Tune in Tuesday: What’s coming next?
We are working on it! The CrowdFlower engineers are working hard to bring you the most optimized tasking experience online! As part of an initiative to make our process more transparent, we want to keep you posted on upcoming updates every two weeks on Tuesday…Tune in Tuesday! Not all the updates will be big, but we want to make sure to keep you up to date on all the minor and major changes that may or may not affect you directly.
Recent changes:
If the TaskAuthor or the Community Support Team reviews your dispute and removes your Flag, you will receive a notification in your Contributor Dashboard.
To provide you with better insight into your Job Accuracy, we have added columns to the Job History page that clearly displays the number of Test Questions you answered correctly (“Correct”) and the number of Test Questions you answered (“Answered”) in total for any given Job.
We have implemented a feature that will allow you to be notified via email whenever you achieve a new Performance Level. Notifications are only sent to Contributors who have created an account with CrowdFlower and have opted-in to receiving emails.Please visit your Account page to update your settings.
We have removed the “Start Task” button as it was taking up extra space on the Job Listing Page. You will be able to access a Job by directly clicking the Job title.
The default grey badge that has been showing on the Job Listing page for Jobs that do not require a skill or Performance Level Badge has been removed.
Changes planned for the next couple weeks:
Currently, the default sort on the Job Listing page is by Job Title and Job ID. We will be changing the default sort to Satisfaction rating and by Reward which is more helpful to Contributors when selecting a Job to task on.
In order to clearly display which Jobs on your Job Listing page contain Test Questions that affect your Overall Accuracy, we will be adding a column to the Job Listing page that will tell you which Jobs have Test Questions.
In order to optimize your tasking experience, we are making some improvements to the load time of the Job Listing page.
We are adding a link to the Contributor Dashboard that will immediately take you to your preferred Contributor ID’s Job Listing page.
We will add a feature that will help you easily tweet and share your Contributor Dashboard stats with your friends, family and the Contributor Community!
Changes still in progress:
Currently, Contributors can only sort Flags on a single Job History page. As a result, you may have found yourself having to tediously go through each and every Job History page in order to find Flags. We will be improving this sort functionality so that when you sort by Flags all of your Flags surface to the first page. - 8/5/2014, Tune in Tuesday
Currently, when a Contributor decides to ‘Give Up’ their uncompleted Task is not available to other Contributors until the Timer counts to zero in the background. We will be changing this so that the Task is immediately made available to other Contributors after someone ‘Gives Up’. This will enable a faster turnaround of available Tasks for Contributors who are looking for them! - 7/22/2014, Tune in Tuesday
We will start experimenting with specially designed Jobs that will be readily available on the Job Listing page to help Contributors level up. - 7/8/2014, Tune in Tuesday
Have you ever received the ‘No More Work Available’ error after having to learn all of the instructions to pass Quiz Mode? With our upcoming changes, passing Quiz Mode will guarantee you at least one Task in Work Mode (additional Tasks in the job depends on availability) -
5/13/14, Tune in Tuesday
What do you think? We appreciate your
feedback and will use it to evaluate changes and make improvements in the future!