH_THE_RE
| +---Sepultura - 1991___ARISE
| +---Sepultura - 1993___CHAOS_ A.D
| +---Sepultura - 1993___CHAOS_A.D. (BONUS_TRACKS)
| +---Sepultura - 1996__ROOTS_OF_SEPU
| +---Sepultura - 1997___BLOODE_ROOTED
| +---Sepultura - 1998__AGAINST
| +---Sepultura - 19XX__SEPULTURA - Tribute To Sepultura
| +---Sepultura - 2001__Nation
| +---Sepultura - 2002__Revolusongs Ep
| \---Sepultura - 2003
| +---Seth - 1997 - By Fire, Power Shall Be
| +---Seth - 1998 - LES_BLESSURES_DE_L_AME
| +---Seth - 2000 - L_EXCELLENCE
| \---Seth - 2002 - Divine X
| +---Setherial - 1996 - Nord
| +---Setherial - 1998 - Lord Of The Nightrealm
| \---Setherial - 1999 - Hell Eternal
+---Shadow Gallery
| \---Shadow Gallery - 2001 - Legasy
+---Sham Rain
+---Shape Of Despair
| +---Shape Of Despaire - 2001 - Angel Of Distress
| \---Shape Of Despaire - Shape of Despair -2000
| +---Siebenburgen - 1997___LOREIA
| +---Siebenburgen - 1998___GRIMJAUR
| +---Siebenburgen - 1999___DELICTUM
| \---Siebenburgen - 2001___ Plagued Be Thy Angel
+---Silent Stream of Godless Elegy
| +---Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - 1996 - Iron
| \---Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Behind The Shadows
| +---Sinergy - 2000___TO_HELL_AND_BACK
| \---Sinergy - 2002___SUICIDE_BY_MY_SIDE
| +---SIRENIA LYRICS - An Elixir For Existence (2004)_files
| \---Sirenia_files
| +---bio_files
| +---bottom_files
| +---margin1_files
| \---margin2_files
| \---Sirenian - 2003 - At Sixes & Sevens
+---Six Feet Under
| +---Six Feet Under - 1995 - Haunted
| +---Six Feet Under - 1997 - Warpat
| +---Six Feet Under - 1999 - Maximu
| +---Six Feet Under - 19XX - The Enemy Inside
| +---Six Feet Under - 2000 -Graveyard Classics
| +---Six Feet Under - 2001 - True Carnage
| \---Six Feet Under - 2003 - Bringer of Blood
| +---1995 - StormcrowFleet
| +---1998 - Lead And Aether
| \---2002 - The Process Of Farmakon
| +---2002 - To Forever Embrace The Sun
| \---2003 - Skycamefalling (EP)
| +---Slayer-1983-Show No Mercy
| +---Slayer-1985-Hell Await
| +---Slayer-1986-Reign In Blood
| +---Slayer-1988-South Of Heaven
| +---Slayer-1990-Seasons In The Abyss
| +---Slayer-1994-Divine Intervertion
| +---Slayer-1994-Haunting The Chapel
| +---Slayer-1995-Live Intrusion
| +---Slayer-1996-Undisputed Attitude
| +---Slayer-1998-Diabolus In Musica
| \---Slayer-2001-God Hates Us All
| +---1999 - Slipknot
| +---2001 - Iowa
| \---Slipknot - (1999)Slipknot
| +---1992 - Tapping The Vein
| +---1996 - Masqurade In Blood
| \---SODOM-1995-Masquerade In Blood
+---Solitude Aeturnus
| \---1996___DOWNFALL
| \---Supter Cruentus Divum_2003(demo)
| \---Awakening the Crown 2000
+---Soul Folron(USA)
| +---1998 - Soulfly
| +---19XX - HIGH
| \---2002 - 3
| \---1996 - Down on the upside
| +---OPEN
| \---Staind - 14 Shades Of Grey 2003
| +---1999 - Wisconsin Death Trip
| \---2001 - Machin
| \---1995 - Nordavind
| +---Stormlord - 1999 - SUPERME_ART_OF_WAR
| +---Stormlord - 19XX - Under The Sign Of The Sword
| +---Stormlord - 2001 - At The Gates Of Utopia
| \---Stormlord - 2001 - The Curse Of Medusa (EP Scarlet)
| +---1997 - Visions
| \---2003 - Elements Pt.1
+---Suicidal Tendencies
| \---1997- Prime Cuts
| \---2002 - The Arcanum
| +---1993 - The Urilia Text(Demo)
| +---1995_MINAS MORGUL
| +---1996 DOL_GULDUR
| +---2000 STRONGHOLD
| +---2001 - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
| \---2003 - Lost Tales
+---Sun of Sadness
| \---A forest in my dreams (1999)
| \---Sun of Sadness Dark-Gothic Met
| +---control_files
| \---releases_files
| +---info_afimd2_files
| \---releases_ctrl_files
| +---2003 - Drama
| +---2003 - Primitive Intentions
| \---SuspeSUSPERIA
| +---2000 - Illusion Of Evil
| \---2001 - Predominance
+---Symphonic Chaos
| \---Sterilizing the Unworthy - 2002
| +---SYMPHONYX___1995_SYMPHONYX__2_
+---System Of A Down
| +---01.System of a down 1998
| | \---Album covers
| +---02.Toxicity 2001
| | \---Album covers
| +---03.Steal this album 2003
| +---04.Other
| +---Pictures
| +---1998 - System Of A Down
| +---2001 - TOXICITY
| +---2002 - Steal This Album
| +---2002 - Still This Album (Unmastered)
| \---2002 - Toxicity II
| \---1999 - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
| \---1998 - Out Of Emotional Disorder
| \---1999___THE_RED_JEWEL
+---Ten Black Years
| +---CD # 1
| \---CD # 2
| +---1999___KAUAN
| \---2001___AIRUT_CIWI
| \---1989 - WORLD DOWNFALL
| +---1992__THE_RITUAL
| +---1994-The Best Of Testament (1987-1994)
| +---1994__LOW
| +---1997__DEMONIC
| \---The gathering-1999
+---The 3rd And The Mortal
| +---1994 - Sorrow (Single)
| +---1994 - Tears Laid in Earth
| +---1995 - Nightswan
| +---1996 - Painting On Glass
| +---1996 - Stream
| +---1997 - In This Room
| \---2002 - Memoirs
+---The Bloodhoundgang
+---The Jagacy
+---The Abyss
| +---1994 - The Other Side
| \---1996 - Summon The Beast
+---The Cranberries
| +---1992 - Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't
| +---1994 - No Need To Argue
| +---1996 - To The Faithful Departed
| +---1998 - Promisses
| +---1999 - Bury The Hatchet
| +---19xx - The best
| +---2000 - Cranberies- B Side
| +---2000 - Just My Imagination
| \---2001 - Wake up And Smell
+---The Demonic
| \---2001 - Tales of Languished Woe
+---The End
| \---Transfer Trachea Reverberations from Point
+---The Everdawn
| \---1997 - Poems Burn The Past
+---The Haunted
| \---2003___One Kill Wonder
+---The Kovenant
| +---1997___In Times Before The Light
| +---1998___NEXUS_POLARIS
| +---1999___ANIMATRONIC
| \---1999___ANIMATRONICS
+---The Mist and the Morning
| \---2003 - Child of April`s Sun
+---The Prophecy
+---The Sins of thy Beloved
| +---1997___Lake Of Sorrow


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 ژانویه 2006
محل سکونت
حداقل سفارش تعداد البوم 50 عدد می باشد
کلیه سفارشات بر روی dvd data life 8x رایت می شود
سفارش فقط برای تهران می باشد
برای اطلاع بیشتر با شماره 09329400067 تماس گرفته شود
موفق باشید
+---A Perfect Circle
| +---2001
| +---2003 - Thirteenth Step
| +---2004 - Emotive
| \---Others
+---A Tribute To Bathory
| \---1998 - In Conspiracy With Sata
+---A Tribute To Dio
| +---Disk 1
| \---Disk 2
+---A Tribute To Slayer
| \---1999___STRAUGHT_TO_HELL
| +---Abazagorath - 1996 - Channeling The Etherial
| \---Abazagorath - 1997- Tenebrarum Cadent Exsurgemus
| +---Abigor - 1994 - VERWUSTUNG___INVOKE_THE
| +---Abigor - 1995 - Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
| +---Abigor - 1995 - ORKBLUT___THE_RETALIATI
| +---Abigor - 1996 - OPUS_IV
| +---Abigor - 1997 - APOKALYPSE
| +---Abigor - 1998 - SUPREME_IMMORTAL_ART
| +---Abigor - 1999 - CHANNELING_THE_QUINTESS
| +---Abigor - 2000 - IN_MEMORY
| \---Abigor - 2001 - Satanized
| \---Ablaze - 2000 - Ablaze Black Metal Comp
+---Ablaze My Sorrow Melodic Death Metal
| \---2002 - Anger Hate And Fury
| \---Aborted - Engineering The Dead
+---Aborym Black metal, black industrial
| +---Aborym - 1993 - Worshipping Damned Souls (Demo)
| +---Aborym - 1999 - Kali Yuga Bizarre
| +---Aborym - 2001 - Fire Walk With Us
| \---Aborym - 2002 - With No Human Intervention
| \---Abrass - demo
| \---Abruptum - De Profundis Mors Vas Consumet
+---Abs Conditus black metal
| \---Abs - 1995 - Noc Dlugich Nozy (DEMO)
| +---Abscess - 1996 - SEMINAL_VAMPIRES_AND_MA
| +---Abscess - 1997 - URINE_JUNKIES
| \---Abscess - 2000 - TORMENTED
+---Absu Death Metal (early), BlackThrash Metal
| +---Absu - 1993 - Barathrum Vitriol
| +---Absu - 1995 - ...And Shineth Unto the Cold Cometh(Single)
| +---Absu - 1995 - THE_PILLORIAN_AGE
| +---Absu - 1997 - The Third Storm Of Cythraul
| +---Absu - 1998 - In The Eyes Of Ioldanach(EP)
| \---Absu - 2001 - Tara
| \---EZAFE
| \---Absurd - 2001 - Werwolfthron
+---Abysmal Black doom metal
| \---Abysmal - 1995 - The Pillorian Age
+---Abyssic Hate Black Metal
| +---Abyssic hate - 1994 - Cleansing of an Ancient Race
| +---Abyssic hate - 2000 - Suicidal Emotions
| \---Abyssic hate - Bretrayed
+---Abyssos Melodic Black metal
| +---Abyssos - 1996 - Together We Summon the Dark
| \---Abyssos - 1999 - Fhinsthanian Nightbreed
| +---Acheron - 1991 - Rites Of A Black Mass
| +---Acheron - 1992 - Alla Xul
| +---Acheron - 1992 - Satanic Victory
| +---Acheron - 1994 - Lex Talionis & Satanic Victory
| \---Acheron - 1998 -
+---Acrimony Doom Metal
| \---Acrimony - 2001 - Burning Lives
+---Adhur [Spain]
| \---Adhur - 2001 - Iluntasunaren Itzulera
+---Adorned Brood
| +---Adorned Brood - 1996 - Hiltia
| +---Adorned Brood - 2000 - Asgard
| \---Adorned Brood - 2002 - Erdenkraft
+---Advocatus Diaboli
| \---Advocatus Diaboli - 1999 - Le Dernier Requiem De L
| \---Aeba - 1998 - Im Schattenreich
| +---1995 - From Blackest Darkness
| +---1997 - Beyond The Wandering Mo
| +---1999 - Shadows Of Old
| +---2000 - AETERNUS
| +---2001 - Ascension Of Terror
| \---2003 - A Darker Monument
| \---Afondsperdu - 2000 Years
+---After Forever Gothicatmospheric doom metal
| +---After Forever - 2000 - Prison Of Desire
| \---After Forever - 2001 - Decipher
+---Agalloch Atmospheric folkdoomgothic metal
| +---1999 - Pale Folklore
| +---2001 - Of Stone, Wind, And Pillor
| \---2002 - The Mantle
| \---Agares - 2003 - Live In Kabata(271.200
+---Agathodaimon Symphonic Black Metal
| +---Agathodaimon - 1998 - Blacken The Angel
| +---Agathodaimon - 1999 - Agath [EP]
| +---Agathodaimon - 1999 - Higher Art Of Rebellion
| +---Agathodaimon - 2001 - Chapter III
| \---Agathodaimon - 2004
+---Agatus Black Death Metal
| \---Agatus - 1994 - Dawn of Martyrdom
+---Agregator [Hungary]
| \---Agregator - 1997 - featured
+---Akercocke Black Death Metal
| \---Akercocke - 2001 - Goat Of Mendes
+---Alas Operatic progressive metal
| \---Alas - 2001 - Absolute Purity
+---Alastis Black metal
| +---Alastis - 1997 - The Other Side
| +---Alastis - 1998 - Revenge
| \---Alastis - 2001 - Unity
+---Alastor Sanguinary Embryo Black Death Metal
| +---Alastor - 1997 - The Howling Creature Of Night
| +---Alastor - 1999 - Eternal Tears Through Asmodeo'
| +---Alastor - 2001 - Metal Battle
| \---Alastor - Other
+---Algaion Atmospheric black metal
| +---Algaion - 1995__OIMAI_ALGEIOU
| +---Algaion - 1996__VOX_CLEMENTIS
| \---Algaion - 1997__GENERAL_ENMITY
+---Alghazanth Symphonic Black Metal
| +---Alghazanth - 1999 - THY_AEONS_ENVENOMED_SAN
| +---Alghazanth - 2000 - SUBLIMINAL_ANTENORA
| \---Alghazanth - 2001 - Osiris-Typhon Unmasked 2001
+---Aline & Crazzy
| \---Aline & Crazzy
| \---Allegiance - 1997 - Blodornsoffer
+---Allfader Black Metal
| \---Alfader - 1999 - DETEST
| +---Altar - 1994 - Youth Against Christ
| +---Altar - 1996 - Ego Art
| +---Altar - 1999 - In The Name Of Father
| +---Altar - 1999 - IN_THE_NAME_OF_FATHER
| +---Altar - 2000 - Until Heavens Forbids
| \---Altar - 2001 - Red Harvest
+---Amestigon Pagan Black Metal
| +---Amestigon - 1997 - HOLLENTANZ
| \---Amestigon - membering Ancient Origins
+---Amon Amarth Melodic Death Metal
| +---Amon Amarth - 1994 - The Arrival Of The Fimb
| +---Amon Amarth - 1996 - SORROW_THROUGHOUT_THE_NINE_WOR
| +---Amon Amarth - 1998 - ONCE_SENT_FROM_THE_GOLDEN_HALL
| +---Amon Amarth - 1999 - THE_AVENGER
| +---Amon Amarth - 2001 - THE_CRUSHER
| +---Amon Amarth - 2002 - VERSUS_THE_WORLD
| \---Amon Amarth - 2004 - Fate Of Norns
+---Amorphis Progressivedeathdoom metal
| +---Amorphis - 1993 - The Karelian Isthmus
| +---Amorphis - 1994 - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
| +---Amorphis - 1995 - Black Winter Day - EP
| +---Amorphis - 1996 - ELEGY
| +---Amorphis - 1997 - My Kantele - EP
| +---Amorphis - 1999 - TUONELA
| +---Amorphis - 2001 - AM Universum
| \---Amorphis - 2003 - FAR_FROM_THE_SUN
+---Amortis BlackDeath Metal
| \---Amortis - 2000 - Summoned by Astral Fire
+---Amphiaraus Black Metal
| \---Amphiaraus - 2000 - Pure Hate (Demo)
+---Anaal Nathrakh Black metal
| +---Anaal Nathrakh - 1999 - Anaal Natrakh (Demo)
| \---Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
| \---Anacrusis - 1991__MANIAC_IMPRESSIONS
+---Anaon Celtic Black Metal
| \---1996 - Tenvalijeen (DEMO)
+---Anasarca Death Metal
| \---Anasarca - MORIBUND
+---Anata Technical Death Metal
+---Anata VS Bethzaida
| \---Anata VS Bethzaida - WAR_II
+---Anathema (UK) DoomDeath Metal, Atmospheric Rock
| +---Anathema - 1991 - All Faith Is Lost
| +---Anathema - 1993 - Serenades
| +---Anathema - 1994 - We Are The Bible
| +---Anathema - 1995 - Pentecost III
| +---Anathema - 1995 - The Silent Enigma
| +---Anathema - 1996 - Eternity
| +---Anathema - 1998 - Alternative 4
| +---Anathema - 1998 - Ep - Alternative Future
| +---Anathema - 1999 - Judgment
| +---Anathema - 2001 - A Fine Day To Exit
| +---Anathema - 2001 - Resonance I
| +---Anathema - 2002 - Resonance II
| \---Anathema - 2003 - A Natural Disaster
+---Ancestral Legacy symphonic black metal
| \---Ancestral - 2000 - Ancestral Legacy (DEMO)
+---Ancient Melodic Black Metal
| +---Ancient - 1994 - SVARTALVHEIM
| +---Ancient - 1996 - The Cainian Chronicle
| +---Ancient - 1996 - Trolltaar
| +---Ancient - 1997 - Mad Grandiose Bloodfien
| +---Ancient - 1998 - Det Glemte Riket
| +---Ancient - 1999 - The Halls Of Eternity
| +---Ancient - 2001 - God Loves The Dead (Mini-CD
| +---Ancient - 2001 - God Loves The Dead (Mini-CD)
| \---Ancient - 2003 - Under Moonlight We Kiss
+---Ancient Wisdom Atmospheric Black Metal
| +---Ancient Wisdom - 1996 - For Snow Covered The Northland
| +---Ancient Wisdom - 1997 - The Calling
| \---Ancient Wisdom- 2000 - And The Physical Shape
+---And Oceans
| \---AND OCEANS - 2002___ Cypher
+---Angel Corpse
| \---Angel Corpse - 1999 - The Inexorable
+---Angel Rot
| \---Angzia - 1999 - Das Schachbrett Des Trommelbuben Zacharias
| \---Annihilator - CRITERIA_FOR_ABLA
+---Anorexia Nervosa Symphonic Black Metal
| +---Anorexia Nervosa - 2000 - Drudenhaus
| +---Anorexia Nervosa - 2001 - NEW_OBSCURANTIS_ORDER_2001
| +---Anorexia Nervosa - EXILE
| \---Anorexia Nervosa - Sodomizing The Archedangel. 1999
+---Antaeus Raw Black Metal
| \---Antaeus Raw - 2000 - Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan
+---Anthrax SpeedThrash, Groove Metal
| +---Anthrax - 1992 - FISTFUL OF METAL
| \---Anthrax - 1998 - The Threat Is Real Vol_8
| \---Antimatter - 2001 - Saviour
+---Apocalyptica Symphonic Pseudo-Metal, 'heavy cello'
| +---Apocalyptica - 1996 - PLAY_METALLICA_WITH_FOU
| +---Apocalyptica - 1998 - Inquisition
| +---Apocalyptica - 1999 - STORM_OF_THE_
| +---Apocalyptica - 2000 - ENLIGHTEN_THE_DARKNESS
| +---Apocalyptica - 2003 - Reflections
| +---Apocalyptica - 2005 - Apocalyptica
| | \---Apocalyptica_files
| | +---band_files
| | \---menu_files
| \---Apocalyptica - Cult
+---Apollo 440
| +---Apollo 440 - 1996 - KRUPA (SINGLE)
| +---Apollo 440 - 1997 - ELECTRO GLIDE IN BLUE
| \---Apollo 440 - 1999 - GETTING HIGH ON YOUR OWN SUPPLY
| \---Apollyan - 1999___DIABOLI GRATIA
| \---Apothis - HELIOPOLIS
| \---Aragorn - 2000___IMPRESSIONS
| +---Arcana - 1997 - Cantar De Procella
| \---Arcana - 2002 - Inner Pale Sun
+---Arch Enemy
| +---Arch Enemy - 1996___BLACK_EARTH
| +---Arch Enemy - 1998___STIGMATA
| +---Arch Enemy - 1999___BURNING_BRIDGES
| +---Arch Enemy - 1999___BURNING_JAPAN_LIVE
| +---Arch Enemy - 2001___WAGES_OF_SIN
| +---Arch Enemy - 2003___ Anthems Of Rebellion
| \---Arch Enemy - [1998]___SINGLE__IRON_MAIDEN_COV
| +---Arckanum - 1998___KAMPEN__CD_1
| +---Arckanum - 1998___KAMPEN__CD_2
| \---Arckanum - 2004__KAOS_SVARTA_MAR__SKINNIN
| +---Arcturus - 1991___MY_ANGEL__VINYL_
| +---Arcturus - 1996___ASPERA_HIEMS_SYMPHONIA
| +---Arcturus - 1999___DISGUISED_MASTERS____TH
| +---Arcturus - 1999___EP
| \---Arcturus - 2002___THE_SHAM_MIRRORS
+---Arkham BlackAmbientDark Metal
| +---Arkham - 1997 - REHEARSAL
| \---Arkham - 2004_-_Chapter 3, the madness from teh sea
+---Arkhon Infaustus BlackDeath Metal
| \---Arkhona - 2002 - Nocturnal Arkonian Hord
+---Armaggedon Black Metal
| \---Armaggedon - 2002 - Anti Human Life (Compil
+---Armored Saint Traditional Metal
| \---Armored Saint - 2002 - Reign Of Fire
+---Art Malefica Raw Black Metal
| \---Art Malefica - 2001 - As Florestas Do Sul (DE
+---Artillery Hell DeathThrash Metal
| \---Artillery Hell - 1998 - Deadly Relics
+---As It Burns Melodic DeathBlack Metal
| \---As It Burns - 2000 - Best Of As It Burns
+---Asaru black metal
| \---Asaru - demo
+---Aseidad DeathDoom Metal
| \---Aseidad - Autumn
+---Asgaroth BlackDoom Metal
| +---Asgaroth - 1996 - The Quest For Eldenhor(EP)
| +---Asgaroth - 1997 - Trapped In The Depths Of Eve
| +---Asgaroth - 1998 - Absence Spell Beyond
| +---Asgaroth - 2001 - Red Shift
| \---Asgaroth - Bartholomeus Night
+---Ashes you Leave DoomDeath Metal
| +---Ashes you Leave - 1998 - The Passage Back To Life
| +---Ashes you Leave - 1999___DESPERATE_EXISTENCE
| \---Ashes you Leave - 2000___THE_INHERITANCE_OF_SIN_
| \---Asphyx - 2000___ON_THE_WINGS_OF_INFERNO
+---Astrofaes Black Metal
| \---Astrofaes - 1998 - Dying Emotions Domain
+---At The Getes
| +---At The Getes - 1992 - The Red In The Sky Is Ours
| +---At The Getes - 1994 - Terminal Spirit Disease
| +---At The Getes - 1995__SLAUGHTER_OF_THE_SOUL
| +---At The Getes - Gardens Of Grief 1991
| \---At The Getes - With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness (1993)
| \---Ataraxia - 2002 - Mon Seul Désir
| \---Atrocity - 1994___BLUT
| \---Autopsy - 1995 - Shitfun
| \---Autumn - 2002 - When Lust Evokes The Cu
+---Autum Tears
| +---Autum Tears - 1997___LOVE_POEMS_FOR_DYING_CH
| +---Autum Tears - 1999___ABSOLUTION
| \---Autum Tears - 2000___LOVE_POEMS_FOR_DYING_CH
+---Autumn Verses Melodic Blackened Death Metal
| +---Autumn Verses - Autumn Verses
| \---Autumn Verses -1997 - Tunes of Disconsolation
+---Autumnblaze Melodic Doom Death Metal
| +---Autumnblaze - 2000 - Bleak
| +---Autumnblaze - 2002 - Lighthouses
| +---Autumnblaze - 2002 - Mute Boy Sad Girl
| \---Autumnblaze - Daemmer Elben Tragoedie
+---Avec Tristesse Dark Metal
| \---Avec Tristesse - 2002 - Ravishing Beauty
| \---Avernus - Of The Fallen
+---Averse Sefira Black Metal
| \---Averse - 2001 - Battle's Clarion
+---Avrigus Orchestral ambient doom metal
| +---Avrigus - 1998, The Final wish
| \---Avrigus - 2001, The Secret Kingdom
+---Axamenta Melodic DeathBlack Metal
| +---Axamenta - 1995 - Echoes
| \---Axamenta - 1997 - In To A Dream
+---Ayreon Progressive metalrock
| +---Ayreon - 1994 - The Final Experiment - A Rock Opera
| +---Ayreon - 1996 - ACTUAL_FANTASY
| +---Ayreon - 1998 - Into The Electric Castle
| | +---Disc 1
| | \---Disc 2
| +---Ayreon - 2000 - T. Pa
| +---Ayreon - 2000 - The Dream Sequencer
| \---Ayreon - 2004 - The Human Equation
| +---Azaghal - 1998 - Deathkult MMDCLXVI
| +---Azaghal - 1998 - Harmagedon
| \---Azaghal - 2000 - Helvetin Yhdeksas Piiri
| \---Azazel - 2000
+---Azerlath Black Metal
| \---Azerlath - 1999 - Medieval Art
+---Azmodan Black Metal
| \---Azmodan - 1998 - Evil Obscurity
+---Aztec Black Metal
| \---Aztec - 2000 - Loss Of Our Final Pride
| \---Baalbeith - 1996 - Storming Through The Ga
+---Bal Sagoth
| +---Bal Sagoth - 1998___BATTLE_MAGIC
| \---Bal Sagoth - 2001___ATLANTIS_ASCENDANT
| \---Baphomet - 1992 - The dead Shall Inherit
| +---Bathory - 1984 - Bathory
| +---Bathory - 1985 - The Return
| +---Bathory - 1988 - Blood Fire Death
| +---Bathory - 1990 - Hammerheart [1990]
| +---Bathory - 1991 - Twilight Of The Gods
| +---Bathory - 1993 - JUBILEUM - VOLUME II
| +---Bathory - 1994 - Requiem
| +---Bathory - 1995 - Octagon
| \---Bathory - 2003 - Destroyer Of Worlds
+---Before The Rain
| \---Before The Rain - 2002 - And With the Day Dying Light
| +---Beheerit - 1991 - The Oath Of Black Blood
| +---Beheerit - 1994 - H418ov21.C
| +---Beheerit - 1994 - Messe Des Morts (EP)
| +---Beheerit - 1996 - Electric Doom Synthesis
| +---Beheerit - MESSE_DES_MORTS
| \---Beheerit - With ARCHGOAT
+---Behemoth Black metal
| +---Behemoth - 1992___ Endless Damnation (DEMO
| +---Behemoth - 1992___ The Return Of The North
| +---Behemoth - 1993___FROM_NOTHERLNADS_TO_LIN
| +---Behemoth - 1994___AND_THE_FORESTS_DREAM_E
| +---Behemoth - 1995___SVENTEVITH___STORMING_N
| +---Behemoth - 1997 - Grom
| +---Behemoth - 1997___BEWITCHING_THE_POMERANI
| +---Behemoth - 1998___CHAOTICA___THE_ESSENCE_
| | +---DISK_ONE
| | \---DISK_TWO
| +---Behemoth - 1998___PANDEMONIC_INCANTATIONS
| +---Behemoth - 1999___ Thunders To Erupt
| +---Behemoth - 1999___SATANICA
| +---Behemoth - 2000___THELEMA_666
| +---Behemoth - 2001___ ANTICHRISTIAN_PHENOMENON
| +---Behemoth - 2002___ Zos Kia Cultus
| \---Behemoth - 2004 - Demigod
+---Belfegor Black metal
| +---Belfegor - 1997 - Blutsabbath
| +---Belfegor - 2000 - Necrodaemon Terrorsathan
| \---Belfegor - 2001 - The Kingdom Of Glacial Palaces
+---Bellum Black Metal
| \---Bellum - 2001 - Pagan Antipathies (DEMO
| +---Belphegor - 1997 - Blutsabbath
| \---Belphegor - 2000 - NECRODAEMON_TERRORSATHA
+---Benediction Death Metal
| +---Benediction - 1992 - THE GRAND LEVELLER
| +---Benediction - 1993 TRANSCEND THE RUBICON
| +---Benediction - 1994 - GORTESQUE-ASHEN EPITAPH (EP)
| +---Benediction - 1995 - The Dreams You Dread
| | \---1997-From The Underground And
| +---Benediction - 1998 - Grind Bastard
| \---Benediction - 2001 - Organized Chaos
+---Beseech Gothic metal
| +---Beseech - 1998 - From a bleeding heart
| +---Beseech - 2000 - Black emotions
| +---Beseech - 2002___SOULS_HIGHWAY
| \---Beseech - 2004 - Drama
| \---Bestia - 2001___DEMO
| +---Bethlehem - 1995
| +---Bethlehem - 2004 - Dictius Te Necare [CD 2]
| \---Bethlehem - Bethlehem
+---Betray My Secrets DoomFolk Metal
| \---Betray My Secret - 1999___BETRAY_MY_SECRETS
| \---Bewitched - 1996 - Encyclopedia Of Evil
+---Beyond Dawn
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1993 - Up Through The Linear Shadows
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1994 - Longing For Scarlet Days
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1995 - Pity Love
| +---Beyond Dawn - 1998 - Revelry
| \---Beyond Dawn - 1999 - In Reverie
| +---Bile - 1994 - Suck Pump
| \---Bile - 1997 - Biledegardabel
+---Bio Hazard
| +---Bio Hazard - 1994 - STATE OF THE WORLD ADDRESS
| +---Bio Hazard - 1996 - Matleao
| \---Bio Hazard - 1999 - NEW WORLD DISORDER
+---Bishop of Hexen Symphonic Black Metal
| \---Bishop of Hexen - 1997 - Archives Of An Enchanted Philosophy
+---Black Crows
| +---Black Crows - 1990 - Shake Your Money Maker
| \---Black Crows - 1994 - Amorica
+---Black Dawn
| \---Black Dawn - 1998 - Blood For Satan
+---Black Funeral
| \---Black Funeral - 1996 - Vampyr - Throne Of The
+---Black lable society
| +---Black lable society - 1999 - Sonic Brew
| +---Black lable society - 19xx - Other songs
| +---Black lable society - 19xx - ZAKK WILD guitar lesson
| +---Black lable society - 2001 - Alcohol Fueled Brewtality Live + 5
| | +---(Disc I)
| | \---(Disc II)
| +---Black lable society - 2002 - 1919 Eternal
| \---Black lable society - 2003 - The Blessed Hellride
+---Black Sabbath HeavyTraditional, Doom Metal
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1972 - VOL. 4
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1987- The Eternal Idol
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1990- Tyr
| +---BLACK SABBATH 1994- Cross Purposes
| +---DISK A
| \---DISK B
+---Black Throne
| \---Black Throne - 2001 - Panzerfaust Division Blackthrone
+---Black Witchery Black Metal
| \---Black Witchery - 1998 - Summoning Of Infernal Legions (Demo)
+---Blackseed Boys
| \---Blackseed Boys - 2000___NONE_YET
+---Blackstar Traditional Metal, Classic Rock
| \---Blackstar - 1998 - Barbed Wire Soul
+---Blazing Eternity
| \---Blazing Eternity - 2003 - A World To Drown In
+---Blind Melon
| \---Blind Melon - 1992 - BLIND MELON
+---Blind Guardian
| +---Blind Guardian - BONUS_CD
| \---Blind Guardian - FOLLOW_THE_BLIND1989
+---Blood Feast
| +---Blood Feast - CRUCIFIED_AGAIN
| \---Blood Feast - DEMO
+---Bloodhound Gang
| \---Bloodhound Gang - 1999___HOORAY_FOR_BOOBIES
+---Bloodthorn BlackDeath Metal
| \---Bloodthorn - 2001 - Under The Reign Of Terr
+---Bluttaufe Black Thrashing War Metal
| +---Bluttaufe - 1995 - Ultima Thulée
| +---Bluttaufe - 1996 - Memoria Vetusta I- Fathers of the Icy Age
| \---Bluttaufe - 2000___DEM_UNTERGANG_VERPFLICH
| +---Boituary - 1989___ SLOWLY_WE_ROT
| +---Boituary - 1990___ CAUSE_OF_DEATH
| \---Boituary - 1990___ THE_END_COMPLETE
+---Bolt Thrower Death metal
| +---Bolt Thrower - 1992 - The IV Crusade
| +---Bolt Thrower - 1998 - MERCENARY
| \---Bolt Thrower - Bolt Thrower(UK)
| +---Brainstorm - 2003 - Soul Temptation
| +---Brainstorm - AMBIGUITY
| \---Brainstorm - METUS_MORTIS
+---Broken Hope Death Metal
| \---Broken Hope - LOATHING_1998
+---Brutal Truth Death Metal Grindcore
| \---Brutal Truth - 1994 - Need To Control
+---Burning Witch Extreme doom metal
| \---Burning Witch - 1997 - Crippled Lucifer
+---Burzum Black MetalAmbient
| +---@Burzum - Varg Vikernes - Count Grishnackh - (11th February 1973 - Berge
n, Norway)
| | +---Desktop Wallpapers
| | +---Others
| | +---VARG VIKERNES (1987-1999)
| | \---Winamp Skins
| +---Burzum - 1991 - 1992-Burzum & Aske
| +---Burzum - 1991 - Demo
| +---Burzum - 1992 - Det Som Engang Var
| +---Burzum - 1993 - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
| +---Burzum - 1994 - Dark Medieval Times
| +---Burzum - 1995 - The Shadowthrone
| +---Burzum - 1996 - FILOSOFEM
| +---Burzum - 1997 - Balder's Dod
| +---Burzum - 1997 - Megiddo (Mother North In The Dawn Of New Age)
| +---Burzum - 1997 - Nemesis Divina
| +---Burzum - 1998 - Burzum
| +---Burzum - 1999 - Hlidskjalf
| +---Burzum - 1999 - Intermezzo II
| +---Burzum - 2000 - Ragnarok (A New Beginning)
| +---Burzum - 2000 - Rebel Extravaganza
| +---Burzum - 2002 - Anthology
| \---Burzum - Svarte Dauen
+---Cadaveria Symphonic Horror Metal
| \---Cadaveria - 2002 - The Shadows Madame
+---Callenish Circle
| +---Callenish Circle - 1997 - Drift Of Empathy
| \---Callenish Circle - 1999 - Graceful. Yet Forbidding
| +---Cancer - Death Shall Arise
| \---Cancer - The Sins of Mankind
+---Candle Box
| \---Candle Box - 1993 - CANDLE BOX
+---Cannibal Corpse DeathGore Metal
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1990 - EATEN BACK TO LIFE
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1991 - BUTCHERED AT BIRTH
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1992 - TOMB OF THE MUTILATED
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1994 - THE BLEEDING
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1996 - VILE
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 1998 - GALLERY OF SUICIDE
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 2000 - LIVE CANNIBALISM
| +---Cannibal Corpse - 2002 - Gore Obsessed
| \---Cannibal Corpse - 2004 - The Wretched Spawn
+---Carcass Death metal
| +---Carcass - 1991__NECROTICISM___DE
| +---Carcass - 1994__HEARTWORK
| +---Carcass - 1995 - SWAN SONG
| +---Carcass - CARCASS HEART WORK 1993
| +---Carcass - Go To Hell
| \---Carcass - Symposium Of Sickness
+---Carfatic Forest
| \---Carfatic Forest - 2000 - Strange Old Brew
+---Carpathian Dream neoclassical dark-metal
| \---Carpathian Dream - 2002 - Frozen Tears
+---Carpe Tenebrum Black Metal, Death Metal
| \---Carpe Tenebrum - 1998____MAJESTIC_NOTHINGNESS
+---Carphatian Forest
| \---Carphatian Forest - 1998 - Black Shining Leather
+---Catamenia Melodic Black Metal
| +---Catamenia - 1995 - (demo)
| +---Catamenia - 1997 - Wind (demo)
| +---Catamenia - 1998 - Halls of frozen north
| +---Catamenia - 1999 - Morning Crimson
| +---Catamenia - 2000 - Etenal Winter S Prophec
| +---Catamenia - 2002 - Eskhata
| +---Catamenia - 2003 - Chaos Born
| \---Catamenia - 2005 - Winternight Tragedies
+---Cathedral Doom stoner metal (new), Doom metal (old)
| +---Cathedral - 1990 - In MEMORIUM
| \---Cathedral - 1995 - Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)
+---Celestial Season Death Doom (early) Stoner Metal (later)
| +---Celestial Season - 1993 - Forever Scarlet Passion
| +---Celestial Season - 1994 - Above Azure Oceans (Vin
| +---Celestial Season - 1994 - Promo
| +---Celestial Season - 1995 - Solar Lovers
| +---Celestial Season - 1995 - Sonic Orb
| +---Celestial Season - 1996 - 3 Track Demon
| +---Celestial Season - 1997 - Black Queen Is Dynamite
| +---Celestial Season - 1997 - Orange
| +---Celestial Season - 1999 - Chrome
| +---Celestial Season - 1999 - Demo '99
| +---Celestial Season - 2000 - Lunchbox Dialogues
| \---Celestial Season - 2001 - Songs From The Second F
+---Celtic Forest
| +---Celtic Forest - 1987___INTO_THE_PANDEMONIUM
| \---Celtic Forest - 1990 - Vanity - Nemesis
+---Cemetry Of Scream
| +---Cemetry Of Scream - 1995 - Melancholy
| \---Cemetry Of Scream - 1998 - Deeppression
| +---Chalice - 2001 - An Illusion To The Temp
| \---Chalice - Chronicles Of Dysphoria
| \---Charon - 2002 - Downhearted
+---Children of Bodom
| +---Children of Bodom - 1998 - Something Wild
| +---Children of Bodom - 1999 - Hatebreeder
| +---Children of Bodom - 1999 - Tokyo Warhearts - Live In Japan
| +---Children of Bodom - 2000 - Follow The Reaper
| +---Children of Bodom - 2003 - Hate Crew Deathroll
| +---Children Of Bodom - 2004 Hate Crew Deathroll (Japanese Version)
| | \---CHILDREN OF BODOM LYRICS - Hate Crew Deathroll (2003)_files
| +---Children of Bodom - Children Of Bodom
| \---Children of Bodom - Other
+---Circle of Dead Children
| +---Circle Of Dead Children - 1999 - Starving the Vultures
| +---Circle Of Dead Children - 2000 - 'Exotic Sense Decay
| \---Circle Of Dead Children - 2001 - The Genocide Machine
+---Cirith Ungol HeavyDoom Metal
| \---Cirith Ungo - ONE_FOOT_IN_HELL
+---Clandestine Ablaze
| +---Clandestine Ablaze - 1999 - Fire Burns In Our Heart
| \---Clandestine Ablaze - 2000 - Night Of The Unholy Flames
| \---Closterkeller - blue
+---Coal Chamber
| +---Coal Chamber - 1997 - Coal chamber
| +---Coal Chamber - 2000____CHAMBER_MUSIC
| \---Coal Chamber - 2002 - Dark Days
+---Control Denied Technical Progressive Power Metal
| \---Control Denied - 1999___THE_FRAGILE_ART_OF_EXIS
| \---Covenant - 1998 - Nexus Polaris
+---Cradle Of Filth
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1991
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1996 - Dusk And Her Embrace
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1998 - Cruelty The Beast
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1999 - FROM DUSK TO CRUELTY TIME
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 1999 - FROM THE CRADLE TO ENSLAVE (EP)
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2000 - GLASS HOUSES
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2000 - Midian
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2001 - Bitter Suiles to Succubi
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2002 - Lovecraft And Witch Hea
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2003 - Damnation and a Day
| +---Cradle Of Filth - 2004 - Nymphetamine
| +---Cradle Of Filth - The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh
| \---Cradle Of Filth - Vempire or Dark Faerytales
+---Crazy Town
| +---Crazy Town - 2001 - BUTTERFLY (SINGLE)
| +---Crazy Town - 2001 - THE GIFT OF GAME
| +---Crazy Town - 2002 - Darkhorse
| \---Crazy Town - 2002 - Darkhorse + Bonus
| +---Creed - 1999_HUMAN_CLAY
| \---Creed - WEATHERED_2001
| +---Crematory - 1993 - Transmigration
| +---Crematory - 1995 - Illusion
| +---Crematory - 1996 - LIVE AT THE OUT OF THE DARK FESTIVAL
| +---Crematory - 1996 - CREMATORY
| +---Crematory - 1997 - AWAKE
| +---Crematory - 1999 - ACT SEVEN
| +---Crematory - 1999 - FLY__SINGLE_
| +---Crematory - 1999 _ ACT SEVEN
| +---Crematory - 2000 - Believe
| | \---CREMATORY LYRICS - Believe (2000)_files
| +---Crematory - 2000 - EARLY_YEARS___PART_2
| +---Crematory - 2000 - Remoad
| \---Crematory - 2004 - Revolution
| \---CREMATORY LYRICS - Revolution (2004)_files
+---Crimson Garden Gothic metal
| \---Crimson Garden - 2000 - Lilith The Dark Mother
+---Cryptal Darkness Doomgothic metal
| +---Cryptal Darkness - 1998 - Endless Tears
| +---Cryptal Darkness - 1999 - They Whispered You Had Risen
| +---Cryptal Darkness - 2000 - Dawn Of The New Age
| \---Cryptal Darkness - 2001 - Chapter II - The Fallen (EP)
+---Cryptic Wintermoon Melodic Black Metal
| \---Cryptic Wintermoon - 1999 - The Age Of Cataclysm
| \---Cryptopsy - And Then You'll Beg . 2000
+---Cultus Sanguine
| +---Cultus Sanguine - 1995 - Cultus Sanguine
| +---Cultus Sanguine - 1997 - Shadow's Blood
| \---Cultus Sanguine - 2000 - The Sum Of All Fears
| \---Cyinc - 1993 - FOCUS
+---Daemonarch Black metal
| \---Daemonarch - 1998 - HERMETICUM
+---Daemonic Alchemy Epic symphonic blackened metal
| \---Daemonic Alchemy - 2000 - Scriptures
+---Dalmerot's Kingdom Black Metal
| \---Dalmerot's Kingdom - Ha'minstorin Ha'nitzchi
+---Danzig Heavy Metal - Metallic Doom Rock
| +---Danzig - 1988__DANZIG
| +---Danzig - 1990 - LUCIFUGE
| +---Danzig - 1995 - Mother
| \---Danzig - 1996__BLACKACIDEVIL
+---Dargaard Dark Neoclassical Metal
| +---Dargaard - 1998 - Eternity Rites
| +---Dargaard - 2000 - In Nomine Aeternitatis
| \---Dargaard - 2001 - The Dissolution Of Eter
+---Dark Angel
| \---Dark Angel - 2000 - Time Does Not Heal
+---Dark Army BlackThrashIndustrial Metal
| +---Dark Army - 1999 - Dark Army
| \---Dark Army - 2000 - Requiem
+---Dark at Dawn Dark Power Metal
| \---Dark at Dawn - 1999 - Baneful Skies
+---Dark Fortress Melodic Black Metal
| \---Dark Fortress - 2001 - Tales From Eternal Dusk
+---Dark Funeral Black Metal
| +---Dark Funeral - 1994 - DARK_FUNERAL
| +---Dark Funeral - 1996 - The Secrets Of The Black Arts
| +---Dark Funeral - 1998 - Live In Hultsfred
| +---Dark Funeral - 1998 - Vobiscum Satanas
| +---Dark Funeral - 2000_ TEACH_THE_CHILDREN_TO_WOR
| +---Dark Funeral - 2001 - Diabolis Interium
| +---Dark Funeral - 2001 - In The Sign
| \---Dark Funeral - 2002 - Live In Cleveland
+---Dark Moor Power Metal
| +---Dark Moor - 1999___SHADOWLAND
| +---Dark Moor - 2000___HALL_OF_THE_OLDEN_DREAM
| +---Dark Moor - 2001___THE_FALL_OF_MELNIBONE
| \---Dark Moor - 2002___THE_GATES_OF_OBLIVION
+---Dark Reality
| +---Dark Reality - 1997 - Oh Precious Haze Pervade The Pain
| \---Dark Reality - 2000 - Blossom Of Mourning
+---Dark Tranquility
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1993 - Skydancer
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1995 - The Gallery
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1996 - The Mind's I
| +---Dark Tranquility - 1999 - projector
| | \---DARK TRANQUILLITY LYRICS - Projector (1999)_files
| +---Dark Tranquility - 19XX - Dark Tranquility & In Flames
| | \---P3_LIVE
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2000 - Haven
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2001 - FOREVER STAINS
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2002 - Damage Done (Promo)
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2004 Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial CD1
| +---Dark Tranquility - 2004 Exposures - In Retrospect And Denial CD2
| \---Dark Tranquility - 2005 Character
+---Dark Tribe Black Metal
| \---Dark Tribe - 2001 - First Promo
+---Darkseed Gothic Heavy Metal
| +---Darkseed - 1994 - Romantic Tales
| +---Darkseed - 1996 - Midnight Solemnly Dance
| +---Darkseed - 1997 - Spellcraft
| +---Darkseed - 1998 - Romantic Tales
| +---Darkseed - 1999 - Give Me Light
| +---Darkseed - 2000 - Diving Into Darkness
| +---Darkseed - 2003 - Astral Adventures
| \---Darkseed - Best Of Dark Seed
| +---Darkside - 1997 - Shadowfields
| \---Darkside - 2001 - Cognitive Dissonance
+---Darkthrone Black Metal, Death Metal (early)
| +---Dark Throne - 1991_Riihimaki
| +---Dark Throne - 1992 - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
| +---Dark Throne - 1993_UNDER_A_FUNERA
| +---Dark Throne - 1994 - Transilvanian Hunger
| +---Dark Throne - 1995_PANZERFAUST
| +---Dark Throne - 1996_GOATLORD
| +---Dark Throne - 1996_TOTAL_DEATH
| +---Dark Throne - 1997_THE_ROOTS_OF_E
| +---Dark Throne - 1999_DARKTHRONE_HOL
| +---Dark Throne - 1999_RAVISHING_GRIM
| +---Dark Throne - 2001_Evil Past
| +---Dark Throne - 2002_Ravishing Grimness
| \---Dark Throne - 2003_ Hate Them
+---Darkwell Gothic, doom metal
| \---Darkwell - 2000___SUSPIRIA
+---Darkwoods My Betrothed Black Metal
| +---Darkwoods My Betrothed - 1995 - Heirs Of The North Star
| +---Darkwoods My Betrothed - 1996 - Autumns Roars Thunder
| \---Darkwoods My Betrothed - 1998 - Witch Hunts
+---Darzamat Atmospheric Metal
| \---Darzamat - 1998 - IN_THE_OPIUM_OF_BLACK_VEIL
+---Dawn Of Dreams
| +---Dawn Of Dreams - 1997 - Amber
| | \---info
| | \---DAWN OF DREAMS LYRICS - Amber (1997)_files
| \---Dawn Of Dreams - 1998 - Fragments
+---Daylight Dies Melodic DeathDoom Metal
| \---Daylight Dies - No Reply
+---Dead Can Dance
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1984- Dead Can
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1985-spleen and
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1987-Enigma of
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1988 - The Serpent's Egg
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1990- Aion
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1991 - A_PASSAGE_IN_TIME
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1993- Into The Labyrinth
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1994- Toward The Within
| +---Dead Can Dance - 1996- Spiritcha
| +---Dead Can Dance - 2000 - Serpent
| +---Dead Can Dance - Influences From The Middle Age
| +---Dead Can Dance - Lisa Mirror
| \---Dead Can Dance - The Hidden Treasures
| +---Death - 1987 - scream bloody gore
| +---Death - 1988 - Leprosy
| +---Death - 1990 - FALL FROM GRACE (LIVE)
| +---Death - 1990 - SPIRITUAL HEALING
| +---Death - 1991 - Human
| +---Death - 1993 - Individual Though Patterns
| +---Death - 1995 - SYMBOLIC
| \---Death - 1998 - The sound of perseverance
+---Death Angel
| \---Death Angel - 1990 - FALL FROM GRACE (LIVE)
+---December Moon Black Metal
| \---December Moon - 1996 - Source of Origin
+---December Wolves Deathblack metal, Industrial post-black metal
| \---December Wolves - Completely Dehumanized
+---Decoryah Atmosphericmelancholic new-age gothic metal
| \---Decoryah - 1996 - Fall-Dark Waters
+---Deeds of Flesh Brutal Death metal
| +---Deeds of Flesh - 2000 - Path of the Weakening
| +---Deeds of Flesh - Gradually Melted
| +---Deeds of Flesh - Inbreeding the Anthropophagi
| +---Deeds of Flesh - Mark Of The Legion
| \---Deeds of Flesh - Trading Pieces
+---Deicide Death Metal
| +---Deicide - 1990 - Deicide
| +---Deicide - 1992 - LEGION
| +---Deicide - 1993 - AMON - FEASTING THE BEAST
| +---Deicide - 1995 - Once Upon The Cross
| +---Deicide - 1997 - Serpents of light
| +---Deicide - 1999 - WHEN_SATAN_LIVES
| +---Deicide - 1999 - WORLD_COMING_DOWN
| +---Deicide - 2000 - Insineratehymn
| +---Deicide - 2001 - In Torment In Hell
| +---Deicide - 2003 - Burning Down The Opera - Live
| \---Deicide - 2004 - Scars Of The Crucifix
+---Deinonychus Symphonic DarkDoom Metal
| +---Deinonychus - 1995___THE_SILENCE_OF_DECEMBER
| +---Deinonychus - 1996___THE_WEEPING_OF_A_THOUSA
| +---Deinonychus - 1997___ARK_OF_THOUGHT
| \---Deinonychus - 1999___DEINONYCHUS
| \---Demigod - 1992 - Slumber Of Sullen Eyes
+---Deminsion zero
| +---1998 - Penetrations From The L
| \---2002 - Silent Night Fever
+---Demolition Hammer
| \---Demolition Hammer - 1994 - Time Bomb
| \---Demoniac - 1999 - STORMBLADE
+---Demonism Black Metal
| \---Demonism - Saga For The Dark Winter Times
+---Demons & Wizards Power metal
| \---Demons & Wizards - 2000 - Demons & Wizards
| +---Desire - 1998 - Pentacrow
| \---Desire - 2002 - Locus Horrendus - The Night Cries Of A Sullen Soul. (por
| \---DESIRE LYRICS - Locus Horrendus - The Night Cries Of A Sullen Soul__
_ (2002)_files
+---Destroyer 666
| +---Destryoyer - 2000___PHOENIX_RISING
| \---Destryoyer - 2002___COLD_STEELFOR_AN_IRON_A
| \---Destruction - 2000___ALL_HELL_BREAKS_LOOSE
+---Diabolical masquerade
| +---Diabolical masquerade - 1995 - Ravendusk In My Heart
| +---Diabolical masquerade - 1997 - The Phantom Lodge
| +---Diabolical masquerade - 1998 - Nightwork
| \---Diabolical masquerade - 2001 - Death's Design
+---Diabolos Rising
| +---Diabolos Rising - 1994 - 666
| \---Diabolos Rising - 1996 - Blood Vampirism And Sad
+---Die Verbannten Kinder Evas
| \---Die Verbannten Kinder Evas - 1997___COME_HEAVY_SLEEP
+---Dimmu Borgir Melodic BlackSymphonic Extreme Metal
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1994 - For All Tid
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1996 - Devil's Path
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1996 - Stormblast
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1997 - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1998 - Godless Savage Garden
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 1999 - Spiritual Black Dimensions
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 2001 - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
| +---Dimmu Borgir - 2003 - Death Cult Armageddon
| \---Dimmu Borgir - 2004 - Vredesbyrd
+---Disbelief DeathThrash Metal
| +---Disbelief - 1997 - Disbelief
| +---Disbelief - 1998 - Infected
| \---Disbelief - 2001 - Worst Enemy
+---Disgorged Death Metal
| \---Disgorged - Cranial Impalement
+---Dismal Euphony Melodic black metal
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1995 - Dismal Euphony
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1996 - Soria Moria Slott
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1997 - Autumn Leaves - the Rebellion of Tides
| +---Dismal Euphony - 1999 - All Little Devils
| +---Dismal Euphony - 2000 - Lady Ablaze
| \---Dismal Euphony - 2001 - Python Zero
+---Dismember Death Metal
| +---Dismember - 1991 - Like An Everflowin
| +---Dismember - 1993 - Indecent Obscenc
| +---Dismember - 1995 - Massive Killing Capacity
| +---Dismember - 1997 - Death Metal
| \---Dismember - 2000 - Hate Campaign
| \---Dissection - 1995 - Storm Of The Light's Bane
+---Disturbed Thrash Metal
| +---Disturbed - 2000 - The sickness
| +---Disturbed - 2002 - Believe
| \---Disturbed - Others
+---Dod Helms Gard
| +---Dod Helms Gard - 1995 - Kronet Til Konge
| +---Dod Helms Gard - 1996 - Monumental Possession
| +---Dod Helms Gard - 1997 - Satanic Art
| \---Dod Helms Gard - 1999 - 666 International
| +---Dolorian - 1999___WHEN_ALL_THE_LAUGHTER_H
| \---Dolorian - 2001___DOLORIAN
+---Doomsword Epic Doom Metal
| \---Doomsword - 2002 - Resound The Horn
+---Down sludge heavy metal
| +---Down sludge - 1995 - Nola
| \---Down sludge - 2002 - Down II
+---Draconis Black metal
| +---Draconis - 1999 - The Highest Of All Dark
| \---Draconis - 2005 - Arcane Rain Fell
+---Dragonlord Blackthrash metal
| \---Dragonlord - 2001 - Rapture
+---Dreadful Shadows Gothic Metal
| +---Dreadful Shadows - 1999 - Beyond The Maze
| +---Dreadful Shadows - 1999__THE_CYCLE_
| \---Dreadful Shadows - 2001 - Beyond the Maze
+---Dream Theater Progressive metal
| +---Dream Theater - 1992 - IMAGES AND WORDS
| +---Dream Theater - 1994 - AWAKE
| +---Dream Theater - 1995- A Change Of Seasons
| +---Dream Theater - 1997 - FALLING_INTO_INFINITY
| +---Dream Theater - 1998 - Liquid Tension Experiment
| +---Dream Theater - 1998 - ONCE_IN_A_LIVETIME
| | +---DISK_1
| | \---DISK_2
| +---Dream Theater - 2000 - AN_EVENING_WITH_JOHN_PE
| +---Dream Theater - 2000 Cover Songs
| +---Dream Theater - 2002 - SIX DEGRESS OF INNER TURBULENCE - DISK_1
| +---Dream Theater - 2002 - SIX DEGRESS OF INNER TURBULENCE - DISK_2
| +---Dream Theater - 2003_TRAIN_OF_THOUGHT
| +---Dream Theater - SOLO
| +---Dream Theater - TRIBOT OF METALLICA
| \---Dream Theater - Unreleased Live Material - B-sides
+---Dreams of Sanity gothic metalrock
| +---Dreams of Sanity - 1997___KOMODIA
| +---Dreams of Sanity - 1999___MASQUERADE
| \---Dreams of Sanity - 2000___THE_GAME
+---Drohm BlackDeath Metal
| \---Drohm - 2000 - Everlasting Departure
+---Drowning Pool
| \---Drowning Pool - SINNER 2001
+---Dub Buk Melodic Black Metal
| \---Dub Buk - 2003 - Rus Ponad Vse
| \---Dusk - 1993 - Majestic Thou In Ruin
| +---Duskfall - 2001 - Deliverance
| \---Duskfall - Boot Camp Promo 101
| \---Dynabyte - 2002 - promo
+---Ebony Tears
| \---Ebony Tears - 1998 - Tortura Insominae
+---Ecthalion doomgoth metal
| \---Ecthalion - 2000 - In the Embrace of Noctu
+---Edenbridge Power Metal
| \---Edenbridge - 2000_SUNRISE_IN_EDEN
+---Edge of Sanity
| +---Edge of Sanity - 1996 - Crimson
| \---Edge of Sanity - 1997 - Cryptic
+---Efhel Duath
| \---Efhel Duath - OPERA__2000_
+---Einherjer Viking Metal
| +---Einherjer - 1997___FAR_FAR_NORTH
| +---Einherjer - 2000___NORWEGIAN_NATIVE_ART
| \---Einherjer - 2003___ Blot
| \---Eisergen - 2000___BLOODY_BLASTING
+---Eisheilig Gothic Meta
| \---Eisheilig - 2001___EISHEILIG
| +---Elend - 1994 - LE_ONS_DE_T_N_BRES
| +---Elend - 1994 - Leçons De Ténèbres
| +---Elend - 1996 - Les Ténèbres Du Dehors
| +---Elend - 1997 - Weeping Nights
| +---Elend - 1998 - The Umbersun
| \---Elend - 2004 - Winds Devouring Men
+---Em Sinfonia
| \---Em Sinfonia - 1998 - In Mournings Symphony
+---Eminenz Black Metal
| \---Eminenz - 2000 - The Blackest Dimension
| \---Emorthany - 1998___FILTHIES_OF_THE_LORD
+---Emperor (Nor) Black MetalSymphonic Extreme Metal
| +---Emperor - 1992 - Wrath Of The Lyrant
| +---Emperor - 1994 - In The Nightside Eclips
| +---Emperor - 1997 - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
| +---Emperor - 1999 - IX EQUILIBRIUM
| \---Emperor - 2001 - Prometheus - The Discipline Of Fire And Demise
+---Empyrium Dark Symphonic Folk Metal
| +---Empyrium - 1995 - Der wie ein Blitz vom Himmel fiel... Demo
| +---Empyrium - 1996 - A Winter Sunset
| +---Empyrium - 1997 - Songs Of Moors & Misty Fields
| +---Empyrium - 1999 - Where At Night The Wood Grouse Plays
| \---Empyrium - 2002 - Weiland (Promo)
| +---Ensiferum - 2002 - ensiferum
| \---Ensiferum - 2004 - iron
| +---Enslaved - 1994 - FROST
| \---Enslaved - 2003 - Below The Lights
+---Enslavement of Beauty Melodic BlackGothic Metal
| +---Enslavement of Beauty - 1999 - TRACES_O__RED
| \---Enslavement of Beauty - 2001 - MEGALOMANIA
| +---Enthorned - 1997 - Towards The Skullthrone
| +---Enthorned - 1998 - Reggie Sathanas
| +---Enthorned - 1999 - The Apocalypse Manifesto
| \---Enthorned - 2002 - Carnage in Worlds Beyond
+---Entombed DeathThrash Metal, Death'n Roll
| +---Entombed - 1989 - LEFT HAND PATH
| +---Entombed - 1992 - CLANDESTINE
| +---Entombed - 1993 - HOLLOWMAN
| +---Entombed - 1993 - WOLVERINE_BLUES
| +---Entombed - 1997 - CRAWL(EP)
| +---Entombed - 1997 - Entombed Ep's
| +---Entombed - 2001 - Morning Star
| \---Entombed - 2003 - Infernal
+---Entwine gothic metal
| +---Entwine - 2001 - Gone
| \---Entwine - 2002 - Time Of Despair
| +---Era - Era & Dead Can Dance - Christian Rock Selction
| \---Era - ERA(NEW)
+---Esoteric Doom Metal
| \---Esoteric - 1994 - Epistemological Despond
+---Estatic Fear symphonic doom metal
| +---Esoteric Fear - 1996___SOMNIUM_OBMUTUM
| \---Esoteric Fear - 1999___A_SOMBRE_DANCE
| \---Evanescence - 2003 - Fallen
+---Evemaster black death metal
| \---Evemaster - 1998 - Lacrimae Mundi
| +---Evenfall - EVENFALL (Single)
| +---Evenfall - EVENFALL1
| \---Evenfall - Others
+---Evereve Death Atmospheric Gothic Metal
| +---Evereve - 1998 - Stormbirds
| +---Evereve - 1999 - REGRET
| \---Evereve - 2001 - E_MANIA
+---Evergrey Modern Dark Progressive PowerHeavy Metal
| +---Evergrey - 1998 - The Dark Discovery
| +---Evergrey - 2000 - Solitude Dominance Trag
| \---Evergrey - 2003 - Recreation Day
+---Evoken DoomDeath Metal
| +---Evoken - 1998 - Embrace The Emptiness
| \---Evoken - 2001 - QUIETUS
| +---Evol - 1995 - The Saga Of The Horned King
| +---Evol - 1996 - Dreamquest
| +---Evol - 1998 - Ancient Abbey
| \---Evol - 2000 - Portraits
+---Exodus Thrash Metal
| \---Exodus - 1992___FORCE_OF_HABIT
+---Experiment Fear Technical Brutal Death Metal
| \---Experiment Fear - 1995___ASSUMING_THE_GOD_FORM
+---Extreme Noide Teror
| +---Extreme Noide Teror - 1990 - Pornograffitti
| +---Extreme Noide Teror - 1997 - DAMAGE_381
| \---Extreme Noide Teror - Album
+---Face Down Post-thrashdeath metal
| \---Face Down - 1995 - MIND_FIELD
+---Faerghail Melodic 'death'heavy metal with harsh vocals
| +---Faerghail - 2000 - Blood Will Follow Blood
| \---Faerghail - 2000 - Where Angels Dwell No More
+---Faith No More Heavy metal, avant-garde, alternative
| +---Faith No More - 1992 - ANGEL_DUST
| +---Faith No More - 1998 - The Collection
| \---Faith No More - 1999 - More The Best
| +---Faitles - 1995 - Insomnia
| +---Faitles - 1996 - Reverence
| \---Faitles - 2000 - Best
+---Falkenbach Blackened folkviking metal
| +---Falkenbach - 1996 - Magni Blandinn Ok Megintir
| \---Falkenbach - 2003 - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
+---Fall of the Leafe Melodic deathfolk, gothic metal
| +---Fall of the Leafe - 2000 - August Wernicke
| +---Fall of the Leafe - 2002 - Fermina
| \---Fall Of The Leafe - 2004__Volvere
+---Fear Factory Death metal, Industrial metal
| +---Fear Factory - 1992 - Soul Of A New Machine
| +---Fear Factory - 1993 - Fear is the mindkiller
| +---Fear Factory - 1995 - Demanufactue
| +---Fear Factory - 1997 - Remanu Acture
| +---Fear Factory - 2000 - Obsolete
| +---Fear Factory - 2001 - Digimortal
| \---Fear Factory - 2004 - Archetype
+---Fiendish Nymph Atmospheric Black Metal
| \---Fiendish Nymph - The Sibyl Of Elikona
| +---Fight - 1995 - A Small Deadly Space
| \---Fight - War of World 1993
+---Final Cry heavypower metal
| \---Final Cry - 1999 - Wavecrest
| +---Finntroll - 1999 - Midnattens Widunder
| +---Finntroll - 2001 - Jaktens Tid
| +---Finntroll - 2003 - Visor Om Slutet
| +---Finntroll - 2004 - Nattfodd
| \---Finntroll - 2004 - Trollhammaren ep
+---Flesh Parade
| \---Flesh Parade - KILL_WHITEY
+---Fleshcrawl Death Metal
| \---Fleshcrawl - SOULSKINNER
+---Flotsam and Jetsam PowerThrash Metal
| \---Flotsam and Jetsam - 1988___NO_PLACE_FOR_DISGRACE
+---Flowing Tears Gothic Metal
| +---Flowing Tears - 1998 - Joy Parade
| +---Flowing Tears - 1999 - Swallow
| +---Flowing Tears - 2000 - Jade
| \---Flowing Tears - 2002 - SERPENTINE
+---Forced to Decay
| \---Forced to Decay - PERKUSSIVE_PERLOKUTION
+---Forest of Shadows Doom Metal
| +---Forest of Shadows - 1999 - PROMOTION_CD__DEMO_
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2000 - UNDER_THE_DYING_SUN__DE
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2000 - WHEN_DREAMS_TURN_TO_DUS
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2001 - Where Dreams Turn To Dust
| +---Forest of Shadows - 2004 - Departure ( Sample )
| \---Forest of Shadows - 2004 - Departure (Full)
+---Forest Stream Black Gothic Doom Metal
| \---Forest Stream - [2003] - Tears Of Mortal Solitude
+---Forever Sleep
| \---Forever Sleep - 2000 - Seasons
+---Forgotten Darkness Black Metal
| \---Forgotten Darkness 2002 - Krieg Des Winterleids
+---Forgotten Tomb BlackDoom Metal
| +---Forgotten Tomb - 2000 - Obscura Arcana Mortis
| \---Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
+---Forlorn (Nor) Viking Metal, melodic black metal
| \---Forlorn (Nor) - 1999___OPUS_III_AD_CAELESTIS_R
+---Fornost Black Metal
| \---Fornost - 1998 - Chaosaxt
+---From Autumn Ashes
| \---From Autumn Ashes - TOO_BAD_YOU_RE_BEAUTIFUL
+---Frozen Shadows
| +---Frozen Shadows - 1996 - Empires De Glace
| \---Frozen Shadows - 1999 - Dans Les Bras Des Immortels
| \---Funeral - 1996 - Tragedies
+---Funeral Winds
| \---Funeral Winds - 1992 - Rehearsal [Demo I]
+---Furious Trauma
| \---Furious Trauma - ROLL_THE_DICE
| +---Galadriel - 1996___EMPIRE_OF_EMPTINESS__DE
| +---Galadriel - 1999___THE_MIRROR_OF_AGES
| +---Galadriel - 2000___OBLIVION
| \---Galadriel - 2002___FROM_ASHES_AND_DUST__EP
+---Gamma Ray
| +---Gamma Ray - No World Order.2001
| \---Gamma Ray - Powerplant (W. One Bonus Track) 1999
| \---Garbage - 2001 - Beautiful Garbage
| \---Gardenian - 1999 - Soulburner
+---Gates of Ishtar
| +---Gates of Ishtar - 1997 - THE DAWN OF FLAMES
| \---Gates of Ishtar - 1999 - AT DUSK AND FOREVER
| +---Gathering - 1994 - Alwas
| +---Gathering - 1995 - Mandylion
| +---Gathering - 1997 - NIGHTTIME_BIRDS
| +---Gathering - 1999
| +---Gathering - 2000 - If Then Else
| \---Gathering - 2003 - Souvenirs
| +---Geezer - 1995 - GEEZER
| \---Geezer - 1997 - BLACK_SCIENCE
| +---Gehenna - 1994 - First Spell
| +---Gehenna - 1995 - Second Spell - Seen Through The Veils Of Darkness
| +---Gehenna - 1996 - Malice
| +---Gehenna - 1997 - Black Seared Heart
| +---Gehenna - 1998 - Adimiron Black
| +---Gehenna - 1998 - Deadlights
| \---Gehenna - 2000 - Murder
+---Gloomy Grim
| +---Gloomy Grim - 1996 - BLOOD__MONSTERS__DARKNE
| \---Gloomy Grim - 2000 - LIFE
+---God Death
| \---2003 - The Crown Eyes
+---God Dethrouned
| +---God Dethrouned - 1997 - The Grand Grimoire
| +---God Dethrouned - 1998 - Bloody Blasphemy
| +---God Dethrouned - 2000 - The Ancient Ones
| \---God Dethrouned - 2001 - Ravenous
+---God Flesh
| +---God Flesh - 1992 - Pure
| \---God Flesh - 1996 - Songs Of Love And Hate
+---God Gory
| +---God Gory - 1994 - Sea Of Dreams
| +---God Gory - 1996 - Shadow's Dance
| +---God Gory - 2000
| \---God Gory - 2001 - Way Beyond
+---God Killer
| \---God Killer - 1993___THE_REBIRTH_OF_THE_MIDD
+---Godless North
| \---Godless North - Summon The Age Of Supremacy
| +---GodsMack - 2001 - AWAKE
| +---GodsMack - 2003 - FACELESS
| \---GodsMack - 2004 - The Other Side
| \---Gondalf - 2001 - Rock Hell
| +---Gorefest - 1994 - ERASE
| \---Gorefest - 1998 - CHAPTER 13
| +---Gorgoroth - 1997 - Antichrist
| +---Gorgoroth - 1998 - DESTROYER
| +---Gorgoroth - 1999 - INCIPIT SATHANAS
| \---Gorgoroth - 2003 - Twilight of Idols (In C
+---Grand Belial's Keys
| \---1997 - Mocking The Philanthropist
| +---Grave - 1994___SOULLESS
| \---Grave - 1996___HATING LIFE
| +---Graveland (1993- [Demo] Epilogue)
| +---Graveland (1993- [Demo] In the Glare Of Burning Churches)
| +---Graveland (1994- [Ep] Carpathian Wolves)
| +---Graveland (1994- [Ep] The Celtic Winter)
| +---Graveland (1995- In The Glare Of Burning Churches)
| +---Graveland (1995- Thousand Swords )
| +---Graveland (1996- The Celtic Winter)
| \---Graveworm - 1998 Underneath the crescent moon
| +---Graveworm - 1997 - When Daylight's Gone
| +---Graveworm - 1998 - Underneath the crescent moon
| +---Graveworm - 1999 - As The Angels Reach The Beauty
| +---Graveworm - 2001 - Scrourge Of Malice
| +---Graveworm - 2003 - Engraved In Black
| \---Graveworm - 2005 - N_UTOPIA
| +---Gregorian - 2001 - Masters Of Chant
| \---Gregorian - 2003 - Master Of Chant Chapter IV (chapter 4)
+---Grey Skies Fallen
| \---Grey Skies Fallen - 1999 - The Fate of Angels
+---Grief Of Emerald
| \---Grief Of Emerald - 2002 - Christian Termination
+---Grim Forest
| \---Grim Forest - 2000___ASCENT_OF_SACRIFICE
+---Grim Overlord
| \---Grim Overlord - 2002 - Throne of Satan (DEMO)
| \---Grimm - 1998 - Soulraper (DEMO)
+---Grip Inc
| +---Grip Inc - 1995 - ower Of Inner Strength
| \---Grip Inc - 1997 - Nemesis
| \---Grom - Pagan War Machine
| \---Hades - 1998___DEMO
| \---1999 - Urd-That Which Was
| +---Haggard - 1994 - PROGRESSIVE
| +---Haggard - 1995 - DIE_IRAE_DIES_ILLA
| +---Haggard - 1997 - And Thou Shalt Trust The Seer
| +---Haggard - 2000 - Awaking The Sturies
| +---Haggard - 2001 - Awaking The Gods - Live
| \---Haggard - 2004 - Eppur Si Muove
| +---Hammerfall - 1997 - GLORY_TO_THE_BRAVE
| +---Hammerfall - 1998 - LEGACY_OF_KINGS
| +---Hammerfall - 2000 - RENEGADE
| +---Hammerfall - 2002 - Crimson Thunder
| \---hammerfall - 2005 - Chapter V (Unbent Unbowed Unbroken)
| +---Havohej - 1993 - Dethrone The Son Of Go
| \---Havohej - 2000 - Man and Djinn
| +---Heavenwood - (1996) Diva
| \---Heavenwood - (1998) Swallow
+---Hecate Enthroned
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1996 - Upon Promeathean Shores (Unscriptured Waters)
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1997 - The Slaughter of Innocence - A Requiem for the
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1998 - Dark Requiems and Unsilent Massacre
| +---Hecate Enthroned - 1999 - King Of Chaos
| \---Hecate Enthroned - 2001 - Miasma
| +---Hefeystos - 1997 - Vilce Sjen (EP)
| \---Hefeystos - Hefeystos
| \---Helheim - 2000 - Blod & Ild
| +---Helloween - 1987 - Keeper Of The Seven Keys (Part 1)
| +---Helloween - 1988 - Keeper Of The Seven Keys (Part 2)
| +---Helloween - 1993 - Chameleon
| +---Helloween - 1996 - The Time Of The Oath
| \---Helloween - 1998 - Better Than Raw
| \---Helvete - 2000 - Better To Reign In Hell
| \---Hemlock - 1998 - Crush The Race Of God
| +---Him - 1997 - Greates Love Songs (Vol.666)
| +---Him - 2000 - RAZORBLADE ROMANCE
| +---Him - 2001 - Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights
| +---Him - 2003 - LOVE_METAL
| \---Him - 2004 - And Love Said No (The Greatest Hits 1997-2004)
| +---Hollenthon - 1999 - Domus Mundi
| \---Hollenthon - 2001 - With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell
| +---Horna - 1998 - Kohti Yhdeksan Nousua
| +---Horna - 1999 - Haudankylmyyden Mailla
| +---Horna - 2001 - Sudentaival
| \---Horna - 2003 - Viha Ja Vikate MCD
| +---Hypocrisy - 1992 - PENETRALIA
| +---Hypocrisy - 1993 - OSCULUM_OBSCENUM
| +---Hypocrisy - 1994 - The Forth Dimension
| +---Hypocrisy - 1996 - Abducted
| +---Hypocrisy - 1997 - The Final Chapter
| +---Hypocrisy - 1999 - Hypocricy
| +---Hypocrisy - 2000 - Into The Abyss
| +---Hypocrisy - 2002 - CRTCH22
| \---Hypocrisy - 2004 - The Arrival
+---Ice Ages
| \---Ice Ages - 2000 - This Killing Emptiness
+---Iced Earth
| +---Iced Earth - 1991 - Iced Earth
| +---Iced Earth - 1992 - Night Of The Stormrider
| +---Iced Earth - 1995 - Burnt Offerings
| +---Iced Earth - 1996 - The Dark Saga
| +---Iced Earth - 1997 - Days of purgatory
| +---Iced Earth - 1998 - Something Wicked This Way Comes
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Alive In Athens Disc 1
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Alive In Athens Disc 2
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Live at Athens - Disk 1
| +---Iced Earth - 1999 - Live at Athens - Disk 2
| +---Iced Earth - 2001 - Horror Show
| +---Iced Earth - 2004 - The Glorious Burden
| \---Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings
+---Immersed in Blood
| \---Immersed in Blood - 2001 - Relentless Retaliation
| +---Immolation - 1999 - Failures For Gods
| \---Immolation - 2002 - Unholy Cult
| +---Immortal - 1992 - Diabolical Fullm
| +---Immortal - 1992 - Pure Holocaust
| +---Immortal - 1993 - Battle In Th
| +---Immortal - 1994 - SUFFOCATE_THE_MASSES
| +---Immortal - 1995 - BATTLES_IN_THE_NORTH
| +---Immortal - 1996 - Live Zaandam (Bootleg)
| +---Immortal - 1997 - Blizzard Beasts
| +---Immortal - 1999 - At The Heart Of Winter
| +---Immortal - 1999 - Live At Rockwave Festival
| +---Immortal - 2000 - Damned In Black
| +---Immortal - 2001 - Smmcorz
| \---Immortal - 2002 - SON_OF_THE_NORTHERN_SKY
| \---2003 - Ice Upon The Night
| \---Impaled - The Dead Shall Dead Remain
+---Impaled Nazarene
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1993 - Tol Cormpt Norz Norz No
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1993 - Ugra - Karma
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1994 - Suomi Finland Perkele
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1996 - Motorpenis
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1996- Latex Cult
| +---Impaled Nazarene - 1998 - Rapture
| \---Impaled Nazarene - 1999 - Nihil
+---In Aeternum
| +---In Aeternum - 1998 - Forever Blasphemy
| +---In Aeternum - 2000 - The Pestilent Plague
| \---In Aeternum - 2001 - Past And Present Sins
+---In Extremo
| \---In Extremo - 1998
+---In Flames
| +---In Flames - 1994 - SUBTERRANEAN (EP)
| +---In Flames - 1996 - Firelord 666
| +---In Flames - 1996 - Jester Race
| +---In Flames - 1997 - Whoracle
| +---In Flames - 1999 - Colony
| +---In Flames - 2000 - Clay Man
| +---In Flames - 2001 - Live Popstad Gothenburg Radio
| +---In Flames - 2003 - In Flames
| +---In Flames - 2004 - Soundtrack To Your Escape
| | \---IN FLAMES LYRICS - Soundtrack To Your Escape (2004)_files
| \---In Flames - Live Brooklyn
+---In The Woods
| +---In The Woods - 1993 - Isle Of Man
| +---In The Woods - 1995 - Heart Of The Ages
| +---In The Woods - 1996 - White Rabbit (vinyl)
| +---In The Woods - 1997 - Omnio
| +---In The Woods - 1998 - Let There Be More Light (Vinyl)
| +---In The Woods - 1999 - Strange in Stereo
| +---In The Woods - 2000 - Epitaph (Vinyl)
| \---In The Woods - 2000 - there times seven on a pilgrimage
| \---1994- Mortal Throne Of Nazarene
| \---Incubase - 2004 - A Crow left to the Murder
| \---Indeferal - 2002 - Infeti
+---Infernal War
| \---Infernal War - 2003 - Demo
| \---2003 - Demo
| +---1999 - Wild
| +---2001 - Supernature
| +---Vampire Erotica
| \---Wytches
| \---1995-V~1
+---Iron Maiden
| +---Iron Maiden - 1982 - Iron Maiden
| +---Iron Maiden - 1982 - Killers
| +---Iron Maiden - 1982 - The Number Of The Best
| +---Iron Maiden - 1983 - Piece Of Mind
| +---Iron Maiden - 1984 - Power Slave
| +---Iron Maiden - 1985 - Live After Death
| +---Iron Maiden - 1986 - Somewhere In Time
| +---Iron Maiden - 1988 - Seventh Son Of Sevent Son
| +---Iron Maiden - 1990 - No Prayer For The Dying
| +---Iron Maiden - 1992 - Fear Of The Dark
| +---Iron Maiden - 1992 - Onword To Golgotha
| +---Iron Maiden - 1995 - The X Factor
| +---Iron Maiden - 1996 - Best Of The Beast - Disc 1
| +---Iron Maiden - 1996 - Best Of The Beast - Disc 2
| +---Iron Maiden - 1998 - Virtual 11
| +---Iron Maiden - 19XX - Iron Maiden-Sellection
| +---Iron Maiden - 2000 - Brave New Word
| +---Iron Maiden - 2003 - Dance of Death
| \---Iron Maiden - Purgatory & maiden japan
| \---Isegrim - 2000 - Dominus Infernus Uzhana
| +---Isengard - 1991 - Horizons (Demo)
| +---Isengard - 1993 - Vandreren (Demo)
| \---Isengard - 1995 - Hostmorke
+---Jangli Jaggas
| \---Jangli Jaggas - Jangli Jaggas
| \---Jasson - ALINE & CRAZZY
+---Judas Priest
| +---Judas Priest - 1974 - ROCKA ROLLA
| +---Judas Priest - 1975 - SAD WINGS OF DESTINY
| +---Judas Priest - 1978 - STAINED CLASS
| +---Judas Priest - 1979 - HELL BENT FOR LEATHER
| +---Judas Priest - 1980 - BRITISH STEEL
| +---Judas Priest - 1981 - POINT OF ENTRY
| +---Judas Priest - 1982 - Screaming For Vengeance
| +---Judas Priest - 1984 - DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH
| +---Judas Priest - 1986 - Priest...Live!
| +---Judas Priest - 1986 - TURBO
| +---Judas Priest - 1987 - Stained Class
| +---Judas Priest - 1988 - RAM IT DOWN
| +---Judas Priest - 1990 - Painkiller
| +---Judas Priest - 1993 - Gold 1973-1993 CD 1
| | \---disk1
| +---Judas Priest - 1993 - Gold 1973-1993 CD 2
| | \---disk2
| +---Judas Priest - 1997 - JUGULATOR
| +---Judas Priest - 1998 - MELTDOWN CD 1
| +---Judas Priest - 1998 - MELTDOWN CD 2
| +---Judas Priest - 1999 - Live - Metal Hammer - CD 2
| | \---Disk II
| +---Judas Priest - 1999 - Live - Metal Hammer CD 1
| | \---DiskI
| +---Judas Priest - 2001 - Demolition
| \---Judas Priest - 2005 - Angel Of Retribution
| \---Kalmah - 2003 - Swampsong
| +---Kamelot - 2000___THE_FOURTH_LEGACY
| +---Kamelot - 2001___KARMA
| \---Kamelot - 2003___EPICA
| +---Kampfar - 1996 - KAMPFAR
| +---Kampfar - 1997 - Mellom Skogkledde Aaser
| +---Kampfar - 1998 - Norse (EP)
| \---Kampfar - 1999 - Fra Underverdenen
| \---Karkadan - Eternal Black Reflections (2000)
| +---Kataklysm - 1993 - The Mystical Gate of Re
| +---Kataklysm - 1995 - Sorcery
| +---Kataklysm - 1996 - Temple Of Knowledge (Kataklysm Part III)
| +---Kataklysm - 1998 - VICTIMS_OF_THIS_FALLEN_
| +---Kataklysm - 2001 - Epic, The Poetry Of War
| \---Kataklysm - 2004 - Serenity In Fire
| +---2003 - Viva Emptiness
| \---Katatonia - download
+---Keep of Kalessin
| \---Keep of Kalessin - 1997 - Through Times of War
| \---Khold - 2002 - PHANTOM
+---Kid Rock
| \---Kid Rock - History Of Rock.2000
+---King Diamond
| +---King Diamond - 1989 - Conspiracy
| +---King Diamond - 1990 - The Eye
| +---King Diamond - 1995 - The Spider's Lullabye
| \---King Diamond - 1996 - The Graveyard
| \---Kitte - 2000___SPIT
| \---Konkhra - 1998 - WEED OUT THE WEAK
| +---1.Korn 1994
| +---1994 - Korn
| +---1996 - life is peachy
| +---1998 - follow the leader
| +---1999 - Issues [Limited Edition] CD1
| +---1999 - Issues [Limited Edition] CD2 - All Mixed Up
| +---19XX - gold
| +---19XX - Remix
| +---2.Life is peachy 1996
| +---2002 - Untouchables
| +---3.Follow the leader 1998
| +---4.Issues 1999
| +---5.Untouchables 2002
| | +---CD 1
| | \---CD 2
| \---Pictures
| +---Korovakill - 1998 - Dead Like An Angel
| \---Korovakill - 2001 - Waterhells
| +---Kovenant - 1999 - Animatronic
| \---Kovenant - 2003 - Seti
| +---Kreator - 1989 - EXTREME AGGRESSION
| +---Kreator - 1990 - COMA_OF_SOULS
| +---Kreator - 1990 - Renewal
| +---Kreator - 1995 - CAUSE FOR CONFLICT
| +---Kreator - 1997
| +---Kreator - 1999 - ENDORAMA
| +---Kreator - 19XX - OUTCAST
| +---Kreator - 2000 - VOICES_OF_TRANSGRESSION
| +---Kreator - 2001 - Endless Pain
| \---Kreator - 2001 - VIOLENT_REVOLUTION
| \---Krisiun - Ageless venomous 2001
| \---Kvist - 1996 - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig
+---Lacrimas Profundere
| +---Lacrimas Profundere - 1995 - ...And The Wings Embraced Us
| +---Lacrimas Profundere - 1997 - La Naissance D'un Reve
| +---Lacrimas Profundere - 1999 - Memorandum
| \---Lacrimas Profundere - 2001 - Burning, A Wish
| +---Lacrimosa - 1991 - Angst
| +---Lacrimosa - 1992 - Einsamkeit
| +---Lacrimosa - 1993 - Alles Luege
| +---Lacrimosa - 1994 - Schakal
| +---Lacrimosa - 1995 - Inferno
| +---Lacrimosa - 1997 - Stille
| +---Lacrimosa - 1999 - Elodia
| +---Lacrimosa - 2001 - Fassade
| \---Lacrimosa - 2003 - Echos
+---Lake of Tears
| +---Lake of Tears - 1994 - Greater Art
| +---Lake of Tears - 1995 - Headstones
| +---Lake of Tears - 1997 - A Crimson Cosmos
| +---Lake of Tears - 1997 - Lady Rosenred (EP)
| \---Lake of Tears - 1999 - Forever Autumn
| \---Leakh - 2000__THE_WRECKONING
| +---Legenda - 1997 - Autumnal
| \---Legenda - 1998 - Eclipse
| \---Legion - Bloodaeons
+---Legion of Doom
| \---Legion of Doom - Kingdom Of Endless Darkness
| \---Leviathen - 1993 - Onward Thru The Fog
+---Liar of Golgotha
| +---Liar of Golgotha - 1997 - Dwell With the Mysterious Dark
| \---Liar of Golgotha - 1999 - Ancient Wars
+---Limbonic Art
| +---Limbonic Art - 1996 - MOON_IN_THE_SCORPIO
| +---Limbonic Art - 1997 - In Abhorrence Dementia
| +---Limbonic Art - 1998 - EPITOME_OF_ILLUSIONS
| \---Limbonic Art - 2002 - THE_ULTIMATE_DEATH_WORS
+---Lock Up
| +---Lock Up - 1999 - Pleasures Pave Sewers
| \---Lock Up - 2002 - Hate Breeds Suffering
+---Lord Belial
| +---Lord Belial - 1994 - KISS_THE_GOAT
| +---Lord Belial - 1997 - ENTER_THE_MOONLIGHT_GAT
| +---Lord Belial - 1999 - UNHOLY_CRUSADE
| \---Lord Belial - 2002 - Angelgrinder
+---Lord Helm
| \---Lord Helm - 2001- Helm
+---Lord Wind
| \---Lord Wind - 1994 Kill For Satan (Demo)
+---Lost in Twilight
| \---Lost in Twilight - 1998 - DESCENDING_MIST
| \---Loudness - 1986 - Shadows of War
+---Lucuna Coil
| +---Lucuna Coil - 1994 - Half Life (EP)
| +---Lucuna Coil - 1999 - in a reverie
| +---Lucuna Coil - 2000 - half life
| +---Lucuna Coil - Lacuna Coil
| \---Lucuna Coil - unleashed memories
| \---Lugubrum - 1999 - De Totem
| +---Lullacry - 1999 - Sweet Desire
| \---Lullacry - 2001 - Be My God
| \---Luminaria - 2004 - Arche
+---Lunar Aurora
| \---Lunar Aurora - Ars Moriendi
+---Lux Occulta
| \---Lux Occulta - 2001___THE_MOTHER_AND_THE_ENEM
| \---Macabre - 1992 - SINISTER_SLAUGH
| \---Macbeth - 1998 - Romantic Tragedy's Cres
+---Machin Head
| +---Machin Head - 1994 - BURN MY EYES
| +---Machin Head - 1997 - The More Things Change [1997]
| +---Machin Head - 19xx - The burning red
| \---Machin Head - 2003 - THROUGHT_THE_ASHES_OF_E
| +---Mactatus - 1998___PROVENANCE_OF_CRUELTY
| \---Mactatus - 2000___THE_COMPLEX_BEWITCHMENT
| \---Malevolence - MARTYRIALIZED
+---Malevolent Creation
| +---Malevolent Creation - 1992 - RETRIBUTION
| +---Malevolent Creation - 1995- Eternal
| \---Malevolent Creation - 1998 - THE_FINE_ART_OF_MURDER
+---Malignant Eternal
| +---Malignant Eternal - 1997___FAR_BENEATH_THE_SUN
| \---Malignant Eternal - 1999___ALARM
+---Mandragora Scream
| \---Mandragora Scream - 2001 - Fairy Tales From Hell's Caves (EP
| +---Manegarm - 1998___NORDSTJAERNANS_TIDS_LDE
| \---Manegarm - 2000___HAVETS_VARGAR
| \---Mangled - 2001 - Most Painful Ways
+---Maniac Butcher
| +---Maniac Butcher - 1995 - Barbarians
| \---Maniac Butcher - 1998 - Cerna Krev
| +---Manowar - 1982 - Battle Hymns
| | \---MANOWAR LYRICS - Battle Hymns (1982)_files
| +---Manowar - 1984 - Hail To England
| +---Manowar - 1984 - Sign Of The Hammer
| +---Manowar - 1986 - Kings Of Metal
| +---Manowar - 1992 - The Triumph Of Steel
| +---Manowar - 1995 - HELL_ON_WHEELS__L CD_1
| +---Manowar - 1995 - HELL_ON_WHEELS__L CD_2
| +---Manowar - 1995 - THE_HELL_OF_STEE
| +---Manowar - 1996 - LOUDER_THAN_HELL
| +---Manowar - 1998 - Steel Warriors
| +---Manowar - 1999 - HAIL_TO_ENGLAND
| \---Manowar - 2002 - Warriors Of The World
| +---Marduk - 1994 - Opus Nocturne
| +---Marduk - 1995 - Fuck me Jesus
| +---Marduk - 1996 - Glorification
| +---Marduk - 1996 - Heaven Shall Burn
| +---Marduk - 1997 - Here's No Peace
| +---Marduk - 1997 - Live In Germania
| +---Marduk - 1998 - Nightwing - Dictionanaire Infernal
| +---Marduk - 1998 - Nightwing - The Warlord Of Wallachia
| +---Marduk - 1999 - Infernal Eternal
| | +---CD 1
| | \---CD 2
| +---Marduk - 1999 - Panzer Division
| +---Marduk - 2000 - Infernal Eternal
| +---Marduk - 2000 - Obedience
| +---Marduk - 2001 - La Grande Danse Macabre
| +---Marduk - 2002 - Blackcrowned
| \---Marduk - 2003 - World Funeral
+---Marylin Manson
| +---Marylin Manson - 1994 - Portrait of an American Family
| +---Marylin Manson - 1995 - Smells Like The Children
| +---Marylin Manson - 1996 - Antichrist Superstar
| +---Marylin Manson - 1998 - Mechanical Animals
| +---Marylin Manson - 1999 - Coma
| +---Marylin Manson - 2000 - Hollywood
| +---Marylin Manson - 2000 - The Last Tour
| +---Marylin Manson - 2002 - Dancing With The Antichrist
| +---Marylin Manson - 2003 - Bootlegs And B-Sides
| +---Marylin Manson - 2003 - Marylin Manson
| \---Marylin Manson - 2003 - The Golden Age Of Grotesque
| +---Massacra - 1989 - Final Holocaust
| \---Massacra - 1991 - Enjoy The Violence
| +---Mayhem - 1986 - Pure Fucking Armageddon (Demo)
| +---Mayhem - 1987 - DeathCrush
| +---Mayhem - 1990 - The Dawn Of The Black Hearts (Live In Sarpsbourg)
| +---Mayhem - 1992 - From The Darkest Past (rehearsal, no vocals)
| +---Mayhem - 1992 - Live In Leipzig (26.11.1990)
| +---Mayhem - 1993 - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
| +---Mayhem - 1998 - Wolf's Lair Abyss
| | \---WOLF'S lair abyss
| +---Mayhem - 1999 - MEDIOLANUM_CAPTA_EST
| +---Mayhem - 2000 - Grand Declaration Of War
| +---Mayhem - 2001 - US Legions
| \---Mayhem - 2004 - Chimera
| +---Megadeth - 1986 - PEACE SELLS... BUT WHO'S BUYING!
| +---Megadeth - 1988 - So Far, So Good...So What!
| +---Megadeth - 1990 - Rust In Peace
| +---Megadeth - 1992 - Countdown To Extinction
| +---Megadeth - 1994 - Youthanasia
| +---Megadeth - 1995 - Hidden Treasures
| +---Megadeth - 1997 - Cryptic Writings
| +---Megadeth - 1999 - ALBUM
| +---Megadeth - 2001 - The World Needs A Hero
| +---Megadeth - 2001 - World Needs A Hero
| \---Megadeth - 2002 - Rust In Peace
| \---Megiddo - 1999 - The Final War
| +---Melechesh - 2001 - Djinn
| \---Melechesh - 2003 - Sphynx
| +---Menhir - 1997___DIE_EWIGEN_STEINE
| +---Menhir - 1998___BUCHONIA
| +---Menhir - Menhir
| +---Menhir - [1999] - Thuringia
| \---Menhir - [2001] - Ziuwari
| +---Mephistopheles - 1997 - Landscape Symphonies
| +---Mephistopheles - 1999 - Songs Of The Desolate O
| \---Mephistopheles - 2003 - Death Unveiled
+---Mercyful Fate
| \---Mercyful Fate - 1999 - Mercyful Fate
| \---Merrimack - 2003 - Hellgium Raped
+---Metal Churche
| \---Metal Churche - 1991 - THE HUMAN FACTOR
+---Metal Hammer
| +---Metal Hammer - 1998 - Offroad Tracks Vol.12
| | \---1998- Offroad Tracks Vol.12
| +---Metal Hammer - 2000 - Offroad Tracks Vol.29
| \---Metal Hammer - 2000 - Offroad Tracks( Compilation)
| +---Metallica - 1983 - Kill'em All
| +---Metallica - 1984 - Ride The Lightning
| +---Metallica - 1986 - Master Of Puppets
| +---Metallica - 1987 - The $9.98 C.D. Garage Days Re-Revisited
| +---Metallica - 1988 - ... And Justice For All
| +---Metallica - 1991 - Metallica [Black album]
| | \---Album covers
| +---Metallica - 1996 - Load
| | \---Album covers
| +---Metallica - 1996 - UNTIL IT SLEEPS (SINGLE)
| +---Metallica - 1997 - ReLoad
| +---Metallica - 1998 - Garage Inc
| | +---Disc 1
| | \---Disc 2
| +---Metallica - 1998 - Over Load(A Tribute To Metallica)
| +---Metallica - 1999 - Metallica Post Reload Slashes, Crashes & Hits
| +---Metallica - 1999 - S&M - Disc 1
| +---Metallica - 1999 - S&M - Disc 2
| +---Metallica - 2003 - St. Anger
| +---Metallica - 2004 - The Unnamed Feeling (EP)
| +---Metallica - An industrial tribute to metallica
| +---Metallica - Befor Death
| +---Metallica - Down load
| +---Metallica - Down load 2
| +---Metallica - Live Mexico 1
| +---Metallica - Live Mexico 2
| +---Metallica - Live Mexico 3
| +---Metallica - Metallica 2003
| +---Metallica - Single
| +---Metallica - Tribute to
| \---Metallica - Tribute to four horseman
| +---Mindrot - 1995 - Dawning
| \---Mindrot - 19XX - FORLORN
| \---Misteria - MASQUERADE_OF_SHADOWS__1999_
| +---Mithotyn - 1994 - MEADOW_IN_SILENCE__DEMO
| +---Mithotyn - 1997 - IN_THE_SIGN_OF_THE_RAV
| +---Mithotyn - 1998 - KING_OF_THE_DISTANT_FO
| \---Mithotyn - 1999 - Gathered Around the Oaken Table
| \---Monstrosity - 1996 - MILLENNIUM
| +---MoonSpell - 1992 - Serpent Angel
| +---MoonSpell - 1993 - Anno Satanae
| +---MoonSpell - 1994 - Under The Moonspell
| +---MoonSpell - 1995 - WOLFHEART
| +---MoonSpell - 1996 - IRRELIGIOUS
| +---MoonSpell - 1997 - 2ECONG SKIN
| +---MoonSpell - 1999 - Butterfly Effects
| +---MoonSpell - 19XX - Sin
| +---MoonSpell - 2001 - Darkness And Hope
| +---MoonSpell - 2003 - The Antidote
| \---MoonSpell - xxxx - Best Of Moon Spell
+---Morbid Angel
| +---Morbid Angel - 1985 - The Begining [Bootleg]
| +---Morbid Angel - 1989 - Altars Of Madness
| +---Morbid Angel - 1991 - BLESSED ARE THE SICK
| +---Morbid Angel - 1992 - Covenant
| +---Morbid Angel - 1992 - Domination
| +---Morbid Angel - 1994 - Laibach
| +---Morbid Angel - 1998 - FORMULAS FATAL TO THE FLESH
| +---Morbid Angel - 1999 - Love Of Lava
| +---Morbid Angel - 2000 - GATEWAY_TO_ANNIHILATION
| \---Morbid Angel - 2003 - Heretic
| +---Morgion - 1997 - Among Majestic Ruin
| +---Morgion - 1999 - Solinari
| \---Morgion - Morgion
| +---Morgoth - 1990 - THE ETERNAL FALL
| +---Morgoth - 1991 - CURSED
| +---Morgoth - 1992 - Resurrection Absurd
| +---Morgoth - 1993 - Odium
| \---Morgoth - 1996 - Feel Sorry For The Fanatic
| +---Morgul - 1997 - Lost in Shadows Grey
| +---Morgul - 1998 - Parody Of The Mass
| +---Morgul - 2000 - The horror grandeur
| \---Morgul - 2001 - Shetch of supposed murderer
+---Mork Cryning
| +---Mork Cryning - 1995 - Tusen _r Har G_tt
| +---Mork Cryning - 1998 - RETURN_FIRE
| \---Mork Cryning - 2001 - Maelstorm Chaos
+---Morphia [Death Metal Symphonic Doom Metal] [Netherlands]
| +---Morphia - 2000 - Unfulfilled Dreams
| +---Morphia - 2002 - Frozen Dust
| \---Morphia - 2005 - Fading Beauty
| \---Mortem - 2000___DECOMPOSED_BY_POSSESSIO
| +---Mortician - 1991___MORTAL_MASSACRE
| +---Mortician - 1996___HACKED_UP_FOR_BARBECUE
| +---Mortician - 1998___ZOMBIE_APOCALYPSE
| +---Mortician - 1999___CHAINSAW_DISMEMBERMENT
| +---Mortician - 19XX___HOUSE_BY_THE_CEMETERY
| +---Mortician - 2001___DOMAIN_OF_DEATH
| \---Mortician - 2003___Darkest Day of Horror
| +---Mortiis - 1993___FXDT_TIL_E_HERSKE
| +---Mortiis - 1994___Anden Som Gjorde Oppror
| +---Mortiis - 1996___CRYPT_OF_THE_WIZARD
| +---Mortiis - 1999___THE_STARGATE
| \---Mortiis - 2002___SMELL_OF_RAIN
+---Motley Crue
| \---Motley Crue - RAW TRACKS II 1990
+---Motor Head
| +---Motor Head - 1987 - MOTORYEARS_THE_BEST_OF_MOTORHE
| +---Motor Head - 1990 - NO_SLEEP_TIL_H
| \---Motor Head - 1992 - MARCH_OR_DIE
| \---Mourning - 1993 - Greetings From Hell
+---Mourning Beloveth
| \---Mourning Beloveth - 2002 - The Sullen Sulcus
| +---Mudvayne - 2002 - The end of all things to come
| \---Mudvayne - L.D 50
+---My Daying Bride
| +---My Daying Bride - 1991 - Symphony Of The Infernu
| +---My Daying Bride - 1992 - As The Flowers Withers
| +---My Daying Bride - 1992 - The Trash Of The Naked
| +---My Daying Bride - 1993 - Turn Loose The Swans
| +---My Daying Bride - 1994 - I Am A Bloody Earth (EP)
| +---My Daying Bride - 1995 - The Angel And The Dark River
| +---My Daying Bride - 1995 - Trinity
| +---My Daying Bride - 1996 - LIKE GODS OF THE SUN
| +---My Daying Bride - 1998 - 34.788%...Complete
| +---My Daying Bride - 1999 - The Light At The End Of The World
| +---My Daying Bride - 2000 - Meisterwerk I
| +---My Daying Bride - 2001 - Meisterwerk 2
| +---My Daying Bride - 2001 - The Dreadful Hours
| +---My Daying Bride - 2003 - The Voice of the Wretched
| +---My Daying Bride - 2004 - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light
| \---My Daying Bride - SELECT.D.M.D.B
+---My Shameful
| +---My Shameful - 2000 - SOWN IN SADNESS (DEMO)
| \---My Shameful - 2000 - YOUR DARK OVERWHELING
| \---Myriads - In Spheres Without Time (1998 Demo)
| \---Mysterium - The Glowering Facades Of Night
+---Mystic Circle
| +---1997 - Morgenrote - Der Scheri Nch Finsternis
| +---Mystic Circle - 1998 - Drachenblut
| \---Mystic Circle - 2001 - The Great Beast
| \---1996 - In The Streams Of Inferno
| \---Nacturnus - 1990 - THE_KEY
| +---Naglfar - 1994 - Stellae Trajectio
| +---Naglfar - 1995 - Vittra
| +---Naglfar - 1998 - Diabolical
| +---Naglfar - 2001 - Ex inferis
| \---Naglfar - 2003 - Sheol
| \---Nailbomb - 1994 - POINT BLACK
+---Napalm Death
| +---Napalm Death - 1990__HARMONY_COR
| +---Napalm Death - 1992__UTOPIA_BANIS
| +---Napalm Death - 1994__FEAR__EMPTI
| +---Napalm Death - 1995__GREED_KILLI
| +---Napalm Death - 1996__DIATRIBE
| +---Napalm Death - 1997__INSIDE_THE_
| +---Napalm Death - 1997__IN_TONGUES_WE_SPEAK
| +---Napalm Death - 1998__BREED_TO_BRE
| +---Napalm Death - 1998__Words From The Exit Wou
| +---Napalm Death - 1999__ Leaders Not Followers
| +---Napalm Death - 1999__WORDS_FROM
| \---Napalm Death - 2001__Enemy Of The Music Busi
| +---Nargaroth - 1998 - Orke (Demo)
| +---Nargaroth - 2000 - AMAROK
| +---Nargaroth - 2000 - Fuck Off Nowadays Black Metal
| +---Nargaroth - 2001 - Rasluka Part II
| \---Nargaroth - 2001 - Split Ep Endsieg ii
| \---Narghathornd - demo
| \---Nassthrone - 1998
| \---Nasum - INHALE_EXHALE
| \---Natalie -
| \---Nazareth - SNAKES__N__LADDERS
| +---Nazxul - 1994___NAZXUL__DEMO_
| \---Nazxul - 1995___TOTEM
| +---Necromantia - 1993 - Crossing The Fiery path
| +---Necromantia - 1997 - Ancient Pride
| \---Necromantia - 1999 - IV, Malice
| \---Necromass - [1996] - Mysteria Mystica Zorifiana
| \---Necromicon - 1998 - Sightveiler
| \---Necrophagia - 1999 - Black Blood Vomitorium
| \---Nehemah - 2004_Requiem Tenebrae
| +---Nevemore - 1996 - Politics Of Ecstasy
| +---Nevemore - 1998 - Dreaming neon black
| +---Nevemore - 2000 - Dead heart in a dead world
| | \---PIX
| \---Nevemore - 2003 - Nevermore-Enemies Of Reality
| \---Nifelheim - 1994 - Nifelheim
+---Night in Gales
| \---Night in Gales - 2001___NECRODYNAMIC
| +---NightWish - 1997 - Angels Fall First
| +---NightWish - 1998 - Oceanborn
| +---NightWish - 1999 - Sleeping Sun [Single])
| +---NightWish - 2000 - Wishmaster
| +---NightWish - 2001 - Live
| +---NightWish - 2001 - Over The Hills And Far Away
| +---NightWish - 2002 - Century Child
| \---NightWish - 2004 - Once
+---Nine inch nails
| +---Nine inch nails - 1992 - BROKEN
| +---Nine inch nails - 1999 - THE FRAGILE
| | +---Left
| | \---Right
| \---Nine inch nails - 2002 - And All That Could Have Been
| \---Ninnghizhidda - 2002 - Demingod
| +---Nirvana - 1989 - Bleach 1989
| +---Nirvana - 1991 - 1993 the best
| +---Nirvana - 1991 - Nevermind
| +---Nirvana - 1992 - Incesticide
| +---Nirvana - 1993 - In Utero
| +---Nirvana - 1994 - MTV Unplugged In New York 1994
| +---Nirvana - 1996 - From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah
| \---Nirvana - 1996 - SINGLES
+---Nocte Obducta
| \---Nocte Obducta - 2000 Taverne In Schatten Schabiger Spelunken
| +---Noctes - 1997 - Pandemonic Requiem
| \---Noctes - 1999 - Vexilla Regis Prodeunt INFERNI
| +---Nocturnus - 1990 - THE KEY
| \---Nocturnus - 2000 - ETHERNAL_TOMB
| \---Nord - 1996
| +---Norther - [2002] - Dreams Of Endless War
| +---Norther - [2002] - Released
| +---Norther - [2003] - Mirror Of Madness
| \---Norther - [2003] - Unleash Hell [Demo]
| \---Novembre - 2002 - Dreams D'Azur
+---Novembre Doom
| +---Novembre Doom - 1995 - Amid its hallowed mirth
| +---Novembre Doom - 1999 - OF_SCULPTURED_IVY_AND_S
| \---Novembre Doom - 2000 - The Knowing
+---Nuclear Assault
| \---Nuclear Assault - 1988 - Survive
| +---Obitury - 1992 - THE END COMPLETE
| +---Obitury - 1994 - World Demise
| \---Obitury - Back From The Dead
+---Obtained Enslave
| +---Obtained Enslave - 1994 - Centuries Of Sorrow
| +---Obtained Enslave - 1997 - Witchcraft
| +---Obtained Enslave - 1998 - Soulblight
| \---Obtained Enslave - 2000 - The Shepherd and The Hounds of Hell
+---Octobr Tide
| \---Octobr Tide - 1999 - Rain Without End
| \---Odium - 1998 - The Sad Realm Of The Stars
+---Of The Wand And The Moon
| +---Of The Wand And The Moon - 1999 - Nighttime Nightrhyme
| \---Of The Wand And The Moon - 2001 - Emptiness - Emptiness - Emptiness
| \---OffSpring - 1998 - AMERICANA
| \---OfraHaza -
+---Old Man's Child
| +---Old Man's Child
| +---Old Man's Child - 1995___BORN_OF_THE_FLICKERING
| +---Old Man's Child - 1997___THE_PAGAN_PROSPERITY
| +---Old Man's Child - 1998___ILL_NATURED_SPIRITUAL_I
| +---Old Man's Child - 2000___REVELATION_666___THE_CU
| \---Old Man's Child - 2003___IN_DEFIANCE_OF_EXISTENC
+---Omni Mortiutus
| \---Omni Mortiutus - 2002 - The Immortal Flame
+---On Thorns I Lay
| +---On Thorns I Lay - 1995 - Sounds Of Beatyful Experience
| +---On Thorns I Lay - 1997 - Orama
| +---On Thorns I Lay - 1999 - Crystal Tears
| \---On Thorns I Lay - 2000 - Future Narcotic
+---Open Grave
| \---Open Grave - The Heavens Cry Black Tears
+---Opera IX
| +---Opera IX - 1995__THE_CALL_OF_THE_WOOD
| +---Opera IX - 1998__SACRO_CULTO
| +---Opera IX - 2000__THE BLACK OPERA SYMPHON
| \---Opera IX - 2002__MALEVENTUM
| +---Opeth - 1996___MORNINGRISE
| +---Opeth - 1998 - My Arms, Your Hearse
| +---Opeth - 1999___STILL_LIFE
| +---Opeth - 2001___BLACKWATER_PARK
| \---Opeth - 2003___DAMNATION
| \---Ophthalamia - 1998 - Dominion
| \---Orphanage - 2000 - Inside
+---Orphand Land
| \---Orphand Land - 2004
| +---Overkill - 1985 - Feel The Fire
| +---Overkill - 1987 - Taking Over
| +---Overkill - 1989 - The Years Of Decay
| +---Overkill - 1991 - Horrorscope
| +---Overkill - 1993 - I Hear Black
| +---Overkill - 1994 - W.F.O
| +---Overkill - 1995 - Wrecking Your Neck(LIVE)
| | +---DISK A
| | \---DISK B
| +---Overkill - 1996 - Fuck You And Then Some
| +---Overkill - 1996 - Killing Kind
| +---Overkill - 1999 - Coverkill
| +---Overkill - 2003 - THE_KILLBOX_13
| \---Overkill - 2005 - ReliXIV
+---Ozzy Osbourne
| +---1983___BARK_AT_T
| +---1987 - TRIBUTE
| +---1987 - Tribute (Live)
| +---1988___NO_REST_F
| +---1993___95___LIVE
| | +---DISK1
| | \---DISK2
| +---1995___OZZY_OSBO
| +---1997- The Ozzman Cometh
| +---1997___THE_OZZMAN
| +---1998___THE OZZMAN COMETH1998
| +---19xx___NO_MORE_TEARS
| +---19xx___OZZMOSIO
| +---19xx___Ozzy Osbourne
| \---2001 - Down To Earth
| \---New Folder
| +---P.O.D - 2001 - Satellite
| \---P.O.D - New Folder
| +---Pain - 1997 - Pain
| \---Pain - 1999 - Rebirth
| +---Pantera - 1990 - Cowboys From Hell
| +---Pantera - 1992 - Vulgar Display Of Power
| +---Pantera - 1993__TEXAS_1993___HE
| +---Pantera - 1994__FAR_BEYOND_DRIVEN
| +---Pantera - 1994__LIVE_IN_TEXAS
| +---Pantera - 1996__THE_GRAIT_SOUTHERN_TREND
| +---Pantera - 1997 - Official Live 101 Proof
| \---Pantera - 2000 - REINVENTING THE STEEL
+---Paradise Lost
| +---Paradise Lost - 1992 - SHADES_OF_GOD
| +---Paradise Lost - 1993 - Icon
| +---Paradise Lost - 1995 - Draconian Times
| +---Paradise Lost - 1997 - One Second
| +---Paradise Lost - 1999 - Host
| +---Paradise Lost - 19XX - HOST
| +---Paradise Lost - 2001 - Believe In Nothing
| \---Paradise Lost - 2002 - Symbol Of Life (Real Limited Edition)
| \---Pazuzu - END OF AGE
| +---Peccatum - 1999___OH__MY_REGRETS
| +---Peccatum - 1999___STRANGLING_FROM_WITHIN
| \---Peccatum - 19XX - Amor Fati
| \---Pentagram - 1997 - Anatolia
| +---Penumbra - 1999 - Emanate
| +---Penumbra - 2002 - THE_LAST_BEWITCHMENT
| \---Penumbra - Penumbra
| +---Portishead - 1995 - Glory Times
| | +---CD I
| | \---CD II
| +---Portishead - 1997___PORTISHEAD
| \---Portishead - 1998 - Roseland NYC Live
+---Primal Fear
| \---Primal Fear - 2002___BLACK_SUN
| \---Primodiac - 2000 - Spirit the Earth Aflame
| \---Profanatica - 1992 - Tormenting holy flesh
+---Profane Grace
| \---Profane Grace - 1998 - Serenity of the endless g
| \---Profanum - 1998 - Eminence Of Satanic Imperial
| \---Propain -
+---Prophecy Of Doom
| \---Prophecy Of Doom - 1990 - Acknowledge The Confusi
+---Quano Appes
| +---1986 - Life's rich pageant
| +---1992 - Automatic for people
| +---1996 - New Adventures in HI-FI
| +---1998 - UP
| +---1999 - The Greatest Hits Collection
| +---2001 - Reveal
| +---2002-IX
| +---R.E.M - 1987 - Document
| +---R.E.M - 1988 - Green
| +---R.E.M - 1991 - Out Of Time
| +---R.E.M - 1994 - Monster
| \---R.E.M - 1998 - Thank You
+---Radio Head
| +---Radio Head - 1986___CROSSROADS
| +---Radio Head - 1993__PABLO_HONEY
| +---Radio Head - 1995___THE_BENDS
| +---Radio Head - 1997 - Ok Computer
| +---Radio Head - 19XX - Celection Of Barock
| +---Radio Head - 2000____KID_A
| +---Radio Head - 2001 - AMNESIAC
| +---Radio Head - 2003 - Hail To The Thief
| \---Radio Head - Radio Head - Celection Of Barock
| +---Rakoth - 1999 - Planeshift
| +---Rakoth - 2001 - Jabberworks
| +---Rakoth - 2003 - Jaber work
| \---Rakoth - 2004 - Promo [Demo]
| +---Rammstein - 1995 - Herzeleid
| +---Rammstein - 1997 - Du Hast
| +---Rammstein - 1998 - Sehnsucht
| +---Rammstein - 1999
| +---Rammstein - 1999 - Live From Berlin
| +---Rammstein - 2001 - Mutter
| \---Rammstein - 2004 Reise Reise
| +---Ramones - ANTHOLOGY___HEY_HO_L
| | +---DISK1
| | \---DISK2
| \---Ramones - BRAIN_DRAIN
| +---2002 - Songs for the Withering
| \---Songs For The Withering 2002
| \---2003 - Dead Letters
| \---Raventhrone - 1998 - Malice in Wonderland
| +---Rhapsody - 1996 - Symphony Of Enchanted Lands
| +---Rhapsody - 1998 - Emerald Sword
| \---Rhapsody - 2002 - Power Of The Dragon Flame
+---Rob Zombie
| +---Rob Zombie - 1995___ROB_ZAMBIE
| \---Rob Zombie - 1998___HELLBILLY_DE
+---Rock Hard
| \---2000 - Dynamit (Vol.23)
| \---Rossomahaar - 1997 - Grotesque
+---Rotting christ
| +---Rotting christ - 1993 - THE_MIGHTY_CONTRACT
| +---Rotting christ - 1996 - Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers
| +---Rotting christ - 1997 - A Dead Poem
| +---Rotting christ - 1999 - Darkness We Feel (Volume II)
| +---Rotting christ - 1999 - Der Perfekte Traum
| +---Rotting christ - 1999 - Sleep Of The Angels
| +---Rotting christ - 2000 - Khronos
| \---Rotting christ - 2002 - Genesis
| +---Sacramentum - 1995 - Finis Malorum
| +---Sacramentum - 1996 - Far Away From The Sun
| +---Sacramentum - 1997 - The Coming Of Chaos
| \---Sacramentum - 1999 - The Black Destiny
| +---Sacriversum - 1998 - Soteria
| \---Sacriversum - 2000 - Beckettia
| +---Sadness - 1995 - Danteferno
| +---Sadness - 1997 - Evangelion
| \---Sadness - Ames Demarbre
| +---Salem - 1990 - Millions Slaughtered Live (live demo)
| +---Salem - 1992 - Creating Our Sins
| +---Salem - 1994 - Kaddish
| \---Salem - 1998 - A Moment of Silence
| +---Samael - 1994___ CEREMONY OF OPPOSITES
| +---Samael - 1996___PASSAGE
| +---Samael - 1998___EXODUS
| \---Samael - 1999___ETERNAL
| \---Sanctuary - Refuge Denied
| +---19XX___New Folder
| \---2000___MARTYRE
| \---Sarcrophagus - 1996 - Who Are Consumed By Darkness
| \---Satan - Court In The Act
+---Satanic Slaughter
| +---Satanic Slaughter - 1996___SATANIC_SLAUGHTER
| \---Satanic Slaughter - 1997___LAND_OF_THE_UNHOLY_SOUL
+---Satanic Track
| \---Satariel - 2000 - Lady Lust Lilith
| +---Saturnus - 1997 - Paradise Belongs to You
| +---Saturnus - 1998 - FOR THE LOVELESS LONELY NIGHTS
| \---Saturnus - 2000 - Martyre
| +---Satyricon - 1993 - Dark Medieval Times
| +---Satyricon - 1995 - THE SHADOWTHRONE
| +---Satyricon - 1996 - THE_FOREST_IS_MY_THRONE
| +---Satyricon - 1997 - MEGIDDO MOTHER NORTH
| +---Satyricon - 1997 - Nemesis Divina
| +---Satyricon - 19XX - The Forest is My Throne (demo)
| +---Satyricon - 2000 - Rebel Extravaganza
| +---Satyricon - 2002 - TEN_HORNS_TEN_DIADEMS
| +---Satyricon - 2002 - VOLCANO
| +---Satyricon - 2003 - Volcano
| \---Satyricon - INTERMEZZO_II__EP_4_TRACKS_199
| +---Savatage - 1993 - Edge Of Thorns
| +---Savatage - 1994 - Handfull Of Rain
| +---Savatage - 1995 - Dead Winter Dead
| \---Savatage - 1998 - The Wake Of Magellan
| \---Sceptic - 2001 - Pathetic Being
| +---Sentenced - 1995 - Amok
| +---Sentenced - 1998 - Frozen
| \---Sentenced - 19XX - The Cold White Light
+---Septic Flesh
| +---Septic Flesh - 1994___MYSTIC_PLACES_OF_DAWN
| +---Septic Flesh - 1995___ESOPTRO
| +---Septic Flesh - 1997___OPHIDIAN_WHEEL
| \---Septic Flesh - 1998___A_FALLEN_TEMPLE
| +---Sepultura - 1987__SCHIZOPHRENIA
| +---Sepultura - 1989__BENEATH_THE_RE
| +---Sepultura - 1991___ARISE
| +---Sepultura - 1993___CHAOS_ A.D
| +---Sepultura - 1993___CHAOS_A.D. (BONUS_TRACKS)
| +---Sepultura - 1996__ROOTS_OF_SEPU
| +---Sepultura - 1997___BLOODE_ROOTED
| +---Sepultura - 1998__AGAINST
| +---Sepultura - 19XX__SEPULTURA - Tribute To Sepultura
| +---Sepultura - 2001__Nation
| +---Sepultura - 2002__Revolusongs Ep
| \---Sepultura - 2003
| +---Seth - 1997 - By Fire, Power Shall Be
| +---Seth - 1998 - LES_BLESSURES_DE_L_AME
| +---Seth - 2000 - L_EXCELLENCE
| \---Seth - 2002 - Divine X
| +---Setherial - 1996 - Nord
| +---Setherial - 1998 - Lord Of The Nightrealm
| \---Setherial - 1999 - Hell Eternal
+---Shadow Gallery
| \---Shadow Gallery - 2001 - Legasy
+---Sham Rain
+---Shape Of Despair
| +---Shape Of Despaire - 2001 - Angel Of Distress
| \---Shape Of Despaire - Shape of Despair -2000
| +---Siebenburgen - 1997___LOREIA
| +---Siebenburgen - 1998___GRIMJAUR
| +---Siebenburgen - 1999___DELICTUM
| \---Siebenburgen - 2001___ Plagued Be Thy Angel
+---Silent Stream of Godless Elegy
| +---Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - 1996 - Iron
| \---Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Behind The Shadows
| +---Sinergy - 2000___TO_HELL_AND_BACK
| \---Sinergy - 2002___SUICIDE_BY_MY_SIDE
| +---SIRENIA LYRICS - An Elixir For Existence (2004)_files
| \---Sirenia_files
| +---bio_files
| +---bottom_files
| +---margin1_files
| \---margin2_files
| \---Sirenian - 2003 - At Sixes & Sevens
+---Six Feet Under
| +---Six Feet Under - 1995 - Haunted
| +---Six Feet Under - 1997 - Warpat
| +---Six Feet Under - 1999 - Maximu
| +---Six Feet Under - 19XX - The Enemy Inside
| +---Six Feet Under - 2000 -Graveyard Classics
| +---Six Feet Under - 2001 - True Carnage
| \---Six Feet Under - 2003 - Bringer of Blood
| +---1995 - StormcrowFleet
| +---1998 - Lead And Aether
| \---2002 - The Process Of Farmakon
| +---2002 - To Forever Embrace The Sun
| \---2003 - Skycamefalling (EP)
| +---Slayer-1983-Show No Mercy
| +---Slayer-1985-Hell Await
| +---Slayer-1986-Reign In Blood
| +---Slayer-1988-South Of Heaven
| +---Slayer-1990-Seasons In The Abyss
| +---Slayer-1994-Divine Intervertion
| +---Slayer-1994-Haunting The Chapel
| +---Slayer-1995-Live Intrusion
| +---Slayer-1996-Undisputed Attitude
| +---Slayer-1998-Diabolus In Musica
| \---Slayer-2001-God Hates Us All
| +---1999 - Slipknot
| +---2001 - Iowa
| \---Slipknot - (1999)Slipknot
| +---1992 - Tapping The Vein
| +---1996 - Masqurade In Blood
| \---SODOM-1995-Masquerade In Blood
+---Solitude Aeturnus
| \---1996___DOWNFALL
| \---Supter Cruentus Divum_2003(demo)
| \---Awakening the Crown 2000
+---Soul Folron(USA)
| +---1998 - Soulfly
| +---19XX - HIGH
| \---2002 - 3
| \---1996 - Down on the upside
| +---OPEN
| \---Staind - 14 Shades Of Grey 2003
| +---1999 - Wisconsin Death Trip
| \---2001 - Machin
| \---1995 - Nordavind
| +---Stormlord - 1999 - SUPERME_ART_OF_WAR
| +---Stormlord - 19XX - Under The Sign Of The Sword
| +---Stormlord - 2001 - At The Gates Of Utopia
| \---Stormlord - 2001 - The Curse Of Medusa (EP Scarlet)
| +---1997 - Visions
| \---2003 - Elements Pt.1
+---Suicidal Tendencies
| \---1997- Prime Cuts
| \---2002 - The Arcanum
| +---1993 - The Urilia Text(Demo)
| +---1995_MINAS MORGUL
| +---1996 DOL_GULDUR
| +---2000 STRONGHOLD
| +---2001 - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
| \---2003 - Lost Tales
+---Sun of Sadness
| \---A forest in my dreams (1999)
| \---Sun of Sadness Dark-Gothic Met
| +---control_files
| \---releases_files
| +---info_afimd2_files
| \---releases_ctrl_files
| +---2003 - Drama
| +---2003 - Primitive Intentions
| \---SuspeSUSPERIA
| +---2000 - Illusion Of Evil
| \---2001 - Predominance
+---Symphonic Chaos
| \---Sterilizing the Unworthy - 2002
| +---SYMPHONYX___1995_SYMPHONYX__2_
+---System Of A Down
| +---01.System of a down 1998
| | \---Album covers
| +---02.Toxicity 2001
| | \---Album covers
| +---03.Steal this album 2003
| +---04.Other
| +---Pictures
| +---1998 - System Of A Down
| +---2001 - TOXICITY
| +---2002 - Steal This Album
| +---2002 - Still This Album (Unmastered)
| \---2002 - Toxicity II
| \---1999 - Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
| \---1998 - Out Of Emotional Disorder
| \---1999___THE_RED_JEWEL
+---Ten Black Years
| +---CD # 1
| \---CD # 2
| +---1999___KAUAN
| \---2001___AIRUT_CIWI
| \---1989 - WORLD DOWNFALL
| +---1992__THE_RITUAL
| +---1994-The Best Of Testament (1987-1994)
| +---1994__LOW
| +---1997__DEMONIC
| \---The gathering-1999
+---The 3rd And The Mortal
| +---1994 - Sorrow (Single)
| +---1994 - Tears Laid in Earth
| +---1995 - Nightswan
| +---1996 - Painting On Glass
| +---1996 - Stream
| +---1997 - In This Room
| \---2002 - Memoirs
+---The Bloodhoundgang
+---The Jagacy
+---The Abyss
| +---1994 - The Other Side
| \---1996 - Summon The Beast
+---The Cranberries
| +---1992 - Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't
| +---1994 - No Need To Argue
| +---1996 - To The Faithful Departed
| +---1998 - Promisses
| +---1999 - Bury The Hatchet
| +---19xx - The best
| +---2000 - Cranberies- B Side
| +---2000 - Just My Imagination
| \---2001 - Wake up And Smell
+---The Demonic
| \---2001 - Tales of Languished Woe
+---The End
| \---Transfer Trachea Reverberations from Point
+---The Everdawn
| \---1997 - Poems Burn The Past
+---The Haunted
| \---2003___One Kill Wonder
+---The Kovenant
| +---1997___In Times Before The Light
| +---1998___NEXUS_POLARIS
| +---1999___ANIMATRONIC
| \---1999___ANIMATRONICS
+---The Mist and the Morning
| \---2003 - Child of April`s Sun
+---The Prophecy
+---The Sins of thy Beloved
| +---1997___Lake Of Sorrow


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 ژانویه 2006
محل سکونت
ادامه لیست

+---The Vision Bleak
| +---2001 - Songs Of Good Taste
| \---2004 - the deathship has a new captain
+---Theatre Of Tragedy
| +---1995 - Theatre Of Tragedy
| +---1998 - Aegis
| +---2000 - Musique 2000
| +---2002 - Assembly
| +---1995 - Theatre Of Tragedy
| +---1996 - Velvet Darkness They Fear
| +---1998 - Aégis
| \---2000 - Musique 2000
+---Theatres des Vampires
| \---2001 - Bloody lunatic asylum
+---Theory Of A Deadman
| \---2002 - Theory Of A Deadman
| +---1991 - Of Darkness
| +---1993 - 1995 live
| +---1994 - Wild Hunny
| +---1995 - Lepaca Kliffoth
| +---1996 - Theli
| +---1997 - A Aarab Zarag Lucid Dre
| +---1997 - A'arab Zarag Lucid Dreaming
| +---1998 - Vovin
| +---1999 - Crowning Of Atlantis
| +---2000 - Deggial
| +---2001 - SECRET OF THE RUNES
| +---2004___SIRIUS_B
| \---THERION LYRICS - Symphony Masses - Ho Drakon Ho Megas (1993)
| \---2002 - Thorns
+---Thorns of the Carrion
| +---2000 - Eve Songs (demo)
| \---2002 - Church Of the DEVIL
+---Throes of Dawn
| +---1999 - Dreams Of The Black Earth
| +---2000 - Binding Of The Spirit
| \---2003 - Binding Of The Spirit
+---Throne of Ahaz
| \---Nifelheim
+---Thy Serpent
| +---1995 - FOREST OF WITCHERY 1995
| +---1997 - Lords Of Twilight
| +---1998 - Christcrusher
| \---1999 - Death
| +---1991__THE_ASTRAL_SLEEP
| +---1992__CLOUDS
| +---1994__WILD_HUNNY
| +---2002 __Judas Christ
| +---2003__ Prey
| \---TIAMAT-1990-Sumerian Cry
| +---1991.Opiate
| +---1992 - Opiate
| +---1993.Undertow
| | \---Album covers
| +---1996.Aenima
| | \---Album covers
| +---2000 - A Perfect Circle
| +---2000.Salival
| +---2001 - LATERALUS
| +---2001.Lateralus
| | \---Album covers
| +---Pictures
| | +---Adam
| | +---Band
| | +---Covers
| | +---Danny
| | +---Justin
| | +---Maynad
| | +---Other
| | +---Paul
| | +---Recording Lateralus
| | \---Wallpaper
| \---Tablatures
+---Trail of Tears
| \---2000 - Profoundemonium
+---Tribes Of Cain
| \---2003 - The First Born
| +---1995 - One With Darkness
| +---1995 - Remark(EP)
| +---1996 - Wodow's weed
| +---1999 - Angina(EP)
| +---1999 - Beyond The Veil
| +---1999 - Beyound the viel
| +---1999 - The Last Grief
| +---2001 - World of glass_2001
| \---Tristania - Ashes-Promo-2005-BERC
| +---1996 - Drep de Kristne
| +---1997 - Trollstorms over Nidingjuv
| \---2001 - Universal
+---Trollheims Grott
| \---2001 - Bizarre troll technolog
| +---2000 - Damnation of Regiomontum
| +---2001 - Regiomontum
| \---2002 - Firestorm
+---Twilight Symphony
| +---1998 - At Dawn (Demo)
| \---1999 - Live Recordings
+---Twin Obscenity
| \---2002 - Greatest Hits
+---Twisted Sister
| \---Twisted Sister Come Out And Play
+---Type O Negative
| +---1993 - BLOODY KISSES
| +---1996 - October Rust
| \---1997 - Album
| +---1997 - Solid
| \---2002 - Man And Machine
| +---1993 - Vargnatt (Demo)
| +---1996 - kvldsjanger
| +---1997 - Nattens Madrigal
| +---1999 - Metamorphosis
| +---2001- Kveldssanger
| +---2002 - Lyckantropen Themes
| \---2003 - A Quick Fix of Melancholy
| +---1999 - Gnipahellir
| \---2001 - Gnipahellir
+---Umber Et Imago
| \---1995 - Gedankein Eines Vampires
+---Un God
| +---1992 - SHADOWS IN THE DEEP
| +---1992___SHADOWS_IN_THE_DEEP
| +---1993 - ACROSS THE OPEN SEA
| +---1993___ACROSS_THE_OPEN_SEA
| +---1997 - WARRIOR
| +---1997__WARRIOR
| \---UNLEASHED-1995-Victory
| +---1997 - Schwarzwaldoneti
| \---2002 - Gladiatorous
+---V 28(NOR)
| +---1995 - DE PROFUNDIS
| +---1996 - FUTURE OF THE PAST
| +---2000 - LITANY
| \---1998
+---Varis elonen
| \---2002 - Vaere
| +---1982 - Black Metal
| +---1990 - PRIME_EVIL
| +---1991 - IN MEMORIUM
| +---1997 - Cast In Stone
| \---2000 - Resurrection
+---Viking Crown
| \---2002___DEPOPULATE
| \---1999 - Angeldust And Blasphemy
| +---1998 - Hedniskhjurtad
| \---1999 - Odemarkens Son
+---Vital Remains
| +---1992 - LET_US_PRAY
| +---1997 - Forever Underground
| +---1999 - Down Of The Apocalypse
| \---2003 - Dechristianize
+---Void of Silence Haunting Doom Metal
| +---1
| \---2004 - Human Antithesis
| \---1999___THE_FINAL_WAR
| +---1984 - Wasp
| +---1987 - Animal
| +---1987 - The Headless Children
| +---1992 - THE CRIMSON IDOL
| +---1994 - First blood last cuts
| +---1995 - stiil not black enough
| +---1997 - Album
| +---1997 - Best Collection
| +---1997 - Kill Fuck Die
| +---1998 - Double Live Assasins (Live)
| | +---Disc1
| | \---Disc2
| +---1999 - Helldorado
| +---19XX - The Last Command
| +---2001 - UN HOLY TERROR
| \---2002 - Dying For the World
+---Whispering Forest
| \---Whispering Forest - Of Shadows And Pale Light- 1998
+---White Zombie
| \---ASTRO_CREEP_20001995
| +---1995 - Det Gamle Riket (Demo)
| +---1999 - arntor
| +---2000 - Arntor
| +---2001 - 1184
| \---2003 - Likferd
| \---1999 - Into Darkness - Eternal Frost
| \---2004 - Wintersun
| \---WINTERSUN LYRICS - Wintersun (2004)_files
| +---1999 - Dead, Hot & Ready
| +---Witchburner
| +---[1998] - Restless And Dead
| +---[1998] - Witchburner
| +---[1999] - Dead Hot & Ready (Demo)
+---Within Temptation
| +---1998 - The Dance
| +---1999 - ENTER
| +---1999 - Restless
| +---1999 - Restless (EP)
| \---2000 - Mother Earth
+---Wolfen Society
| \---2002 - Conquer Divine(MCD)
| \---2002 - Severed Eyes Of Possession
| \---Kill The Sun
| \---2000___MURDER_CONCEPT
+---Yngwie j Malmsteen
| +---1984 _ RISING FORCE
| +---1985 _ MARCHING_OUT
| +---1986 _ TRILOGY
| +---1988 _ ODYSSEY
| +---1990 _ ECLIPSE
| +---1992 _ FIRE AND ICE
| +---1994 _ THE SEVENTH SIGN
| +---1994 _ I_CAN_T_WAIT
| +---1995 _ MAGNUM
| +---1996 _ INSPIRATION
| +---1998 _ FACING THE ANIMAL
| +---1999 _ ALCHEMY
| +---2000 _ WAR TO END ALL WARS
| \---2003 _ ATTACK
| \---Zorn - Schwarz Metall
| \---Zyklon - 2001 - World Ov Worms
\---Zyklon [Norway]
+---Zyklon [Norway] - 1995 - Blood Must Be Shed (EP)
\---Zyklon [Norway] - 2003 - Aeon


Registered User
تاریخ عضویت
4 ژانویه 2006
محل سکونت
ادامه لیست

+---The Vision Bleak
| +---2001 - Songs Of Good Taste
| \---2004 - the deathship has a new captain
+---Theatre Of Tragedy
| +---1995 - Theatre Of Tragedy
| +---1998 - Aegis
| +---2000 - Musique 2000
| +---2002 - Assembly
| +---1995 - Theatre Of Tragedy
| +---1996 - Velvet Darkness They Fear
| +---1998 - Aégis
| \---2000 - Musique 2000
+---Theatres des Vampires
| \---2001 - Bloody lunatic asylum
+---Theory Of A Deadman
| \---2002 - Theory Of A Deadman
| +---1991 - Of Darkness
| +---1993 - 1995 live
| +---1994 - Wild Hunny
| +---1995 - Lepaca Kliffoth
| +---1996 - Theli
| +---1997 - A Aarab Zarag Lucid Dre
| +---1997 - A'arab Zarag Lucid Dreaming
| +---1998 - Vovin
| +---1999 - Crowning Of Atlantis
| +---2000 - Deggial
| +---2001 - SECRET OF THE RUNES
| +---2004___SIRIUS_B
| \---THERION LYRICS - Symphony Masses - Ho Drakon Ho Megas (1993)
| \---2002 - Thorns
+---Thorns of the Carrion
| +---2000 - Eve Songs (demo)
| \---2002 - Church Of the DEVIL
+---Throes of Dawn
| +---1999 - Dreams Of The Black Earth
| +---2000 - Binding Of The Spirit
| \---2003 - Binding Of The Spirit
+---Throne of Ahaz
| \---Nifelheim
+---Thy Serpent
| +---1995 - FOREST OF WITCHERY 1995
| +---1997 - Lords Of Twilight
| +---1998 - Christcrusher
| \---1999 - Death
| +---1991__THE_ASTRAL_SLEEP
| +---1992__CLOUDS
| +---1994__WILD_HUNNY
| +---2002 __Judas Christ
| +---2003__ Prey
| \---TIAMAT-1990-Sumerian Cry
| +---1991.Opiate
| +---1992 - Opiate
| +---1993.Undertow
| | \---Album covers
| +---1996.Aenima
| | \---Album covers
| +---2000 - A Perfect Circle
| +---2000.Salival
| +---2001 - LATERALUS
| +---2001.Lateralus
| | \---Album covers
| +---Pictures
| | +---Adam
| | +---Band
| | +---Covers
| | +---Danny
| | +---Justin
| | +---Maynad
| | +---Other
| | +---Paul
| | +---Recording Lateralus
| | \---Wallpaper
| \---Tablatures
+---Trail of Tears
| \---2000 - Profoundemonium
+---Tribes Of Cain
| \---2003 - The First Born
| +---1995 - One With Darkness
| +---1995 - Remark(EP)
| +---1996 - Wodow's weed
| +---1999 - Angina(EP)
| +---1999 - Beyond The Veil
| +---1999 - Beyound the viel
| +---1999 - The Last Grief
| +---2001 - World of glass_2001
| \---Tristania - Ashes-Promo-2005-BERC
| +---1996 - Drep de Kristne
| +---1997 - Trollstorms over Nidingjuv
| \---2001 - Universal
+---Trollheims Grott
| \---2001 - Bizarre troll technolog
| +---2000 - Damnation of Regiomontum
| +---2001 - Regiomontum
| \---2002 - Firestorm
+---Twilight Symphony
| +---1998 - At Dawn (Demo)
| \---1999 - Live Recordings
+---Twin Obscenity
| \---2002 - Greatest Hits
+---Twisted Sister
| \---Twisted Sister Come Out And Play
+---Type O Negative
| +---1993 - BLOODY KISSES
| +---1996 - October Rust
| \---1997 - Album
| +---1997 - Solid
| \---2002 - Man And Machine
| +---1993 - Vargnatt (Demo)
| +---1996 - kvldsjanger
| +---1997 - Nattens Madrigal
| +---1999 - Metamorphosis
| +---2001- Kveldssanger
| +---2002 - Lyckantropen Themes
| \---2003 - A Quick Fix of Melancholy
| +---1999 - Gnipahellir
| \---2001 - Gnipahellir
+---Umber Et Imago
| \---1995 - Gedankein Eines Vampires
+---Un God
| +---1992 - SHADOWS IN THE DEEP
| +---1992___SHADOWS_IN_THE_DEEP
| +---1993 - ACROSS THE OPEN SEA
| +---1993___ACROSS_THE_OPEN_SEA
| +---1997 - WARRIOR
| +---1997__WARRIOR
| \---UNLEASHED-1995-Victory
| +---1997 - Schwarzwaldoneti
| \---2002 - Gladiatorous
+---V 28(NOR)
| +---1995 - DE PROFUNDIS
| +---1996 - FUTURE OF THE PAST
| +---2000 - LITANY
| \---1998
+---Varis elonen
| \---2002 - Vaere
| +---1982 - Black Metal
| +---1990 - PRIME_EVIL
| +---1991 - IN MEMORIUM
| +---1997 - Cast In Stone
| \---2000 - Resurrection
+---Viking Crown
| \---2002___DEPOPULATE
| \---1999 - Angeldust And Blasphemy
| +---1998 - Hedniskhjurtad
| \---1999 - Odemarkens Son
+---Vital Remains
| +---1992 - LET_US_PRAY
| +---1997 - Forever Underground
| +---1999 - Down Of The Apocalypse
| \---2003 - Dechristianize
+---Void of Silence Haunting Doom Metal
| +---1
| \---2004 - Human Antithesis
| \---1999___THE_FINAL_WAR
| +---1984 - Wasp
| +---1987 - Animal
| +---1987 - The Headless Children
| +---1992 - THE CRIMSON IDOL
| +---1994 - First blood last cuts
| +---1995 - stiil not black enough
| +---1997 - Album
| +---1997 - Best Collection
| +---1997 - Kill Fuck Die
| +---1998 - Double Live Assasins (Live)
| | +---Disc1
| | \---Disc2
| +---1999 - Helldorado
| +---19XX - The Last Command
| +---2001 - UN HOLY TERROR
| \---2002 - Dying For the World
+---Whispering Forest
| \---Whispering Forest - Of Shadows And Pale Light- 1998
+---White Zombie
| \---ASTRO_CREEP_20001995
| +---1995 - Det Gamle Riket (Demo)
| +---1999 - arntor
| +---2000 - Arntor
| +---2001 - 1184
| \---2003 - Likferd
| \---1999 - Into Darkness - Eternal Frost
| \---2004 - Wintersun
| \---WINTERSUN LYRICS - Wintersun (2004)_files
| +---1999 - Dead, Hot & Ready
| +---Witchburner
| +---[1998] - Restless And Dead
| +---[1998] - Witchburner
| +---[1999] - Dead Hot & Ready (Demo)
+---Within Temptation
| +---1998 - The Dance
| +---1999 - ENTER
| +---1999 - Restless
| +---1999 - Restless (EP)
| \---2000 - Mother Earth
+---Wolfen Society
| \---2002 - Conquer Divine(MCD)
| \---2002 - Severed Eyes Of Possession
| \---Kill The Sun
| \---2000___MURDER_CONCEPT
+---Yngwie j Malmsteen
| +---1984 _ RISING FORCE
| +---1985 _ MARCHING_OUT
| +---1986 _ TRILOGY
| +---1988 _ ODYSSEY
| +---1990 _ ECLIPSE
| +---1992 _ FIRE AND ICE
| +---1994 _ THE SEVENTH SIGN
| +---1994 _ I_CAN_T_WAIT
| +---1995 _ MAGNUM
| +---1996 _ INSPIRATION
| +---1998 _ FACING THE ANIMAL
| +---1999 _ ALCHEMY
| +---2000 _ WAR TO END ALL WARS
| \---2003 _ ATTACK
| \---Zorn - Schwarz Metall
| \---Zyklon - 2001 - World Ov Worms
\---Zyklon [Norway]
+---Zyklon [Norway] - 1995 - Blood Must Be Shed (EP)
\---Zyklon [Norway] - 2003 - Aeon


مدیر بازنشسته
تاریخ عضویت
5 آپریل 2004
محل سکونت
واقعا متاسفم که می بینم چنین مواردی بوقوع می پیوندد.:eek:
آروین خان..اگر محبت کنید و به همین پست های خود نیم نگاهی بیندازید می توانید بوضوح تناقض های آشکاری بیابید.نیازی به توضیح ندارد.:(
مهرداد خان..از شما هم انتظار ندارم که با فردی کوچک تر از خود حال هرچند ....بحث و جدل کنید.
ناسلامتی من و شما که هم سن هم هستیم باید صبر و حوصله بیشتری بخرج دهیم...
لااقل شما که در مورد خرید های من صبر و حوصله بالایی داشتید..:D پس چه شد؟!;)


کاربر تازه وارد
تاریخ عضویت
2 اکتبر 2005
محل سکونت
کسی ایمیلی از ایشون دریافت کرده؟

با اونهایی هستم که ایملشون رو گذاشتن . لطفا اگه کسی گرفته یا نگرفته بگه مرسی